1000 resultados para HOLMIUM 165
Abstract: Plants cannot run away to escape attacking herbivores, but they defend themselves by producing anti-digestive proteins and toxic compounds (for example glucosinolates). The first goal of this thesis was to study changes in gene expression after insect attack using microarrays. The responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to feeding by the specialist Pieris rapae and the generalist Spodoptera liffora is were compared. We found that the transcript profiles after feeding by the two chewing insects were remarkably similar, although the generalist induced a slightly stronger response. The second goal was to evaluate the implication of the four signals jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (ET), and abscisic acid (ABA) in the control of insect-regulated gene expression. Using signaling mutants, we observed that JA was the predominant signal and that ABA modulated defense gene expression. In contrast, SA and ET appeared to control slightly gene expression, but only after feeding by S. litforalis. The third goal was to establish whether plant responses are really effective against insects. In accordance with the transcript profile, both insects were affected by the JA-dependent defenses, as they performed better on the JA-insensitive mutant. S. littoralis also performed better on ABA-deficient mutants, providing evidence for the role of ABA in defense against insects. When testing indole or aliphatic glucosinolate deficient mutants, we found that they were also more susceptible to insect feeding, providing some of the first genetic evidence for the defensive role of glucosinolates in planta. Finally, a glutathione-deficient mutant, pad2-1, was also more susceptible to insect feeding and we could attribute this phenotype to a lowered accumulation of the major indole glucosinolate. In this thesis, we provide a comprehensive list of insect-regulated genes, including many transcription factors that constitute interesting candidate genes for the further study of insect-induced expression changes. Understanding how the plant responses to insects are regulated will provide tools for a better management of insect pest in the field. Résumé: Les plantes ne peuvent s'échapper pour fuir les insectes qui les attaquent, mais elles se défendent en produisant des protéines anti-digestives et des composés toxiques (par exemple des glucosinolates). Le premier but de cette thèse était d'étudier les changements de l'expression génétique lors d'attaque par des insectes en utilisant des puces à ADN. Nous avons comparé la réponse d'Arabidopsis thaliana à deux espèces d'insectes avec des habitudes alimentaires différentes : le spécialiste Pieris rapae et le généraliste Spodoptera littoralis. Nous avons trouvé que les profils de transcription après l'attaque par les deux insectes sont remarquablement similaires, bien que le généraliste induise une réponse légèrement plus forte. Le deuxième but était de déterminer l'implication de quatre signaux dans le contrôle de la réponse :l'acide jasmonique (JA), l'acide salicylique (SA), l'éthylène (ET), et l'acide abscissique (ABA). En utilisant de mutants de signalisation, nous avons montré que l'acide jasmonique était le signal prédominant et que l'acide abscissique modulait l'expression génétique. D'autre part, l'acide salicylique et l'éthylène contrôlent à un degré moindre l'expression génétique, mais seulement après l'attaque par S. littoralís. Le troisième but était d'établir si les réponses des plantes sont efficaces contre les insectes. En accord avec le profil de transcription, les deux espèces d'insectes se sont mieux développées sur un mutant insensible au JA, indiquant que les défenses contrôlées par ce signal sont cruciales pour la plante. De plus, les larves de S. littorales se sont mieux développées sur des mutants déficients en ABA, ce qui fournit une preuve du rôle de l'acide abscissique dans la défense contre les insectes. En testant des mutants déficients en glucosinolates de type indole ou aliphatique, nous avons trouvé qu'ils étaient plus sensibles aux insectes, démontrant ainsi le rôle défensif des glucosinolates in planta. Finalement, le mutant déficient en glutathion pad2-1 était aussi plus sensible à l'attaque des insectes, et nous avons pu attribuer ce phénotype à une plus faible augmentation d'un indole glucosinolate dans ce mutant. Dans cette thèse, nous avons mis en évidence un nombre important de gènes contrôlés par les insectes, comprenant de nombreux facteurs de transcription qui constituent des candidats intéressants pour`étudier plus en détail les changements d'expression génétique induits par les insectes. Une meilleure compréhension de la réponse des plantes contre l'attaque des insectes devrait nous permettre de développer de nouvelles stratégies pour mieux gérer les ravageurs des cultures.
Proteins located on the surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are objects of intensive studies due to their important role in the invasion of human cells and the accessibility to host antibodies thus making these proteins attractive vaccine candidates. One of these proteins, merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) represents a leading component among vaccine candidates; however, little is known about its structure and function. Our biophysical studies suggest that the 40 residue C-terminal domain of MSP3 protein self-assembles into a four-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil structure where alpha-helices are packed "side-by-side". A bioinformatics analysis provides an extended list of known and putative proteins from different species of Plasmodium which have such MSP3-like C-terminal domains. This finding allowed us to extend some conclusions of our studies to a larger group of the malaria surface proteins. Possible structural and functional roles of these highly conserved oligomerization domains in the intact merozoite surface proteins are discussed.
Este estudo foi conduzido em 1996 e 1997 para avaliar a eficiência da liberação de Telenomus remus Nixon (cerca de 200.000 adultos/ha), sozinho ou integrado ao vírus de poliedrose nuclear de Spodoptera frugiperda (VPNSf) ou a um inseticida químico seletivo, para o controle de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith & Abbott). Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados os danos provocados pela praga às folhas (escala de 0 a 5) e o rendimento de espigas. De maneira geral, os danos provocados pela praga foram significativamente superiores nas parcelas testemunhas (nota média de 2,94). Não houve diferença significativa entre os demais tratamentos (média 1,04). De maneira semelhante, houve diferença significativa no rendimento de espiga entre testemunha (7.165 kg/ha) e demais tratamentos (9.084 kg/ha). Não houve efeito dos tratamentos no comprimento da espiga e no dano às espigas.
The genus Hylomys was thought to be represented by a single widespread species. Biochemical and morphometric analyses of several Southeast Asian populations reveal that Sumatra is inhabited by two distinct species, the dwarf gymnure (H. parvus) and the lesser gymnure (H. suillus). The absence of interbreeding between these two groups along with their relatively ancient common origins are documented by several diagnostic loci and a large Nei's genetic distance (D = 0.353 +/- 0.035). The dwarf gymnure has been reported only from the slopes of the Mt. Kerinci volcano in Sumatra, where the species lives at higher elevations than its potential competitor, the lesser gymnure. Other populations of Hylomys from Java, Borneo, and Malaysia are more closely related to the Sumatran sample of H. suillus, but they exhibit strong interpopulational genetic differentiation (D = 0.165 +/- 0.040) that may be accounted for by their isolated montane habitat. In addition, a principal-components analysis based on 16 measurements of the skull clearly separates adult specimens of both species. There is little overlap in the measurements between H. suillus (which is larger) and H. parvus. On Sumatra where both species may be sympatric, the notched space between premaxillary tips, soft texture of the fur, and more delicate skull and dentition are diagnostic of H. parvus.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To determine whether infarct core or penumbra is the more significant predictor of outcome in acute ischemic stroke, and whether the results are affected by the statistical method used. METHODS: Clinical and imaging data were collected in 165 patients with acute ischemic stroke. We reviewed the noncontrast head computed tomography (CT) to determine the Alberta Score Program Early CT score and assess for hyperdense middle cerebral artery. We reviewed CT-angiogram for site of occlusion and collateral flow score. From perfusion-CT, we calculated the volumes of infarct core and ischemic penumbra. Recanalization status was assessed on early follow-up imaging. Clinical data included age, several time points, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at admission, treatment type, and modified Rankin score at 90 days. Two multivariate regression analyses were conducted to determine which variables predicted outcome best. In the first analysis, we did not include recanalization status among the potential predicting variables. In the second, we included recanalization status and its interaction between perfusion-CT variables. RESULTS: Among the 165 study patients, 76 had a good outcome (modified Rankin score ≤2) and 89 had a poor outcome (modified Rankin score >2). In our first analysis, the most important predictors were age (P<0.001) and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at admission (P=0.001). The imaging variables were not important predictors of outcome (P>0.05). In the second analysis, when the recanalization status and its interaction with perfusion-CT variables were included, recanalization status and perfusion-CT penumbra volume became the significant predictors (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Imaging prediction of tissue fate, more specifically imaging of the ischemic penumbra, matters only if recanalization can also be predicted.
This report is a brief summary of research on the effect of longitudinal drains on subgrade support. The Iowa DOT began installing longitudinal subdrains at a depth of 24" in 1978. The trend in Iowa has been to deeper longitudinal drains with the present standard being 48" deep. A very limited amount of data would indicate that the deeper longitudinal drains are providing a greater benefit to the subgrade support value. The 24# deep drains of the Poweshiek Interstate 80 project yielded a spring subgrade support value of 165. The 30" deep drains on Pottawattamie Interstate 80 yielded a K value of 170 while the 48"deep drains on Cass County Interstate 80 yielded a K value of 210. This limited amount of data would indicate that the deeper drains provide greater benefit to improvement of the subgrade support values.
Vulnerability and psychic illness Based on a sample of 1701 college and university students from four different sites in Switzerland, the U.S., and Argentina, this study investigated the interrelationships between insufficient coping skills under chronic stress and impaired general health. We sought to develop standardised means for "early" identification of students at risk of mental health problems, as these students may benefit from "early" interventions before psychiatric symptoms develop and reach clinically relevant thresholds. All students completed two self-report questionnaires: the Coping Strategies Inventory "COPE" and the Zurich Health Questionnaire "ZHQ", with the latter assessing "regular exercises", "consumption behavior", "impaired physical health", "psychosomatic disturbances", and "impaired mental health". This data was subjected to structure analyses based on neural network approaches, using the different study sites' data subsets as independent "learning" and "test" samples. We found two highly stable COPE scales that quantified basic coping behaviour in terms of "activity-passivity" and "defeatism-resilience". The excellent reproducibility across study sites suggested that the new scales characterise socioculturally independent personality traits. Correlation analyses for external validation revealed a close relationship between high scores on the defeatism scale and impaired physical and mental health, hence underlining the scales' clinical relevance. Our results suggested in particular: (1.) the proposed method to be a powerful screening tool for early detection and prevention of psychiatric disorders; (2.) physical activity like regular exercises to play a critical role not only in preventing health problems but also in contributing to early intervention programs.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer la existencia de biotipos de A. quitensis H.B.K. resistentes a imazetapir y clorimurón-etil. Se utilizaron semillas recolectadas en las localidades de Zavalla, General Baldissera, Marcos Juárez y Las Rosas. Las dosis de herbicidas utilizadas fueron 1/8x, 1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 5x, 10x y 20x de la dosis de uso recomendada. Se determinó la mortalidad y biomasa de las plantas tratadas. Se calcularon las dosis de herbicidas requeridas para reducir en un 50% la biomasa de las plantas de la maleza (GR50) y se estimó la relación entre GR50 del biotipo resistente y GR50 del susceptible (factor de resistencia). El biotipo Zavalla resultó muy susceptible; con la mitad de la dosis de uso de ambos herbicidas la mortalidad fue 95%. El biotipo General Baldissera presentó resistencia cruzada; con dosis 20 veces superiores a las recomendadas, la mortalidad fue 57,5% y 20% para imazetapir y clorimurón-etil, respectivamente. El factor de resistencia de este biotipo respecto a Zavalla fue 165 y 246 para imazetapir y clorimurón-etil, respectivamente. Los biotipos Las Rosas y Marcos Juárez fueron resistentes a imazetapir y sin embargo resultaron muy susceptibles a clorimurón-etil. Las diferencias en los patrones de resistencia estarían asociadas con distintos niveles de presión de selección en las poblaciones analizadas.
We study the electric dipole polarizability α D in 208 Pb based on the predictions of a large and representative set of relativistic and nonrelativistic nuclear mean-field models. We adopt the droplet model as a guide to better understand the correlations between α D and other isovector observables. Insights from the droplet model suggest that the product of α D and the nuclear symmetry energy at saturation density J is much better correlated with the neutron skin thickness r np of 208 Pb than the polarizability alone. Correlations of α D J with r np and with the symmetry energy slope parameter L suggest that α D J is a strong isovector indicator. Hence, we explore the possibility of constraining the isovector sector of the nuclear energy density functional by comparing our theoretical predictions against measurements of both α D and the parity-violating asymmetry in 208 Pb. We find that the recent experimental determination of α D in 208 Pb in combination with the range for the symmetry energy at saturation density J = [31 ± (2) est] MeV suggests r np (208 Pb) = 0 . 165 ± (0 . 009) expt ± (0 . 013) theor ± (0.021) est fm and L = 43 ± (6) expt ± (8) theor ± (12) est MeV