989 resultados para Guiana Francesa - País
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
This Project proposes a study of three documentaries about prostitution produced by a television program, Conexão Repórter (http://www.sbt.com.br/conexaoreporter/). These Journalistic Productions were chosen because they are episodes of a high-visibility program which purpose is to show the backstage of news. The study is based on social-anthropological productions about gender and sexuality, besides national and international literature about the subject. The analyses are completed with contributions from Journalism Theories, like Framing and Agenda-Setting. The studies developed by Michel Foucault on the historic aspect of sexuality will also be useful to support the ideas presented throughout the project. The goal is to analyze the construction of narratives about prostitution in all productions, taking as initial hypotheses that documentaries continue to reproduce stereotypes about the subject and, especially, what is the reason for such reproduction. The research seeks answers about journalist's challenges approaching prostitution. Starting from the hypothesis that the episodes in the study approach prostitution based on stereotypes, which other possible ways there may be to address the subject on TV documentaries? The goal is to relate the plots constructed by the reporting team with the theory in order to analyze discourses about the issue
O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em explorar as formas de mensuração do desenvolvimento econômico, surgidas nas últimas décadas, bem como a ampliação dos fatores que o analisam para além de mero crescimento do produto. Assim, é feita uma discussão a respeito do surgimento de índices e indicadores, que passaram a considerar fatores como bem-estar, qualidade de vida e proteção ao meio ambiente, mudando a análise de meramente quantitativa para uma análise qualitativa do desenvolvimento. Além disso, para que se tenha mais clareza a respeito do desenvolvimento, bem como dos indicadores que buscam qualificá-lo, o trabalho busca esclarecer as abordagens de desenvolvimento tradicionais e seus respectivos indicadores - desde o PIB até os alternativos, como o FIB
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Taking into consideration various argumentation perspectives, the introduction of Modern and Contemporary Physics at High School level has been defended by various researchers. In the present qualitative nature research, we heard and interpreted ten High School physics teachers’ discourses, aiming to analyze how their initial education, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was based in a rationality which matches with the communicative and the dialogical actions. Teachers of our sample were individually interviewed and, at that time, they had finished their initial undergraduate program at least five years before. Teachers’ discourses interpretation was supported by some French school discourse analysis’ concepts, Jürgen Habermas’ communicative action, Freire’s dialogical action, as well as teachers’ education research critical referential. The discourses interpretations evidenced that these teachers’ education, with respect to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was mainly based in technical-instrumental rationality basis. This perspective did not help teachers’ autonomy construction in order to work these subjects in their classes, mainly in a perspective coherent with the teachers’ emancipation, producing reflexes in classroom physics teaching. The study evidenciates the necessity of future teachers’ professors revise theirs teaching practice, as well studying other curricular structures, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics teaching.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The work Translational aspects in Ma vie ne sait pas nager by Élaine Turgeon approaches the entire translation process of this francophone children's work. The theme choice was due to the interest in deepening the translational knowledge, in addition to performing an analysis of the own translation work done. Thus, the theoretical aspects related to the translation are reported throughout the work, a succinct exhibition of the history of translation, a brief view of the children's editorial market (in the world and more specifically in Brazil), the book theme and author style, and finally, the drawbacks overcome during the realization of the work - based upon the theoretical body of work consulted - and the solution encountered for this. At the end of this same work, some considerations are drawn, as well as some reflections upon the translation realized (with the studied texts attached in the body of work); accompanied by some findings observed concerning the theory
O fígado é a maior glândula e o segundo maior órgão do corpo, podendo ser dividido em zona 1, próxima à região do espaço porta, zona 2 ou intermediária, e zona 3, próxima da veia centro-lobular. A zona 1 é responsável pela gliconeogenese, enquanto a zona 3 é responsável pela detoxicação. O óxido de 4-nitroquinolina (4-NQO) é um agente carcinogênico sintético capaz de aumentar o risco individual ao desenvolvimento de neoplasia maligna na língua de ratos, e sua biotransformação 4-HAQO ocorre no compartimento hepático. Neste estudo, 5 grupos de 8 ratos cada, foram submetidos à administração oral de 4-NQO na concentração de 25 ppm (massa solvente/massa soluto) através da água de beber, com a finalidade de identificar a ocorrência de alterações metabólicas hepáticas devido ao acúmulo de glicogênio nos hepatócitos dos animais, analisado pela coloração de ácido periódico de Shiff (PAS). O glicogênio é o principal polissacarídeo de reserva energética dos animais, e é fundamental para manter a homeostase do organismo, sendo seu acúmulo nos hepatócitos uma resposta fisiológica normal após a ingestão de alimentos, ou ainda, pode devido a perturbações metabólicas provocadas por tratamentos que os animais foram expostos. Neste estudo, o fígado dos animais dos diferentes grupos analisados demonstraram níveis distintos de marcação para glicogênio, mas não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes, podendo considerar que os animais foram pouco ou não foram afetados pela exposição às diferentes substâncias estudadas no projeto e que não foram tóxicas aos animais, havendo apenas um ligeiro aumento nos níveis de glicogênio hepático geral.
Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar aspectos históricos das questões políticas, ideológicas e conceituais que estiveram presentes nas discussões referentes à instrução nacional francesa no final do século XVIII, enfatizando as proposições de Condorcet, no Rapport de 1792, como sendo base desse tipo de debate durante o processo revolucionário na França. Privilegiamos, portanto, analisar as prerrogativas discursivas dessa proposta e o certame suscitado a partir dela, pois resultaram, até mesmo, em novas proposições, entre elas as de Romme, Robespierre, Lepelletier e Lakanal. Trata-se de uma abordagem que nos proporciona a compreensão da base moderna do debate sobre instrução pública que se configurou no século XIX. Essa concorrência de ideias entre os franceses se estabeleceu como o grande legado teórico para os sistemas modernos de ensino, inclusive o brasileiro. Depreendemos, ainda, que a instrução defendida na França estava permeada pelos ideais de razão, moral e cientificismo.
The work Translational aspects in Ma vie ne sait pas nager by Élaine Turgeon approaches the entire translation process of this francophone children's work. The theme choice was due to the interest in deepening the translational knowledge, in addition to performing an analysis of the own translation work done. Thus, the theoretical aspects related to the translation are reported throughout the work, a succinct exhibition of the history of translation, a brief view of the children's editorial market (in the world and more specifically in Brazil), the book theme and author style, and finally, the drawbacks overcome during the realization of the work - based upon the theoretical body of work consulted - and the solution encountered for this. At the end of this same work, some considerations are drawn, as well as some reflections upon the translation realized (with the studied texts attached in the body of work); accompanied by some findings observed concerning the theory
O fígado é a maior glândula e o segundo maior órgão do corpo, podendo ser dividido em zona 1, próxima à região do espaço porta, zona 2 ou intermediária, e zona 3, próxima da veia centro-lobular. A zona 1 é responsável pela gliconeogenese, enquanto a zona 3 é responsável pela detoxicação. O óxido de 4-nitroquinolina (4-NQO) é um agente carcinogênico sintético capaz de aumentar o risco individual ao desenvolvimento de neoplasia maligna na língua de ratos, e sua biotransformação 4-HAQO ocorre no compartimento hepático. Neste estudo, 5 grupos de 8 ratos cada, foram submetidos à administração oral de 4-NQO na concentração de 25 ppm (massa solvente/massa soluto) através da água de beber, com a finalidade de identificar a ocorrência de alterações metabólicas hepáticas devido ao acúmulo de glicogênio nos hepatócitos dos animais, analisado pela coloração de ácido periódico de Shiff (PAS). O glicogênio é o principal polissacarídeo de reserva energética dos animais, e é fundamental para manter a homeostase do organismo, sendo seu acúmulo nos hepatócitos uma resposta fisiológica normal após a ingestão de alimentos, ou ainda, pode devido a perturbações metabólicas provocadas por tratamentos que os animais foram expostos. Neste estudo, o fígado dos animais dos diferentes grupos analisados demonstraram níveis distintos de marcação para glicogênio, mas não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes, podendo considerar que os animais foram pouco ou não foram afetados pela exposição às diferentes substâncias estudadas no projeto e que não foram tóxicas aos animais, havendo apenas um ligeiro aumento nos níveis de glicogênio hepático geral.
This study presents new information on feeding habits of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, in south-eastern Brazil, together with new regression equations to evaluate the weight and length of fish from otoliths, showing an overview on the knowledge about this species' diet in this area. Eighteen stomach contents had been analysed and compared to 180 samples collected in another eight feeding studies. The analysed specimens were either incidentally caught in gillnets used in coastal waters by the fleet based in the Cananeia main harbour (25 degrees 00'S 47 degrees 55'W), south of Sao Paulo State, or found dead in inner waters of the Cananeia estuary between 2003 and 2009. Based on the index of relative importance analysis, the most important fish species were the banded croaker, Paralonchurus brasiliensis. Doryteuthis plei was the most representative cephalopod species. Stellifer rastrifer was the most important fish species observed in dolphins in inner estuarine waters and P. brasiliensis in recovered dolphins from coastal waters. Loliguncula brevis is the only cephalopod species reported from dolphins found in inner estuarine waters up to date. Doryteuthis plei was the most important cephalopod species observed in coastal dolphins. When considering other feeding studies, the most representative fish family in the diet of S. guianensis was Sciaenidae, which is mainly represented by demersal fishes. The main preys of S. guianensis are abundant in the studied areas, which may indicate an opportunistic feeding habit. The majority of them are not the most important target species by the commercial fishery in south-eastern Brazil.
The Guiana Shield (GS) is one of the most pristine regions of Amazonia and biologically one of the richest areas on Earth. How and when this massive diversity arose remains the subject of considerable debate. The prevailing hypothesis of Quaternary glacial refugia suggests that a part of the eastern GS, among other areas in Amazonia, served as stable forested refugia during periods of aridity. However, the recently proposed disturbance-vicariance hypothesis proposes that fluctuations in temperature on orbital timescales, with some associated aridity, have driven Neotropical diversification. The expectations of the temporal and spatial organization of biodiversity differ between these two hypotheses. Here, we compare the genetic structure of 12 leaf-litter inhabiting frog species from the GS lowlands using a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences in an integrative analytical approach that includes phylogenetic reconstructions, molecular dating, and Geographic Information System methods. This comparative and integrated approach overcomes the well-known limitations of phylogeographic inference based on single species and single loci. All of the focal species exhibit distinct phylogeographic patterns highlighting taxon-specific historical distributions, ecological tolerances to climatic disturbance, and dispersal abilities. Nevertheless, all but one species exhibit a history of fragmentation/isolation within the eastern GS during the Quaternary with spatial and temporal concordance among species. The signature of isolation in northern French Guiana (FG) during the early Pleistocene is particularly clear. Approximate Bayesian Computation supports the synchrony of the divergence between northern FG and other GS lineages. Substructure observed throughout the GS suggests further Quaternary fragmentation and a role for rivers. Our findings support fragmentation of moist tropical forest in the eastern GS during this period when the refuge hypothesis would have the region serving as a contiguous wet-forest refuge.