995 resultados para Guamán Poma de Ayala
Patterns of variation at the Sod locus of Drosophila melanogaster suggest that the protein polymorphism at this locus has very recently arisen. In addition, it appears that a previously rare DNA variant has been recently and rapidly driven to intermediate frequency. From the size of the region (>20 kb) that has been swept along with this rare variant, and patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the region, it is inferred that strength of selection was large (s > 0.01) and that the sweep occurred more than 25,000 generations ago. In addition, there are striking similarities to patterns of variation observed at the Est6 and Est-P loci, which are located approximately 1,000 kb from Sod.
The hypothesis of the molecular evolutionary clock asserts that informational macromolecules (i.e., proteins and nucleic acids) evolve at rates that are constant through time and for different lineages. The clock hypothesis has been extremely powerful for determining evolutionary events of the remote past for which the fossil and other evidence is lacking or insufficient. I review the evolution of two genes, Gpdh and Sod. In fruit flies, the encoded glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) protein evolves at a rate of 1.1 × 10−10 amino acid replacements per site per year when Drosophila species are compared that diverged within the last 55 million years (My), but a much faster rate of ≈4.5 × 10−10 replacements per site per year when comparisons are made between mammals (≈70 My) or Dipteran families (≈100 My), animal phyla (≈650 My), or multicellular kingdoms (≈1100 My). The rate of superoxide dismutase (SOD) evolution is very fast between Drosophila species (16.2 × 10−10 replacements per site per year) and remains the same between mammals (17.2) or Dipteran families (15.9), but it becomes much slower between animal phyla (5.3) and still slower between the three kingdoms (3.3). If we assume a molecular clock and use the Drosophila rate for estimating the divergence of remote organisms, GPDH yields estimates of 2,500 My for the divergence between the animal phyla (occurred ≈650 My) and 3,990 My for the divergence of the kingdoms (occurred ≈1,100 My). At the other extreme, SOD yields divergence times of 211 My and 224 My for the animal phyla and the kingdoms, respectively. It remains unsettled how often proteins evolve in such erratic fashion as GPDH and SOD.
Variation and evolution in plants and microorganisms: Toward a new synthesis 50 years after Stebbins
Plasmodium falciparum is the agent of malignant malaria, one of mankind's most severe maladies. The parasite exhibits antigenic polymorphisms that have been postulated to be ancient. We have proposed that the extant world populations of P. falciparum have derived from one single parasite, a cenancestor, within the last 5,000–50,000 years. This inference derives from the virtual or complete absence of synonymous nucleotide polymorphisms at genes not involved in immune or drug responses. Seeking to conciliate this claim with extensive antigenic polymorphism, we first note that allele substitutions or polymorphisms can arise very rapidly, even in a single generation, in large populations subject to strong natural selection. Second, new alleles can arise not only by single-nucleotide mutations, but also by duplication/deletion of short simple-repeat DNA sequences, a process several orders of magnitude faster than single-nucleotide mutation. We analyze three antigenic genes known to be extremely polymorphic: Csp, Msp-1, and Msp-2. We identify regions consisting of tandem or proximally repetitive short DNA sequences, including some previously unnoticed. We conclude that the antigenic polymorphisms are consistent with the recent origin of the world populations of P. falciparum inferred from the analysis of nonantigenic genes.
We have analyzed 75 isolates of Plasmodium falciparum, collected in Venezuela during both the dry (November) and rainy (May–July) seasons, with a range of genetic markers including antigen genes and 14 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Thirteen P. falciparum stocks from Kenya and four other Plasmodium species are included in the analysis for comparison. Cross-hybridization shows that the 14 RAPD primers reveal 14 separate regions of the parasite's genome. The P. falciparum isolates are a monophyletic clade, significantly different from the other Plasmodium species. We identify three RAPD characters that could be useful as “tags” for rapid species identification. The Venezuelan genotypes fall into two discrete genetic subdivisions associated with either the dry or the rainy season; the isolates collected in the rainy season exhibit greater genetic diversity. There is significant linkage disequilibrium in each seasonal subsample and in the full sample. In contrast, no linkage disequilibrium is detected in the African sample. These results support the hypothesis that the population structure of P. falciparum in Venezuela, but not in Africa, is predominantly clonal. However, the impact of genetic recombination on Venezuelan P. falciparum seems higher than in parasitic species with long-term clonal evolution like Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease. The genetic structure of the Venezuelan samples is similar to that of Escherichia coli, a bacterium that propagates clonally, with occasional genetic recombination.
Simple phylogenetic tests were applied to a large data set of nucleotide sequences from two nuclear genes and a region of the mitochondrial genome of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease. Incongruent gene genealogies manifest genetic exchange among distantly related lineages of T. cruzi. Two widely distributed isoenzyme types of T. cruzi are hybrids, their genetic composition being the likely result of genetic exchange between two distantly related lineages. The data show that the reference strain for the T. cruzi genome project (CL Brener) is a hybrid. Well-supported gene genealogies show that mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences from T. cruzi cluster, respectively, in three or four distinct clades that do not fully correspond to the two previously defined major lineages of T. cruzi. There is clear genetic differentiation among the major groups of sequences, but genetic diversity within each major group is low. We estimate that the major extant lineages of T. cruzi have diverged during the Miocene or early Pliocene (3–16 million years ago).
We have investigated the evolution of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh). The rate of amino acid replacements is 1 x 10(-10)/site/year when Drosophila species are compared. The rate is 2.7 times greater when Drosophila and Chymomyza species are compared; and about 5 times greater when any of those species are compared with the medfly Ceratitis capitata. This rate of 5 x 10(-10)/site/year is also the rate observed in comparisons between mammals, or between different animal phyla, or between the three multicellular kingdoms. We have also studied the evolution of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Sod). The rate of amino acid replacements is about 17 x 10(-10)/site/year when comparisons are made between dipterans or between mammals, but only 5 x 10(-10) when animal phyla are compared, and only 3 x 10(-10) when the multicellular kingdoms are compared. The apparent decrease by about a factor of 5 in the rate of SOD evolution as the divergence between species increases can be consistent with the molecular clock hypothesis by assuming the covarion hypothesis (namely, that the number of amino acids that can change is constant, but the set of such amino acids changes from time to time and from lineage to lineage). However, we know of no model consistent with the molecular clock hypothesis that would account for the increase in the rate of GPDH evolution as the divergence between species increases.
Male mating success is an important fitness component in Drosophila. The seminal fluid conveyed with the sperm inhibits the proclivity of the female to remate and reduces her fitness. Nevertheless, females may remate before they have exhausted the sperm from the first male and consequently use sperm from both males. We have studied concurrent multiple paternity (CMP) in two Drosophila melanogaster populations, from an apple orchard and a vineyard just after harvest. CMP is high in both populations, somewhat greater than 50%; but it is not significantly higher in the vineyard, where the population density is much greater than in the orchard. Population density had been thought to be an important determinant of CMP incidence. We have used four gene loci coding for enzymes as independent markers for detecting CMP.
The hypothesis that morphological evolution may largely result from changes in gene regulation rather than gene structure has been difficult to test. Morphological differences among insects are often apparent in the cuticle structures produced. The dopa decarboxylase (Ddc) and alpha-methyldopa hypersensitive (amd) genes arose from an ancient gene duplication. In Drosophila, they have evolved nonoverlapping functions, including the production of distinct types of cuticle, and for Ddc, the production of the neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. The amd gene is particularly active in the production of specialized flexible cuticles in the developing embryo. We have compared the pattern of amd expression in three Drosophila species. Several regions of expression conserved in all three species but, surprisingly, a unique domain of expression is found in Drosophila simulans that does occur in the closely related (2-5 million years) Drosophila melanogaster or in the more remote (40-50 million years) Drosophila virilis. The "sudden" appearance of a completely new and robust domain of expression provides a glimpse of evolutionary variation resulting from changes in regulation of structural gene expression.
Residues energetically linked to the allosteric transition of thrombin from its anticoagulant slow form to the procoagulant fast form have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis. The energetics of recognition by the two forms of the enzyme were probed by using a synthetic chromogenic substrate, fibrinogen, and hirudin. The thrombin residues E39, W60d, E192, D221, and D222 are linked to the slow-->fast transition and are part of an "allosteric core" through which events originating at the Na+ binding loop propagate to other regions of the enzyme. The thrombin residues Y76, W96, W148, and R173 lie at the periphery of the allosteric core, affect recognition of fibrinogen and hirudin to the same extent in both forms, and are not linked to the slow-->fast transition.
The exon theory of genes proposes that the introns of protein-encoding nuclear genes are remnants of the DNA spacers between ancient minigenes. The discovery of an intron at a predicted position in the triose-phosphate isomerase (EC gene of Culex mosquitoes has been hailed as an evidential pillar of the theory. We have found that that intron is also present in Aedes mosquitoes, which are closely related to Culex, but not in the phylogenetically more distant Anopheles, nor in the fly Calliphora vicina, nor in the moth Spodoptera littoralis. The presence of this intron in Culex and Aedes is parsimoniously explained as the result of an insertion in a recent common ancestor of these two species rather than as the remnant of an ancient intron. The absence of the intron in 19 species of very diverse organisms requires at least 10 independent evolutionary losses in order to be consistent with the exon theory.
We have explored the evolutionary history of the Apicomplexa and two related protistan phyla, Dinozoa and Ciliophora, by comparing the nucleotide sequences of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes. We conclude that the Plasmodium lineage, to which the malarial parasites belong, diverged from other apicomplexan lineages (piroplasmids and coccidians) several hundred million years ago, perhaps even before the Cambrian. The Plasmodium radiation, which gave rise to several species parasitic to humans, occurred approximately 129 million years ago; Plasmodium parasitism of humans has independently arisen several times. The origin of apicomplexans (Plasmodium), dinoflagellates, and ciliates may be > 1 billion years old, perhaps older than the three multicellular kingdoms of animals, plants, and fungi. Digenetic parasitism independently evolved several times in the Apicomplexa.
The theory of founder-effect speciation proposes that colonization by very few individuals of an empty habitat favors rapid genetic changes and the evolution of a new species. We report here the results obtained in a 10-year-long and large-scale experiment with Drosophila pseudoobscura designed to test the theory. In our experimental protocol, populations are established with variable numbers of very few individuals and allowed to expand greatly for several generations until conditions of severe competition for resources are reached and the population crashes. A few random survivors are then taken to start a new population expansion and thus initiate a new cycle of founding events, population flushes, and crashes. Our results provide no support for the theories proposing that new species are very likely to appear as by-products of founder events.