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The conformation of phenyl rings in the side groups of the helical chain polymer poly(tripenyl-methyl methacrylate) (1) in solution was studied by spectroscopic methods. According to the Raman spectrum the phenyl rings of 1 and triphenylmethyl methacrylate in solution have the same depolarization ratio at 1002 cm-1. The electronic spectra (ultraviolet and fluorescence) of 1 are similar to those of model substances, except for the "red shift" of the spectra of about 5 nm. It was concluded that the phenyl rings can rotate around the phenyl-C bond.


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In this paper, the reaction and structure of the complexes of alkaline earth metal (Ca, Sr, Ba) with 2-(4'-chloro-2'-phosphonazo)-7-(2', 6'-dibromo-4'-chlorophenylazo 1, 8-dihydroxy-3, 6-naphthalene disulfonic acid (Chlorophosphonazo-DBC) have been studied. This ligand has eight forms under different acidity. The protonation reactions take place at [H+] > 0.36 mol.dm-3. The ligand begins dissociations at pH > 0.5. Two protons are released in the complexes formation reactions(Me2+ + 2HI half-arrow-pointing-left and half-arrow-pointing-right MeL2 + 2H+). The stability constants of the complexes of Calcium, Strontium and Barium have been determined by Yoe-Jone method, Majumder-Chakrabartty method and calculation method. The order of the stability of complexes is as follows: Sr > Ba > Ca. The structure of the complexes have also been studied by infrared spectroscopy, Laser Raman spectroscopy, NMR, and EPR. The results show that these groups of N = N, PO3H2 and OH are active groups in the complex reactions. The structure of the complexes of Strontium, Barium and Calcium with chlorophosphonazo-DBC are represented and the reaction and the complex bonds are discussed in this paper.


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The phase behaviours of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)s (SAN) with poly(epichlorohydrin) (PECH) were examined using differential scanning calorimetry and an optical method using a hot plate. The PECH/PVAc blends showed LCST behaviour. The observed miscibility is thought to be a result of hydrogen-bonding interactions between the alpha-hydrogen atoms of PECH and the carbonyl groups of PVAc. Two SAN copolymers with an acrylonitrile (AN) content of 18 wt% (SAN18) and 25 wt% (SAN25), respectively, were also found to exhibit miscibility with PECH. No phase separation occurred by heating up to about 280-degrees-C, and the individual blend has a single, composition-dependent glass transition temperature. The formation of miscible PECH/SAN blends can be considered as a result of the intramolecular repulsion between styrene and AN units in SAN.


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Barcodes based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (mtDNA CO1) sequences are being used for broad taxonomic groups of animals with demonstrated success in species identification and cryptic species discovery, but it has become clear that complementation by a nuclear marker system is necessary, in particular for the barcoding of plants. Here, we propose the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) as a potentially usable and complementary marker for species identification of red macroalgae, as well as present a primary workflow for species barcoding. Data show that for most red macroalgal genera (except members of the family Delesseriaceae), the size of ITS region ranges from 600 to 1200 bp, and contains enough variation to generate unique identifiers at either the species or genus levels. Consistent with previous studies, we found that the ITS sequence can resolve closely related species with the same fidelity as mtDNA CO1. Significantly, we confirmed that length polymorphism in the ITS region (including 5.8S rRNA gene) can be utilized as a character to discriminate red macroalgal species. As a complementary marker, the verifiable nuclear ITS region can speed routine identification and the detection of species, advance ecological and taxonomic inquiry, and permit rapid and accurate analysis of red macroalgae.


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Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) is an economically important aquaculture species in China; however, frequent mass mortality seriously affects the development of its industry. Genetic linkage map is useful for genetic improvement and selective breeding of C. farreri. Linkage maps were constructed using an intraspecific F-1 cross and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Thirty-two selected AFLP primer combinations produced 545 AFLP markers that were polymorphic in either of the parents and segregated in the progeny. Of these segregating markers, 166 were mapped to 19 linkage groups of the female framework map, covering a total of 1503.9 cM, with an average marker spacing of 10.2 cM; and 197 markers were assigned to 20 linkage groups of the male map, covering a total of 1630.7 cM, with 9.2 cM per marker. A sex-linked marker was mapped on the female map with zero recombination and a LOD of 27.3. The genetic length of C farreri genome was estimated as 1889.0 cM for the female and 1995.9 cM for the male. The coverage of the framework map was calculated as 79.6% for the female and 81.7% for the male. When the triplets and doublets were considered, the observed length of the map was calculated as 1610.2 cM with coverage of 85.2% for the female, and 1880.5 cM with coverage of 94.2% for the male. The genetic maps presented here will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map and mapping of economically important genes. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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This is the first report of microsatellite-centromere mapping in this commercial species Fenneropenaeus Chinensis, and will be important for providing fixed points in the linkage groups of genetic maps. Triploid Chinese shrimp was induced by heat shock. The fertilized eggs were treated either by retention of the first polar body or the second polar body to produce Meiosis I (MI) or Meiosis II (MII) triploid. The triploidy status in each Chinese shrimp could be confirmed by nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, in which the parents with different alleles and the female parents were each heterozygous. The nine loci were mapped in relation to their centromeres in three MII triploid families, which were induced by retention of the second polar bodies after fertilization with sperm. Microsatellite-centromere (M-C) distances ranged from 9.6 cM to 37 cM under the assumption of complete interference. Information on the positions of centromeres in relation to the microsatellite loci will represent a contribution towards assembly of genetic maps in F. chinensis. Twelve polymorphic microsatellites were used to assess the heterozygosity and allelic diversity in different ploidy classes. As expected, triploids were significantly more polymorphic than diploids. The diploids had an average heterozygosity and allelic diversity value of 0.86, whereas the triploids heterozygosity averaged 0.93 and had allelic diversity value of 1.29. However, MI triploids were not significantly more polymorphic than MII in the microsatellite loci.


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Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is the leading species farmed in the Western Hemisphere and an economically important aquaculture species in China. In this project, a genetic linkage map was constructed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers. One hundred and eight select AFLP primer combinations and 30 polymorphic microsatellite markers produced 2071 markers that were polymorphic in either of the parents and segregated in the progeny. Of these segregating markers, 319 were mapped to 45 linkage groups of the female framework map, covering a total of 4134.4 cM; and 267 markers were assigned to 45 linkage groups of the male map, covering a total of 3220.9 cM. High recombination rates were found in both parental maps. A sex-linked microsatellite marker was mapped on the female map with 6.6 cM to sex and a LOD of 17.8, two other microsatellite markers were also linked with both 8.6 cM to sex and LOD score of 14.3 and 16.4. The genetic maps presented here will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detection, marker-assisted selection (MAS) and comparative genome mapping.


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The photosynthetic performances of regenerated protoplasts of Bryopsis hypnoides, which were incubated in seawater for 1, 6, 12, and 24 h, were studied using chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and oxygen measurements. Results showed that for the regenerated protoplasts, the pigment content, the ratios of photosynthetic rate to respiration rate, the maximal photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (F-v/F-m), and the effective PSII quantum yield (I broken vertical bar(PSII)) decreased gradually along with the regeneration progress, indicated that during 24 h of regeneration there was a remarkable reduction in PSII activity of those newly formed protoplasts. We assumed that during the cultivation progress the regenerated protoplasts had different photosynthetic vigor, with only some of them able to germinate and develop into mature thalli. The above results only reflected the photosynthetic features of the regenerated protoplasts at each time point as a whole, rather than the actual photosynthetic activity of individual aggregations. Further investigation suggested a relationship between the size of regenerated protoplasts and their viability. The results showed that the middle-sized group (diameter 20-60 mu m) retained the largest number of protoplasts for 24 h of growth. The changes in F-v/F-m and I broken vertical bar(PSII) of the four groups of differently sized protoplasts (i.e. < 20, 20-60, 60-100, and > 100 mu m) revealed that the protoplasts 20-60 mu m in diameter had the highest potential activity of the photosynthetic light energy absorption and conversion for several hours.


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Streptococcus iniae is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can also infect humans and animal. A putative secretory antigen, Slat 0, was identified from a pathogenic S. iniae strain by in vivo-induced antigen technology. Using turbot as an animal model, the immunoprotective effect of Sia10 was examined as a DNA vaccine in the form of plasmid pSia10, which expresses sia10 under the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter. In fish vaccinated with pSia10, transcription of sia10 was detected in muscle, liver, spleen, and kidney at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49 days post-vaccination. In addition, production of Sia10 protein was also detected in the muscle tissues of pSia10-vaccinated fish. Fish vaccinated with pSia10 exhibited a relative percent survival (RPS) of 73.9% and 92.3%, respectively, when challenged with high and low doses (producing a cumulative mortality of 92% and 52%, respectively, in the control groups) of S. iniae. Immunological and transcriptional analyses showed that vaccination with pSia10(i) induced much stronger chemiluminescence response and significantly higher levels of nitric oxide production and acid phosphatase activity in head kidney macrophages; (ii) caused the production of specific serum antibodies, which afforded apparent immunoprotection when transferred passively into naive fish; and (iii) upregulated the expression of the genes encoding proteins that are possibly involved in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Taken together, these results indicated that pSia10 is an effective vaccine candidate and may be used in the control of S. iniae infection in aquaculture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We explore control mechanisms underlying the vertical migration of zooplankton in the water column under the predator-avoidance hypothesis. Two groups of assumptions in which the organisms are assumed to migrate vertically in order to minimize realized or effective predation pressure (type-I) and to minimize changes in realized or effective predation pressure (type-II), respectively, are investigated. Realized predation pressure is defined as the product of light intensity and relative predation abundance and the part of realized predation pressure that really affects organisms is termed as effective predation pressure. Although both types of assumptions can lead to the migration of zooplankton to avoid the mortality from predators, only the mechanisms based on type-II assumptions permit zooplankton to undergo a normal diel vertical migration (morning descent and evening ascent). The assumption of minimizing changes in realized predation pressure is based on consideration of DVM induction only by light intensity and predators. The assumption of minimizing changes in effective predation pressure takes into account, apart from light and predators also the effects of food and temperature. The latter assumption results in the same expression of migration velocity as the former one when both food and temperature are constant over water depth. A significant characteristic of the two type-II assumptions is that the relative change in light intensity plays a primary role in determining the migration velocity. The photoresponse is modified by other environmental variables: predation pressure, food and temperature. Both light and predation pressure are necessary for organisms to undertake DVM. We analyse the effect of each single variable. The modification of the phototaxis of migratory organisms depends on the vertical distribution of these variables. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Grazing of dominant zooplankton copepods (Calanoides acutus. and Metridia gerlachei), salps (Salpa thompsoni) and microzooplankton was determined during the austral summer of 1998/1999 at the seasonal ice zone of the Prydz Bay region. The objective was to measure the ingestion rates of zooplankton at the seasonal ice zone, so as to evaluate the importance of different groups of zooplankton in their grazing impact on phytoplankton standing stock and primary production. Grazing by copepods was low, and accounted for less than or equal to 1% of phytoplankton standing stocks and 3.8-12.5% of primary production for both species during this study, even the ingestion rates of individuals were at a high level compared with previous reports. S. thompsoni exhibited a relatively high grazing impact on primary production (72%) in the north of our investigation area. The highest grazing impact on phytoplankton was exerted by microzooplankton during this investigation, and accounted for 10-65% of the standing stock of phytoplankton and 34-100% of potential daily primary production. We concluded that microzooplankton was the dominant phytoplankton consumer in this study area. Salps also played an important role in control of phytoplankton where swarming occurred. The grazing of copepods had a relatively small effect on phytoplankton biomass development.


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Nutrient concentrations in seawater, and C, N, P, Si and chlorophyll a content in different-sized particulates were measured in Jiaozhou Bay, and C, N, P, Si composition in different-sized fractions of phytoplankton and their ecological responses to nutrient structure of the seawater were studied. Microphytoplankton and nanophytoplankton were dominant in Jiaozhou Bay. High C (16.50-20.97 unol L-1), N (2.46-2.99 mu mol L-1) and low P (0.06-0.12 mu mol L-1), Si (0.18-0.57 mu mol L-1) content, and high N/P (24.7-64.6) and low SUP (4.4-10.8), Si/N (0.06-0.20) ratios were found in all sized groups of particulates. These values reflected the elemental compositions of different-sized fractions of phytoplankton as being an ecological response to the nutrients in the seawater. The ratios deviated significantly from the Redfield values. The nutrient composition of seawater and particulates and their relationship to chlorophyll a showed that phytoplankton growth was possibly limited by Si. Si limitation appears favorable for controlling the ecological equilibrium of Jiaozhou Bay. Different-sized fractions of phytoplankton had different suitability to nutrient structures of the seawater. Among phytoplankton size groups, nanophytoplankton and microphytoplankton growths were more adaptable in eutrophic Jiaozhou Bay, and more competitive for assimilation of Si. This is consistent with their diatom-dominated composition, controlling the biomass and productivity of phytoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.