980 resultados para Graphene, Organic Electronics, Transparent Electrode


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Organic-inorganic composite membranes comprising Nation with inorganic materials such as silica, mesoporous zirconium phosphate (MZP) and mesoporous titanium phosphate (MTP) are fabricated and evaluated as proton-exchange-membrane electrolytes for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). For Nation-silica composite membrane, silica is impregnated into Nation matrix as a sol by a novel water hydrolysis process precluding the external use of an acid. Instead, the acidic nature of Nation facilitates in situ polymerization reaction with Nation leading to a uniform composite membrane. The rapid hydrolysis and polymerization reaction while preparing zirconia and titania sols leads to uncontrolled thickness and volume reduction in the composite membranes, and hence is not conducive for casting membranes. Nafion-MZP and Nafion-MTP composite membranes are prepared by mixing pre-formed porous MZP and MTP with Nation matrix. MZP and MTP are synthesised by co-assembly of a tri-block co-polymer, namely pluronic-F127, as a structure-directing agent, and a mixture of zirconium butoxide/titanium isopropoxide and phosphorous trichloride as inorganic precursors. Methanol release kinetics is studied by volume-localized NMR spectroscopy (employing ``point resolved spectroscopy'', PRESS), the results clearly demonstrating that the incorporation of inorganic fillers in Nation retards the methanol release kinetics under osmotic drag. Appreciable proton conductivity with reduced methanol permeability across the composite membranes leads to improved performance of DMFCs in relation to commercially available Nafion-117 membrane.


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The terrestrial export of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is associated with climate, vegetation and land use, and thus is under the influence of climatic variability and human interference with terrestrial ecosystems, their soils and hydrological cycles. The present study provides an assessment of spatial variation of DOM concentrations and export, and interactions between DOM, catchment characteristics, land use and climatic factors in boreal catchments. The influence of catchment characteristics, land use and climatic drivers on the concentrations and export of total organic carbon (TOC), total organic nitrogen (TON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was estimated using stream water quality, forest inventory and climatic data from 42 Finnish pristine forested headwater catchments, and water quality monitoring, GIS land use, forest inventory and climatic data from the 36 main Finnish rivers (and their sub-catchments) flowing to the Baltic Sea. Moreover, the export of DOM in relation to land use along a European climatic gradient was studied using river water quality and land use data from four European areas. Additionally, the role of organic and minerogenic acidity in controlling pH levels in Finnish rivers and pristine streams was studied by measuring organic anion, sulphate (SO4) and base cation (Ca, Mg, K and Na) concentrations. In all study catchments, TOC was a major fraction of DOM, with much lower proportions of TON and DOP. Moreover, most of TOC and TON was in a dissolved form. The correlation between TOC and TON concentrations was strong and TOC concentrations explained 78% of the variation in TON concentrations in pristine headwater streams. In a subgroup of 20 headwater catchments with similar climatic conditions and low N deposition in eastern Finland, the proportion of peatlands in the catchment and the proportion of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karsten) of the tree stand had the strongest correlation with the TOC and TON concentrations and export. In Finnish river basins, TOC export increased with the increasing proportion of peatland in the catchment, whereas TON export increased with increasing extent of agricultural land. The highest DOP concentrations and export were recorded in river basins with a high extent of agricultural land and urban areas, reflecting the influence of human impact on DOP loads. However, the most important predictor for TOC, TON and DOP export in Finnish rivers was the proportion of upstream lakes in the catchment. The higher the upstream lake percentage, the lower the export indicating organic matter retention in lakes. Molar TOC:TON ratio decreased from headwater catchments covered by forests and peatlands to the large river basins with mixed land use, emphasising the effect of the land use gradient on the stoichiometry of rivers. This study also demonstrated that the land use of the catchments is related to both organic and minerogenic acidity in rivers and pristine headwater streams. Organic anion dominated in rivers and streams situated in northern Finland, reflecting the higher extent of peatlands in these areas, whereas SO4 dominated in southern Finland and on western coastal areas, where the extent of fertile areas, agricultural land, urban areas, acid sulphate soils, and sulphate deposition is highest. High TOC concentrations decreased pH values in the stream and river water, whereas no correlation between SO4 concentrations and pH was observed. This underlines the importance of organic acids in controlling pH levels in Finnish pristine headwater streams and main rivers. High SO4 concentrations were associated with high base cation concentrations and fertile areas, which buffered the effects of SO4 on pH.


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The choice of ethanol (C2H5OH) as carbon source in the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of graphene on copper foils can be considered as an attractive alternative among the commonly used hydrocarbons, such as methane (CH4) [1]. Ethanol, a safe, low cost and easy handling liquid precursor, offers fast and efficient growth kinetics with the synthesis of fullyformed graphene films in just few seconds [2]. In previous studies of graphene growth from ethanol, various research groups explored temperature ranges lower than 1000 °C, usually reported for methane-assisted CVD. In particular, the 650–850 °C and 900 °C ranges were investigated, respectively for 5 and 30 min growth time [3, 4]. Recently, our group reported the growth of highly-crystalline, few-layer graphene by ethanol-CVD in hydrogen flow (1– 100 sccm) at high temperatures (1000–1070 °C) using growth times typical of CH4-assisted synthesis (10–30 min) [5]. Furthermore, a synthesis time between 20 and 60 s in the same conditions was explored too. In such fast growth we demonstrated that fully-formed graphene films can be grown by exposing copper foils to a low partial pressure of ethanol (up to 2 Pa) in just 20 s [6] and we proposed that the rapid growth is related to an increase of the Cu catalyst efficiency due weak oxidizing nature of ethanol. Thus, the employment of such liquid precursor, in small concentrations, together with a reduced time of growth and very low pressure leads to highly efficient graphene synthesis. By this way, the complete coverage of a copper catalyst surface with high spatial uniformity can be obtained in a considerably lower time than when using methane.


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Metal nanoparticle photocatalysts have attracted recent interest due to their strong absorption of visible and ultraviolet light. The energy absorbed by the metal conduction electrons and the intense electric fields in close proximity, created by the localized surface plasmon resonance effect, makes the crucial contribution of activating the molecules on the metal nanoparticles which facilitates chemical transformation. There are now many examples of successful reactions catalyzed by supported nanoparticles of pure metals and of metal alloys driven by light at ambient or moderate temperatures. These examples demonstrate these materials are a novel group of efficient photocatalysts for converting solar energy to chemical energy and that the mechanisms are distinct from those of semiconductor photocatalysts. We present here an overview of recent research on direct photocatalysis of supported metal nanoparticles for organic synthesis under light irradiation and discuss the significant reaction mechanisms that occur through light irradiation.


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Three inorganic-organic hybrid framework cadmium thiosulfate phases have been investigated for adsorption and photodegradation of organic dye molecules. Different classes of organic dyes, viz., triaryl methane, azo, xanthene, anthraquinone, have been studied. The anionic dyes with sulfonate groups appear to readily adsorb on the cadmium thiosulfate compounds in an aqueous medium. The adsorption of the dye molecules, however, does not create any structural changes on the cadmium thiosulfate compounds, though weak electronic interactions have been observed. The adsorbed dyes have been desorbed partially in an alcoholic medium, suggesting possible applications in scavenging specific anionic dyes from the aqueous solutions. Langmuir adsorption/desorption isotherms have been used to model this behavior. UV-assisted (lambda(max) = 365 nm) photocatalytic decomposition studies on the cationic dyes indicate reasonable activity comparable with that of Degussa P-25 (TiO2) catalyst. Sunlight assisted photocatalyti studies have been carried out in detail employing hybrid framework compounds. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics model, employed to follow the degradation profile of the organic dyes, indicates that the photocatalytic degradation follows the order: triaryl methane > azo > xanthene.


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Eight new open-framework inorganic-organic hybrid compounds based on indium have been synthesized employing hydrothermal methods. All of the compounds have InO6, C2O4, and HPO3/HPO4/SO4 units connected to form structures of different dimensionality Thus, the compounds have zero- (I), two- (II, III, IV, V, VII, and VIII), and three-dimensionally (VI) extended networks. The formation of the first zero-dimensional hybrid compound is noteworthy In addition, concomitant polymorphic structures have been observed in the present study. The molecular compound, I, was found to be reactive, and the transformation studies in the presence of a base (pyridine) give rise to the polymorphic structures of II and III, while the addition of an acid (H3PO3) gives rise to a new indium phosphite with a pillared layer structure (T1). Preliminary density functional theory calculations suggest that the stabilities of the polymorphs are different, with one of the forms (II) being preferred over the other, which is consistent with the observed experimental behavior. The oxalate units perform more than one role in the present structures. Thus, the oxalate units connect two In centers to satisfy the coordination requirements as well as to achieve charge balance in compounds II, IV, and VI. The terminal oxalate units observed in compounds I, IV, and V suggest the possibility of intermediate structures. Both in-plane and out-of-plane connectivity of the oxalate units were observed in compound VI. The 31 compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and P-31 NMR studies.


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Nonlinear optical properties and carrier relaxation dynamics in graphene, suspended in three different solvents, are investigated using femtosecond (80 fs pulses) Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe spectroscopy at 790 nm. The results demonstrate saturable absorption property of graphene with a nonlinear absorption coefficient, beta of (similar to 2-9) x 10(-8) cm/W. Two distinct time scales associated with the relaxation of photoexcited carriers, a fast one in the range of 130-330 fs (related to carrier-carrier scattering) followed by it slower one in 3.5-4.9 ps range (associated with carrier-phonon scattering) are observed. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Boron- and nitrogen-doped graphenes are are prepared by the arc discharge between carbon electrodes or by the transformation of nanodiamond under appropriate atmospheres. Using a combination of experiment and theories based on first principles, systematic changes in the carrier-concentration and electronic structure of the doped graphenes are demonstrated. Stiffening of the G-band mode and intensification of the defect-related D-band in the Raman spectra are also observed.


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The effect of solvent on chemical reactivity has generally been explained on the basis of the dielectric constant and viscosity. However a number of spectroscopic studies, including UV-VIS, IR and Raman, has led to numerous empirical parameters to define solvent effect based on either solvating ability or polarity scale. These parameters include solvent polarizability, dipolarity, Lewis acidity and Lewis basicity, E-T(30), pi*, alpha, beta etc. However, from a structural point of view, we can separate solvation as static and dynamic processes. The static solvation basically relates to stabilization of the molecular structure by the solvent to attain the equilibrium structure, both in the intermediate and ground state. Dynamic solvation relates to solvent reorganization-induced dynamics prior to the structural reorganization to reach the equilibrium state. In this paper, we present (a) structural distortions induced by the solvent due to preferential solvation of the triplet excited state, and (b) the importance of dynamic solvation induced by vibronic coupling (pseudo-Jahn-Teller coupling). The examples include the effect of solvent on structure and reactivity of excited states of 2,2,2-trifluoroacetophenone (TFA). Based on the comparison of time resolved resonance Raman (TR3) data of TFA and other substituted acetophenone systems, it was found that change in solvent polarity indeed results in electronic state switching and structural changes in the excited state, which explains the trend in reactivity. Further, a TR3 study of fluoranil (FA) in the triplet excited state in solvents of varying polarities indicates that the structure of FA in the triplet excited state is determined by vibronic coupling effects and thus distorted structure. These experimental results have been well supported by density functional theoretical computational studies.


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Peptide NH chemical shifts and their temperature dependences have been monitored as a function of concentration for the decapeptide, Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-OMe in CDCl3 (0.001-0.06M) and (CD3)2SO (0.001-0.03M). The chemical shifts and temperature coefficients for all nine NH groups show no significant concentration dependence in (CD3)2SO. Seven NH groups yield low values of temperature coefficients over the entire range, while one yields an intermediate value. In CDCl3, the Aib(1) NH group shows a large concentration dependence of both chemical shift and temperature coefficient, in contrast to the other eight NH groups. The data suggest that in (CD3)2SO, the peptide adopts a 310 helical conformation and is monomeric over the entire concentration range. In CDCl3, the 310 helical peptide associates at a concentration of 0.01M, with the Aib(1) NH involved in an intermolecular hydrogen bond. Association does not disrupt the intramolecular hydrogen-bonding pattern in the decapeptide.


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An "atomic layer-by-layer" structure of Co3O4/graphene is developed as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Due to the atomic thickness of both the Co3O4 nanosheets and the graphene, the composite exhibits an ultrahigh specific capacity of 1134.4 mAh g-1 and an ultralong life up to 2000 cycles at 2.25 C, far beyond the performances of previously reported Co3O4/C composites.


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The article describes the synthesis, structure and magnetic investigations of a series of metal-organic framework compounds formed with Mn+2 and Ni+2 ions. The structures, determined using the single crystal X-ray diffraction, indicated that the structures possess two- and three-dimensional structures with magnetically active dimers, tetramers, chains, two-dimensional layers connected by polycarboxylic acids. These compounds provide good examples for the investigations of magnetic behaviour. Magnetic studies have been carried out using SQUID magnetometer in the range of 2-300 K and the behaviour indicates a predominant anti-ferromagnetic interactions, which appears to differ based on the M-O-C-O-M and/or the M-O-M (M = metal ions) linkages. Thus, compounds with carboxylate (Mn-O-C-O-Mn) connected ones, [C3N2H [Mn(H2O)''C6H3(COO)(3)''], I, [''Mn(H2O (3)''aEuroeC(12)H(8)O(COO)(2)'']center dot H2O, II, [''Mn(H2O)''aEuroeC(12)H(8)O(COO)(2)''], III, show simple anti-ferromagnetic behaviour. The compounds with Mn-O/OH-Mn connected dimer and tetramer units in [NaMn''C6H3(COO)(3)''], IV, [Mn-2(A mu(3)-OH) (H2O)(2)''C6H3(COO)(3)'']center dot 2H(2)O, V, show canted-antiferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic behaviour, respectively. The presence of infinite one-dimensional -Ni-OH-Ni- chains in the compound, [Ni-2(H2O)(A mu(3)-OH)(2)(C8H5NO4], VI, gives rise to ferromagnet-like behaviour at low temperatures. The compounds, [Mn-3''C6H3(COO)(3)''(2)], VII and [''Mn(OH)''(2)''C12H8O(COO)(2)''], VIII, have two-dimensional infinite -Mn-O/OH-Mn- layers with triangular magnetic lattices, which resemble the Kagome and brucite-like layer. The magnetic studies indicated canted-antiferromagnetic behaviour in both the cases. Variable temperature EPR and theoretical magnetic modelling studies have been carried out on selected compounds to probe the nature of the magnetic species and their interactions with them.


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Lead germanate-graphene nanosheets (PbGeO3-GNS) composites have been prepared by an efficient one-step, in-situ hydrothermal method and were used as anode materials for Li-ion batteries (LIBs). The PbGeO3 nanowires, around 100–200 nm in diameter, are highly encapsulated in a graphene matrix. The lithiation and de-lithiation reaction mechanisms of the PbGeO3 anode during the charge-discharge processes have been investigated by X-ray diffraction and electrochemical characterization. Compared with pure PbGeO3 anode, dramatic improvements in the electrochemical performance of the composite anodes have been obtained. In the voltage window of 0.01–1.50 V, the composite anode with 20 wt.% GNS delivers a discharge capacity of 607 mAh g−1 at 100 mA g−1 after 50 cycles. Even at a high current density of 1600 mA g−1, a capacity of 406 mAh g−1 can be achieved. Therefore, the PbGeO3-GNS composite can be considered as a potential anode material for lithium ion batteries.


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Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal oxide systems present exotic electronic properties and high specific surface areas, and also demonstrate promising applications ranging from electronics to energy storage. Yet, in contrast to other types of nanostructures, the question as to whether we could assemble 2D nanomaterials with an atomic thickness from molecules in a general way, which may give them some interesting properties such as those of graphene, still remains unresolved. Herein, we report a generalized and fundamental approach to molecular self-assembly synthesis of ultrathin 2D nanosheets of transition metal oxides by rationally employing lamellar reverse micelles. It is worth emphasizing that the synthesized crystallized ultrathin transition metal oxide nanosheets possess confined thickness, high specific surface area and chemically reactive facets, so that they could have promising applications in nanostructured electronics, photonics, sensors, and energy conversion and storage devices.