960 resultados para Graph generators


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A software and a microprocessor based hardware for waveform synthesis using Walsh functions are described. The software is based on Walsh function generation using Hadamard matrices and on the truncated Walsh series expansion for the waveform to be synthesized. The hardware employs six microprocessor controlled programmable Walsh function generators (PWFGs) for generating the first six non-vanishing terms of the truncated Walsh series. Improved approximation to a given waveform may be achieved by employing additional PWFGs.


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This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is brought to the kitchen. The energy source is a combination of the solar thermal energy and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. The solar thermal energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. The transfer of solar heat is a twofold process wherein the energy from the collector is transferred first to an intermediate energy storage buffer and the energy is subsequently transferred from the buffer to the cooking load. There are three parameters that are controlled in order to maximize the energy transfer from the collector to the load viz, the fluid flow rate from collector to buffer, fluid flow rate from buffer to load and the diameter of the pipes. This is a complex multi energy domain system comprising energy flow across several domains such as thermal, electrical and hydraulic. The entire system is modeled using the bond graph approach with seamless integration of the power flow in these domains. A method to estimate different parameters of the practical cooking system is also explained. Design and life cycle costing of the system is also discussed. The modeled system is simulated and the results are validated experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an efficient Simulated Annealing with valid solution mechanism for finding an optimum conflict-free transmission schedule for a broadcast radio network. This is known as a Broadcast Scheduling Problem (BSP) and shown as an NP-complete problem, in earlier studies. Because of this NP-complete nature, earlier studies used genetic algorithms, mean field annealing, neural networks, factor graph and sum product algorithm, and sequential vertex coloring algorithm to obtain the solution. In our study, a valid solution mechanism is included in simulated annealing. Because of this inclusion, we are able to achieve better results even for networks with 100 nodes and 300 links. The results obtained using our methodology is compared with all the other earlier solution methods.


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An (alpha, beta)-spanner of an unweighted graph G is a subgraph H that distorts distances in G up to a multiplicative factor of a and an additive term beta. It is well known that any graph contains a (multiplicative) (2k - 1, 0)-spanner of size O(n(1+1/k)) and an (additive) (1, 2)-spanner of size O(n(3/2)). However no other additive spanners are known to exist. In this article we develop a couple of new techniques for constructing (alpha, beta)-spanners. Our first result is an additive (1, 6)-spanner of size O(n(4/3)). The construction algorithm can be understood as an economical agent that assigns costs and values to paths in the graph, purchasing affordable paths and ignoring expensive ones, which are intuitively well approximated by paths already purchased. We show that this path buying algorithm can be parameterized in different ways to yield other sparseness-distortion tradeoffs. Our second result addresses the problem of which (alpha, beta)-spanners can be computed efficiently, ideally in linear time. We show that, for any k, a (k, k - 1)-spanner with size O(kn(1+1/k)) can be found in linear time, and, further, that in a distributed network the algorithm terminates in a constant number of rounds. Previous spanner constructions with similar performance had roughly twice the multiplicative distortion.


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Tutte (1979) proved that the disconnected spanning subgraphs of a graph can be reconstructed from its vertex deck. This result is used to prove that if we can reconstruct a set of connected graphs from the shuffled edge deck (SED) then the vertex reconstruction conjecture is true. It is proved that a set of connected graphs can be reconstructed from the SED when all the graphs in the set are claw-free or all are P-4-free. Such a problem is also solved for a large subclass of the class of chordal graphs. This subclass contains maximal outerplanar graphs. Finally, two new conjectures, which imply the edge reconstruction conjecture, are presented. Conjecture 1 demands a construction of a stronger k-edge hypomorphism (to be defined later) from the edge hypomorphism. It is well known that the Nash-Williams' theorem applies to a variety of structures. To prove Conjecture 2, we need to incorporate more graph theoretic information in the Nash-Williams' theorem.


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CD-ROMs have proliferated as a distribution media for desktop machines for a large variety of multimedia applications (targeted for a single-user environment) like encyclopedias, magazines and games. With CD-ROM capacities up to 3 GB being available in the near future, they will form an integral part of Video on Demand (VoD) servers to store full-length movies and multimedia. In the first section of this paper we look at issues related to the single- user desktop environment. Since these multimedia applications are highly interactive in nature, we take a pragmatic approach, and have made a detailed study of the multimedia application behavior in terms of the I/O request patterns generated to the CD-ROM subsystem by tracing these patterns. We discuss prefetch buffer design and seek time characteristics in the context of the analysis of these traces. We also propose an adaptive main-memory hosted cache that receives caching hints from the application to reduce the latency when the user moves from one node of the hyper graph to another. In the second section we look at the use of CD-ROM in a VoD server and discuss the problem of scheduling multiple request streams and buffer management in this scenario. We adapt the C-SCAN (Circular SCAN) algorithm to suit the CD-ROM drive characteristics and prove that it is optimal in terms of buffer size management. We provide computationally inexpensive relations by which this algorithm can be implemented. We then propose an admission control algorithm which admits new request streams without disrupting the continuity of playback of the previous request streams. The algorithm also supports operations such as fast forward and replay. Finally, we discuss the problem of optimal placement of MPEG streams on CD-ROMs in the third section.


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Preparation and characterization of the fullerenes, C60 and C70, are described in detail, including the design of the generators fabricated locally. The characterization techniques employed are UV-visible, IR, Raman and C-13 NMR spectroscopies, scanning as well as transmission electron microscopy and mass spectrometry. The electron energy level diagram of C60 as well as the one-electron reductions of C60 and C70 leading to various anions are discussed. Electronic absorption spectra of C60- and C60(2-) are reported. Phase transitions from the plastic to the crystalline states of C60 and C70 are examined. Based on a C-13 NMR study in a mixture of nematic liquid crystals, it has been demonstrated that C60 retains its extraordinary symmetry in solution phase as well. Interaction of C60 and C70 with strong electron-donor molecules has been investigated employing cyclic voltammetry. Superconductivity of K(x)C60 has been studied by non-resonant microwave absorption; Na(x)C60 as well as K(c)C70 are shown to be non-superconducting. Doping C60 with iodine does not make it superconducting. Interaction of C60 with SbCl5 and liquid Br2 gives rise to halogenated products.


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Management of large projects, especially the ones in which a major component of R&D is involved and those requiring knowledge from diverse specialised and sophisticated fields, may be classified as semi-structured problems. In these problems, there is some knowledge about the nature of the work involved, but there are also uncertainties associated with emerging technologies. In order to draw up a plan and schedule of activities of such a large and complex project, the project manager is faced with a host of complex decisions that he has to take, such as, when to start an activity, for how long the activity is likely to continue, etc. An Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) which aids the manager in decision making and drawing up a feasible schedule of activities while taking into consideration the constraints of resources and time, will have a considerable impact on the efficient management of the project. This report discusses the design of an IDSS that helps in project planning phase through the scheduling phase. The IDSS uses a new project scheduling tool, the Project Influence Graph (PIG).


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The boxicity of a graph G is defined as the minimum integer k such that G is an intersection graph of axis-parallel k-dimensional boxes. Chordal bipartite graphs are bipartite graphs that do not contain an induced cycle of length greater than 4. It was conjectured by Otachi, Okamoto and Yamazaki that chordal bipartite graphs have boxicity at most 2. We disprove this conjecture by exhibiting an infinite family of chordal bipartite graphs that have unbounded boxicity.


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A differential pulse polarographic (DPP) method based on the adsorption catalytic current in a medium containing chlorate and 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) is suggested for the determination of molybdenum(VI). Experimental conditions such as pH and the composition of supporting electrolyte have been optimized to get a linear calibration graph at trace levels of Mo(VI). The sensitivity for molybdenum can be considerably enhanced by this method. The influence of possible interferences on the catalytic current has been investigated. The sensitivity of the method is compared with those obtained for other DPP methods for molybdenum. A detection limit of 1.0 x 10(-8) mol/L has been found.


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Ligand-induced conformational changes in proteins are of immense functional relevance. It is a major challenge to elucidate the network of amino acids that are responsible for the percolation of ligand-induced conformational changes to distal regions in the protein from a global perspective. Functionally important subtle conformational changes (at the level of side-chain noncovalent interactions) upon ligand binding or as a result of environmental variations are also elusive in conventional studies such as those using root-mean-square deviations (r.m.s.d.s). In this article, the network representation of protein structures and their analyses provides an efficient tool to capture these variations (both drastic and subtle) in atomistic detail in a global milieu. A generalized graph theoretical metric, using network parameters such as cliques and/or communities, is used to determine similarities or differences between structures in a rigorous manner. The ligand-induced global rewiring in the protein structures is also quantified in terms of network parameters. Thus, a judicious use of graph theory in the context of protein structures can provide meaningful insights into global structural reorganizations upon perturbation and can also be helpful for rigorous structural comparison. Data sets for the present study include high-resolution crystal structures of serine proteases from the S1A family and are probed to quantify the ligand-induced subtle structural variations.


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A claw is an induced subgraph isomorphic to K-1,K-3. The claw-point is the point of degree 3 in a claw. A graph is called p-claw-free when no p-cycle has a claw-point on it. It is proved that for p greater than or equal to 4, p-claw-free graphs containing at least one chordless p-cycle are edge reconstructible. It is also proved that chordal graphs are edge reconstructible. These two results together imply the edge reconstructibility of claw-free graphs. A simple proof of vertex reconstructibility of P-4-reducible graphs is also presented. (C) 1995 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


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THE study of swirling boundary layers is of considerable importance in many rotodynamic machines such as rockets, jet engines, swirl generators, swirl atomizers, arc heaters, etc. For example, the introduction of swirl in a flow acceleration device such as a nozzle in a rocket engine promises efficient mass flow control. In nuclear rockets, swirl is used to retain the uranium atoms in the rocket chamber. With these applications in mind, Back1 and Muthanna and Nath2 have obtained the similarity solutions for a low-speed three-dimensional steady laminar compressible boundary layer with swirl inside an axisymmetric surface of variable cross section. The aim of the present analysis is to study the effect of massive blowing rates on the unsteady laminar swirling compressible boundary-layer flow of an axisymmetric body of arbitrary cross section when the freestream velocity and blowing rate vary with time. The type of swirl considered here is that of a free vortex superimposed on the longitudinal flow of a compressible fluid with variable properties. The analysis is applicable to external flow over a body as well as internal flow along a surface. For the case of external flow, strong blowing can have significant use in cooling the surface of hypervelocity vehicles, particularly when ablation occurs under large aerodynamic or radiative heating, but there may not be such an important application of strong blowing in the case of internal flow. The governing partial differential equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme with a quasilinearization technique.3 High temperature gas effects, such as radiation, dissociation, and ionization, etc., are not investigated. The nomenclature is usually that of Ref. 4 and is listed in the full paper.


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An intelligent computer aided defect analysis (ICADA) system, based on artificial intelligence techniques, has been developed to identify design, process or material parameters which could be responsible for the occurrence of defective castings in a manufacturing campaign. The data on defective castings for a particular time frame, which is an input to the ICADA system, has been analysed. It was observed that a large proportion, i.e. 50-80% of all the defective castings produced in a foundry, have two, three or four types of defects occurring above a threshold proportion, say 10%. Also, a large number of defect types are either not found at all or found in a very small proportion, with a threshold value below 2%. An important feature of the ICADA system is the recognition of this pattern in the analysis. Thirty casting defect types and a large number of causes numbering between 50 and 70 for each, as identified in the AFS analysis of casting defects-the standard reference source for a casting process-constituted the foundation for building the knowledge base. Scientific rationale underlying the formation of a defect during the casting process was identified and 38 metacauses were coded. Process, material and design parameters which contribute to the metacauses were systematically examined and 112 were identified as rootcauses. The interconnections between defects, metacauses and rootcauses were represented as a three tier structured graph and the handling of uncertainty in the occurrence of events such as defects, metacauses and rootcauses was achieved by Bayesian analysis. The hill climbing search technique, associated with forward reasoning, was employed to recognize one or several root causes.


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We study the problem of matching applicants to jobs under one-sided preferences; that is, each applicant ranks a non-empty subset of jobs under an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching M is said to be more popular than T if the applicants that prefer M to T outnumber those that prefer T to M. A matching is said to be popular if there is no matching more popular than it. Equivalently, a matching M is popular if phi(M, T) >= phi(T, M) for all matchings T, where phi(X, Y) is the number of applicants that prefer X to Y. Previously studied solution concepts based on the popularity criterion are either not guaranteed to exist for every instance (e.g., popular matchings) or are NP-hard to compute (e.g., least unpopular matchings). This paper addresses this issue by considering mixed matchings. A mixed matching is simply a probability distribution over matchings in the input graph. The function phi that compares two matchings generalizes in a natural manner to mixed matchings by taking expectation. A mixed matching P is popular if phi(P, Q) >= phi(Q, P) for all mixed matchings Q. We show that popular mixed matchings always exist and we design polynomial time algorithms for finding them. Then we study their efficiency and give tight bounds on the price of anarchy and price of stability of the popular matching problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.