986 resultados para Gourmont, Remy de (1858-1915)
Pencil, red, blue ink on linen; plans and cross-sections; notes; signed. 99 x 74 cm. Scale: 1” = 10 [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Ink on linen; location, type, some amounts of plantings; some elevations in pencil; notes; signed. 105 x 69 cm. [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Pencil, red ink on tracing paper; plan and cross-sections; signed. 105x74 cm. Scale 1"=16' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Back Row: Otto Eberwein, William Wickham, : Warner
Third Row: mngr. Boyd Compton, Egmont Hildner, John Norton, Freed Rehor, Otto Pobanz, Alan Boyd, Richard Weske, Harry Calvin, James Catlett, James Sharpe, Hepburn Ingham, Philip Raymnd
Second Row: Karl Staatz, Walter Nieman, Leland Benton, Cedric Smith, William Cochran, captain John Maulbetsch, Frank Millard, Lawrence Roehm, Robert Watson, Maurice Dunne
Front Row: Clyde Bastian, Harold Zeiger
Back Row: Fred Hendershot, Hepburn Ingham, Walter Nieman, Fred Rehor, James Whalen, Egmont Hildner, Cecil "Pat" Smith, Alan Boyd, James Catlett, Jarold Zeiger, James Sharpe, George Washington Bixler, Otto Pobanz,
Middle Row (seated on wall): Otto Eberwein, ? Johnson, Maurice Dunne, Harry Calvin (on steps), Karl Staatz, Hoyne Howe, Clyde Bastian
Front Row: Alvin Loucks (standing), Robert Watson (on rail), John Norton, Leland Benton, captain William Cochran, Lawrence Roehm, John Maulbetsch, ? Warner (standing)
Freshman Football squad on practice field 1915, from 1915 Penn game program.
[Homecoming game]
L-R: Charles Crawford, John Switzer, captain Ira Reindel (in front), Christian Mack
Top Row: Walter Stewart, Wilbur Davidson, Ath. Dir. Philip Bartelme, Coach Carl Lundgren, student mngr. Chester Lang, George Labadie, Ralph Shivel
Middle Row: Leland Benton, George Sisler, captain Edmond McQueen, Ralph Waltz, Charles Ferguson,
Front Row: Elmer Brandell, Louis Arntz, William Nieman
[from a disbound commercially produced album of football photos]