950 resultados para Geologia - Amazonas


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Petroleum exists in the nature in certain underground formations where it is adsorbed into the rocks pores. For the conventional recovery methods usually only 30% of the oil is extracted and this can be credited, basically, to three aspects: high viscosity of the oil, geology of the formation and high interfacial tensions between the reservoir s fluids. The enhanced recovery methods use the injection of a fluid or fluids mixture in a reservoir to act in points where the conventional process didn't reach the recovery rates. Microemulsion flooding, considered an enhanced method, has the purpose to desorb the oil from the rock formation and to attain an efficient displacement of the oil emulsion. With this in mind, this work was accomplished with two main objectives: the study of the parameters effect that influence a microemulsified system (surfactant and cosurfactant types, C/S rate and salinity) and the evaluation of displacement efficiency with the microemulsions that showed stability in the rich aqueous area. For the analyzed parameters it was chose the microemulsions composition used in the recovery stage: 25% water, 5% kerosene, 46.7% of butanol as cosurfactant and 23.3% of BC or SCO cosurfactant. The core plugs of Assu and Botucatu sandstones were appraised in porosity and permeability tests and then submitted to the steps of saturation with seawater and oil, conventional recovery with water and enhanced recovery with the selected microemulsions. The Botucatu sandstone presented better recovery parameters, and the microemulsion composed with BS surfactant had larger recovery efficiency (26.88%)


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The accelerated pressure of use and occupation of Rio Grande do Norte coastline in the last two decades presented the tourism as its main vector, having as a consequence a strong, articulated and growing real estate speculation of this area. In the Natal County there is a Zona Especial de Interesse Turistico II (Special Zone of Tourism Interest II) (ZET-II), consisted of urban beaches with approximately 8.5 km that is an important seashore of the city. The purpose of this research was identification, characterization and assessment of the process of use and occupation of dunes fields emphasizing the role of ZET-II, whereas the specific goals was the analysis of weather, geology and geomorphology, characterization of use and occupation of soil, and elaboration of an environmental diagnosis with identification and description of its mains consequences. The result of this work was the delineation of geologic-geomorphological map of the area with identification of principals units, determining its use and occupation, the measurement of the area already occupied by equipments, besides the description of the environmental impacts on dune fields: devastation, coastline erosion, ocean pollution by sewer and pluvial waters, contamination of groundwater, distribution inadequate of solid residues, landscape degradation, and occupation of seashore through the privatization of public areas. Concluding that the degrading changes occurred in this areas are resulting from the nature of use and urban seashore regulations, which have been diminishing the natural aspect, altering the landscape definitely, compromising the quality of hydro resources and altering its use, privatizing the areas between tides, complicating the population access and obstructing the scenery visualization of dunes and ocean. There is an urgent necessity of improvement of public politics in order to improve the strategies and organization of use and occupation of space urban-coastline


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Provide data and information on watershed becomes important since the knowledge of their physical characteristics, land use, etcetera, allows for better planning and sustainable use of economically, socially and environmentally in this area. The investigation of the physical environment has been commonly given with the use of geoprocessing, which has proved a very efficient tool. Within this context, this research aims at analyzing the river basin Punaú (located in the cities of Touros, Rio do Fogo and Pureza, state of Rio Grande do Norte) in several aspects, using geoprocessing as a tool of work, to provide information about the entire watershed. Specifically, this study aimed to update pre-existing maps, such as geological, geomorphological and land use, generating map of environmental vulnerability, under the aspect of erosion susceptibility of the area, generating map of legal incompatibility, identifying areas that are already being employed in breach of environmental legislation; propose solutions to the occupation of the river basin Punaú, focused on environmental planning. The methodology was based on the use of geoprocessing tools for data analysis and to make maps of legal incompatibility and environmental vulnerability. For the first map was taken into account the environmental legislation regarding the protection of watersheds. For the vulnerability analysis, the generated map was the result of crossing the maps of geology, geomorphology, soils and land use, having been assigned weights to different attributes of thematic maps, generating a map of environmental vulnerability in relation to susceptibility to erosion. The analysis results indicate that agriculture is the most significant activity in the basin, in total occupied area, which confers a high degree of environmental vulnerability in most of the basin, and some agricultural areas eventually develop in a manner inconsistent with Brazilian environmental legislation. It is proposed to consider deploying a measure of revitalization of the watershed in more critical areas and conservation through mitigation measures on the causes of environmental degradation, such as protection of water sources, protection and restoration of riparian vegetation, protection of permanent preservation areas, containment of erosion processes in general, and others listed or not in specific laws, and even the establishment of a committee of basins in the area


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The Serido is a region of northeastern Brazil highlighted by its problems related to water scarcity because of its semi-arid region, large rates of evaporation and rainfall irregular and scarce. Thus, the underground dams, become a strategically important resource with a simple and inexpensive technique for storage of water. They act in a positive way in the development of inland cities that suffer from drought, because in addition to exercise a great improvement in the social role of these families, can enjoy the type of soil (silt) and provides water for both irrigation and for human consumption throughout the year. Is therefore essential to its monitoring and studies to assess its effectiveness in accordance with its purposes, along with their wells Amazons, as can occur in conditions of physical degradation, chemical and microbiological appropriate, according to the Ordinance No 518/04 Ministry of Health, however, the proposed work aims to analyze the underground dams in the municipality of Sierra Negra North-RN (semi-arid region) as to their uses and their influences on the quality and quantity of water in periods of drought and rain. Analyzing monthly these parameters: determination of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, RAS (sodium adsorption ratio), turbidity, total iron, nitrite, nitrate, total dissolved solids (STD), bicarbonate (HCO3), fecal coliform and pesticides compared to the standards allowed by the Ordinance in force for quality for human consumption. While at the risk of salinity and sodicity on the model proposed by the United Salinity Laboratory (USSL). Although efficient, it was found that results varied annually on water quality which may influence their specific uses, whether or irrigation water supply in the city


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This thesis has as its object the Markers Organization Standard Narrative Discourse (MON), from its occurrence in oral and written corpora of different realizations of narrative discourse, considering its locus of occurrence in the narrative and discursive functioning. The research is guided by the Functional Linguistic Usage-Based, approach to which the organization of language is directly linked to the user experience, so that grammar is shaped by discourse. We examined only the narrative portions of Experience Reports, Tales and Legends in the oral and written, as follows: 3 inquiries Corpus Reports Remaining Quilombo (RN); 11 Corpus Legends legends of the Amazon, 14 Tales of Corpus Tales Brazilians and 21 Reports of experiences of Corpus and Discourse Grammar, with about 10,000 words in each corpus. A total of 22 markers were identified, which were: (1) classified according to the locus of occurrence in the narrative structure, as Labov (1972), (2) associated, according to the type of pattern that occur in narrative discourse, (3) described from the discursive function they perform. The research has relevance to the extent it is based speech analysis and offers proposals for productive teaching of mother tongue in which students and teachers can, grounded in language studies, consider living language, as an object of study, based on the National Curriculum Guidelines (OCN) and making use of New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC)