978 resultados para Geo-transformare


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Le sujet de cette recherche est la perception chez les voyageurs occidentaux et grecs du XIXᵉ siècle de zones de la Méditerranée depuis toujours point d’intersections culturelles : les villes d’Athènes et de Constantinople. L’objectif de la recherche est de reconstruire la contribution des hommes de lettres, français et grecs, à la constitution de l’identité nationale selon le schéma mis en évidence par Benedict Anderson dans « Communautés Imaginées » On a tenté en se référant au corpus d’identifier dans la littérature de voyage du XIXᵉ siècle, dans le sillage de « Orientalismo » de Edward Said, comment Philhellénisme et Exotisme orientalisant, tous deux d’empreinte romantique, ont contribué à inventer pour Athènes une identité occidentale et pour Istanbul une identité orientale, ignorant presque l’existence entre les deux villes d’une commune matrice byzantine–ottomane ou mieux, l’appartenance commune à l’ensemble géopolitique de la Région Intermédiaire identifiée par Dimitri Kitsikis.


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Many of developing countries are facing crisis in water management due to increasing of population, water scarcity, water contaminations and effects of world economic crisis. Water distribution systems in developing countries are facing many challenges of efficient repair and rehabilitation since the information of water network is very limited, which makes the rehabilitation assessment plans very difficult. Sufficient information with high technology in developed countries makes the assessment for rehabilitation easy. Developing countries have many difficulties to assess the water network causing system failure, deterioration of mains and bad water quality in the network due to pipe corrosion and deterioration. The limited information brought into focus the urgent need to develop economical assessment for rehabilitation of water distribution systems adapted to water utilities. Gaza Strip is subject to a first case study, suffering from severe shortage in the water supply and environmental problems and contamination of underground water resources. This research focuses on improvement of water supply network to reduce the water losses in water network based on limited database using techniques of ArcGIS and commercial water network software (WaterCAD). A new approach for rehabilitation water pipes has been presented in Gaza city case study. Integrated rehabilitation assessment model has been developed for rehabilitation water pipes including three components; hydraulic assessment model, Physical assessment model and Structural assessment model. WaterCAD model has been developed with integrated in ArcGIS to produce the hydraulic assessment model for water network. The model have been designed based on pipe condition assessment with 100 score points as a maximum points for pipe condition. As results from this model, we can indicate that 40% of water pipeline have score points less than 50 points and about 10% of total pipes length have less than 30 score points. By using this model, the rehabilitation plans for each region in Gaza city can be achieved based on available budget and condition of pipes. The second case study is Kuala Lumpur Case from semi-developed countries, which has been used to develop an approach to improve the water network under crucial conditions using, advanced statistical and GIS techniques. Kuala Lumpur (KL) has water losses about 40% and high failure rate, which make severe problem. This case can represent cases in South Asia countries. Kuala Lumpur faced big challenges to reduce the water losses in water network during last 5 years. One of these challenges is high deterioration of asbestos cement (AC) pipes. They need to replace more than 6500 km of AC pipes, which need a huge budget to be achieved. Asbestos cement is subject to deterioration due to various chemical processes that either leach out the cement material or penetrate the concrete to form products that weaken the cement matrix. This case presents an approach for geo-statistical model for modelling pipe failures in a water distribution network. Database of Syabas Company (Kuala Lumpur water company) has been used in developing the model. The statistical models have been calibrated, verified and used to predict failures for both networks and individual pipes. The mathematical formulation developed for failure frequency in Kuala Lumpur was based on different pipeline characteristics, reflecting several factors such as pipe diameter, length, pressure and failure history. Generalized linear model have been applied to predict pipe failures based on District Meter Zone (DMZ) and individual pipe levels. Based on Kuala Lumpur case study, several outputs and implications have been achieved. Correlations between spatial and temporal intervals of pipe failures also have been done using ArcGIS software. Water Pipe Assessment Model (WPAM) has been developed using the analysis of historical pipe failure in Kuala Lumpur which prioritizing the pipe rehabilitation candidates based on ranking system. Frankfurt Water Network in Germany is the third main case study. This case makes an overview for Survival analysis and neural network methods used in water network. Rehabilitation strategies of water pipes have been developed for Frankfurt water network in cooperation with Mainova (Frankfurt Water Company). This thesis also presents a methodology of technical condition assessment of plastic pipes based on simple analysis. This thesis aims to make contribution to improve the prediction of pipe failures in water networks using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). The output from the technical condition assessment model can be used to estimate future budget needs for rehabilitation and to define pipes with high priority for replacement based on poor condition. rn


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Gli ultimi anni hanno visto importanti cambiamenti positivi nella cooperazione interstatale in Asia centrale. Crescenti minacce come il terrorismo internazionale, l'estremismo religioso e politico, il traffico di droga, ecc, causati dagli interessi geopolitici e geo-economici delle potenze mondiali, hanno contribuito alla formazione di una politica estera più coordinata e coerente degli Stati della regione. Questo processo si manifesta nella partecipazione attiva dell’istituzionalizzazione della Shanghai Organizzazione del Commonwealth (SOC), Conferenza sulle misure di costruzione d’interazione e fiducia in Asia (CICA) e Organizzazione del Trattato di Sicurezza Collettiva (CSTO). Problemi moderni di sicurezza in Asia centrale dovrebbero essere risolti in dei nuovi modi, non convenzionali. Le nuove minacce alla sicurezza richiedono modi non standard per risolvere il problema. Considerate le differenze fondamentali dell'Unione europea e degli Stati dell'Asia centrale nei valori e dal punto di vista in materia di sicurezza. I paesi dell'Asia centrale non sono pronti per l'integrazione politica. Nonostante questo, nell’Asia centrale sono state adottate misure per contrastare le minacce non convenzionali. L’esperienza europea di unire gli sforzi della regione per garantire la sicurezza interna, può essere utilizzata dai paesi dell'Asia centrale, soprattutto, in primo luogo sulla formazione del quadro istituzionale e giuridico per la cooperazione operativa delle forze dell'ordine per le seguenti aree: • prevenzione del traffico di droga attraverso gli Stati dell'Asia centrale; • lotta contro nuove forme di terrorismo ed estremismo; • limitare la dimensione della migrazione clandestina; • migliorare la protezione giuridica dei cittadini. Fino a poco tempo fa, questi temi hanno ricevuto poca attenzione, sia nella teoria sia nella pratica, poiché i problemi di sicurezza della società erano principalmente ridotti per evitare il pericolo di guerra.


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Canavan disease (CD) is a rare leukodystrophy caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme. It is characterised by the accumulation of the ASPA substrate N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in brain, blood and urine, leading to a spongiform vacuolisation of the brain, severe motoric and cognitive impairments and premature death. To date, no therapy is available due to the lack of a gene-transfer system allowing transgene expression in oligodendrocytes (OLs) and the restoration of the missing enzyme. Hence, the aim of this study was to establish a novel gene-transfer system and its preclinical evaluation in a CD animal model.rnIn the first part of this thesis, a novel ASPA mouse mutant was generated. A βgeo cassette (including the genes encoding β-galactosidase and neomycin) flanked by frt sites was inserted into intron 1 of the intact aspa gene. Additionally, exon 2 was flanked by loxP sites for optional conditional deletion of the targeted locus. The resulting ASPA-deficient aspalacZ/lacZ-mouse was found to be an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology. Homozygous mutants showed a CD-like histopathology, neurological impairment, behavioural deficits as well as a reduced body weight. Additionally, MRI data revealed changes in brain metabolite composition. rnRecombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors have become a versatile tool for gene transfer to the central nervous system because they are efficient, non-toxic and replication-deficient. Based on the natural neurotropism of AAV vectors, AAV-based gene delivery has entered the clinics for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the lack of AAV vectors with oligodendroglial tropism has precluded gene therapy for leukodystrophies. In the second part of this work, it was shown that the transduction profile of established AAV serotypes can be targeted towards OLs in a transcriptional approach, using the oligodendrocyte-specific myelin basic protein (MBP) promoter to drive transgene expression in OLs.rnIn the last part of this work, the therapeutic efficacy of AAV-mediated aspa gene transfer to OLs of juvenile aspalacZ/lacZ mice was evaluated. AAV-aspa injections into multiple sites of the brain parenchyma resulted in transduction of OLs in the grey and white matter throughout the brain. Histological abnormalities in the brain of ASPA-deficient mice were ameliorated and accompanied by a reduction of NAA levels. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in normalisation of body weight, motor function and nest-building behaviour. These data provide a proof-of-concept for a successful gene therapy of Canavan disease. This might pave the way towards translation into clinical application and serve as the basis for the genetic treatment of other leukodystrophies.


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A critical point in the analysis of ground displacements time series is the development of data driven methods that allow the different sources that generate the observed displacements to be discerned and characterised. A widely used multivariate statistical technique is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which allows reducing the dimensionality of the data space maintaining most of the variance of the dataset explained. Anyway, PCA does not perform well in finding the solution to the so-called Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem, i.e. in recovering and separating the original sources that generated the observed data. This is mainly due to the assumptions on which PCA relies: it looks for a new Euclidean space where the projected data are uncorrelated. The Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a popular technique adopted to approach this problem. However, the independence condition is not easy to impose, and it is often necessary to introduce some approximations. To work around this problem, I use a variational bayesian ICA (vbICA) method, which models the probability density function (pdf) of each source signal using a mix of Gaussian distributions. This technique allows for more flexibility in the description of the pdf of the sources, giving a more reliable estimate of them. Here I present the application of the vbICA technique to GPS position time series. First, I use vbICA on synthetic data that simulate a seismic cycle (interseismic + coseismic + postseismic + seasonal + noise) and a volcanic source, and I study the ability of the algorithm to recover the original (known) sources of deformation. Secondly, I apply vbICA to different tectonically active scenarios, such as the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake, the 2012 Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence, and the 2006 Guerrero (Mexico) Slow Slip Event (SSE).


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Landslides of the lateral spreading type, involving brittle geological units overlying ductile terrains, are a common occurrence in the sandstone and limestone plateaux of the northern Apennines of Italy. These instability phenomena can become particularly risky, when historical towns and cultural heritage sites built on the top of them are endangered. Neverthless, the mechanisms controlling the developing of related instabilities, i.e. toppling and rock falls, at the edges of rock plateaux are not fully understood yet. In addition, the groundwater flow path developing at the contact between the more permeable units, i.e. the jointed rock slab, and the relatively impermeable clay-rich units have not been already studied in details, even if they may play a role in this kind of instability processes, acting as eventual predisposing and/or triggering factors. Field survey, Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Close Range Photogrammetry techniques, laboratory tests on the involved materials, hydrogeological monitoring and modelling, displacements evaluation and stability analysis through continuum and discontinuum numerical codes have been performed on the San Leo case study, with the aim to bring further insights for the understanding and the assessment of the slope processes taking place in this geological context. The current research permitted to relate the aquifer behaviour of the rocky slab to slope instability processes. The aquifer hosted in the fractured slab leads to the development of perennial and ephemeral springs at the contact between the two units. The related piping erosion phenomena, together with slope processes in the clay-shales led to the progressive undermining of the slab. The cliff becomes progressively unstable due to undermining and undergoes large-scale landslides due to fall or topple.


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This study presents geo-scientific evidence for Holocene tsunami impact along the shores of the Eastern Ionian Sea. Cefalonia Island, the Gulf of Kyparissia and the Gialova Lagoon were subject of detailed geo-scientific investigations. It is well known that the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean were hit by the destructive influence of tsunamis in the past. The seismically highly active Hellenic Trench is considered as the most significant tsunami source in the Eastern Ionian Sea. This study focuses on the reconstruction and detection of sedimentary signatures of palaeotsunami events and their influence on the Holocene palaeogeographical evolution. The results of fine grained near coast geo-archives are discussed and interpreted in detail to differentiate between tsunami, storm and sea level highstands as sedimentation processes.rnA multi-method approach was applied using geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical and microfaunal analyses to detect Holocene tsunamigenic impact. Chronological data were based on radiocarbondatings and archaeological age estimations to reconstruct local geo-chronostratigraphies and to correlate them on supra-regional scales.rnDistinct sedimentary signatures of 5 generations of tsunami impact were found along the coasts of Cefalonia in the Livadi coastal plain. The results show that the overall coastal evolution was influenced by tsunamigenic impact that occured around 5700 cal BC (I), 4250 cal BC (II), at the beginning of the 2nd millennium cal BC (III), in the 1st millennium cal BC (IV) and posterior to 780 cal AD (V). Sea level reconstructions and the palaeogeographical evolution show that the local Holocene sea level has never been higher than at present.rnAt the former Mouria Lagoon along the Gulf of Kyparissia almost four allochtonous layers of tsunamigenic origin were identified. The stratigraphical record and palaeogeographical reconstructions show that major environmental coastal changes were linked to these extreme events. At the southern end of the Agoulenitsa Lagoon at modern Kato Samikon high-energy traces were found more than 2 km inland and upt ot 9 m above present sea level. The geo-chronological framework deciphered tsunami landfall for the 5th millennium cal BC (I), mid to late 2nd mill. BC (II), Roman times (1st cent. BC to early 4th cent. AD) (III) and most possible one of the historically well-known 365 AD or 521/551 AD tsunamis (IV).rnCoarse-grained allochthonous sediments of marine origin were found intersecting muddy deposits of the quisecent sediments of the Gialova Lagoon on the southwestern Peloponnese. Radiocarbondatings suggest 6 generations of major tsunami impact. Tsunami generations were dated to around 3300 cal BC (I), around the end of 4th and the beginning of 3rd millennium BC (II), after around 1100 cal BC (III), after the 4th to 2nd cent. BC (IV), between the 8th and early 15th cent. AD (V) and between the mid 14th to beginning of 15th cent. AD (VI). Palaeogeographical and morphological characteristics in the environs of the Gialova Lagoon were controlled by high-energy influence.rnSedimentary findings in all study areas are in good accordance to traces of tsunami events found all over the Ionian Sea. The correlation of geo-chronological data fits very well to coastal Akarnania, the western Peloponnese and finding along the coasts of southern Italy and the Aegean. Supra-regional influence of tsunamigenic impact significant for the investigated sites. The palaeogeographical evolution and palaeo-geomorphological setting of the each study area was strongly affected by tsunamigenic impact.rnThe selected geo-archives represent extraordinary sediment traps for the reconstruction of Holocene coastal evolution. Our result therefore give new insight to the exceptional high tsunami risk in the eastern Mediterranean and emphasize the underestimation of the overall tsunami hazard.


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Il problema che si vuole affrontare è la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema interattivo volto all’apprendimento e alla visita guidata di città d’arte. Si vuole realizzare un’applicazione per dispositivi mobili che offra sia il servizio di creazione di visite guidate che l’utilizzo delle stesse in assenza di connessione internet. Per rendere l’utilizzo dei servizi offerti più piacevole e divertente si è deciso di realizzare le visite guidate sotto forma di cacce al tesoro fotografiche, le cui tappe consistono in indizi testuali che per essere risolti richiedono risposte di tipo fotografico. Si è inoltre scelto di realizzare una community volta alla condivisione delle cacce al tesoro realizzate e al mantenimento di statistiche di gioco. Il contributo originale di questa tesi consiste nella progettazione e realizzazione di una App Android, denominata GeoPhotoHunt, che sfrutta l’idea della caccia al tesoro fotografica e geo localizzata per facilitare le visite guidate a luoghi di interesse, senza la necessità di una connessione ad internet. Il client viene reso indipendente dal server grazie allo spostamento degli algoritmi di image recognition sul client. Esentare il client dalla necessità di una connessione ad internet permette il suo utilizzo anche in città estere dove solitamente non si ha possibilità di connettersi alla rete.


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From historical accounts it is well-known that the coasts of the Gulfs of Lakonia and Argolis (southern and eastern Peloponnese, Greece) have been repeatedly affected by tsunamis during historical times. It is assumed that these palaeotsunamis left sedimentological and geomorphological traces in the geological record which are still detectable these days. As both gulfs are located within one of the seismically most active regions in whole western Eurasia in particular the nearby Hellenic Trench is regarded as the main trigger for tsunami generation. Against this background, selected near-coast sedimentary archives were studied by means of sedimentological, geomorphological, geophysical, geochemical and microfaunal investigations in order to detect signatures of Holocene palaeotsunamigenic activity. The investigations revealed allochthonous sediment layers featuring distinctive sedimentary characteristics of marine high-energy event deposits in most of the investigated study areas. In order to differentiate between the geomorphodynamic driving mechanisms for the deposition of the associated marine high-energy event layers, a multi-method approach was used. The detected high-energy marine deposits are suggested to be of tsunamigenic origin. Radiocarbon dating results allowed establishing local event geo-chronostratigraphies and correlations on a local and regional scale as well as correlations with already described palaeotsunami findings on a supra-regional scale. The geochronological dataset attests repeated tsunamigenic activity at least since the 5th millennium BC up to the 17th century AD. For the studied areas in southeastern Lakonia up to four palaeotsunami event generations were identified, for central Lakonia three and for the investigated areas around the Argolis Gulf also up to four. Comparing the findings with literature data, chronological correlations were found with palaeotsunami deposits detected in near-coast geological archives of Akarnania, of the southwestern, the western and northwestern Peloponnese, with event deposits found on Crete and on the Ionian Islands of Cefalonia and Lefkada as well as with findings from southeastern Sicily (Italy) and Cesarea (Israel). By the identification of multiple palaeotsunami event layers, disturbing autochthonous near-coast sedimentary records of the Gulfs of Lakonia and Argolis during the last seven millennia, a significant tsunami frequency is attested for these regions.


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Questo studio è stato sviluppato attraverso il monitoraggio idrogeologico di sorgenti e piezometri al fine di individuare il rischio di eventuali influenze causate dai lavori di ampliamento a 4 corsie di un tratto della S.S. 223 di Paganico (tratta Grosseto – Siena ) che prevede la costruzione di nuovi tratti di galleria ubicati nell’area. Il tratto di interesse per la presente tesi va dal km 30+040 al km 41+600 della tratta Siena-Grosseto, corrispondente ai lotti 5, 6, 7 e 8. I lavori riguardano i comuni di Monticiano (provincia di Siena) e Civitella Paganico (provincia di Grosseto), lungo la valle del Fiume Merse in un’area ad elevato pregio ambientale presso la confluenza con il Torrente Farma. Le attività di cantiere nel tratto interessato sono iniziate nel Dicembre 2013; si stima che le opere saranno completate per Luglio 2015. Il lavoro di tesi sul campo è stato svolto con il supporto tecnico della società di consulenza geo-ingegneristica di Bologna Studio Mattioli s.r.l. la quale ha ricevuto l’incarico del monitoraggio idrogeologico dal Gruppo Strabag che si occupa di costruzione di grandi infrastrutture. Il lavoro sul campo è consistito in un’attività di monitoraggio idrogeologico, anche tramite sensori in continuo, per più di 1 anno idrologico (novembre 2013- Gennaio 2015), su sorgenti e piezometri captanti acque sia fredde che termali. Il monitoraggio è stato basato sia su un approccio in discontinuo che in continuo. I punti di monitoraggio sono situati presso la località dei Bagni di Petriolo a cavallo tra la provincia di Siena e di Grosseto. I dati relativi alle sorgenti raccolti mensilmente sono la portata ed i parametri fisico-chimici in situ. Per piezometri i dati raccolti mensilmente sono il livello piezometrico ed i medesimi dati fisico-chimici raccolti per le sorgenti. I dati raccolti sono serviti a formulare il modello idrogeologico concettuale del sito ed a valutare le potenzialità d’interferenza idrogeologica delle gallerie sul sistema idrico sotterraneo.


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La tesi riguarda l'analisi della vulnerabilità sismica degli aggregati edilizi del centro storico di Pergola, condotta in termini di valutazione analitica e speditiva. Il metodo di analisi si basa sulla proposta di A.Giuffrè per la definizione dei possibili meccanismi di danno associati all'azione sismica. Oltre alla definizione degli indici globali di vulnerabilità sismica si propongono metodi per tenere conto, nel metodo, del contributo dell'indice di qualità muraria, al fine di poter confrontare realtà geo-materiali anche molto differenti.


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Studio ed analisi delle principali tecniche in ambito di Social Data Analysis. Progettazione e Realizzazione di una soluzione software implementata con linguaggio Java in ambiente Eclipse. Il software realizzato permette di integrare differenti servizi di API REST, per l'estrazione di dati sociali da Twitter, la loro memorizzazione in un database non-relazionale (realizzato con MongoDB), e la loro gestione. Inoltre permette di effettuare operazioni di classificazione di topic, e di analizzare dati complessivi sulle collection di dati estratti. Infine permette di visualizzare un albero delle "ricondivisioni", partendo da singoli tweet selezionati, ed una mappa geo-localizzata, contenente gli utenti coinvolti nella catena di ricondivisioni, e i relativi archi di "retweet".


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This study focused on the role of oceanographic discontinuities and the presence of transitional areas in shaping the population structure and the phylogeography of the Raja miraletus species complex, coupled with the test of the effective occurrence of past speciation events. The comparisons between the Atlantic African and the North-Eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean geographic populations were unravelled using both Cytochrome Oxidase I and eight microsatellite loci. This approach guaranteed a robust dataset for the identification of a speciation event between the Atlantic African clade, corresponding to the ex Raja ocellifera nominal species, and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean R. miraletus clade. As a matter of fact, the origin of the Atlantic Africa and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean deep split dated about 11.74MYA and was likely due to the synergic influence currents and two upwelling areas crossing the Western African Waters. Within the Mediterranean Sea, particular attention was also paid to the transitional area represented by Adventura and Maltese Bank, that might have contributed in sustaining the connectivity of the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean geographical populations. Furthermore, the geology of the easternmost part of Sicily and the geo-morphological depression of the Calabrian Arc could have driven the differentiation of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Although bathymetric and oceanographic discontinuity could represent barriers to dispersal and migration between Eastern and Western Mediterranean samples, a clear and complete genetic separation among them was not detected. Results produced by this work identified a speciation event defining Raja ocellifera and R. miraletus as two different species, and describing the R. miraletus species complex as the most ancient cryptic speciation event in the family Rajidae, representing another example of how strictly connected the environment, the behavioural habits and the evolutionary and ecologic drivers are.


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Secondo l'Agenzia Europea dell'Ambiente una delle principali minacce per le risorse di acqua dolce della zone costiere italiane è l’intrusione salina. L’obiettivo di questa tesi magistrale è la caratterizzazione idrogeologica di una frazione dell’acquifero freatico costiero situato in due differenti corpi dunosi. L’indagine proseguita per cinque mesi ha evidenziano differenze tra un’area sottoposta a forte pressione antropica (Marina Romea) e un’area che mostra un relativo sviluppo naturale del sistema spiaggia-duna (Porto Corsini). La tecnica di campionamento utilizzata è il sistema a minifiltri (multi level samplers), metodologia innovativa che garantisce tempistiche di monitoraggio rapide e una campionatura multi-livello puntuale e precisa. La campagna di monitoraggio ha coinvolto misure di freatimetria, conduttività elettrica e analisi chimiche delle acque che hanno portato ad una loro classificazione geo-chimica. Dai risultati si evidenzia che l’acquifero è molto salinizzato, gli strati d’acqua dolce sono isolati in lenti superficiali e i tipi di acque presenti sono dominati da ioni sodio e cloro. Tra i due siti il più vulnerabile risulta essere Marina Romea per molti fattori: l’erosione costiera che assottiglia la fascia dunale adibita alla ricarica di acqua dolce, un’estensione spaziale della duna minore rispetto a Porto Corsini, la presenza di infrastrutture turistiche che hanno frazionato la duna, la vicinanza al canale di drenaggio che causa la risalita delle acque profonde saline, la presenza di specie arboree idro-esigenti che attingono e quindi assottigliano le lenti d’acqua dolce. Si propone di migliorare la qualità dell’acqua sotterranea con una migliore gestione del canale di drenaggio, sostituendo alcuni esemplari di pinacee con specie arbustive tipiche degli ambienti dunosi ed infine imponendo misure per il risparmio idrico durante la stagione turistica.


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Questa tesi si propone di mettere in evidenza la forte spinta innovatrice che internet potrebbe dare allo sviluppo della democrazia, avendo abbattuto in maniera brutale i confini geo-politici, democratizzato addirittura all'esasperazione la libertà di parola e la possibilità di ognuno di far sentire la propria opinione ad un pubblico globale, rendendo sterile qualsivoglia regolamentazione locale e creando nuove e importanti problematiche di portata universale. Sulla rete viaggiano senza soluzione di continuità dati di ogni tipo, si concretizzano transazioni, si intrecciano relazioni, il tutto sorpassando agilmente le barriere fisiche dei confini nazionali, la distanza, le leggi, mettendo quindi l’umanità di fronte alla nuova sfida di armonizzare i vari ordinamenti giuridici, superare il concetto di sovranità nazionale e di creare un meccanismo democratico e partecipato di gestione della rete. La extraterritorialità della rete e il fatto che non si possa qualificare un "popolo sovrano" appartenente a questa entità, ha come vedremo posto l’umanità di fronte a nuove e ardue sfide: la necessità di regolare un mezzo così potente e diffuso ha portato negli anni ad un lungo dibattito, che vedremo, e che pone questioni di importanza capitale per la società di oggi così come la conosciamo: "si può esigere che l’evoluzione tecnologica della rete sia orientata al raggiungimento di obiettivi di interesse pubblico?", "chi deve gestire la rete?", "usufruire di internet è un diritto della persona?", "chi è il soggetto che ha possibilità e facoltà di intervenire efficacemente per la normazione della rete? I privati, lo Stato, gli utenti, o è necessario un quadro concertato che consideri tutti i pareri e gli interessi sulla questione?".