973 resultados para Gems, Classical.


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Integer ambiguity resolution is an indispensable procedure for all high precision GNSS applications. The correctness of the estimated integer ambiguities is the key to achieving highly reliable positioning, but the solution cannot be validated with classical hypothesis testing methods. The integer aperture estimation theory unifies all existing ambiguity validation tests and provides a new prospective to review existing methods, which enables us to have a better understanding on the ambiguity validation problem. This contribution analyses two simple but efficient ambiguity validation test methods, ratio test and difference test, from three aspects: acceptance region, probability basis and numerical results. The major contribution of this paper can be summarized as: (1) The ratio test acceptance region is overlap of ellipsoids while the difference test acceptance region is overlap of half-spaces. (2) The probability basis of these two popular tests is firstly analyzed. The difference test is an approximation to optimal integer aperture, while the ratio test follows an exponential relationship in probability. (3) The limitations of the two tests are firstly identified. The two tests may under-evaluate the failure risk if the model is not strong enough or the float ambiguities fall in particular region. (4) Extensive numerical results are used to compare the performance of these two tests. The simulation results show the ratio test outperforms the difference test in some models while difference test performs better in other models. Particularly in the medium baseline kinematic model, the difference tests outperforms the ratio test, the superiority is independent on frequency number, observation noise, satellite geometry, while it depends on success rate and failure rate tolerance. Smaller failure rate leads to larger performance discrepancy.


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Colonisation of the maternal uterine wall by the trophoblast involves a series of alterations in the behaviour and morphology of trophoblast cells. Villous cytotrophoblast cells change from a well-organised coherently layered phenotype to one that is extravillous, acquiring a proliferative, migratory and invasive capacity, to facilitate fetal-maternal interaction. These changes are similar to those of other developmental processes falling under the umbrella of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Modulation of cell adhesion and cell polarity occurs through changes in cell-cell junctional molecules, such as the cadherins. The cadherins, particularly the classical cadherins (e.g. Epithelial-(E)-cadherin), and their link to adaptors called catenins at cell-cell contacts, are important for maintaining cell attachment and the layered phenotype of the villous cytotrophoblast. In contrast, reduced expression and re-organization of cadherins from these cell junctional regions promote a loosened connection between cells, coupled with reduced apico-basal polarity. Certain non-classical cadherins play an active role in cell migration processes. In addition to the classical cadherins, two other cadherins which have been reported in placental tissues are vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin and cadherin-11. Cadherin molecules are well placed to be key regulators of trophoblast cell behaviour, analogous to their role in other developmental EMTs. This review addresses cadherin expression and function in normal and diseased human placental tissues, especially in fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia where trophoblast invasion is reduced.


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Despite the fact that customer retention is crucial for providers of cloud enterprise systems, only little attention has been directed towards investigating the antecedents of subscription renewal in an organizational context. This is even more surprising, as cloud services are usually offered as subscription-based pricing models with the (theoretical) possibility of immediate service cancellation, strongly opposing classical long-term IT-Outsourcing contracts or license-based payment plans of on premise enterprise systems. To close this research gap an empirical study was undertaken. Firstly, a conceptual model was drawn from theories of social psychology, organizational system continuance and IS success. The model was subsequently tested using survey responses of senior management within companies which adopted cloud enterprise systems. Gathered data was then analysed using PLS. The results indicate that subscription renewal intention is influenced by both – social-related and technology-specific factors – which are able to explain 50.4% of the variance in the dependent variable. Beneath the cloud enterprise systems specific contributions, the work advances knowledge in the area of organizational system continuance, as well as IS success.


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New criteria of extended resiliency and extended immunity of vectorial Boolean functions, such as S-boxes for stream or block ciphers, were recently introduced. They are related to a divide-and-conquer approach to algebraic attacks by conditional or unconditional equations. Classical resiliency turns out to be a special case of extended resiliency and as such requires more conditions to be satisfied. In particular, the algebraic degrees of classically resilient S-boxes are restricted to lower values. In this paper, extended immunity and extended resiliency of S-boxes are studied and many characterisations and properties of such S-boxes are established. The new criteria are shown to be necessary and sufficient for resistance against the divide-and-conquer algebraic attacks by conditional or unconditional equations.


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Several recently proposed ciphers, for example Rijndael and Serpent, are built with layers of small S-boxes interconnected by linear key-dependent layers. Their security relies on the fact, that the classical methods of cryptanalysis (e.g. linear or differential attacks) are based on probabilistic characteristics, which makes their security grow exponentially with the number of rounds N r r. In this paper we study the security of such ciphers under an additional hypothesis: the S-box can be described by an overdefined system of algebraic equations (true with probability 1). We show that this is true for both Serpent (due to a small size of S-boxes) and Rijndael (due to unexpected algebraic properties). We study general methods known for solving overdefined systems of equations, such as XL from Eurocrypt’00, and show their inefficiency. Then we introduce a new method called XSL that uses the sparsity of the equations and their specific structure. The XSL attack uses only relations true with probability 1, and thus the security does not have to grow exponentially in the number of rounds. XSL has a parameter P, and from our estimations is seems that P should be a constant or grow very slowly with the number of rounds. The XSL attack would then be polynomial (or subexponential) in N r> , with a huge constant that is double-exponential in the size of the S-box. The exact complexity of such attacks is not known due to the redundant equations. Though the presented version of the XSL attack always gives always more than the exhaustive search for Rijndael, it seems to (marginally) break 256-bit Serpent. We suggest a new criterion for design of S-boxes in block ciphers: they should not be describable by a system of polynomial equations that is too small or too overdefined.


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Universal Designated-Verifier Signature (UDVS) schemes are digital signature schemes with additional functionality which allows any holder of a signature to designate the signature to any desired designated-verifier such that the designated-verifier can verify that the message was signed by the signer, but is unable to convince anyone else of this fact. Since UDVS schemes reduce to standard signatures when no verifier designation is performed, it is natural to ask how to extend the classical Schnorr or RSA signature schemes into UDVS schemes, so that the existing key generation and signing implementation infrastructure for these schemes can be used without modification. We show how this can be efficiently achieved, and provide proofs of security for our schemes in the random oracle model.


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Characteristics of electrical breakdown of a planar magnetron enhanced with an electromagnet and a hollow-cathode structure, are studied experimentally and numerically. At lower pressures the breakdown voltage shows a dependence on the applied magnetic field, and the voltage necessary to achieve the self-sustained discharge regime can be significantly reduced. At higher pressures, the dependence is less sensitive to the magnetic field magnitude and shows a tendency of increased breakdown voltage at the stronger magnetic fields. A model of the magnetron discharge breakdown is developed with the background gas pressure and the magnetic field used as parameters. The model describes the motion of electrons, which gain energy by passing the electric field across the magnetic field and undergo collisions with neutrals, thus generating new bulk electrons. The electrons are in turn accelerated in the electric field and effectively ionize a sufficient amount of neutrals to enable the discharge self-sustainment regime. The model is based on the assumption about the combined classical and near-wall mechanisms of electron conductivity across the magnetic field, and is consistent with the experimental results. The obtained results represent a significant advance toward energy-efficient multipurpose magnetron discharges.


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A comparative study involving both experimental and numerical investigations was made to resolve a long-standing problem of understanding electron conductivity mechanism across magnetic field in low-temperature plasmas. We have calculated the plasma parameters from experimentally obtained electric field distribution, and then made a 'back' comparison with the distributions of electron energy and plasma density obtained in the experiment. This approach significantly reduces an influence of the assumption about particular phenomenology of the electron conductivity in plasma. The results of the experiment and calculations made by this technique have showed that the classical conductivity is not capable of providing realistic total current and electron energy, whereas the phenomenological anomalous Bohm mobility has demonstrated a very good agreement with the experiment. These results provide an evidence in favor of the Bohm conductivity, thus making it possible to clarify this pressing long-living question about the main driving mechanism responsible for the electron transport in low-temperature plasmas.


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Parameters of a discharge sustained in a planar magnetron configuration with crossed electric and magnetic fields are studied experimentally and numerically. By comparing the data obtained in the experiment with the results of calculations made using the proposed theoretical model, conclusion was made about the leading role of the turbulence-driven Bohm electron conductivity in the low-pressure operation mode (up to 1 Pa) of the discharge in crossed electric and magnetic fields. A strong dependence of the width of the cathode sputter trench, associated with the ionization region of the magnetron discharge, on the discharge parameters was observed in the experiments. The experimental data were used as input parameters in the discharge model that describes the motion of secondary electrons across the magnetic field in the ionization region and takes into account the classical, near-wall, and Bohm mechanisms of electron conductivity.


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An approach is proposed and applied to five industries to prove how phenomenology can be valuable in rethinking consumer markets (Popp & Holt, 2013). The purpose of this essay is to highlight the potential implications that 'phenomenological thinking' brings for competitiveness and innovation (Sanders, 1982), hence helping managers being more innovative in their strategic marketing decisions (i.e. market creation, positioning, branding). Phenomenology is in fact a way of thinking − besides and before being a qualitative research procedure − a very practical exercise that strategic managers can master and apply in the same successful way as other scientists have already done in their fields of study (e.g. sociology, psychology, psychiatry, and anthropology). Two fundamental considerations justify this research: a lack of distinctiveness among firms due to high levels of competition and consumers no longer knowing what they want (i.e. no more needs). The authors will show how the classical mental framework generally used to study markets by practitioners appears on the one hand to be established and systematic in the life of a company, while on the other is no longer adequate to meet the needs of innovation required to survive. To the classic principles of objectivity, generality, and psycho-sociology the authors counterpose the imaginary, eidetic-phenomenological reduction, and an existential perspective. From a theoretical point of view, this paper introduces a set of functioning rules applicable to achieve innovation in any market and useful to identify cultural practices inherent in the act of consumption.


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Purpose My aim is to introduce, in the project management field, an Aristotelian ethics lens moving beyond the classical deontological and consequentialism approaches underlying the current ethical practices and codes of ethics and professional conducts. In doing so, I wish to pose the premises of a debate on the implications of a conscious ethical perspective for the structure and agency relationship within the project management field Design/methodology/approach Project management is a knowledge field on its own right. However the current perspectives applied to make sense and develop the field (modernism vs. postmodernism) leads to dichotomous thinking rather than recognizing the merits and contextual validity of both sides. I call for Aristotelian Ethics as a way of moving beyond this dichotomous thinking. I introduce briefly Aristotelian Ethics and its consequences in term of relation theory – practice, means and ends, facts and values, and finally politics (i.e. being part of a community of practitioners). Then I illustrate some consequences for the field taking PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and APM Code of Professional Conduct as supports for discussion Findings I suggest a need for revisiting and/or redesigning the codes of ethics and professional conducts for project management according to an Aristotelian perspective, in order to move beyond the normative limitations of classical deontological (conflict between competing duties, exemplified by PMI Code) or consequentialism (focusing on the "right" outcome to the detriment of duties, exemplified by APM Code) approaches (both, in fact, leading to a disconnection means and ends, and facts and values). This implicates shifting our view from the question "what is my duty?" to the questions "why should I undertake my duty?" and "how ought I act in this situation?" Practical implications Raising Professional Bodies, Industry and Education institutions awareness and consciousness and leading them to rethink about codes of ethics and the implications for the way they conceive practice and research, bodies of knowledge, credentialing, education... Originality/value To the best of my knowledge, this kind of discussion has not yet been conducted within the project management field, and considering the implication of project management in our life and for the well being of the society, an ethical debate may present some value(s)


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Optimisation is a fundamental step in the turbine design process, especially in the development of non-classical designs of radial-inflow turbines working with high-density fluids in low-temperature Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs). The present work discusses the simultaneous optimisation of the thermodynamic cycle and the one-dimensional design of radial-inflow turbines. In particular, the work describes the integration between a 1D meanline preliminary design code adapted to real gases and the performance estimation approach for radial-inflow turbines in an established ORC cycle analysis procedure. The optimisation approach is split in two distinct loops; the inner operates on the 1D design based on the parameters received from the outer loop, which optimises the thermodynamic cycle. The method uses parameters including brine flow rate, temperature and working fluid, shifting assumptions such as head and flow coefficients into the optimisation routine. The discussed design and optimisation method is then validated against published benchmark cases. Finally, using the same conditions, the coupled optimisation procedure is extended to the preliminary design of a radial-inflow turbine with R143a as working fluid in realistic geothermal conditions and compared against results from commercially-available software RITAL from Concepts-NREC.


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Both environmental economists and policy makers have shown a great deal of interest in the effect of pollution abatement on environmental efficiency. In line with the modern resources available, however, no contribution is brought to the environmental economics field with the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) application, which enables simulation from a distribution of a Markov chain and simulating from the chain until it approaches equilibrium. The probability density functions gained prominence with the advantages over classical statistical methods in its simultaneous inference and incorporation of any prior information on all model parameters. This paper concentrated on this point with the application of MCMC to the database of China, the largest developing country with rapid economic growth and serious environmental pollution in recent years. The variables cover the economic output and pollution abatement cost from the year 1992 to 2003. We test the causal direction between pollution abatement cost and environmental efficiency with MCMC simulation. We found that the pollution abatement cost causes an increase in environmental efficiency through the algorithm application, which makes it conceivable that the environmental policy makers should make more substantial measures to reduce pollution in the near future.