979 resultados para Free-radical Polymerization


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Oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTMs) can alter the function of proteins, and are important in the redox regulation of cell behaviour. The most informative technique to detect and locate oxPTMs within proteins is mass spectrometry (MS). However, proteomic MS data are usually searched against theoretical databases using statistical search engines, and the occurrence of unspecified or multiple modifications, or other unexpected features, can lead to failure to detect the modifications and erroneous identifications of oxPTMs. We have developed a new approach for mining data from accurate mass instruments that allows multiple modifications to be examined. Accurate mass extracted ion chromatograms (XIC) for specific reporter ions from peptides containing oxPTMs were generated from standard LC-MSMS data acquired on a rapid-scanning high-resolution mass spectrometer (ABSciex 5600 Triple TOF). The method was tested using proteins from human plasma or isolated LDL. A variety of modifications including chlorotyrosine, nitrotyrosine, kynurenine, oxidation of lysine, and oxidized phospholipid adducts were detected. For example, the use of a reporter ion at 184.074 Da/e, corresponding to phosphocholine, was used to identify for the first time intact oxidized phosphatidylcholine adducts on LDL. In all cases the modifications were confirmed by manual sequencing. ApoB-100 containing oxidized lipid adducts was detected even in healthy human samples, as well as LDL from patients with chronic kidney disease. The accurate mass XIC method gave a lower false positive rate than normal database searching using statistical search engines, and identified more oxidatively modified peptides. A major advantage was that additional modifications could be searched after data collection, and multiple modifications on a single peptide identified. The oxPTMs present on albumin and ApoB-100 have potential as indicators of oxidative damage in ageing or inflammatory diseases.


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Several ester derivatives of rosmarinic acid (rosmarinates) were synthesised, characterised (1D and 2D NMR, UV and FTIR spectroscopy) and tested for their potential use as antioxidants derived from a renewable natural resource. The intrinsic free radical scavenging activity of the rosmarinates was assessed, initially using a modified DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical) method, and found to be higher than that of commercial synthetic hindered phenol antioxidants Irganox 1076 and Irganox 1010. The thermal stabilising performance of the rosmarinates in polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) was subsequently examined and compared to that of samples prepared similarly but in the presence of Irganox 1076 (in PE) and Irganox 1010 (in PP) which are typically used for polyolefin stabilisation in industrial practice. The melt stability and the long-term thermo-oxidative stability (LTTS) of processed polymers containing the antioxidants were assessed by measuring the melt flow index (MFI), melt viscosity, oxidation induction time (OIT) and long-term (accelerated) thermal ageing performance. The results show that both the melt and the thermo-oxidative stabilisation afforded by the rosmarinates, and in particular the stearyl derivative, in both PE and PP, are superior to those of Irganox 1076 and Irganox 1010, hence their potential as effective sustainable bio-based antioxidants for polymers. The rosmarinic acid used for the synthesis of the rosmarinates esters in this study was obtained from commercial rosemary extracts (AquaROX80). Furthermore, a large number of different strains of UK-grown rosemary plants (Rosmarinum officinalis) were also extracted and analysed in order to examine their antioxidant content. It was found that the carnosic and the rosmarinic acids, and to a much lesser extent the carnosol, constituted the main antioxidant components of the UK-plants, with the two acids being present at a ratio of 3:1, respectively.


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. The transcription factor, Nrf2 (nuclear factor E2-related factor 2) that binds to the antioxidant responsive element (ARE) activates a battery of genes encoding enzymes and factors essential for neuronal survival. We have investigated the hypothesis that a downstream product of cyclooxygenase(COX-2), 15-deoxy-delta (12, 14)-prostagland in J2 (15d-PGJ2) has protective effects by activating the Nrf2 pathway during oxidative stress.Human neuroblastoma cells (SHSY5Y) were differentiated intoneuronal-like cells as described previously (Gimenez-Cassina et al.,2006). SHSY5Y cells were co-treated with 10 mM buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) 7 10 mM 15d-PGJ2. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay and cellular glutathione (GSH) levels were measured after treating cells for0.5-24 hours by GSH recycling assay. Cellular Nrf2 levels were determined by immunoblotting. IL-6 levels were measured by ELISA.15d-PGJ2 alone lowered GSH levels 30min after the treatment(12.870.64 nmol/mg protein) and returned to untreated control levels at 16hours (28.173.6 nmol/mg protein; Po0.01). Compared to intracellular GSH levels in untreated cells (27.871.8 nmol/mg protein) BSO treatment alone significantly decreased GSH (9.672.1 nmol/mg protein;Po0.001) but co-incubation with 15d-PGJ2 for 24 hours prevented the depletion elicited by BSO(21.372.7 nmol/mg protein). Compared to untreated cells BSO treatment decrease dIL-6 secretion (from 0.941.6ng/ml to 0.6971.3ng/ml) and total Nrf2 protein levels (by21%). Co-incubation with15d-PGJ2 for 24 hours with BSO did not change IL-6(0.6771.4ng/ml) or total Nrf2 level at any time point. This study suggests that neuronal toxicity resulting from glutathione depletion canbere stored by the induction of Nrf2-ARE pathway and the role of the Nrf2 signalling merits further investigation in neurodegenerative diseases.


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There is a growing awareness that inflammatory diseases have an oxidative pathology, which can result in specific oxidation of amino acids within proteins. Antibody-based techniques for detecting oxidative posttranslational modifications (oxPTMs) are often used to identify the level of protein oxidation. There are many commercially available antibodies but some uncertainty to the potential level of cross reactivity they exhibit; moreover little information regarding the specific target epitopes is available. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of antibodies to distinguish between select peptides with and without oxPTMs. Two peptides, one containing chlorotyrosine (DY-Cl-EDQQKQLC) and the other an unmodified tyrosine (DYEDQQKQLC) were synthesized and complementary anti-sera were produced in sheep using standard procedures. The anti-sera were tested using a half-sandwich ELISA and the anti-serum raised against the chloro-tyrosine containing peptide showed increased binding to the chlorinated peptide, whereas the control anti-serum bound similarly to both peptides. This suggested that antibodies can discriminate between similar peptide sequences with and without an oxidative modification. A peptide (STSYGTGC) and its variants with chlorotyrosine or nitrotyrosine were produced. The anti-sera showed substantially less binding to these alternative peptides than to the original peptides the anti-sera were produced against. Work is ongoing to test commercially available antibodies against the synthetic peptides as a comparison to the anti-sera produced in sheep. In conclusion, the antisera were able to distinguish between oxidatively modified and unmodified peptides, and two different sequences around the modification site.


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Phospholipid oxidation by adventitious damage generates a wide variety of products with potentially novel biological activities that can modulate inflammatory processes associated with various diseases. To understand the biological importance of oxidised phospholipids (OxPL) and their potential role as disease biomarkers requires precise information about the abundance of these compounds in cells and tissues. There are many chemiluminescence and spectrophotometric assays available for detecting oxidised phospholipids, but they all have some limitations. Mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography is a powerful and sensitive approach that can provide detailed information about the oxidative lipidome, but challenges still remain. The aim of this work is to develop improved methods for detection of OxPLs by optimisation of chromatographic separation through testing several reverse phase columns and solvent systems, and using targeted mass spectrometry approaches. Initial experiments were carried out using oxidation products generated in vitro to optimise the chromatography separation parameters and mass spectrometry parameters. We have evaluated the chromatographic separation of oxidised phosphatidylcholines (OxPCs) and oxidised phosphatidylethanolamines (OXPEs) using C8, C18 and C30 reverse phase, polystyrene – divinylbenzene based monolithic and mixed – mode hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) columns, interfaced with mass spectrometry. Our results suggest that the monolithic column was best able to separate short chain OxPCs and OxPEs from long chain oxidised and native PCs and PEs. However, variation in charge of polar head groups and extreme diversity of oxidised species make analysis of several classes of OxPLs within one analytical run impractical. We evaluated and optimised the chromatographic separation of OxPLs by serially coupling two columns: HILIC and monolith column that provided us the larger coverage of OxPL species in a single analytical run.


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Previous experimental models suggest that vitamin E may ameliorate periodontitis. However, epidemiologic studies show inconsistent evidence in supporting this plausible association. We aimed to investigate the association between serum α-tocopherol (αT) and γ-tocopherol (γT) and periodontitis in a large cross-sectional US population. This study included 4708 participants in the 1999–2001 NHANES. Serum tocopherols were measured by HPLC and values were adjusted by total cholesterol (TC). Periodontal status was assessed by mean clinical attachment loss (CAL) and probing pocket depth (PPD). Total periodontitis (TPD) was defined as the sum of mild, moderate, and severe periodontitis. All measurements were performed by NHANES. Means ± SDs of serum αT:TC ratio from low to high quartiles were 4.0 ± 0.4, 4.8 ± 0.2, 5.7 ± 0.4, and 9.1 ± 2.7 μmol/mmol. In multivariate regression models, αT:TC quartiles were inversely associated with mean CAL (P-trend = 0.06), mean PPD (P-trend < 0.001), and TPD (P-trend < 0.001) overall. Adjusted mean differences (95% CIs) between the first and fourth quartile of αT:TC were 0.12 mm (0.03, 0.20; P-difference = 0.005) for mean CAL and 0.12 mm (0.06, 0.17; P < 0.001) for mean PPD, whereas corresponding OR for TPD was 1.65 (95% CI: 1.26, 2.16; P-difference = 0.001). In a dose-response analysis, a clear inverse association between αT:TC and mean CAL, mean PPD, and TPD was observed among participants with relatively low αT:TC. No differences were seen in participants with higher αT:TC ratios. Participants with γT:TC ratio in the interquartile range showed a significantly lower mean PPD than those in the highest quartile. A nonlinear inverse association was observed between serum αT and severity of periodontitis, which was restricted to adults with normal but relatively low αT status. These findings warrant further confirmation in longitudinal or intervention settings.


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The reactions of nitrones with free radicals have been widely studied both in vitro and in vivo. In comparison to classical chain-breaking phenolic antioxidants (such as Vitamin E and butylated hydroxytoluene [BHT]), conventional phenyl-substituted nitrones have much higher oxidation potentials. Azulenyl-substituted nitrones have lower oxidation potentials than conventional nitrones and react efficiently with free radicals in vitro and in vivo. The design and synthesis of novel azulenyl nitrones with yet lower oxidation potentials, prepared from commercially available guaiazulene, has produced several 1,2-trans -bis-azulenyl ethene compounds with enhanced antioxidant activity. A convenient 1H NMR-based assay for assessing the potency of chain-breaking antioxidants has shown these novel nitrones to be more than 300 times more potent in inhibiting the free radical-mediated aerobic peroxidation of cumene than α-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) and the experimental stroke drug NXY-059. The low oxidation potential of these novel nitrones and the stability of the corresponding radical cation have been implicated in the explanation of the increased antioxidant potency of these second generation azulenyl nitrones. Based on the results of these in vitro studies, the first of these novel compounds, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was investigated in animal models of disease known to involve free radical-mediated pathology. In view of STAZN's marked lipophilicity and anticipated blood brain barrier permeability, neurodegenerative conditions were investigated. All animal experiments were performed at the University of Miami by members of the Ginsberg research group. STAZN was neuroprotective in traumatic brain injury in rats. It also provided exceptional neuroprotection in an animal model of stroke. The concentration of STAZN required for neuroprotection was 300–600 times less than doses of PBN or NXY-059 required for similar effect. Thus, the benefits of greater antioxidant potency sought by lowering the oxidation potential of nitrones appear to have been reaped both in vitro and in vivo. In spite of the challenges and difficulties in understanding free radical-mediated pathology, this work establishes that considerations such as redox potential and lipophilicity can provide a very fruitful rationale for the design of therapeutic azulenyl nitrone antioxidants. ^


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Free radicals have been implicated in various pathological conditions such as, stroke, aging and ischemic heart disease (IHD), as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The role of antioxidants in protection from the harmful effects of free radicals has long been recognized. Trapping extremely reactive free radicals and eliminating them from circulation has been shown to be effective in animal models. Nitrone-based free radical traps have been extensively explored in biological systems. Examples include nitrones such as PBN, NXY-059, MDL-101,002, DMPO and EMPO. However, these nitrones have extremely high oxidation potentials as compared to natural antioxidants such as Vitamin E (α-tocopherol), and glutathione. Becker et al. (1995) synthesized novel azulenyl nitrones, which were shown to have oxidation potentials much lower than that of any of the previously reported nitrone based spin traps. Another azulenyl nitrone derivative, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was shown to have an even lower oxidation potential within the range of natural antioxidants. STAZN, a second generation free radical trap, was found to be markedly superior than the two most studied nitrones, PBN and NXY-059, in animal models of cerebral ischemia and in an in vitro assay of lipid peroxidation. In this study, a third generation azulenyl nitrone was synthesized with an electron donating group on the previously synthesized STAZN derivative with the aim to lower the oxidation potential even more. Pseudoazulenes, because of the presence of an annular heteroatom, have been reported to possess even lower oxidation potential than that of the azulenyl counterpart. Therefore, pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized for the first time by extracting and elaborating valtrate from the roots of Centranthus ruber (Red valerian or Jupiter’s beard). Several pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized by using a facile experimental protocol. The physical and biological properties of these pseudoazulenyl nitrones can be easily modified by simply changing the substituent on the heteroatom. Cyclic voltammetry experiments have shown that these pseudoazulenyl nitrones do indeed have low oxidation potentials. The oxidation potential of these nitrones was lowered even more by preparing derivatives bearing an electron donating group at the 3-position of the five membered ring of the pseudoazulenyl nitrone.


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The superoxide radical is considered to play important roles in physiological processes as well as in the genesis of diverse cytotoxic conditions such as cancer, various cardiovascular disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The detection and quantification of superoxide within cells is of critical importance to understand biological roles of superoxide and to develop preventive strategies against free radical-mediated diseases. Cyclic nitrone spin traps such as DMPO, EMPO, DEPMPO, BMPO and their derivatives have been widely used in conjunction with ESR spectroscopy to detect cellular superoxide with some success. However, the formation of unstable superoxide adducts from the reaction of cyclic nitrones with superoxide is a stumbling block in detecting superoxide by using electron spin resonance (ESR). A chemiluminescent probe, lucigenin, and fluorogenic probes, hydroethidium and MitoSox, are the other frequently used methods in detecting superoxide. However, luceginen undergoes redox-cycling producing superoxide by itself, and hydroethidium and MitoSox react with other oxidants apart from superoxide forming red fluorescent products contributing to artefacts in these assays. Hence, both methods were deemed to be inappropriate for superoxide detection. In this study, an effective approach, a selective mechanism-based colorimetric detection of superoxide anion has been developed by using silylated azulenyl nitrones spin traps. Since a nitrone moiety and an adjacent silyl group react readily with radicals and oxygen anions respectively, such nitrones can trap superoxide efficiently because superoxide is both a radical and an oxygen anion. Moreover, the synthesized nitrone is designed to be triggered solely by superoxide and not by other commonly observed oxygen radicals such as hydroxyl radical, alkoxyl radicals and peroxyl radical. In vitro studies have shown that these synthesized silylated azylenyl nitrones and the mitochondrial-targeted guanylhydrazone analog can trap superoxide efficiently yielding UV-vis identifiable and even potentially fluorescence-detectable orange products. Therefore, the chromotropic detection of superoxide using these nitrones can be a promising method in contrast to other available methods.


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Ageing is a natural phenomenon of the human lifecycle, yet it is still not understood what causes the deterioration of the human body near the end of the lifespan. One popular theory is the Free Radical Theory of Ageing, which proposes that oxidative damage to biomolecules causes ageing of tissues. The ageing population is affected by many chronic diseases. This study focused on sarcopenia (muscle loss in ageing) and obesity as two models for comparison of oxidative damage in muscle proteins in mice. The aim of the study was to develop advanced mass spectrometry methods to detect specific oxidative modifications to mouse muscle proteins, including oxidation, nitration, chlorination, and carbonyl group formation, but western blotting was also used to provide complementary information on the oxidative state of proteins from aged and obese muscle. Mass spectrometry proved to be a powerful tool, enabling identification of the types of modifications present, the sites at which they were present and percentage of the peptide populations that were modified. Targeted and semi-targeted mass spectrometry methods were optimised for the identification and quantitation of the oxidised residues in muscle proteins. The development of the quantitative methods enabled comparisons of mass spectrometry instruments. Both the Time of Flight and QTRAP systems showed advantages of using the different mass analysers to quantify oxidative modifications. Several oxidised residues were characterised and quantified in both the obese and sarcopenic models, and higher levels of oxidation were found compared to their control counterparts. Residues found to be oxidised were oxidation of proline, tyrosine and tryptophan, dioxidation of methionine, allysine and nitration of tyrosine. However quantification was performed on methionine dioxidation and cysteine trioxidation containing residues in SERCA. The combination of measuring residue susceptibility and functional studies could contribute to understanding the overall role of oxidation in ageing and obesity.


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The Banisteriopsis genus is widespread in traditional medicine. This work aims to contribute with information about the chemical composition and on the evaluation of the biological activity of the essential oil, the ethanol extract of the leaves and partitions of the Banisteriopsis laevifolia. The phytochemical screeningtest of ethanol extract and partitions of leaves indicated the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, phenols and steroids compounds. Nitrogenous compounds, characteristic of some species of this family, were not detected. Flavonoids were the predominant metabolite, with the highest concentrations on the partitions ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The antibacterial activity, antifungal and cytotoxicity of the essetial oil, ethanol extract and partitions were assyed by microdilution broth method (MBM), where the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were calculated. The ethanol extract and partitions did not inhibit growth against to Gram positive bacteria tested, with MIC less than 400 mg L-1. For the Gram negative bacteria tested, the hexane and hydroethanol partitios were more effective against F. nucleatum bacteria (MIC 100 ug mL-1). The ethanol extract showed antifungal activity with MIC of 31.2 mg L-1. Ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions showed MIC 187.5 mg L-1 and 93.7 mg L-1, respectively, arousing interest for isolation studies. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH free radical method. The ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions were active, since they showed EC50 values (4.53 ug mL-1, 4.07 and 8.39 ug mL-1, respectively), values equivalent to the BHT (7.3 mg L-1). The analysis by HPLC-MS/MS of the most active fractions (ethyl acetate and n-butanol) identified phenolic compounds (flavonols and phenolic acids) which exert recognized biological activity. The GC-MS analysis of the essential oils from leaves collected in two periods studied (dry and wet), showed a small variation in the number of compounds. The major classes identified for the oil collected in the dry period were aliphatic alcohols (23,4%), terpenoids (18.7%), sterols (10.4%) and long-chain alkanes (9.2%) compounds. Terpenoids (26.8%) were the major class for the rain season. The major compounds (3Z) -hexenol, phytol and untriacontano are present in the two seasons but in different amounts (19.4%, 9.8% and 7.5% during the dry season, and 17.0 %, 14.9% and 15.3% in the rainy season, respectively). The essential oil from rainy season was not effective against to the oral bacteria Gram positive and Gram negative tested. However, showed significant antifungal activity with MIC 1000 mg L-1 against Candidas. Thus, the promising results with respect to biological assays of ethanolic extract and partitions from B. laevifolia contributed to the chemical and biological knowledge of the species B. laevifolia.


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With the increasing fungi resistance compared with existing drugs on the market and the side effects reported by some compounds with antioxidant properties and enzymatic inhibitors, in particular against α-amylase and α-glucosidase, the discovery of new compounds with biological potential, becomes a need. In this context, natural products can be an important source for the discovery of new active molecular architectures. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity, the enzymatic inhibitory activity of α-amylase and α-glucosidase, the antifungal and cytotoxic activities of ethanolic extract (EE) the leaves of Banisteriopsis argyrophylla (Malpighiaceae) and their fractions, obtained by liquid-liquid extraction using solvents of increasing polarity. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the free radical DPPH scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and the ethyl acetate fractions (FAE) and n-butanol (FB) were the most active, confirmed by the peak current and the oxidation potential obtained by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The inhibitory activity of the α-amylase and α-glucosidase was analyzed considering the reactions between substrates α-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-β-1,4-galactopiranosilmaltoside (Gal-α-G2-CNP) and 4-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG), respectively. Initially, it was found that the EE showed considerable activity against α-amylase (EC50 = 2.89±0.1 μg m L–1) compared to the acarbose used as positive control (EC50 = 0.08±0.1 μg mL–1) and that did not showed promising activity against the α-glucosidase. After this observation we evaluated the inhibitory activity of α-amylase fractions, with FAE (EC50 = 2.33±0.1 μg mL–1) and FB (EC50 = 2.57 ± 0.1 μg mL–1) showing the best inhibitions. The antifungal activity was evaluated against Candida species, and the FAE had better antifungal potential (MIC's between 93.75 and 11.72 μg mL–1) compared with amphotericin as positive standard (MIC = 1.00 and 2.00 μg L–1 for C. parapsilosis and C. krusei used as controls, respectively). The EE (CC50 = 360.00 ± 12 μg mL–1) and fractions (CC50's> 270.00 μg mL–1) were considerably less toxic to Vero cells than the cisplatin used as positive control (CC50 = 7.01 ± 0 6 μg mL–1). The FAE showed the best results for the activities studied, this fraction was submitted to ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS)), and the following flavonoids have been identified: (±)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-β-D-Glc/ quercetin-3-O-β-D-Gal, quercetin-3-O-β-L-Ara, quercetin-3-O-β-D-Xyl, quercetin-3-O-α-L-Rha, kaempferol-3-O-α-L-Rha, quercetin-3-O-(2''-galoil)-α-L-Rha, quercetin-3-O-(3''-galoil)-α-L-Rha and kaempferol-3-O-(3''-galoil)-α-L-Rha,. FAE was submitted to column chromatography using C18 phase, and (±)-catechin was isolated (FAE-A1, 73 mg) and three fractions consisting of a mixture of flavonoids were obtained (FAE-A2, FAE-A3 and FAE-A4). These compounds were identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and (–)-ESI-MS. The (±)-catechin fraction showed an MIC = 2.83 μg ml–1 in assay using C. glabrata, with amphotericin as positive control. The fractions FAE-A2, FAE-A3, FAE-A4, showed less antifungal potential in tested concentrations. The identified flavonoids are described in the literature, regarding their antioxidant capacity and (±)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-Rha and kaempferol-3-O-Rha are described as α-amylase inhibitors. Thus, B. argyrophylla is an important species that produces compounds with antioxidant potential that can be related to the traditional use as anti-inflammatory and also has antifungal compounds and inhibitors of α-amylase. Therefore, these leaves are promising resources for the production of new drugs.


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Free radicals have been implicated in various pathological conditions such as, stroke, aging and ischemic heart disease (IHD), as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The role of antioxidants in protection from the harmful effects of free radicals has long been recognized. Trapping extremely reactive free radicals and eliminating them from circulation has been shown to be effective in animal models. Nitrone-based free radical traps have been extensively explored in biological systems. Examples include nitrones such as PBN, NXY-059, MDL-101,002, DMPO and EMPO. However, these nitrones have extremely high oxidation potentials as compared to natural antioxidants such as Vitamin E (á-tocopherol), and glutathione. Becker et al. (1995) synthesized novel azulenyl nitrones, which were shown to have oxidation potentials much lower than that of any of the previously reported nitrone based spin traps. Another azulenyl nitrone derivative, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was shown to have an even lower oxidation potential within the range of natural antioxidants. STAZN, a second generation free radical trap, was found to be markedly superior than the two most studied nitrones, PBN and NXY-059, in animal models of cerebral ischemia and in an in vitro assay of lipid peroxidation. In this study, a third generation azulenyl nitrone was synthesized with an electron donating group on the previously synthesized STAZN derivative with the aim to lower the oxidation potential even more. Pseudoazulenes, because of the presence of an annular heteroatom, have been reported to possess even lower oxidation potential than that of the azulenyl counterpart. Therefore, pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized for the first time by extracting and elaborating valtrate from the roots of Centranthus ruber (Red valerian or Jupiter’s beard). Several pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized by using a facile experimental protocol. The physical and biological properties of these pseudoazulenyl nitrones can be easily modified by simply changing the substituent on the heteroatom. Cyclic voltammetry experiments have shown that these pseudoazulenyl nitrones do indeed have low oxidation potentials. The oxidation potential of these nitrones was lowered even more by preparing derivatives bearing an electron donating group at the 3-position of the five membered ring of the pseudoazulenyl nitrone.


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The main goal of this thesis was to prepare medium-chain-length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) nanoparticle suspensions at high solids content (≥ 10 % w/v). A two-stage emulsification-solvent evaporation process was employed to produce poly-3-hydroxydecanoate (PHD) suspensions. The formulation and processing conditions including ultrasonication time and amplitude, selection of solvent, and selection of surfactants and their concentrations were investigated to make concentrated suspensions (10 and 30 % (w/v)) of PHD with particles less than 300 nm. Among the ionic surfactants tested to stabilize the suspension, the anionic, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), and the cationic, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) surfactants produced the smallest particle sizes (~100 nm). However, more stabilized nanoparticles were obtained when the ionic surfactant, SDS, was combined with any of the non-ionic surfactants tested, with polyoxyethylene octyl phenyl ether (Triton X-100) or polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80) resulting in a slight increase in zeta potential over 30 days while the zeta potential with other non-ionic surfactants decreased. Mcl-PHA containing 11 and 18 % of carboxyl groups was synthesized via free radical addition reaction of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid to the pendant double bonds of unsaturated poly-3-hydroxynonanoate (PHNU). Colloidal suspensions prepared by ultrasonication needed a surfactant to maintain stability, even at 0.4 % solids of mcl-PHA containing 11 % carboxylation (PHNC-1) unlike the stable suspensions prepared without surfactants by the titration method. Similar particle sizes (155.6 ± 8.4 to 163.4 ± 11.3 nm) and polydispersity indices (0.42 ± 0.03 to 0.49 ± 0.04) were obtained when several non-ionic surfactants were tested to minimize particle agglomeration, with the smallest particles obtained with Triton X-100. When Triton X-100 was combined with a variety of ionic surfactants, smaller nanoparticles (97.1 ± 1.1 to 121.7 ± 5.7 nm) with a narrower particle size distribution (0.21 ± 0.001 to 0.25 ± 0.003) were produced. The SDS and Triton X-100 combination was chosen to evaluate other mcl-PHAs at 10 % (w/v) solids content. Slightly smaller nanoparticles were formed with carboxylated mcl-PHAs compared to mcl-PHAs having aliphatic pendant side chains. Mcl-PHA consisting of 18 % carboxylation (PHNC-2) formed a much smaller nanoparticles and higher zeta potential.


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This thesis describes the preparation of polymersomes from poly(ethylene glycol)-block-polycarbonate (PEG-PC) copolymers functionalized with pendant coumarin groups. Coumarin groups undergo photo-reversible dimerization when irradiated with specific ultraviolet wavelengths, so they can be used to prepare polymers with photo-responsive properties. In this case, the pendant coumarin groups enable stabilization of the polymersome membrane through photo-crosslinking of the hydrophobic block. Initially, several novel cinnamoyl and coumarin functionalized cyclic carbonate monomers were synthesized using ester, ether, or amide linkages. While the homopolymerization of these functionalized monomers proved challenging due to their high melting points, both cinnamoyl and coumarin functionalized monomers were successfully copolymerized with trimethylene carbonate (TMC) at 100 ℃ using a catalyst-free melt polymerization process where the TMC doubled as a solvent for the higher melting point monomer. Using this system, polycarbonate copolymers with up to 33% incorporation of the functionalized monomers were prepared. In addition, an investigation of some anomalous polymerization results identified previously unreported triethylamine-based catalysts for the melt polymerization of carbonate monomers. These studies also demonstrated that the catalyst-free polymerization of TMC occurs faster and at lower temperatures than previously reported. Subsequently, the photo-crosslinking of cinnamoyl and coumarin functionalized polycarbonates was compared and coumarin was identified as the more effective crosslinking agent when using 300-400 nm UV. An investigation of the photo-reversibility of the coumarin dimerization revealed no discernible change in the properties of crosslinked networks, but rapid photo-reversion in dilute solutions. The photo-crosslinking and photo-reversion kinetics of the coumarin functionalized polycarbonates were determined to be second-order in both cases. Finally, the self-assembly of PEG-PC diblock copolymers functionalized with coumarin was examined and both reverse solvent evaporation and solvent displacement were found to induce self-assembly, with hydrophilic mass fractions (f-factors) of 12-28% resulting in the formation of solid microparticles and nanoparticles and f-factors of 33-43% resulting in the formation of polymersomes. The stabilization of these polymersome membranes through photo-initiator-free photo-crosslinking was demonstrated with the crosslinking allowing polymersomes to withstand centrifugation at 12,000 x g. In addition, the encapsulation of calcein, as a model small molecule drug, in the stabilized polymersomes was successfully demonstrated using confocal microscopy.