986 resultados para Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, 1795-1861


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Geological site characterisation programmes typically rely on drill cores for direct information on subsurface rocks. However, porosity, transport properties and porewater composition measured on drill cores can deviate from in-situ values due to two main artefacts caused by drilling and sample recovery: (1) mechanical disruption that increases porosity and (2) contamination of the porewater by drilling fluid. We investigated the effect and magnitude of these perturbations on large drill core samples (12–20 cm long, 5 cmdiameter) of high-grade, granitic gneisses obtained from 350 to 600 m depth in a borehole on Olkiluoto Island (SW Finland). The drilling fluid was traced with sodium–iodide. By combining out-diffusion experiments, gravimetry, UV-microscopy and iodide mass balance calculations, we successfully quantified the magnitudes of the artefacts: 2–6% increase in porosity relative to the bulk connected porosity and 0.9 to 8.9 vol.% contamination by drilling fluid. The spatial distribution of the drilling-induced perturbations was revealed by numerical simulations of 2D diffusion matched to the experimental data. This showed that the rims of the samples have a mechanically disrupted zone 0.04 to 0.22 cm wide, characterised by faster transport properties compared to the undisturbed centre (1.8 to 7.7 times higher pore diffusion coefficient). Chemical contamination was shown to affect an even wider zone in all samples, ranging from 0.15 to 0.60 cm, inwhich iodide enrichmentwas up to 180 mg/kgwater, compared to 0.5 mg/kgwater in the uncontaminated centre. For all samples in the present case study, it turned out that the magnitude of the artefacts caused by drilling and sample recovery is so small that no correction is required for their effects. Therefore, the standard laboratory measurements of porosity, transport properties and porewater composition can be taken as valid in-situ estimates. However, it is clear that the magnitudes strongly depend on site- and drilling-specific factors and therefore our results cannot be transferred simply to other locations. We recommend the approach presented in this study as a route to obtain reliable values in future drilling campaigns aimed at characterising in-situ bedrock properties.


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Fasciola hepatica, also called the large liver fluke, is a trematode which can infect most mammals. Monitoring the infection rate of snails, which function as intermediate hosts and harbour larval stages of F. hepatica, is an important component of epidemiological studies on fascioliasis. For this purpose, DNA probes were generated which can be used for the detection of F. hepatica larvae in snails. Four highly repetitive DNA fragments were cloned in a plasmid vector and tested by Southern blot hybridization to the DNA of various trematodes for specificity and sensitivity. The probes Fhr-I, Fhr-II and Fhr-III hybridized only to F. hepatica DNA. Fhr-IV contained ribosomal RNA gene sequences and cross-hybridize with the DNA from various other trematode species. Squash blot analysis showed that the different probes were able to detect the parasite larvae in trematode-infected snails even as isolated single larvae. No signals were obtained in squash blots of uninfected snails. Probes Fhr-I, Fhr-II and Fhr-III are thus useful specific tools for studying the epidemiology of fascioliasis. The probe Fhr-IV, because of its broader spectrum, can be used to detect the larvae of a wide range of trematode species of waterbirds, which are the causative agents of swimmer's itch.


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It is generally believed that 1,25(OH)2D3, bound to its receptor (VDR) contributes to calcium homeostasis by regulating active calcium absorption in the proximal small intestine. However, studying patients with hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets (HVDRR) provided investigators with a better understanding of VDR's role in calcium homeostasis. HVDRR patients have inactivating mutations in the VDR, and as a consequence they develop hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism and severe rickets. However, these phenotypes can be corrected if the patients are given IV infusions of calcium or dietary calcium. This raises the question of what is the physiological significance of VDR-regulated active calcium absorption if calcium homeostasis can be restored independently of the VDR. ^ In order to distinguish the contribution of VDR in the proximal small intestine to overall calcium homeostasis, I generated transgenic mice expressing the human VDR (hVDR) exclusively in the proximal small intestine of mVDR-/- mice by using an hVDR-expressing transgene driven by the duodenal-specific adenosine deaminase enhancer (hVDR+/mVDR-/-). hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice expressed transcriptionally active hVDR only in the proximal small intestine and responded to 1,25(OH)2D3 by up-regulating expression of TRPV6 and calbindin D9K, genes involved in calcium absorption. Furthermore, ligated duodenal loop assays determined that calcium absorption in hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice was as responsive to 1,25(OH)2D3 as in WT mice. Despite having a functional hVDR in the proximal small intestine, hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice were hypocalcemic, had hyperparathyroidism, and were rachitic when fed a normal rodent diet at weaning, as were the mVDR-/- mice. However, when fed a high calcium, phosphorus, and lactose diet (rescue diet), the hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice responded more effectively than the mVDR-/- mice by down-regulation of parathyroid hormone production and by a greater increase in bone mineralization. Furthermore, when three-month-old rachitic mice were fed a rescue diet for 3 weeks, serum calcium and bone mineral content were normalized in hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice, but not in mVDR-/- mice. ^ In conclusion, hVDR expression enabled young mice to better use the rescue diet than mVDR-/- mice. Expression of transgenic hVDR also protected the ability of older mice to respond to the rescue diet despite the absence of the VDR elsewhere in the intestinal tract. I propose that because hVDR+/mVDR-/- mice responded better than mVDR-/- mice to the rescue diet, it is likely that VDR expression in the proximal small intestine is necessary in nutritional (insufficient dietary calcium) and physiological (age) conditions when passive calcium absorption is inadequate. ^


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This paper reports a cost-effectiveness analysis of standard therapeutic interventions received by ambulatory dually diagnosed clients of a Community Mental Health Center (CMHC). For the purposes of this study dually diagnosed was defined as a DSM-III-R or IV diagnosis of a major mental disorder and a concomitant substance abuse disorder. The prevalence of dually diagnosed people among the mentally ill and their unique and problematic nature continues to challenge and encumber CMHCs and poses grave public health risks. An absence of research on these clients in community-based settings and the cost-effectiveness of their standard CMHC care has hindered the development of effective community-based intervention strategies. This exploratory and descriptive effort is a first step toward providing information on which to base programmatic management decisions.^ Data for this study were derived from electronic client records of a CMHC located in a large Southwestern, Sun-belt metropolitan area. A total of 220 records were collected on clients consecutively admitted during a two-and-one-half year period. Information was gathered profiling the clients' background characteristics, receipt of standard services and treatments, costs of the care they received, and length of CMHC enrollment and subsequent psychiatric hospitalizations. The services and treatments were compared with regard to their costs and predicted contributions toward maintaining clients in the community and out of public psychiatric hospitals.^ This study investigated: (1) the study groups' background, mental illness, and substance abuse characteristics; (2) types, extent, and patterns of their receipt of standard services and treatments; (3) associations between the receipt of services and treatments, community tenure, and risk of psychiatric hospitalization; and, (4) comparisons of average costs for services and treatments in terms of their contributions toward maintaining the clients in the community.^ The results suggest that substance abuse and other lifestyle factors were related to the dually diagnosed clients' admissions to the CMHC. The dually diagnosed clients' receipt of care was associated strongly with their insurability and global functioning. Medication Services were the most expensive yet effective service or treatment. Supported Education was the third most expensive and second most effective. Psychosocial Services, the second most expensive, were only effective in terms of maintaining clients in the community. Group Counseling, the fourth most expensive, had no effect on community maintenance and increased the risk of hospitalization when accompanied by Medication Services. Individual Counseling, the least expensive, had no effect on community maintenance. But it reduced the risk of hospitalization when accompanied by Medication Services. Networking/Referral, the fifth most expensive service or treatment, was ineffective.^ The study compared the results with findings in the literature. Implications are discussed regarding further research, study limitations, practical applications and benefits, and improvements to theoretical understandings, in particular, concepts underscoring Managed Care. ^


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La acedia ocupó un importante lugar dentro de la teología espiritual de los Padres del Desierto y el concepto por ellos acuñado pasó al mundo latino a través de Casiano aunque con un significado ya levemente diverso. San Gregorio Magno la desplaza de su listado de los siete pecados capitales y, es por eso, que en los siglos siguientes la acedia será considerada una especie de pereza concerniente a las actividades piadosas propias de la vida religiosa. La escolástica del siglo XIII, sin embargo, produce una renovación del estudio de la acedia, la que encontrará un lugar más o menos importante dentro de los tratados que escribirán pensadores como Guillermo de Auxerre, Alejandro de Hales, Alberto Magno o Tomás de Aquino. En este trabajo deseo puntualizar los aspectos más destacados de la doctrina sobre la acedia que elabora Alberto Magno a lo largo de varias de sus obras, buscando señalar los aspectos más destacados y que evidencia una clara evolución de su pensamiento al respecto.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo IV a. C. Roma ocupa la Italia central y se orienta al dominio de la región meridional en colisión posible con griegos y cartagineses; su influjo se extiende incluso al Jónico cuando varias ciudades de la Magna Grecia solicitan su protección, no así Tarento, que al anclar una escuadra romana en su puerto, reaccionó atacando las naves y una guarnición romana próxima. Tarento, ante una guerra inevitable, pidió apoyo al rey Pirro de Epiro, quien vio la oportunidad de extender hacia occidente las conquistas que Alejandro dejó inconclusas; su invasión de Italia generó fuerte resistencia, pero no le impidió victorias costosas ni su avance hacia el norte; propuso por intermedio de un embajador la rendición y condiciones gravosas para los romanos que estuvieron a punto de ceder. Allí surge Appio Claudia el Ciego, anciano senador ya retirado, que con un discurso breve, preciso y muy logrado produjo un giro en las decisiones de los patricios. Analizamos el discurso conservado por Plutarco en la Vida de Pirro y lo ubicamos dentro de su contexto histórico y político; gracias a él, Roma conservó sus fronteras itálicas y preparó su futura expansión.


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Tetrapyrrole pigments isolated from sediments retrieved during Leg 57 include pheophytin-a, a myriad of chlorins, free-base deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP), as well as copper and nickel porphyrins. Their richness, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in chlorin tetrapyrroles affords a relatively complete study on the early diagenesis of chlorophyll. Our studies, coupled with those in the preceding chapter by Louda et al., point out the influence of pre- and postdepositional environments upon the mode of chlorophyll diagenesis. Formation of tetrapyrroles, collectively called "petroporphyrins," is seen to occur in only a limited set of environmental conditions (see Baker and Palmer, 1978). The more generalized route of chlorophyll diagenesis, at least in the ocean, results in removal of tetrapyrrole pigment, from the fossil record. Late diagenetic products, metalloporphyrins, are found to represent an extremely minor component of the tetrapyrrole assemblage in sediments studied from the Japan Trench. The products of chlorophyll diagenesis isolated from Japan Trench sediments allow expansion of previous diagenetic schemes (Baker and Palmer, 1978; Triebs, 1936) and indicate directions for future studies.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo IV a. C. Roma ocupa la Italia central y se orienta al dominio de la región meridional en colisión posible con griegos y cartagineses; su influjo se extiende incluso al Jónico cuando varias ciudades de la Magna Grecia solicitan su protección, no así Tarento, que al anclar una escuadra romana en su puerto, reaccionó atacando las naves y una guarnición romana próxima. Tarento, ante una guerra inevitable, pidió apoyo al rey Pirro de Epiro, quien vio la oportunidad de extender hacia occidente las conquistas que Alejandro dejó inconclusas; su invasión de Italia generó fuerte resistencia, pero no le impidió victorias costosas ni su avance hacia el norte; propuso por intermedio de un embajador la rendición y condiciones gravosas para los romanos que estuvieron a punto de ceder. Allí surge Appio Claudia el Ciego, anciano senador ya retirado, que con un discurso breve, preciso y muy logrado produjo un giro en las decisiones de los patricios. Analizamos el discurso conservado por Plutarco en la Vida de Pirro y lo ubicamos dentro de su contexto histórico y político; gracias a él, Roma conservó sus fronteras itálicas y preparó su futura expansión.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo IV a. C. Roma ocupa la Italia central y se orienta al dominio de la región meridional en colisión posible con griegos y cartagineses; su influjo se extiende incluso al Jónico cuando varias ciudades de la Magna Grecia solicitan su protección, no así Tarento, que al anclar una escuadra romana en su puerto, reaccionó atacando las naves y una guarnición romana próxima. Tarento, ante una guerra inevitable, pidió apoyo al rey Pirro de Epiro, quien vio la oportunidad de extender hacia occidente las conquistas que Alejandro dejó inconclusas; su invasión de Italia generó fuerte resistencia, pero no le impidió victorias costosas ni su avance hacia el norte; propuso por intermedio de un embajador la rendición y condiciones gravosas para los romanos que estuvieron a punto de ceder. Allí surge Appio Claudia el Ciego, anciano senador ya retirado, que con un discurso breve, preciso y muy logrado produjo un giro en las decisiones de los patricios. Analizamos el discurso conservado por Plutarco en la Vida de Pirro y lo ubicamos dentro de su contexto histórico y político; gracias a él, Roma conservó sus fronteras itálicas y preparó su futura expansión.


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DSDP Hole 504B was drilled into 6 Ma crust, about 200 km south of the Costa Rica Rift, Galapagos Spreading Center, penetrating 1.35 km into a section that can be divided into four zones-Zone I: oxic submarine weathering; Zone II: anoxic alteration; Zones III and IV: hydrothermal alteration to greenschist facies. In Zone III there is intense veining of pillow basalts. Zone IV consists of altered sheeted dikes. Isotopic geochemical signatures in relation to the alteration zones are recorded in Hole 504B, as follows: Zone Depth(m) Average87Sr/86Sr Average delta18O (?) Average deltaD (?) I 275-550 0.7032 7.3 -63 II 550-890 0.7029 6.5 -45 III 890-1050 0.7035 5.6 -31 IV 1050-1350 0.7032 5.5 -36 Alteration temperatures are as low as 10°C in Zones I and II based on oxygen isotope fractionation. Strontium isotopic data indicate that a circulation of seawater is much more restricted in Zone II than in Zone I. Fluid inclusion measurements of vein quartz indicate the alteration temperature was mainly 300 +/- 20°C in Zones III and IV, which is consistent with secondary mineral assemblages. The strontium, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids which were responsible for the greenschist facies alteration in Zones III and IV are estimated to be 0.7037, 2?, and 3?, respectively. Strontium and oxygen isotope data indicate that completely altered portions of greenstones and vein minerals were in equilibrium with modified seawater under low water/rock ratios (in weight) of about 1.6. This value is close to that of the end-member hydrothermal fluids issuing at 21°N EPR. Basement rocks are not completely hydrothermally altered. About 32% of the greenstones in Zones III and IV have escaped alteration. Thus 1 g of fresh basalt including the 32% unaltered portion are required in order to make 1 g of end-member solution from fresh seawater in water-rock reactions.