985 resultados para Forest ecology -- Mediterranean Region


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A spatial autocorrelation study of enzyme loci detected by starch gel electrophoresis was performed to verify the occurrence of spatial genetic structure within two natural populations of Machaerium villosum Vog. The sampled populations were termed "Antropic Model (MA)" and "Natural Model (MN)" and they are situated in Campininha Farm areas, at Moji-Guaçu municipality, 22°10'43''-22°18'19'' S and 47°8'5"-47°11'34" W, in the state of São Paulo. Ten polymorphic loci in the MA population and nine polymorphic loci in the MN population were assessed by Moran's I autocorrelation statistic. No spatial autocorrelation was detected among individuals within sampled populations. Results are in line with other studies in woody species from tropical rain forest.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the floristic composition and structure of the tree component in a seasonally deciduous forest on limestone outcrops, located in the northeast region of Goiás State, Brazil. A sample composed of 25 randomly sampled plots of 20 x 20 m (400 m²) within a 50 ha forest, was measured. All woody individuals > 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) had their diameter and height measured. The tree community was composed of 39 species with a density of 734 individuals ha-1; the richest families were Leguminosae (11 species), Bignoniaceae (4 species) and Apocynaceae (4 species). The forest had a basal area of 16.37 m² ha-1, with the most important species Cavanillesia arborea (3.26 m² ha-1), Pseudobombax tomentosum (2.35 m² ha-1), Dilodendron bipinnatum (1.84 m² ha-1), Tabebuia impetiginosa (1.36 m² ha-1) and Myracrodruon urundeuva (1.26 m² ha-1) occupying 61.5% of the total basal area of the forest. Several species grew on rocks, or in rock fissures or in places with a shallow layer of soil or even in litter over rocky layers. The floristic composition showed links with the "Caatinga" flora, with other patches of seasonal forests in Central Brazil and in the Pantanal, and with the Chiquitano forests of Bolivia too, containing even two species considered as endemic to the "Caatinga".


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The present study examined the floristic composition of three fragments of Araucaria Forest (AF) in the Planalto Catarinense region of southern Brazil as well as the floristic contextualization of these areas in relation to other remnant AF sites. Three AF fragments at different altitudes were analyzed in the municipalities of Campos Novos, Lages, and Painel. Fifty 200 m² plots were examined in each fragment and all of the trees with CBH (circumference at breast height) > 15.7 cm were identified. In order to floristically contextualize the study fragments, comparisons were made with other remnant AF sites by way of dendrograms and NMDS (Non-metric multidimensional scaling). Environmental and spatial variables were plotted on the diagram produced by the NMDS to evaluate their influence on the floristic patterns encountered. The forest fragments studied demonstrated high floristic heterogeneity, indicating that AFs cannot be considered homogeneous formations and they could be classified into 3 phytogeographical categories: i) high altitude areas influenced by cloud cover/fog, including the Painel region; ii) areas of lesser altitude and greater mean annual temperatures situated in the Paraná River basin, and iii) areas situated in the Paraná and Upper-Uruguay river basins and the smaller basins draining directly into the southern Atlantic, near Campos Novos and Lages. The environmental variables most highly correlated with species substitutions among the sites were altitude, mean annual temperature, and the mean temperature of the most humid trimester.


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LiDAR is an advanced remote sensing technology with many applications, including forest inventory. The most common type is ALS (airborne laser scanning). The method is successfully utilized in many developed markets, where it is replacing traditional forest inventory methods. However, it is innovative for Russian market, where traditional field inventory dominates. ArboLiDAR is a forest inventory solution that engages LiDAR, color infrared imagery, GPS ground control plots and field sample plots, developed by Arbonaut Ltd. This study is an industrial market research for LiDAR technology in Russia focused on customer needs. Russian forestry market is very attractive, because of large growing stock volumes. It underwent drastic changes in 2006, but it is still in transitional stage. There are several types of forest inventory, both with public and private funding. Private forestry enterprises basically need forest inventory in two cases – while making coupe demarcation before timber harvesting and as a part of forest management planning, that is supposed to be done every ten years on the whole leased territory. The study covered 14 companies in total that include private forestry companies with timber harvesting activities, private forest inventory providers, state subordinate companies and forestry software developer. The research strategy is multiple case studies with semi-structured interviews as the main data collection technique. The study focuses on North-West Russia, as it is the most developed Russian region in forestry. The research applies the Voice of the Customer (VOC) concept to elicit customer needs of Russian forestry actors and discovers how these needs are met. It studies forest inventory methods currently applied in Russia and proposes the model of method comparison, based on Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach, mainly on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Required product attributes are classified in accordance with Kano model. The answer about suitability of LiDAR technology is ambiguous, since many details should be taken into account.


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Early in his landmark ecocritical book The Comedy of Survival, Joseph Meeker develops an intriguing hypothesis about human behaviour. He remarks the species Homo sapiens tend to behave like an invasive or pioneering organism, entering a bio-geographical region and aggressively outcompeting all other species for space and resources. Moreover, he suggests, human cultural traditions, at least in the West, have reinforced such behaviour, continually insisting that the impulses he describes are both necessary and right. While Meeker's work goes on to assess a number of literary works in both the tragic and comic modes, his work never fully explores this hypothesis in the context of human pioneers; that is, there is no ~xploration o( how these themes manifest themselves within our culture and what role they might play in the culture of specific pioneering groups. This project is an attempt at just such an analysis, examining the validity of Meeker's hypothesis through a case study of settler literature in Upper Canada/Ontario between the . years 1800-1867. It explores Meeker's work within three main areas: first, Chapter Two situates his book historically within the field of ecocriticism, showing what came before and the explosion of ecocritical inquiry that followed its release. This chapter also delves into the rift between the natural sciences and humanities, arguing that a move towards deeper interdisciplinarity is r:tecessary for the future. Chapter Three examines the biological and ecological ground on which Meeker rests his hypothesis through exploring evolutionary biology as well as invasive and pioneer species behaviour. Lastly, Chapter Four examines how these ecological principles are manifested in the writings of early Canadian settlers, suggesting that Meeker's hypothesis indeed finds itself on stable footing.


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The Brazilian Amazon is one of the world’s largest tropical forests. It supplies more than 80 % of Brazil’s timber production and makes this nation the second largest producer of tropical wood. The forestry sector is of major importance in terms of economic production and employment creation. However, the Brazilian Amazon is also known for its high deforestation rate and for its rather unsustainably managed timber resources, a fact which puts in the balance the long-term future of the forestry sector in the region. Since the mid- 1990s, with strong support from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the number of tropical forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has significantly increased. This is especially true for projects sponsored by large scale companies. The number of community- based forest management projects has also increased. Certification of community-based forest enterprises (CFEs) was initially a goal for the sponsors and community members. Certification is viewed as a way to reach alternative timber markets. In Brazil, the state of Acre has the highest concentration of CFEs certified by FSC. Most of them have been implemented with the support of environmental NGOs and public funds. Environmental NGOs strongly defend the advantages of certification for communities; however, in reality, this option is not that advantageous. Despite all the efforts, the number of participants in each project remains low. Why is this occurring? In this paper, we analyze the underlying motives of a few individual’s participation in CFEs certification projects. We aim to present and discuss some factors that shape the success of CFEs and their later certification. The results are based on surveys conducted in two certified CFEs in the state of Acre.


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Cette étude porte sur l’écologie saisonnière des parasitoïdes des œufs de l’arpenteuse de la pruche (Lepidoptera : Geometridae), un important défoliateur du Québec (Canada). Premièrement, nous décrivons les patrons saisonniers de parasitisme d’hôtes sentinelles par Telenomus coloradensis, T. droozi, T. flavotibiae (Hymenoptera : Scelionidae), et Trichogramma spp., dans la région du Bas-Saint-Laurent. Telenomus flavotibiae et Trichogramma spp. parasitent rarement les œufs de l’arpenteuse de la pruche alors que T. coloradensis et T. droozi sont très abondants au printemps. En laboratoire, la convenance des hôtes pour T. coloradensis diminue rapidement avec leur développement embryonnaire au printemps, affectant négativement les niveaux de parasitisme, ainsi que la survie, la taille, le temps de développement et la longévité de la progéniture. Telenomus coloradensis et T. droozi sont actifs très tôt en saison, alors que les températures sont froides (4°C) pour profiter du développement embryonnaire peu avancé de l’hôte. À partir de paramètres empiriques, nous estimons que la progéniture de T. coloradensis issue du parasitisme printanier émerge au milieu de l’été, alors que l’hôte est totalement absent de l’environnement forestier. La nouvelle génération de femelles serait donc susceptible d’entrer précocement en diapause reproductive. D’ailleurs, nos résultats de laboratoire démontrent qu’une période de privation d’hôtes affecte négativement l’activité parasitaire de T. coloradensis. Ce phénomène pourrait expliquer les niveaux très faibles de parasitisme des œufs de l’arpenteuse de la pruche à l’automne. Étonnamment toutefois, les hôtes en début de diapause (à l’automne) sont de meilleure qualité énergétique que les hôtes en post-diapause (au printemps). Alors que des études précédentes ont démontré que T. coloradensis peut survivre à l’hiver en tant qu’immature à l’intérieur des hôtes, nos résultats indiquent que ce sont principalement les femelles fertilisés qui passent l’hiver en diapause reproductive, avec un point de surfusion automnal moyen de -30,6°C.


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The present study on the dynamics of land use in recently settled forest areas. In the course of events, tribals lost their land; the demographic structure of Attappady changed; the cropping pattern got diversified; traditional techniques of production were ruined; new crops and new techniques of cultivation came to stay; and the entire cost and return structure of production underwent radical change. Migration to Attappady is essentially a continuation of the Malabar migration process from Travancore, through, some people from Tamil Nadu also had migrated to this region earlier. The demographic structure, along with land structure, has changed in favour of the settlers within a short span of time. Lack of security of ownership has acted as a strong reason for wanton exploitation of land resources. The major influencing factors on crop choices among settlers were labour endowment, date of settlement and education. Attappady is an unique ecosystem in Kerala characterized by many interdependables. The latest hand of environmental degradation is a grave danger especially on sloppy terrains,which are under cultivation of tapioca and dry annual crops like groundnuts, cotton, grams etc. Soil erosion as a result of the unplanned cultivation of these crops has resulted in dramatic decline in soil fertility and hence low crop productivity. This calls for a watershed management approach for the sustainable development of the region. A progressive agrarian transformation is warranted to maintain the homegarden as a sustainable production system in ecological and socio-economic terms.


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This thesis entitled ecology of chaetognaths in the indian EEZ.The present study, in general, deals with the distribution pattern of mesozooplankton biomass and abundance with special reference to the detailed ecology of the important carnivorous planktonic group, the chaetognath, in the two major ocean basins of the Indian EEZ, the Arabian Sea (AS) and the Bay of Bengal (BoB). Prior to the International Indian Ocean expedition (IIOE, 1960 – 1965), cmprehensive studies on chaetognath in the Indian waters were very limited and was confined mostly to some coastal and oceanic regions. The study revealed a profound influence of different physical process on the abundance of chaetognath community. The significant influence exerted by different physico-chemical factors on the vertical distribution of chaetognath species was also evident. Prior to this study, only very little information was available on the ecology and distribution pattern chaetognaths in both the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal in relation to various mesoscale processes and physicochemical .variables. This study, emphasizing the short term and long term influences of different meso-scale and basin scale physical events on the ecology of this important plankton group provides the baseline data for extensive ecological research on any major mesozooplankton group in this tropical low latitude region.


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A better understanding of the rainfall climatology of the Middle East region identifying the mechanisms responsible for the rain producing systems is essential for effective utilization of the water resources over the arid region. A comprehensive analysis on the rainfall climatology of the Middle East region is carried out to bring out the spatial and temporal variation of rainfall and mechanisms responsible for the rain events. The study was carried out utilizing rainfall, OLR, wind and humidity data sets procured from TRMM, NOAA and NCEP-NCAR. Climatology of annual rainfall brings out two areas of alarmingly low rainfall in the Middle East region: one in Egypt, Jordan and adjoining areas and the other in the southern part of Saudi Arabia. Daily rainfall analysis indicates that northern region gets rainfall mainly during winter and spring associated with the passage of Mediterranean low pressure systems whereas rain over the southern region is caused mainly by the monsoon organized convection, cross equatorial flow and remnants of low pressure systems associated with the monsoon during the summer season. Thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere reveals that the region does not have frequent local convection due to insufficient moisture content. The sinking motion associated with the sub tropic high pressure system and subsidence associated with the Walker circulation are responsible for maintaining warm and dry air over the region.


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Soil microorganisms play a main part in organic matter decomposition and are consequently necessary to soil ecosystem processes maintaining primary productivity of plants. In light of current concerns about the impact of cultivation and climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem performance, it is vital to expand a complete understanding of the microbial community ecology in our soils. In the present study we measured the depth wise profile of microbial load in relation with important soil physicochemical characteristics (soil temperature, soil pH, moisture content, organic carbon and available NPK) of the soil samples collected from Mahatma Gandhi University Campus, Kottayam (midland region of Kerala). Soil cores (30 cm deep) were taken and the cores were separated into three 10-cm depths to examine depth wise distribution. In the present study, bacterial load ranged from 141×105 to 271×105 CFU/g (10cm depth), from 80×105 to 131×105 CFU/g (20cm depth) and from 260×104 to 47×105 CFU/g (30cm depth). Fungal load varies from 124×103 to 27×104 CFU/g, from 61×103 to110×103 CFU/g and from 16×103 to 49×103 CFU/g at 10, 20 and 30 cm respectively. Actinomycetes count ranged from 129×103 to 60×104 CFU/g (10cm), from 70×103 to 31×104 CFU/g (20cm) and from 14×103 to 66×103 CFU/g (30cm). The study revealed that there was a significant difference in the depthwise distribution of microbial load and soil physico-chemical properties. Bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes load showed a decreasing trend with increasing depth at all the sites. Except pH all other physicochemical properties showed decreasing trend with increasing depth. The vertical profile of total microbial load was well matched with the depthwise profiles of soil nutrients and organic carbon that is microbial load was highest at the soil surface where organics and nutrients were highest


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Among the decapod crustaceans, brachyuran crabs or the true crabs occupy a very significant position due to their ecological and economic value. Crabs support a sustenance fishery in India, even though their present status is not comparable to that of shrimps and lobsters. They are of great demand in the domestic market as well as in the foreign markets. In addition to this, brachyuran crabs are of great ecological importance. They form the conspicuous members of the mangrove ecosystems and play a significant role in detritus formation, nutrient recycling and dynamics of the ecosystem. Considering all these factors, crabs are often considered to be the keystone species of the mangrove ecosystem. Though several works have been undertaken on brachyuran crabs world –wide as well as within the country, reports on the brachyuran crabs of Kerala waters are very scanty. Most of the studies done on brachyuran fauna were from the east coast of India and a very few works from the west coast. Among the edible crabs, mud crabs belonging to genus Scylla forms the most important due to their large size and taste. They are being exported on a large scale to the foreign markets like Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Kerala is the biggest supplier of live mud crabs and Chennai is the major centre of live mud crab export. However, there exists considerable confusion regarding the identification of mud crabs because of the subtle morphological differences between the species.In this context, an extensive study was undertaken on the brachyuran fauna of Cochin Backwaters, Kerala, India, to have a basic knowledge on their diversity, habitat preference and systematics. The study provides an attempt to resolve the confusion pertaining in the species identification of mud crabs belonging to Genus Scylla. Diversity study revealed the occurrence of 23 species of brachyuran crabs belonging to 16 genera and 8 families in the study area Cochin Backwaters. Among the families, the highest number of species was recorded from Family Portunidae .Among the 23 crab species enlisted from the Cochin backwaters, 5 species are of commercial importance and contribute a major share to the crustacean fishery of the Cochin region. It was observed that, the Cochin backwaters are invaded by certain marine migrant species during the Post monsoon and Pre monsoon periods and they are found to disappear with the onset of monsoon. The study reports the occurrence of the ‘herring bow crab’ Varuna litterata in the Cochin backwaters for the first time. Ecological studies showed that the substratum characteristics influence the occurrence, distribution and abundance of crabs in the sampling stations rather than water quality parameters. The variables which affected the crab distribution the most were Salinity, moisture content in the sediment, organic carbon and the sediment texture. Besides the water and sediment quality parameters, the most important factor influencing the distribution of crabs is the presence of mangroves. The study also revealed that most of the crabs encountered from the study area preferred a muddy substratum, with high organic carbon content and high moisture content. In the present study, an identification key is presented for the brachyuran crabs occurring along the study area the Cochin backwaters and the associated mangrove patches, taking into account the morphological characters coupled with the structure of third maxillipeds, first pleopods of males and the shape of male abdomen. Morphological examination indicated the existence of a morphotype which is comparable with the morphological features of S. tranquebarica, the morphometric study and the molecular analyses confirmed the non existence of S. tranquebarica in the Cochin backwaters.


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Little is known about the bacterial ecology of evaporative salt-mining sites (salterns) of which Teguidda-n-Tessoumt at the fringe of the West-African Saharan desert in Niger is a spectacular example with its many-centuries-old and very colorful evaporation ponds. During the different enrichment steps of the salt produced as a widely traded feed supplement for cattle, animal manure is added to the crude brine, which is then desiccated and repeatedly crystallized. This study describes the dominant Bacteria and Archaea communites in the brine from the evaporation ponds and the soil from the mine, which were determined by PCR-DGGE of 16S rDNA. Correspondence analysis of the DGGE-community fingerprints revealed a change in community structure of the brine samples during the sequential evaporation steps which was, however, unaffected by the brine's pH and electric conductivity (EC). The Archaea community was dominated by a phylogenetically diverse group of methanogens, while the Bacteria community was dominated by gamma proteobacteria. Microorganisms contained in the purified salt product have the potential to be broadly disseminated and are fed to livestock across the region. In this manner, the salt mines represent an intriguing example of long-term human activity that has contributed to the continual selection, cultivation, and dissemination of cosmopolitan microorganisms.


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Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Ressourcennachhaltigkeit der traditionellen, auf Wanderfeldbau beruhenden Subsistenzwirtschaft in zwei Dörfern (Hongphoy und Minyakshu) in Nagaland im Nordosten Indiens. Hierbei werden die Cerealien Produktion, der Feuerholz Konsum und auch die Folgen der intensivierten Bewirtschaftung (Forstdegradation und Bodenverarmung) im Hinblick auf das Bevölkerungswachstum diskutiert. Während das traditionelle System des Wanderfeldbaus (Jhum) seit Jahrzehnten die Bedürfnisse der ehemals kopfjagenden Stämme Nagalands erfüllte, ergab unsere Studie durch Interviews und Feldaufnahmen in 2004 und 2005, dass die steigende Nachfrage einer wachsenden Bevölkerung nach Cerealien und Feuerholz als wichtigste Ressourcen der Subsistenzwirtschaft zu einer verkürzten Brachezeit und letztlich der Degradation von Naturressourcen geführt hat: Pro Hektar Ernten sind reduziert und der Zuwachs der Holzvorräte auf den Feldern kann durch die verkürzten Bracheperioden nicht mehr die Feuerholz Nachfrage decken. Eine Nahrungsmittelknappheit wurde durch die Gegenüberstellung des Energiebedarfs einer Person und die jährlichen pro-Kopf Erntemengen und unter Berücksichtigung des Zukaufs von Reis reflektiert: In Hongphoy ergab dies ein Defizit auf Dorfebene von 130 Tonnen Reis, in Minyakshu von 480 Tonnen, die nicht durch Ernten gedeckt werden konnten. Diese Nahrungsmittelknappheit erweist sich vor allem vor dem Hintergrund eines Bevölkerungswachstums von 6.7% und marginalen Einkünften als problematisch. Für fünf verschiedene Waldformationen (zwei Brachewälder, zwei Dorfwälder und ein Naturwald) wurden die unterschiedliche Artenzusammensetzung (Diversität) und Bestandesvolumina durch Forstinventuren beschrieben. Der dem Bestandesvolumen der Brachewälder gegenübergestellte pro-Kopf Feuerholz Bedarf ergab ein jährliches Defizit von 1,81m³ in Hongphoy und 0.05m³ in Minyakshu. Der Unterschied dieses Defizits zwischen beiden Dörfern wurde in einer abweichenden Bestandesstruktur (Dominanz der N2 fixierenden Baumart Alnus nepalensis in den Brachewäldern Minyakshus) begründet. Über den erhobenen Feuerholzbedarf wurde ein theoretischer pro-Kopf Flächenbedarf an Brachewald errechnet, der nötig wäre um den gesamten Feuerholz Bedarf innerhalb des Wanderfeldbau Systems zu decken. Das daraus resultierende Defizit wurde mit den Feuerholzvolumina der Dorfwälder und des verbliebenen Naturwalds gegenüber gestellt. Hieraus ergibt sich die Bedeutung der Feuerholzernte und des Wanderfeldbau als Ursache für die fortschreitende Entwaldung und Forstdegradation in Nagaland. Mit Hilfe dieser Informationen und aktuellen Angaben zum Bevölkerungswachstum werden die Ergebnisse anhand einschlägiger Literatur diskutiert und letztendlich die Nachhaltigkeit und Tragfähigkeit des Wanderfeldbau Systems in dieser Region bestimmt. Mögliche Verbesserungsstrategien um der zunehmenden Ressourcendegradation zu begegnen, werden andiskutiert.


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Little is known about the traditional coffee cultivation systems in Central Aceh, Indonesia, where coffee production is a major source of income for local Gayo people. Based on field observations and farmer interviews, 14 representative agroforestry coffee plantations of different age classes (60-70 years, 30-40 years, and 20 years) as well as seven adjacent grassland and native forest sites were selected for this study, and soil and coffee leaf samples collected for nutrient analysis. Significant differences in soil and coffee leaf parameters were found between former native forest and Sumatran pine (Pinus merkusii) forest as previous land cover indicating the importance of the land use history for today’s coffee cultivation. Soil pH as well as exchangeable Na and Ca concentrations were significantly lower on coffee plantations compared to grassland and forest sites. Soil C, N, plant available P, exchangeable K, and Mg concentrations showed no consistent differences between land use groups. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations of coffee leaves were in the sufficiency range, whereas zinc (Zn) contents were found to be consistently below the sufficiency threshold and significantly lower in coffee plantations of previous pine forest cover compared to those of previous native forest cover. While the results of this study provided insights into the nutrient status of coffee plantations in Central Aceh, the heterogeneity of site conditions, limited sampling size, and scarcity of reliable data about the land use history and initial soil conditions of sampled sites preclude more definitive conclusions about the sustainability of the studied systems.