996 resultados para Flavaad, Th.


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Infectious mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus that expresses a superantigen shortly after infection of B cells. The superantigen first drives the polyclonal activation and proliferation of superantigen-reactive CD4+ T cells, which then induce the infected B cells to proliferate and differentiate. Part of the MMTV-induced B cell response leads to the production of Abs that are specific for the viral envelope protein gp52. Here we show that this Ab response has virus-neutralizing activity and confers protection against superinfection by other MMTV strains in vivo as soon as 4 to 7 days after infection. A protective Ab titer is maintained lifelong. Viral infection as well as the superantigen-induced T-B collaboration are required to generate this rapid and long lasting neutralizing Ab response. Polyclonal or superantigen-independent B cell activation, on the contrary, does not lead to detectable virus neutralization. The early onset of this superantigen-dependent neutralizing response suggests that viral envelope-specific B cells are selectively recruited to form part of the extrafollicular B cell response and are subsequently amplified and maintained by superantigen-reactive Th cells.


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How do organizations cope with extreme uncertainty? The existing literature is divided on this issue: some argue that organizations deal best with uncertainty in the environment by reproducing it in the organization, whereas others contend that the orga nization should be protected from the environment. In this paper we study the case of a Wall Street investment bank that lost its entire office and trading technology in the terrorist attack of September 11 th. The traders survived, but were forced to relocate to a makeshift trading room in New Jersey. During the six months the traders spent outside New York City, they had to deal with fears and insecurities inside the company as well as outside it: anxiety about additional attacks, questions of professional identity, doubts about the future of the firm, and ambiguities about the future re-location of the trading room. The firm overcame these uncertainties by protecting the traders' identities and their ability to engage in sensemaking. The organization held together through a leadership style that managed ambiguities and created the conditions for new solutions to emerge.


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Cette thse cible l'étude de la structure thermique de la croûte supérieure (<10km) dans les arcs magmatiques continentaux, et son influence sur l'enregistrement thermochronologique de leur exhumation et de leur évolution topographique. Nous portons notre regard sur deux chaînes de montagne appartenant aux Cordillères Américaines : Les Cascades Nord (USA) et la zone de faille Motagua (Guatemala). L'approche utilisée est axée sur la thermochronologie (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon, couplée avec la modélisation numérique de la structure thermique de la croûte. Nous mettons en évidence la variabilité à la fois spatiale et temporelle du gradient géothermique, et attirons l'attention du lecteur sur l'importance de prendre en compte la multitude des processus géologiques perturbant la structure thermique dans les chaînes de type cordillère, c'est à dire formées lors de la subduction océanique sous un continent.Une nouvelle approche est ainsi développée pour étudier et contraindre la perturbation thermique autour des chambres magmatiques. Deux profiles âge-elevation (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon, ont été collectées 7 km au sud du batholithe de Chilliwack, Cascades Nord. Les résultats montrent une variabilité spatiale et temporelle du gradient géothermique lors de l'emplacement magmatique qui peut être contrainte et séparé de l'exhumation. Durant l'emplacement de l'intrusion, la perturbation thermique y atteint un état d'équilibre (-80-100 °C/km) qui est fonction du flux de magma et de ia distance à la source du magma, puis rejoint 40 °C/km à la fin du processus d'emplacement magmatique.Quelques nouvelles données (U-Th)/He, replacées dans une compilation des données existantes dans les Cascades Nord, indiquent une vitesse d'exhumation constante (-100 m/Ma) dans le temps et l'espace entre 35 Ma et 2 Ma, associée à un soulèvement uniforme de la chaîne contrôlé par l'emplacement de magma dans la croûte durant toute l'activité de l'arc. Par contre, après ~2 Ma, le versant humide de la chaîne est affecté par une accélération des taux d'exhumation, jusqu'à 3 km de croûte y sont érodés. Les glaciations ont un triple effet sur l'érosion de cette chaîne: (1) augmentation des vitesses d'érosion, d'exhumation et de soulèvement la où les précipitations sont suffisantes, (2) limitation de l'altitude contrôlé par la position de Γ Ε LA, (3) élargissement du versant humide et contraction du versant aride de la chaîne.Les modifications des réseaux de drainage sont des processus de surface souvent sous-estimés au profil d'événements climatiques ou tectoniques. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche couplant une analyse géomorphologique, des données thermochronologiques de basse température ((U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon), et l'utilisation de modélisation numérique thermo-cinématique pour les mettre en évidence et les dater; nous testons cette approche sur la gorge de la Skagit river dans les North Cascades.De nouvelles données (U-Th)/He sur zircons, complétant les données existantes, montrent que le déplacement horizontal le long de la faille transformante continentale Motagua, la limite des plaques Caraïbe/Amérique du Nord, a juxtaposé un bloc froid, le bloc Maya (s.s.), contre un bloque chaud, le bloc Chortis (s.s.) originellement en position d'arc. En plus de donner des gammes d'âges thermochronologiques très différents des deux côtés de la faille, le déplacement horizontal rapide (~2 cm/a) a produit un fort échange thermique latéral, résultant en un réchauffement du côté froid et un refroidissement du côté chaud de la zone de faille de Motagua.Enfin des données (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite témoignent d'un refroidissement Oligocène enregistré uniquement dans la croûte supérieure de la bordure nord de la zone de faille Motagua. Nous tenterons ultérieurement de reproduire ce découplage vertical de la structure thermique par la modélisation de la formation d'un bassin transtensif et de circulation de fluides le long de la faille de Motagua. - This thesis focuses on the influence of the dynamic thermal structure of the upper crust (<10km) on the thermochronologic record of the exhumational and topographic history of magmatic continental arcs. Two mountain belts from the American Cordillera are studied: the North Cascades (USA) and the Motagua fault zone (Guatemala). I use a combined approach coupling apatite and zircon (U-Th-Sm}/He thermochronology and thermo- kinematic numerical modelling. This study highlights the temporal and spatial variability of the geothermal gradient and the importance to take into account the different geological processes that perturb the thermal structure of Cordilleran-type mountain belts (i.e. mountain belts related to oceanic subduction underneath a continent}.We integrate apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He data with numerical thermo-kinematic models to study the relative effects of magmatic and surface processes on the thermal evolution of the crust and cooling patterns in the Cenozoic North Cascades arc (Washington State, USA). Two age-elevation profiles that are located 7 km south of the well-studied Chiliiwack intrusions shows that spatial and temporal variability in geothermal gradients linked to magma emplacement can be contrained and separated from exhumation processes. During Chiliiwack batholith emplacement at -35-20 Ma, the geothermal gradient of the country rocks increased to a very high steady-state value (80-100°C/km), which is likely a function of magma flux and the distance from the magma source area. Including temporally varying geothermal gradients in the analysis allows quantifying the thermal perturbation around magmatic intrusions and retrieving a relatively simple denudation history from the data.The synthesis of new and previously published (U-Th)/He data reveals that denudation of the Northern Cascades is spatially and temporally constant at -100 m/Ma between ~32 and ~2 Ma, which likely reflects uplift due to magmatic crustal thickening since the initiation of the Cenozoic stage of the continental magmatic arc. In contrast, the humid flank of the North Cascades is affected by a ten-fold acceleration in exhumation rate at ~2 Ma, which we interpret as forced by the initiation of glaciations; around 3 km of crust have been eroded since that time. Glaciations have three distinct effects on the dynamics of this mountain range: (1) they increase erosion, exhumation and uplift rates where precipitation rates are sufficient to drive efficient glacial erosion; (2) they efficiently limit the elevation of the range; (3) they lead to widening of the humid flank and contraction of the arid flank of the belt.Drainage reorganizations constitute an important agent of landscape evolution that is often underestimated to the benefit of tectonic or climatic events. We propose a new method that integrates geomorphology, low-temperature thermochronometry (apatite and zircon {U-Th-Sm)/He), and 3D numerical thermal-kinematic modelling to detect and date drainage instability producing recent gorge incision, and apply this approach to the Skagit River Gorge, North Cascades.Two zircon (U-Th)/He age-elevation profiles sampled on both sides of the Motagua Fault Zone (MFZ), the boundary between the North American and the Caribbean plates, combined with published thermochronological data show that strike-slip displacement has juxtaposed the cold Maya block (s.s.) against the hot, arc derived, Chortis block (s.s ), producing different age patterns on both sides of the fault and short-wavelength lateral thermal exchange, resulting in recent heating of the cool side and cooling of the hot side of the MFZ.Finally, an apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He age-elevation profile records rapid cooling at -35 Ma localized only in the upper crust along the northern side of the Motagua fault zone. We will try to reproduce these data by modeling the thermal perturbation resulting from the formation of a transtensional basin and of fluid flow activity along a crustal- scale strike-slip fault.


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As respostas geoquímicas do ambiente são controladas, em primeiro lugar, pelos processos naturais, geológicos, pedológicos, climáticos e biológicos. Sobrepondo-se a essa herança, a presença do homem adquire papel importante pelas possibilidades de alteração que promove no ambiente geoquímico a partir das concentrações urbanas, actividades industriais e agrícolas. Nos últimos anos a cartografia geoquímica tem assumido uma importância relevante já que tem sido largamente reconhecido que para se identificar e quantificar a poluição antropogénica é fundamental a existência de mapas que apresentem os valores de fundo geoquímico natural. O principal objectivo deste estudo é o estabelecimento de uma base de dados geoquímicos da ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde) utilizando os solos como meio amostral. Esta base de dados geoquímicos permitiu caracterizar o estado actual dos solos da ilha de Santiago e estabelecer os valores de fundo geoquímico. A ilha de Santiago, com uma área de 991km2, é a maior ilha do arquipélago representando cerca de 25% da área total. Tem forma adelgaçada na direcção Norte-Sul, apresentando um comprimento máximo de 54,9km entre a ponta Moreia, a Norte, e a ponta Mulher Branca, a Sul, e uma largura máxima de 29km entre a ponta Janela, a Oeste, e a ponta Praia Baixo, a Leste. Apresenta uma altitude máxima de 1392m. No presente trabalho foram seguidas as recomendações do projecto “IGCP 259 – International Geochemical Mapping” no que se refere aos procedimentos de amostragem, preparação física das amostras, análise química e controlo de qualidade dos resultados. Na ilha de Santiago foram colhidas 278 amostras de solos correspondendo a uma densidade de amostragem de 0.28 amostras por km2. As amostras foram decompostas com uma solução modoficada de áqua régia e analisadas para 37 elementos (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu,Fe, Hg, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W and Zn) por ICP-ES. Foram ainda determinados 5 parâmetros característicos do solo (pH, condutividade, matéria orgânica, cor e textura). Os padrões geoquímicos obtidos através dos mapas de distribuição espacial foram correlacionados com vários factores designadamente a natureza da rocha mãe, o tipo de solo e ainda com algumas fontes de contaminação. A utilização da Análise em Componentes Principais permitiu distinguir diferentes tipos de associações de variáveis realçando a importância das associações do tipo geogénico relativamente às associações to tipo antropogénico. A associação Na-CE assinala as áreas onde o impacto das actividades humanas influência os valores de fundo geoquímico


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Objectifs¦? Connaître le vécu des médecins face à des patients ayant une faible littératie en¦santé (FLS)¦? Savoir de quelle façon les médecins s'y prennent pour détecter ces patients¦? Comprendre quels sont les problèmes rencontrés avec de tels patients¦? Connaître les stratégies utilisées pour faire face à cette situation¦? Découvrir ce qui pourrait aider les médecins à mieux détecter cette problématique¦chez leurs patients et à surmonter plus aisément les problèmes qui en découlent¦Méthode¦Enquête auprès de 47 médecins de famille de Suisse romande au travers d'un¦questionnaire élaboré à partir d'entretiens avec cinq médecins de la région et validé par¦ceux-ci ; analyse mixte quantitative et qualitative.¦Résultats¦? Les médecins de famille sont conscients de cette problématique (58% y sont¦confrontés quotidiennement).¦? La FLS représente une certaine charge dans leur pratique quotidienne (pour 68%¦des médecins).¦? La majorité (70%) des praticiens pense avoir les outils et compétences nécessaires¦pour gérer la situation.¦? Un grand nombre aimerait cependant en acquérir de nouveaux (entre 38% et 75%¦selon les outils).¦? Les médecins ont tendance à sous-estimer la prévalence des patients avec une¦FLS.¦? 60% des praticiens seraient intéressés par des outils de dépistage.¦Discussion et conclusion¦La FLS est une problématique importante au cabinet du médecin de famille, ayant de¦nombreuses conséquences sur la santé du patient. Nos résultats montrent, en¦concordance avec la littérature, qu'il est essentiel de dépister la FLS chez les patients et¦d'apporter de nouveaux outils aux praticiens afin de les aider dans la gestion de cette¦situation. Diverses interventions pourraient être mises en place afin d'améliorer la prise en¦charge de ces patients:¦? une introduction à la littératie en santé durant le parcours universitaire¦? un enseignement pratique lors de la formation post-graduée¦? un manuel d'information pour le praticien visant à l'aider dans cette problématique¦et à lui proposer des questions de dépistage¦? des brochures d'explications simples et illustrées à l'intention des patients


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Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was done in order to study dorsal, ventral and lateral sides of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th nymphal instars of Triatoma arthurneivai. The five nymphal instar can be recognized based on different pronotum, mesonotum and metanotum shapes and characteristics. In the 1st instar collar, hairless areas and tubercles are absent. The 2 nd instar presents collar, hairless areas and tubercles. In the 3rd instar occurs the development of wing pads. In the 4 th instar the four wing pads are expanded, but do not reach the abdomen and in the 5th instar the anterior wing pads almost overlap the posterior ones. At the ventral side, two metasternal glands openings (1+1) were found in all five nymphal instars. Brindley's gland evaporation areas (1+1) are located at the mesopleuron, as well as an evaporation area is located at the propleuron in all nymphal instars (1+1).


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Graphical displays which show inter--sample distances are importantfor the interpretation and presentation of multivariate data. Except whenthe displays are two--dimensional, however, they are often difficult tovisualize as a whole. A device, based on multidimensional unfolding, isdescribed for presenting some intrinsically high--dimensional displays infewer, usually two, dimensions. This goal is achieved by representing eachsample by a pair of points, say $R_i$ and $r_i$, so that a theoreticaldistance between the $i$-th and $j$-th samples is represented twice, onceby the distance between $R_i$ and $r_j$ and once by the distance between$R_j$ and $r_i$. Self--distances between $R_i$ and $r_i$ need not be zero.The mathematical conditions for unfolding to exhibit symmetry are established.Algorithms for finding approximate fits, not constrained to be symmetric,are discussed and some examples are given.


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Here we report on The Satellite Symposium on Sleep Function that was held in Lausanne during 6(th) FENS forum and brought together neuroscientists from basic and clinical sleep research. We illustrate the principal questions that arose during this interdisciplinary gathering and introduce the contents of nine review articles on aspects of sleep that are contained in this Special Issue of the European Journal of Neuroscience.


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How do organizations cope with extreme uncertainty? The existing literatureis divided on this issue: some argue that organizations deal best withuncertainty in the environment by reproducing it in the organization, whereasothers contend that the orga nization should be protected from theenvironment. In this paper we study the case of a Wall Street investment bankthat lost its entire office and trading technology in the terrorist attack ofSeptember 11 th. The traders survived, but were forced to relocate to amakeshift trading room in New Jersey. During the six months the traders spentoutside New York City, they had to deal with fears and insecurities insidethe company as well as outside it: anxiety about additional attacks,questions of professional identity, doubts about the future of the firm, andambiguities about the future re-location of the trading room. The firmovercame these uncertainties by protecting the traders identities and theirability to engage in sensemaking. The organization held together through aleadership style that managed ambiguities and created the conditions for newsolutions to emerge.


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O presente trabalho intitulado “Branqueamento de Capitais e Financiamento do Terrorismo: Controlo e Prevenção”, enquadra-se no âmbito de licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração, ramo Auditoria, com o objectivo de aferir o estado de desenvolvimento do sector bancário Cabo-Verdiano, em termos de controlo e prevenção do branqueamento de capitais e financiamento do terrorismo (BC/FT), nomeadamente perceber qual o nível de preparação existente, para fazer face às 40 recomendações do GAFI e outras organizações e identificar o progresso feito no sector desde 2009 nesta temática, nomeadamente após a entrada em vigor da Lei n.º 38/VII/2009, de 27 de Abril. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho científico integra-se num quadro metodológico em que se incidiu sobre a abordagem quantitativa e exploratória, aplicando o inquérito por questionário. Com este trabalho de pesquisa, conclui-se que em Cabo Verde, no sector bancário, vem se fazendo, nos últimos quatro anos, progressos substanciais em alguns dos aspectos em análise no âmbito do controlo e prevenção de branqueamento de capitais e do combate ao financiamento do terrorismo. This current work entitled "Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism: Prevention and Control", has been written in the context of a degree in Accounting and Management, Audit Branch, in order to assess the state of development of the banking sector of Cape Verde in the control and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF), including to notice what level of preparation existing, to meet the FATF 40 Recommendations and other organizations and identify the progress made in the sector since 2009 in this theme, especially after the entry into force of Law no. 38/VII/2009 , April 27 th . The development of this scientific work is part of a methodological framework that is focused on exploratory and quantitative approach, using the questionnaire survey. With this research, it is concluded that in Cape Verde, in the banking sector has been doing for the past four years, substantial progress in some of the aspects analyzed under control and prevention of money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.


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In this paper we analyse the observed systematic differences incosts for teaching hospitals (THhenceforth) in Spain. Concernhas been voiced regarding the existence of a bias in thefinancing of TH s has been raised once prospective budgets arein the arena for hospital finance, and claims for adjusting totake into account the legitimate extra costs of teaching onhospital expenditure are well grounded. We focus on theestimation of the impact of teaching status on average cost. Weused a version of a multiproduct hospital cost function takinginto account some relevant factors from which to derive theobserved differences. We assume that the relationship betweenthe explanatory and the dependent variables follows a flexibleform for each of the explanatory variables. We also model theunderlying covariance structure of the data. We assumed twoqualitatively different sources of variation: random effects andserial correlation. Random variation refers to both general levelvariation (through the random intercept) and the variationspecifically related to teaching status. We postulate that theimpact of the random effects is predominant over the impact ofthe serial correlation effects. The model is estimated byrestricted maximum likelihood. Our results show that costs are 9%higher (15% in the case of median costs) in teaching than innon-teaching hospitals. That is, teaching status legitimatelyexplains no more than half of the observed difference in actualcosts. The impact on costs of the teaching factor depends on thenumber of residents, with an increase of 51.11% per resident forhospitals with fewer than 204 residents (third quartile of thenumber of residents) and 41.84% for hospitals with more than 204residents. In addition, the estimated dispersion is higher amongteaching hospitals. As a result, due to the considerable observedheterogeneity, results should be interpreted with caution. From apolicy making point of view, we conclude that since a higherrelative burden for medical training is under public hospitalcommand, an explicit adjustment to the extra costs that theteaching factor imposes on hospital finance is needed, beforehospital competition for inpatient services takes place.