972 resultados para Flame Retardant


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Methyl ketones, aldehydes and free saturated fatty acids were measured in the headspace of samples of two indirectly processed and two directly processed Australian commercial UHT milks during room temperature storage for 16 weeks. The analytes were isolated using headspace solid phase microextraction and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionisation detection. All methyl ketones and aldehydes increased during storage, With free saturated fatty acids exhibiting little change. On average, the total methyl ketone and aldehyde concentrations in the indirectly processed UHT milks were higher than those in the directly processed samples. A strong correlation was found between the concentration of methyl ketones and various heat indices (furosine, lactulose and undenatured whey proteins) in the milk samples.


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Contact with sponges (Phylum Porifera) usually results in minimal effects or abrasions, except for species that produce crinitoxins and can cause irritation and dermatitis. There are few reports of sponge stings, mainly in divers or collectors. We report a group of sponge stings from handling flame red/orange sponges on the beach, confirmed to be Tedania anhelans in five cases. All seven patients suffered immediate effects ranging from mild to severe pain, and local inflammation. A 38-year-old female and three children had delayed skin involvement including itchiness, pain, swelling and redness. Blistering and desquamation occurred in the female adult and limited desquamation in one child. Similar delayed effects have been reported in Tedania spp. stings previously. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The deoxygenation of vegetable oils was studied over a Ni/Zr-laponite catalyst in various nickel loading composition. Stearic acid has been used as a model compounds. The liquid and gas products were analyzed using gas chromatograph equipped with thermal conductivity detector and flame ionization detector. From product distribution it was determined the effect of catalyst composition on reaction conditions


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Le pitture intumescenti sono utilizzate come protettivi passivi antincendio nel settore delle costruzioni. In particolare sono utilizzate per aumentare la resistenza al fuoco di elementi in acciaio. Le proprietà termiche di questi rivestimenti sono spesso sconosciute o difficili da stimare per via del fatto che variano notevolmente durante il processo di espansione che subisce l’intumescente quando esposto al calore di un incendio. Per questa ragione la validazione della resistenza al fuoco di un rivestimento presente in commercio si basa su metodi costosi economicamente e come tempi di esecuzione nel quale ciascuna trave e colonna rivestita di protettivo deve essere testata una alla volta attraverso il test di resistenza al fuoco della curva cellulosica. In questo lavoro di tesi adottando invece un approccio basato sulla modellazione termica del rivestimento intumescente si ottiene un aiuto nella semplificazione della procedura di test ed un supporto nella progettazione della resistenza al fuoco delle strutture. Il tratto di unione nei vari passaggi della presente tesi è stata la metodologia di stima del comportamento termico sconosciuto, tale metodologia di stima è la “Inverse Parameter Estimation”. Nella prima fase vi è stata la caratterizzazione chimico fisica della vernice per mezzo di differenti apparecchiature come la DSC, la TGA e l’FT-IR che ci hanno permesso di ottenere la composizione qualitativa e le temperature a cui avvengono i principali processi chimici e fisici che subisce la pittura come anche le entalpie legate a questi eventi. Nella seconda fase si è proceduto alla caratterizzazione termica delle pitture al fine di ottenerne il valore di conduttività termica equivalente. A tale scopo si sono prima utilizzate le temperature dell’acciaio di prove termiche alla fornace con riscaldamento secondo lo standard ISO-834 e successivamente per meglio definire le condizioni al contorno si è presa come fonte di calore un cono calorimetrico in cui la misura della temperatura avveniva direttamente nello spessore del’intumescente. I valori di conduttività ottenuti sono risultati congruenti con la letteratura scientifica e hanno mostrato la dipendenza della stessa dalla temperatura, mentre si è mostrata poco variante rispetto allo spessore di vernice deposto ed alla geometria di campione utilizzato.


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Os ideais de liberdade exigiram do povo negro diferenciadas práticas para romper com o sistema escravista. Eram as rebeliões em navios, os atos de infanticídio, os justiçamentos dos feitores, as revoltas, além de participações em movimentos libertários e formações de quilombos. Dentre estas formas de organização, o quilombo foi fenômeno essencial nos mais de 300 anos de escravismo no Brasil. Em cada região existiam quilombos, pois para a população negra, cativa ou não, esse era o melhor meio de alcançar a liberdade, um meio coletivo para enfrentar o sistema. O Quilombo do Urubu representou a insistência em garantir a condição humana que o regime escravista negava, sobretudo às mulheres, aos homens e às crianças negras. Essa era uma força que saía de suas entranhas como grito de liberdade, configurada nas fugas em busca de um lugar que lhes assegurasse aproximação de uma vida digna e que pudessem orgulhar-sedo seu porte físico e da sua cultura. Todo esse desprendimento, além de uma força física, exigia um completo conhecimento histórico e espiritual, resguardado pela religiosidade que fortalecia seus espíritos para lutar contra toda negação de humanidade do século XIX no subúrbio da capital baiana. A líder Zeferina, inconformada com a exclusão social de seu povo negro, e entusiasmada pelo poder de herança de ancestralidade, pelo conhecimento de raiz da cultura matrilinear angolana, pelo profundo conhecimento histórico de resistência da rainha Nzinga Mbandi e pela tradição de quilombolas e guerreiras, viveu e lutou pelo sonho de liberdade. Hoje, a chama desse poder é mantida acesa na caminhada de celebração do 20 de novembro pela comunidade de Pirajá e arredores, enquanto referencial de resistência negra na luta contra as exclusões sociais vigentes.(AU)


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Rapid economic development has occurred during the past few decades in China with the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) area as one of the most progressive areas. The urbanization, industrialization, agricultural and aquaculture activities result in extensive production and application of chemicals. Organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) have been widely used as i.e. pesticides, flame retardants and plasticizers. They are persistent, bioaccumulative and pose a potential threat to ecosystem and human health. However, limited research has been conducted in the YRD with respect to chemicals environmental exposure. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the contamination level, distribution pattern and sources of OHCs in the YRD. Wildlife from different habitats are used to indicate the environmental pollution situation, and evaluate selected matrices for use in long term biomonitoring to determine the environmental stress the contamination may cause. In addition, a method is developed for dicofol analysis. Moreover, a specific effort is made to introduce statistic power analysis to assist in optimal sampling design. The thesis results show extensive contamination of OHCs in wildlife in the YRD. The occurrences of high concentrations of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are reported in wildlife, in particular in terrestrial species, (i.e. short-tailed mamushi snake and peregrine falcon). Impurities and byproducts of pentachlorophenol products, i.e. polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) and hydroxylated polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (OH-PCDEs) are identified and reported for the first time in eggs from black-crowned night heron and whiskered tern. High concentrations of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) are determined in these samples. The toxic equivalents (TEQs) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are at mean levels of 300 and 520 pg TEQ g-1lw (WHO2005 TEQ) in eggs from the two bird species, respectively. This is two orders of magnitude higher than European Union (EU) regulation limit in chicken eggs. Also, a novel pattern of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) with octa- to decaCBs, contributing to as much as 20% of total PCBs therein, are reported in birds. The legacy POPs shows a common characteristic with relatively high level of organochlorine pesticides (i.e. DDT, hexacyclohexanes (HCHs) and Mirex), indicating historic applications. In contrast, rather low concentrations are shown of industrial chemicals such as PCBs and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). A refined and improved analytical method is developed to separate dicofol from its major decomposition compound, 4,4’-dichlorobenzophenone. Hence dicofol is possible to assess as such. Statistic power analysis demonstrates that sampling of sedentary species should be consistently spread over a larger area to monitor temporal trends of contaminants in a robust manner. The results presented in this thesis show high CPs and OCDD concentrations in wildlife. The levels and patterns of OHCs in YRD differ from other well studied areas of the world. This is likely due to the extensive production and use of chemicals in the YRD. The results strongly signal the need of research biomonitoring programs that meet the current situation of the YRD. Such programs will contribute to the management of chemicals and environment in YRD, with the potential to grow into the human health sector, and to expand to China as a whole.


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A system for the NDI' testing of the integrity of conposite materials and of adhesive bonds has been developed to meet industrial requirements. The vibration techniques used were found to be applicable to the development of fluid measuring transducers. The vibrational spectra of thin rectangular bars were used for the NDT work. A machined cut in a bar had a significant effect on the spectrum but a genuine crack gave an unambiguous response at high amplitudes. This was the generation of fretting crack noise at frequencies far above that of the drive. A specially designed vibrational decrement meter which, in effect, measures mechanical energy loss enabled a numerical classification of material adhesion to be obtained. This was used to study bars which had been flame or plasma sprayed with a variety of materials. It has become a useful tool in optimising coating methods. A direct industrial application was to classify piston rings of high performance I.C. engines. Each consists of a cast iron ring with a channel into which molybdenum, a good bearing surface, is sprayed. The NDT classification agreed quite well with the destructive test normally used. The techniques and equipment used for the NOT work were applied to the development of the tuning fork transducers investigated by Hassan into commercial density and viscosity devices. Using narrowly spaced, large area tines a thin lamina of fluid is trapped between them. It stores a large fraction of the vibrational energy which, acting as an inertia load reduces the frequency. Magnetostrictive and piezoelectric effects together or in combination enable the fork to be operated through a flange. This allows it to be used in pipeline or 'dipstick' applications. Using a different tine geometry the viscosity loading can be predoninant. This as well as the signal decrement of the density transducer makes a practical viscometer.


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The thesis presents an experimentally validated modelling study of the flow of combustion air in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB). The RTB is used typically in industrial heat treating furnaces. The work has been initiated because of the need for improvements in burner lifetime and performance which are related to the fluid mechanics of the com busting flow, and a fundamental understanding of this is therefore necessary. To achieve this, a detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been used, validated with experimental air flow, temperature and flue gas measurements. Initially, the work programme is presented and the theory behind RTB design and operation in addition to the theory behind swirling flows and methane combustion. NOx reduction techniques are discussed and numerical modelling of combusting flows is detailed in this section. The importance of turbulence, radiation and combustion modelling is highlighted, as well as the numerical schemes that incorporate discretization, finite volume theory and convergence. The study first focuses on the combustion air flow and its delivery to the combustion zone. An isothermal computational model was developed to allow the examination of the flow characteristics as it enters the burner and progresses through the various sections prior to the discharge face in the combustion area. Important features identified include the air recuperator swirler coil, the step ring, the primary/secondary air splitting flame tube and the fuel nozzle. It was revealed that the effectiveness of the air recuperator swirler is significantly compromised by the need for a generous assembly tolerance. Also, there is a substantial circumferential flow maldistribution introduced by the swirier, but that this is effectively removed by the positioning of a ring constriction in the downstream passage. Computations using the k-ε turbulence model show good agreement with experimentally measured velocity profiles in the combustion zone and proved the use of the modelling strategy prior to the combustion study. Reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 200,000 nodes. Agreement was poorer with the RNG  k-ε and Reynolds Stress models. The study continues to address the combustion process itself and the heat transfer process internal to the RTB. A series of combustion and radiation model configurations were developed and the optimum combination of the Eddy Dissipation (ED) combustion model and the Discrete Transfer (DT) radiation model was used successfully to validate a burner experimental test. The previously cold flow validated k-ε turbulence model was used and reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 300,000 nodes. The combination showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust. The inner tube wall temperature predictions validated the experimental measurements in the largest portion of the thermocouple locations, highlighting a small flame bias to one side, although the model slightly over predicts the temperatures towards the downstream end of the inner tube. NOx emissions were initially over predicted, however, the use of a combustion flame temperature limiting subroutine allowed convergence to the experimental value of 451 ppmv. With the validated model, the effectiveness of certain RTB features identified previously is analysed, and an analysis of the energy transfers throughout the burner is presented, to identify the dominant mechanisms in each region. The optimum turbulence-combustion-radiation model selection was then the baseline for further model development. One of these models, an eccentrically positioned flame tube model highlights the failure mode of the RTB during long term operation. Other models were developed to address NOx reduction and improvement of the flame profile in the burner combustion zone. These included a modified fuel nozzle design, with 12 circular section fuel ports, which demonstrates a longer and more symmetric flame, although with limited success in NOx reduction. In addition, a zero bypass swirler coil model was developed that highlights the effect of the stronger swirling combustion flow. A reduced diameter and a 20 mm forward displaced flame tube model shows limited success in NOx reduction; although the latter demonstrated improvements in the discharge face heat distribution and improvements in the flame symmetry. Finally, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) modelling attempts indicate the difficulty of the application of this NOx reduction technique in the Wellman RTB. Recommendations for further work are made that include design mitigations for the fuel nozzle and further burner modelling is suggested to improve computational validation. The introduction of fuel staging is proposed, as well as a modification in the inner tube to enhance the effect of FGR.


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Grewia gum is obtained from the inner stem bark of the edible plant Grewia mollis Juss (Fam. Tiliaceae) which grows widely in the middle belt region of Nigeria, and is also cultivated. The dried and pulverised inner stem bark is used as a thickening agent in some food delicacies in that region of the country. This ability of the material to increase solution viscosity has generated a lot of interest and is the catalysing momentum for this research. Such materials have been used as stabilizers or suspending agents in cosmetics, foods and liquid medications, and as mucoadhesives and controlled release polymeric matrices in solid dosage forms. The physicochemical characterization of candidate excipients forms an essential step towards establishing suitability for pharmaceutical application. For natural gums, this usually requires isolation of the gum from the storage site by extraction processes. Grewia polysaccharide gum was extracted and dried using techniques such as air-drying, freeze-drying or spray-drying. Component analysis of the gum showed that it contains five neutral sugars: glucose, galactose, rhamnose, arabinose and xylose. The gum contains traces of elements such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. At low substance weight, the gum hydrates in aqueous medium swelling and dispersing to give a highly viscous dispersion with pseudoplasmic flow behaviour. The method by which drying is achieved can have significant effect on some physicochemical properties of the gum. Consequently, the intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight, and parameters of powder flow were shown to differ with the method of drying. The gum has good thermal stability. In comparison with established excipients, grewia gum may be preferable to gum Arabic or sodium carboxymethylcellulose as a suspending agent in ibuprofen suspension formulations. The release retardant property of the gum was superior to guar and Metolose® in ibuprofen matrices. Similarly, carboxy methylcellulose, Methocel®, gum Arabic or Metolose® may not be preferable to grewia gum when controlled release of a soluble drug like cimetidine is indicated. The mucoadhesive performance of the gum compared favourably with excellent mucoadhesives such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, guar and carbopol 971 P.


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The nature and kinetics of electrode reactions and processes occurring for four lightweight anode systems which have been utilised in reinforced concrete cathodic protection systems have been studied. The anodes investigated were flame sprayed zinc, conductive paint and two activated titanium meshes. The electrochemical properties of each material were investigated in rapidly stirred de-oxygenated electrolytes using anodic potentiodynamic polarisation. Conductive coating electrodes were formed on glass microscope slides, whilst mesh strands were immersed directly. Oxygen evolution occurred preferentially for both mesh anodes in saturated Ca (OH)2/CaC12 solutions but was severely inhibited in less alkaline solutions and significant current only passed in chloride solutions. The main reactions for conductive paint was based on oxygen evolution in all electrolytes, although chlorides increased the electrical activity. Self-corrosion of zinc was controlled by electrolyte composition and the experimental set-up, chlorides increasing the electrical activity. Impressed current cathodic protection was applied to 25 externally exposed concrete slabs over a period of 18 months to investigate anode degradation mechanisms at normal and high current densities. Specimen chloride content, curing and reinforcement depth were also variables. Several destructive and non-destructive methods for assessing the performance of anodes were evaluated including a site instrument for quantitative "instant-off- potential measurements. The impact of cathodic protection on the concrete substrate was determined for a number of specimens using appropriate methods. Anodic degradation rates were primarily influenced by current density, followed by cemendtious alkalinity, chloride levels and by current distribution. Degradation of cementitious overlays and conductive paint substrates proceeded by sequential neutralisation of cement phases, with some evidence of paint binder oxidation. Sprayed zinc progressively formed an insulating layer of hydroxide complexes, which underwent pitting_ attack in the presence of sufficient chlorides, whilst substrate degradation was minimal. Adhesion of all anode systems decreased with increasing current density. The influence of anode material on the ionic gradients which can develop during cathodic protection was investigated. A constant current was passed through saturated cement paste prisms containing calcium chloride to central cathodes via anodes applied or embedded at each end. Pore solution was obtained from successive cut paste slices for anion and cation analyses. Various experimental errors reduced the value of the results. Characteristic S-shaped profiles were not observed and chloride ion profiles were ambiguous. Mesh anode specimens were significantly more durable than the conductive coatings in the high humidity environment. Limited results suggested zinc ion migration to the cathode region. Electrical data from each investigation clearly indicated a decreasing order of anode efficiency by specific anode material.


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After a brief review of the various forms of thermal spraying equipment and processes, descriptions of the basic principles involved and the general functions for which thermally sprayed coatings are used are given. The background of the collaborating company, Metallisation, is described and their position in the overall market discussed, providing a backdrop against which the appropriateness of various project options might be judged. Current arc-spraying equipment is then examined, firstly in terms of the workings of their constituent parts and subsequently by examining the effects of changes in design and in operating parameters both upon equipment operation and the coatings produced. Published literature relating to these matters is reviewed. Literature relating to the production, comminution and propulsion of the particles which form the spray is discussed as are the mechanisms involved at impact with the substrate. Literature on the use of rockets for thermal spraying and induction heating as a process for feedstock melting are also reviewed. Three distinct options for further study are derived and preliminary tests and costings made to allow one option alone, the use of rocket acceleration, to go forward to the experimental phase. A suitable rocket burner was developed, tested and incorporated into an arc-spray system so that the sprayability of the whole could be assessed. Coatings were made using various parameters and these are compared with coatings produced by a standard system. Coatings were examined for macro and micro hardness, cohesive strength, porosity and by microstructural examination. The results indicate a high degree of similarity between the coatings produced by the standard system and the high velocity system. This was surprising in view of the very different atomising media and velocities. Possible causes for this similarity and the general behaviour of this new system and the standard system are discussed before the study reaches its conclusions in not proving the hypothesis that an increase in particle velocity would improve the mechanical properties of arc-sprayed steel coatings. KEY WORDS: Sprayed metal coatings, Electric arc spraying, High velocity flame spraying, Sprayed coating properties


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Poster section INTRODUCTION. Retrospective Analysis PURPOSE. To evaluate the morphology and location of optic disc haemorrhages (ODH) identified at diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening to establish whether particular ODH are predictive of ocular disease (e.g. glaucoma). METHODS. Retrospective analysis of 77 patients who presented with ODH at DR screening in the Birmingham and Black Country screening programme between June 2009-March 2010. Mean age was 71 years (range 39-89). Cup/disc ratio (CDR), location and morphology of the haemorrhage were recorded. The outcome of the referral and the status of the ODH were followed up a year later. RESULTS. Of the 77 referred, 34 patients were unassessed for possible glaucoma. Of the 43 patients that were assessed in the hospital eye service for glaucoma, 11 (26%) were diagnosed with glaucoma. These glaucoma patients mostly presented with flame haemorrhages (64%) and blot haemorrhages (36%). Haemorrhages tended to adjoin the margin of the OD (64%), and were more commonly flame shaped (64%). They less commonly occurred in the optic disc itself (36%), and were all blot shaped. The OD Cup/disc ratio (CDR) of the patients with glaucoma (n=11) ranged from 0.33-0.57. It is interesting to note the highest CDR was 0.68 in the 77 patients referred. 32 patients were confirmed as not having glaucoma. 24 (75%) of these patients presented with an ODH adjoining the margin, of which 20 (83%) were flame, and 4 blot (17%) shaped. Only 8 (25%) presented with an ODH in the OD, of which 6 (75%) were blot shaped. One year follow up of the 77 referred cases revealed that the ODH resolved in 45 (57%) patients while 10 (13%) still had an ODH present. 15 (21%) were still under ophthalmology hence digital retinal photos were not available for assessment. Six patients (8%) (age range 71-91 years) died within the year, and one lost to follow up. CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that a significant number of patients with ODH have glaucoma and that the differing morphology of the haemorrhage is not a major predictor i.e. blot versus flame shaped, adjoining or in the optic disc. The cup/disc ratio did not predict glaucoma either.


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Short rotation willow coppice (SRC) has been investigated for the influence of K, Ca, Mg, Fe and P on its pyrolysis and combustion behaviours. These metals are the typical components that appear in biomass. The willow sample was pretreated to remove salts and metals by hydrochloric acid, and this demineralised sample was impregnated with each individual metal at the same mol g biomass (2.4 × 10 mol g demineralised willow). Characterisation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) for combustion. In pyrolysis, volatile fingerprints were measured by means of pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS). The yields and distribution of pyrolysis products have been influenced by the presence of the catalysts. Most notably, both potassium and phosphorous strongly catalysed the pyrolysis, modifying both the yield and distribution of reaction products. Temperature programmed combustion TGA indicates that combustion of biomass char is catalysed by all the metals, while phosphorus strongly inhibits the char combustion. In this case, combustion rates follow the order for volatile release/combustion: P>K>Fe>Raw>HCl>Mg>Ca, and for char combustion K>Fe>raw>Ca-Mg>HCl>P. The samples impregnated with phosphorus and potassium were also studied for combustion under flame conditions, and the same trend was observed, i.e. both potassium and phosphorus catalyse the volatile release/combustion, while, in char combustion, potassium is a catalyst and phosphorus a strong inhibitor, i.e. K impregnated>(faster than) raw>demineralised»P impregnated.


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We develop a method for fabricating very small silica microbubbles having a micrometer-order wall thickness and demonstrate the first optical microbubble resonator. Our method is based on blowing a microbubble using stable radiative CO2 laser heating rather than unstable convective heating in a flame or furnace. Microbubbles are created along a microcapillary and are naturally opened to the input and output microfluidic or gas channels. The demonstrated microbubble resonator has 370 µm diameter, 2 µm wall thickness, and a Q factor exceeding 10. © 2010 Optical Society of America.