990 resultados para Fish Skin
Background: The lipid-modulatory effects of high intakes of the fish-oil fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are well established and likely to contribute to cardioprotective benefits. Objectives: We aimed to determine the effect of moderate EPA and DHA intakes (< 2 g EPA + DHA/d) on the plasma fatty acid profile, lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations, lipoprotein subclass distribution, and markers of oxidative status. We also aimed to examine the effect of age, sex, and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype on the observed responses. Design: Three hundred twelve adults aged 20-70 y, who were prospectively recruited according to age, sex, and APOE genotype, completed a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study. Participants consumed control oil, 0.7 g EPA + DHA/d (0.7FO), and 1.8 g EPA + DHA/d (1.8FO) capsules in random order, each for an 8-wk intervention period, separated by 12-wk washout periods. Results: In the group as a whole, 8% and 11% lower plasma triacylglycerol concentrations were evident after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively (P < 0.001): significant sex x treatment (P = 0.038) and sex x genotype x treatment (P = 0.032) interactions were observed, and the greatest triacylglycerol-lowering responses (reductions of 15% and 23% after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively) were evident in APOE4 men. Furthermore, lower VLDL-cholesterol (P = 0.026) and higher LDL-cholesterol (P = 0.010), HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.001), and HDL2 (P < 0.001) concentrations were evident after fish-oil intervention. Conclusions: Supplements providing EPA + DHA at doses as low as 0.7 g/d have a significant effect on the plasma lipid profile. The results of the current trial, which used a prospective recruitment approach to examine the responses in population subgroups, are indicative of a greater triacylglycerol-lowering action of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in males than in females.
Resistance to human skin innate defenses is crucial for survival and carriage of Staphylococcus aureus, a common cutaneous pathogen and nasal colonizer. Free fatty acids extracted from human skin sebum possess potent antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. The mechanisms by which S. aureus overcomes this host defense during colonization remain unknown. Here, we show that S. aureus IsdA, a surface protein produced in response to the host, decreases bacterial cellular hydrophobicity rendering them resistant to bactericidal human skin fatty acids and peptides. IsdA is required for survival of S. aureus on live human skin. Reciprocally, skin fatty acids prevent the production of virulence determinants and the induction of antibiotic resistance in S. aureus and other Gram-positive pathogens. A purified human skin fatty acid was effective in treating systemic and topical infections of S. aureus suggesting that our natural defense mechanisms can be exploited to combat drug-resistant pathogens.
A key concern for conservation biologists is whether populations of plants and animals are likely to fluctuate widely in number or remain relatively stable around some steady-state value. In our study of 634 populations of mammals, birds, fish and insects, we find that most can be expected to remain stable despite year to year fluctuations caused by environmental factors. Mean return rates were generally around one but were higher in insects (1.09 +/- 0.02 SE) and declined with body size in mammals. In general, this is good news for conservation, as stable populations are less likely to go extinct. However, the lower return rates of the large mammals may make them more vulnerable to extinction. Our estimates of return rates were generally well below the threshold for chaos, which makes it unlikely that chaotic dynamics occur in natural populations - one of ecology's key unanswered questions.
Our conclusions are unaffected by removal of the time series identified by Peacock and Garshelis as harvest data. The relationship between a population's growth rate and its size is generally concave in mammals, irrespective of their body sizes. However, our data set includes quality data for only five mammals larger than 20 kilograms, so strong conclusions cannot be made about these animals.
The technical comments by Getz and Lloyd-Smith, Ross, and Doncaster focus on specific aspects of our analysis and estimation and do not demonstrate any results opposing our key conclusion-that, contrary to what was previously believed, the relation between a population's growth rate (pgr) and its density is generally concave.
The ultrastructure of a new microsporidian species Microgemmia vivaresi n. sp. causing liver cell xenoma formation in sea scorpions, Taurulus bubalis, is described. Stages of merogony, sporogony, and sporogenesis are mixed in the central cytoplasm of developing xenomas. All stages have unpaired nuclei. Uninucleate and multinucleate meronts lie within vacuoles formed from host endoplasmic reticulum and divide by binary or multiple fission. Sporonts, no longer in vacuoles, deposit plaques of surface coat on the plasma membrane that cause the surface to pucker. Division occurs at the Puckered stage into sporoblast mother cells, on which plaques join up to complete the surface coat. A final binary fission gives rise to sporoblasts. A dense globule, thought to be involved in polar tube synthesis, is gradually dispersed during spore maturation. Spores are broadly ovoid, have a large posterior vacuole, and measure 3.6 mu m x 2.1 pint (fresh). The polar tube has a short wide anterior section that constricts abruptly, then runs posteriad to coil about eight times around the posterior vacuole with granular contents. The polaroplast has up to 40 membranes arranged in pairs mostly attached to the wide region of the polar tube and directed posteriorty around a cytoplasm of a coarsely granular appearance. The species is placed alongside the type species Microgemmia hepaticus Ralphs and Matthews 1986 within the family Tetramicridae, which is transferred from the class Dihaplophasea to the class Haplophasea, as there is no evidence for the occurrence of a diplokaryotic phase.
A key unresolved question in population ecology concerns the relationship between a population's size and its growth rate. We estimated this relationship for 1780 time series of mammals, birds, fish, and insects. We found that rates of population growth are high at low population densities but, contrary to previous predictions, decline rapidly with increasing population size and then flatten out, for all four taxa. This produces a strongly concave relationship between a population's growth rate and its size. These findings have fundamental implications for our understanding of animals' lives, suggesting in particular that many animals in these taxa will be found living at densities above the carrying capacity of their environments.
Wheat, although moderately tolerant to salt, can not be cultivated in many areas. However, in the triticeae tribe, some of the wild wheat relatives are highly tolerant, e.g. Thinopyrum bessarabicum, which grows on the sea shore. Eight primary hexaploid tritipyrum lines, amphiploids between Triticum durum and Thinopyrum bessarabicum have been produced which can set seed in at least 250 mM NaCl. These tritipyrums (2n=6x=42, AABBEbEb) due to reasons such as brittle rachis, continuous production of tillers, late maturity, tall stature and meiotic instability will not fulfill the requirements of a successful commercial salt tolerant crop. To overcome such problems the substituted tritipyrum, in which selected Eb chromosomes are replaced by D genome chromosomes of 6x wheat, was produced from 6x tritipyrum x 6x wheat hybrids (F1: 2n=6x=42, AABBDEb) followed by selfing and backcrossing with 6x tritipyrum. The fertile plants among the above progenies were screened by the genomic fluorescent in situ hybridization technique to identify their Eb and D chromosome constitution. This study showed that producing tritiprum with variable numbers of Eb and D genome chromosomes is feasible and that FISH is a useful technique for determining the number of Eb chromosomes present.
Three new polynuclear copper(II) complexes of 2-picolinic acid (Hpic), {[Cu-2(pic)(3)(H2O)]ClO4}(n) (1), {[Cu-2(pic)(3)(H2O)]BF4}(n) (2), and [Cu-2(pic)3(H2O)(2)(NO3)](n) (3), have been synthesized by reaction of the "metalloligand" [Cu-(pic)(2)] with the corresponding copper(II) salts. The compounds are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and variable-temperature magnetic measurements. Compounds 1 and 2 are isomorphous and crystallize in the triclinic system with space group P (1) over bar, while 3 crystallizes in the monoclinic system with space group P2(1)/n. The structural analyses reveal that complexes 1 and 2 are constructed by "fish backbone" chains through syn-anti (equatorial-equatorial) carboxylate bridges, which are linked to one another by syn-anti (equatorial-axial) carboxylate bridges, giving rise to a rectangular grid-like two-dimensional net. Complex 3 is formed by alternating chains of syn-anti carboxylate-bridged copper(II) atoms, which are linked together by strong H bonds involving coordinated nitrate ions and water molecules and uncoordinated oxygen atoms from carboxylate groups. The different coordination ability of the anions along with their involvement in the H-bonding network seems to be responsible for the difference in the final polymeric structures. Variable-temperature (2-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurement shows the presence of weak ferromagnetic coupling for all three complexes that have been fitted with a fish backbone model developed for 1 and 2 (J = 1.74 and 0.99 cm(-1); J' = 0.19 and 0.25 cm(-1), respectively) and an alternating chain model for 3 (J = 1.19 cm(-1) and J' = 1.19 cm(-1)).
Thermal non-destructive testing (NDT) is commonly used for assessing aircraft structures. This research work evaluates the potential of pulsed -- transient thermography for locating fixtures beneath aircraft skins in order to facilitate accurate automated assembly operations. Representative aluminium and carbon fibre aircraft skin-fixture assemblies were modelled using thermal modelling software. The assemblies were also experimentally investigated with an integrated pulsed thermographic evaluation system, as well as using a custom built system incorporating a miniature un-cooled camera. Modelling showed that the presence of an air gap between skin and fixture significantly reduced the thermal contrast developed, especially in aluminium. Experimental results show that fixtures can be located to accuracies of 0.5 mm.
Based on the potential benefits of cis-9, trans- 11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for human health there is a need to develop effective strategies for enhancing milk fat CLA concentrations. In this experiment, the effect of forage type and level of concentrate in the diet on milk fatty acid composition was examined in cows given a mixture of fish oil and sunflower oil. Four late lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were used in a 4 x 4 Latin-square experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments and 21-day experimental periods. Treatments consisted of grass (G) or maize (M) silage supplemented with low (L) or high (H) levels of concentrates (65: 35 and 35: 65; forage: concentrate ratio, on a dry matter (DM) basis, respectively) offered as a total mixed ration at a restricted level of intake (20 kg DM per day). Lipid supplements (30 g/kg DM) containing fish oil and sunflower oil (2: 3 w/w) were offered during the last 14 days of each experimental period. Treatments had no effect on total DM intake, milk yield, milk constituent output or milk fat content, but milk protein concentrations were lower (P<0.05) for G than M diets (mean 43.0 and 47.3 g/kg, respectively). Compared with grass silage, milk fat contained higher (P<0.05) amounts Of C-12: 0, C-14: 0, trans C-18:1 and long chain >= C20 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and lower (P<0.05) levels Of C-18:0 and trans C-18:2 when maize silage was offered. Increases in the proportion of concentrate in the diet elevated (P<0.05) C-18:2 (n-6) and long chain >= C20 (n-3) PUFA content, but reduced (P<0.05) the amount Of C-18:3 (n-3). Concentrations of trans-11 C-18:1 in milk were independent of forage type, but tended (P<0.10) to be lower for high concentrate diets (mean 7.2 and 4.0 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H respectively). Concentrations of trans-10 C-18:1 were higher (P<0.05) in milk from maize compared with grass silage (mean 10.3 and 4.1 g/100 g fatty acids, respectively) and increased in response to high levels of concentrates in the diet (mean 4.1 and 10.3 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H, respectively). Forage type had no effect (P>0.05) on total milk conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (2.7 and 2.8 g/100 g fatty acids, for M and G, respectively) or cis-9, trans-11 CLA content (2.2 and 2.4 g/100 g fatty acids). Feeding high concentrate diets tended (P<0.10) to decrease total CLA (3.3 and 2.2 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H, respectively) and cis-9, trans-11 CLA (2.9 and 1/7 g/100 g fatty acids) concentrations and increase milk trans-9, cis-11 CLA and trans-10, cis-12 CLA content. In conclusion, the basal diet is an important determinant of milk fatty acid composition when a supplement of fish oil and sunflower oil is given.
Mechanisms underlying milk fat conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) responses to supplements of fish oil were investigated using five lactating cows each fitted with a rumen cannula in a simple experiment consisting of two consecutive 14-day experimental periods. During the first period cows were offered 18 kg dry matter (DM) per day of a basal (B) diet formulated from grass silage and a cereal based-concentrate (0.6 : 0.4; forage : concentrate ratio, on a DM basis) followed by the same diet supplemented with 250 g fish oil per day (FO) in the second period. The flow of non-esterified fatty acids leaving the rumen was measured using the omasal sampling technique in combination with a triple indigestible marker method based on Li-Co-EDTA, Yb-acetate and Cr-mordanted straw. Fish oil decreased DM intake and milk yield, but had no effect on milk constituent content. Milk fat trans-11C(18:1), total trans-C-18:1, cis-9 trans-11 CLA, total CLA, C-18 :2 (n- 6) and total C-18:2 content were increased in response to fish oil from 1.80, 4.51, 0.39, 0. 56, 0.90 and 1.41 to 9.39, 14.39, 1.66, 1.85, 1.25 and 4.00 g/100 g total fatty acids, respectively. Increases in the cis-9, trans-11 isomer accounted for proportionately 0.89 of the CLA response to fish oil. Furthermore, fish oil decreased the flow of C-18:0 (283 and 47 g/day for B and FO, respectively) and increased that of trans-C-18:1 fatty acids entering the omasal canal (38 and 182 g/day). Omasal flows of trans-C-18:1 acids with double bonds in positions from delta-4 to -15 inclusive were enhanced, but the effects were isomer dependent and primarily associated with an increase in trans-11C(18:1) leaving the rumen (17.1 and 121.1 g/day for B and FO, respectively). Fish oil had no effect on total (4.36 and 3.50 g/day) or cis-9, trans-11 CLA (2.86 and 2.08 g/day) entering the omasal canal. Flows of cis-9, trans-11 CLA were lower than the secretion of this isomer in milk. Comparison with the transfer of the trans-9, trans-11 isomer synthesized in the rumen suggested that proportionately 0.66 and 0.97 of cis-9, trans-11 CLA was derived from endogenous conversion of trans-11 C-18:1 in the mammary gland for B and FO, respectively. It is concluded that fish oil enhances milk fat cis-9, trans-11 CLA content in response to increased supply of trans-11 C-18:1 that arises from an inhibition of trans C-18:1 reduction in the rumen.
Objective: To determine whether consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day reduces the enhancement of oxidative stress induced by consumption of fish oil. Subjects: A total of 18 free-living healthy smoking volunteers, aged 18-63 y, were recruited by posters and e-mail in The University of Reading, and by leaflets in local shops. Design: A prospective study. Setting: Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, School of Food Biosciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK. Intervention: All subjects consumed a daily supplement of 4 x 1 g fish oil capsules for 9 weeks. After 3 weeks, they consumed an additional five portions of fruits and vegetables per day, and then they returned to their normal diet for the last 3 weeks of the study. Fasting blood samples were taken at the ends of weeks 0, 3, 6 and 9. Results: The plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene all significantly increased when fruit and vegetable intake was enhanced (P<0.05). Plasma concentrations of α-tocopherol, retinol and uric acid did not change significantly during the period of increased fruit and vegetable consumption. Plasma oxidative stability, assessed by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, also increased from weeks 3-6 (P<0.001) but not in association with increases in measured antioxidants. Lag phase before oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) significantly decreased in the first 3 weeks of the study, reflecting the incorporation of EPA and DHA into LDL (P<0.0001). Subsequent enhanced fruit and vegetable consumption significantly reduced the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation (P<0.005). Conclusion: Fish oil reduced the oxidative stability of plasma and LDL, but the effects were partially offset by the increased consumption of fruit and vegetables.