989 resultados para Female Breast
Work-life issues have become a major concern across Western societies with the objective to promote women's careers and well-being. However, despite growing attempts to increase the number of women in senior management positions in European countries, such as Switzerland, they remain highly underrepresented. Inspired from the cultural approach in psychology, this article focuses on these women's concrete everyday life to understand how they articulate different life domains and how this influences their subjective well-being. A narrative approach based on reflexivity is adopted to analyze women's activity. Results show meaning intertwinements between life priorities that are often conflicting. Two psychological functions are identified: the feeling of control and the letting go of control. Each of these contributes to women's subjective well-being through the use of diversified supports, but their structuring roles appear only in relation to one another. Results are discussed in the light of existing literature and of their implications.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Formerly obese patients having undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) display both an accelerated digestion and absorption of carbohydrate and an increased plasma glucose clearance rate after meal ingestion. How RYGB effects postprandial kinetics of dietary lipids has yet not been investigated. METHODS: Plasma triglyceride (TG), apoB48, total apoB, bile acids (BA), fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19), and cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured in post-absorptive conditions and over 4-h following the ingestion of a mixed test meal in a cross-sectional, pilot study involving 11 formerly obese female patients 33.8 ± 16.4 months after RYGB surgery and in 11 weight- and age-matched female control participants. RESULTS: Compared to controls, RYGB patients had faster (254 ± 14 vs. 327 ± 7 min, p < 0.05) and lower (0.14 ± 0.04 vs. 0.35 ± 0.07 mM, p < 0.05) peak TG responses, but their peak apoB48 responses tended to be higher (2692 ± 336 vs. 1841 ± 228 ng/ml, p = 0.09). Their postprandial total BA concentrations were significantly increased and peaked earlier after meal ingestion than in controls. Their FGF19 and CCK concentrations also peaked earlier and to a higher value. CONCLUSIONS: The early postprandial apoB48 and BA responses indicate that RYGB accelerated the rate of dietary lipid absorption. The lower postprandial peak TG strongly suggests that the RYGB simultaneously increased the clearance of TG-rich lipoproteins. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01891591.
Selektiivisten estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijoiden (serm) vaikutus rintasyöpäsolujen ja luun solujen kuolemaan Selektiiviset estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijat (SERMit) ovat ryhmä kemialliselta rakenteeltaan erilaisia yhdisteitä jotka sitoutuvat solunsisäisiin estrogeenireseptoreihin toimien joko estrogeenin kaltaisina yhdisteinä tai estrogeenin vastavaikuttajina. Tamoksifeeni on SERM –yhdiste, jota on jo pitkään käytetty estrogeenireseptoreita (ER) ilmentävän rintasyövän lääkehoidossa. Tamoksifeeni sekä estää rintasyöpäsolujen jakaantumista että toisaalta aikaansaa niiden apoptoosin eli ohjelmoidun solukuoleman muuntelemalla ER-välitteisesti kohdesolun geenien ilmentymistä. Viimeaikaiset tutkimustulokset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet tamoksifeenilla olevan myös nopeampia, nongenomisia vaikutusmekanismeja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkimme niitä nopeita vaikutusmekanismeja joiden avulla tamoksifeeni vaikuttaa rintasyöpäsolujen elinkykyyn. Osoitamme että tamoksifeeni farmakologisina pitoisuuksina aikaansaa nopean mitokondriaalisen solukuolemaan johtavan signallointireitin aktivoitumisen rintasyöpäsoluissa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimme myös tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaan mitokondriovaurioon johtavia tekijöitä. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittavat että ER-positiivisissa rintasyöpäsoluissa tamoksifeeni indusoi pitkäkestoisen ERK-kinaasiaktivaation, joka voidaan estää 17-beta-estradiolilla. Tamoksifeenin aikaansaama nopea solukuolema on pääosin ER:sta riippumaton tapahtuma, mutta siihen voidaan vaikuttaa myös ER-välitteisin mekanismein. Sen sijaan epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptorin (EGFR) voitiin osoittaa osallistuvan tamoksifeenin nopeiden vaikutusten välittämiseen. Tämän lisäksi vertailimme myös estradiolin ja eri SERM-yhdisteiden kykyä suojata apoptoosilta käyttämällä osteoblastiperäisiä soluja. Pytyäksemme vertailemaan ER-isotyyppien roolia eri yhdisteiden suojavaikutuksissa, transfektoimme U2OS osteosarkoomasolulinjan ilmentämään pysyvästi joko ERalfaa tai ERbetaa. Tulostemme mukaan sekä estradioli että uusi SERM-yhdiste ospemifeeni suojaavat osteoblastin kaltaisia soluja etoposidi-indusoidulta apoptoosilta. Sekä ERalfa että ERbeta pystyivät välittämään suojavaikutusta, joskin vaikutukset erosivat toisistaan. Lisäksi havaitsimme edellä mainitun suojavaikutuksen olevan yhteydessä muutoksiin solujen sytokiiniekspressiossa. Tietoa SERM-yhdisteiden anti-ja proapoptoottisten vaikutusmekanismeista eri kohdekudoksissa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää kehiteltäessä uusia kudosspesifisiä SERM-yhdisteitä.
INTRODUCTION: Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare autoinflammatory neutrophilic ulcerative skin disease, often developing after a trauma or surgical wounds. In the literature there are several reports of post-surgical PG (PSPG) of the breast. The authors of this article experienced an impressive case of PSPG after an aesthetic breast augmentation mastopexy. PSPG is a rare but severe complication in this elective aesthetic surgical procedure. METHOD: A systematic review of the literature was performed, focusing on PSPG after aesthetic breast surgery (augmentation mammoplasty/mastopexy). The online databases Pubmed, Medline, and Cochrane were used and additionally a Google© search was conducted. We compared the data obtained from a systematic literature review to an index case of PSPG after esthetic augmentation mammoplasty. RESULTS: The literature search identified seven articles describing eight cases of PSPG after aesthetic breast surgery. In four of these cases augmentation mammoplasty had been carried out, in two cases mastopexy and in two cases augmentation mammoplasty and mastopexy (augmentation mastopexy). The patient we treated and describe in this paper underwent an augmentation mastopexy outside our clinic. Eight patients suffered from local disease, at the site of surgical wounds, one patient had disseminated disease. Leukocytosis was present in five cases (out of nine). Eight patients had received corticosteroid treatment, one patient refused such treatment. The duration of corticosteroid treatment was on average for 41 days (range 21-60 days). In all cases, the areola had been spared. Complete healing of PSPG was observed on average after 5 months (range 1.5 months-1 year). DISCUSSION: PSPG of the breast after aesthetic breast surgery is rare, but every plastic surgeon should consider this possibility, especially if skin disease develops post-surgery, mimicking wound infection that does not respond to broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment. CONCLUSION: Although the literature does not recommend this step, implant removal is recommended by the authors because bacterial wound infection normally cannot be ruled out definitely in the early stages of disease. Additional surgical intervention should be limited to the absolute necessary and performed only under adequate systemic immunosuppressive therapy. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE V: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266 .
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Smoking is a crucial environmental factor in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, knowledge on patient characteristics associated with smoking, time trends of smoking rates, gender differences and supportive measures to cease smoking provided by physicians is scarce. We aimed to address these questions in Swiss IBD patients. METHODS: Prospectively obtained data from patients participating in the Swiss IBD cohort study was analysed and compared to the general Swiss population (GSP) matched by age, sex and year. RESULTS: Among a total of 1770 IBD patients analysed (49.1% male), 29% are current smokers. More than twice as many patients with Crohn's disease (CD) are active smokers compared to ulcerative colitis (UC, 39.6% vs. 15.3%, p<0.001). In striking contrast to the GSP, significantly more women than men with CD smoke (42.8% vs. 35.8%, p=0.025), with also an overall significantly increased smoking rate compared to the GSP in women but not men. The vast majority of smoking IBD patients (90.5%) claim to never have received any support to achieve smoking cessation, significantly more in UC compared to CD. We identify a significantly negative association of smoking and primary sclerosing cholangitis, indicative of a protective effect. Psychological distress in CD is significantly higher in smokers compared to non-smokers, but does not differ in UC CONCLUSIONS: Despite well-established detrimental effects, smoking rates in CD are alarmingly high with persistent and stagnating elevations compared to the GSP, especially in female patients. Importantly, there appears to be an unacceptable underuse of supportive measures to achieve smoking cessation.
This paper explores the construction of female abject beings in Colombian contemporary media and culture comparing a character in the 2010 telenovela Chepe Fortuna named Venezuela, and the cultural representation of Piedad Córdoba. I argue that the construction of these two characters as abject beings is coherent with the dominant discourse of Alvaro Uribe's national project, which relied on a strong nationalist rhetoric based on binary oppositions of the type "we/other." In this context both Chepe Fortuna's Venezuela and Piedad Córdoba are constructed as "other." While Venezuela's abjection is partly effected on the basis of her being fat and black, Córdoba's is on the basis of her being a left-wing politician, and mediated through her being a black female. These two instances evidence an approach to femaleness that goes hand-in-hand with particular understandings of female subjectivity within current post-feminist paradigms.
BACKGROUND: Our retrospective, international study aimed at evaluating the activity and safety of eribulin mesylate (EM) in pretreated metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in a routine clinical setting. METHODS: Patients treated with EM for a locally advanced or MBC between March 2011 and January 2014 were included in the study. Clinical and biological assessment of toxicity was performed at each visit. Tumour response was assessed every 3 cycles of treatment. A database was created to collect clinical, pathological and treatment data. RESULTS: Two hundred and fifty-eight patients were included in the study. Median age was 59 years old. Tumours were Hormone Receptor (HR)-positive (73.3 %) HER2-positive (10.2 %), and triple negative (TN, 22.5 %). 86.4 % of the patients presented with visceral metastases, mainly in the liver (67.4 %). Median previous metastatic chemotherapies number was 4 [1-9]. Previous treatments included anthracyclines and/or taxanes (100 %) and capecitabine (90.7 %). Median number of EM cycles was 5 [1-19]. The relative dose intensity was 0.917. At the time of analysis (median follow-up of 13.9 months), 42.3 % of the patients were still alive. The objective response rate was 25.2 % (95 %CI: 20-31) with a 36.1 % clinical benefit rate (CBR). Median time to progression (TTP) and overall survival were 3.97 (95 %CI: 3.25-4.3) and 11.2 (95 %CI: 9.3-12.1) months, respectively. One- and 2-year survival rates were 45.5 and 8.5 %, respectively. In multivariate analysis, HER2 positivity (HR = 0.29), the presence of lung metastases (HR = 2.49) and primary taxanes resistance (HR = 2.36) were the only three independent CBR predictive factors, while HR positivity (HR = 0.67), the presence of lung metastases (HR = 1.52) and primary taxanes resistance (HR = 1.50) were the only three TTP independent prognostic factors. Treatment was globally well tolerated. Most common grade 3-4 toxicities were neutropenia (20.9 %), peripheral neuropathy (3.9 %), anaemia (1.6 %), liver dysfunction (0.8 %) and thrombocytopenia (0.4 %). Thirteen patients (5 %) developed febrile neutropenia. CONCLUSION: EM is an effective new option in heavily pretreated MBC, with a favourable efficacy/safety ratio in a clinical practice setting. Our results comfort the use of this new molecule and pledge for the evaluation of EM-trastuzumab combination in this setting. Tumour biology, primary taxanes sensitivity and metastatic sites could represent useful predictive and prognostic factors.
Why females of many species mate multiply in the absence of direct benefits remains an open question in evolutionary ecology. Interacting and mating with multiple males can be costly to females in terms of time, resources, predation risk, and disease transmission. A number of indirect genetic benefits have been proposed to explain such behaviors, but the relative importance of these mechanisms in natural systems remains unclear. We tested for several direct and indirect benefits of polyandry in the walking stick Timema cristinae. We found no evidence of direct benefits with respect to longevity or fecundity. However, male x female genotypic interactions affected egg-hatching success and offspring production independent of relatedness, suggesting that mating with certain males benefits females and that the best male may differ for each female. Furthermore, multiply mated females biased paternity toward one or few males, and the extent of this bias was positively correlated to egg-hatching success. Our data, therefore, provide evidence for indirect benefits through compatibility effects in this species. By mating multiply, females may improve their chances of mating with a compatible male if compatibility cannot be assessed before mating. Such compatibility effects can explain the evolution and maintenance of polyandry in Timema and many other species.
O Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS™), do American College of hRadiology, foi concebido para padronizar o laudo mamográfico e reduzir os fatores de confusão na descrição e interpretação das imagens, além de facilitar o monitoramento do resultado final. OBJETIVO: Identificar a maneira como vem sendo utilizado o BI-RADS™, gerando informações que possam auxiliar o Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia a desenvolver estratégias para aperfeiçoar o seu uso. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados na cidade de Goiânia, GO. Foram solicitados os exames de mamografia anteriores a todas as mulheres que se dirigiram ao serviço para realização de mamografia entre janeiro/2003 e junho/2003. Foram incluídos na análise exames anteriores, realizados entre 1/7/2001 e 30/6/2003. RESULTADOS: Foram coletados 104 laudos anteriores, emitidos por 40 radiologistas de 33 diferentes serviços. Dos 104 laudos, 77% (n = 80) utilizavam o BI-RADS™. Destes, apenas 15% (n = 12) eram concisos, nenhum utilizava a estrutura e organização recomendadas pelo sistema, 98,75% (n = 79) não respeitavam o léxico e 65% (n = 51) não faziam recomendação de conduta. CONCLUSÃO: O BI-RADS™, apesar de bastante utilizado, não foi reconhecido como sistema para padronização dos laudos. Foi usado quase exclusivamente como forma de classificação final dos exames.
Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) is the second most prevalent histologic subtype of invasive breast cancer. Here, we comprehensively profiled 817 breast tumors, including 127 ILC, 490 ductal (IDC), and 88 mixed IDC/ILC. Besides E-cadherin loss, the best known ILC genetic hallmark, we identified mutations targeting PTEN, TBX3, and FOXA1 as ILC enriched features. PTEN loss associated with increased AKT phosphorylation, which was highest in ILC among all breast cancer subtypes. Spatially clustered FOXA1 mutations correlated with increased FOXA1 expression and activity. Conversely, GATA3 mutations and high expression characterized luminal A IDC, suggesting differential modulation of ER activity in ILC and IDC. Proliferation and immune-related signatures determined three ILC transcriptional subtypes associated with survival differences. Mixed IDC/ILC cases were molecularly classified as ILC-like and IDC-like revealing no true hybrid features. This multidimensional molecular atlas sheds new light on the genetic bases of ILC and provides potential clinical options.
Previous research suggests that female physicians may not receive appropriate credit in patients' eyes for their patient-centered skills compared to their male counterparts. An experiment was conducted to determine whether a performance of higher (versus lower) verbal patient-centeredness would result in a greater difference in analogue patient satisfaction for male than female physicians. Two male and two female actors portrayed physicians speaking to a patient using high or low patient-centered scripts while not varying their nonverbal cues. One hundred ninety-two students served as analogue patients by assuming the patient role while watching one of the videos and rating their satisfaction and other evaluative responses to the physician. Greater verbal patient-centeredness had a stronger positive effect on satisfaction and evaluations for male than for female physicians. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that the different associations between patient-centeredness and patients' satisfaction for male versus female physicians occur because of the overlap between stereotypical female behavior and behaviors that comprise patient-centered medical care. If this is the case, high verbal patient-centered behavior by female physicians is not recognized as a marker of clinical competence, as it is for male physicians, but is rather seen as expected female behavior.
Background. Molecular tests for breast cancer (BC) risk assessment are reimbursed by health insurances in Switzerland since the beginning of year 2015. The main current role of these tests is to help oncologists to decide about the usefulness of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with early stage endocrine-sensitive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative BC. These gene expression signatures aim at predicting the risk of recurrence in this subgroup. One of them (OncotypeDx/OT) also predicts distant metastases rate with or without the addition of cytotoxic chemotherapy to endocrine therapy. The clinical utility of these tests -in addition to existing so-called "clinico-pathological" prognostic and predictive criteria (e.g. stage, grade, biomarkers status)-is still debated. We report a single center one year experience of the use of one molecular test (OT) in clinical decision making. Methods. We extracted from the CHUV Breast Cancer Center data base the total number of BC cases with estrogen-receptor positive (ER+), HER2-negative early breast cancer (node negative (pN0) disease or micrometastases in up to 3 lymph nodes) operated between September 2014 and August 2015. For the cases from this group in which a molecular test had been decided by the tumor board, we collected the clinicopathologic parameters, the initial tumor board decision, and the final adjuvant systemic therapy decision. Results. A molecular test (OT) was done in 12.2% of patients with ER + HER2 negative early BC. The median age was 57.4 years and the median invasive tumor size was 1.7 cm. These patients were classified by ODX testing (Recurrence Score) into low-, intermediate-, and high risk groups, respectively in 27.2%, 63.6% and 9% of cases. Treatment recommendations changed in 18.2%, predominantly from chemotherapyendocrine therapy to endocrine treatment alone. Of 8 patients originally recommended chemotherapy, 25% were recommended endocrine treatment alone after receiving the Recurrence Score result. Conclusions. Though reimbursed by health insurances since January 2015, molecular tests are used moderately in our institution as per the decision of the multidisciplinary tumor board. It's mainly used to obtain a complementary confirmation supporting the decision of no chemotherapy. The OncotypeDx Recurrence Score results were in the intermediate group in 66% of the 9 tested cases but contributed to avoid chemotherapy in 2 patients during the last 12 months.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and its development is intimately related to hormonal factors, but how hormones affect breast physiology and tumorigenesis is not sufficiently known. Pregnancy elicits long-term protection from breast cancer, but during the first ten years after pregnancy, breast cancer risk is increased. In previous studies, there has been conflicting data on the role of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and the functionality of its receptor in extragonadal tissues. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of chronically elevated HCG in mouse physiology. We have created a transgenic (TG) mouse model that overexpresses HCG. HCG is similar to lutenizing hormone (LH), but is secreted almost solely by the placenta during pregnancy. HCG and LH both bind to the LH receptor (LHR). In the current study, mammary gland tumors were observed in HCG TG mice. We elucidated the role of HCG in mammary gland signalling and the effects of LHR mediated signalling in mouse mammary gland gene expression. We also studied the effects of HCG in human breast epithelial cell cultures. Several endocrine disturbances were observed in HCGβ TG female mice, resulting in precocious puberty, infertility, obesity and pituitary and mammary gland tumors. The histology of the mammary gland tumors of HCGβ TG females resembled those observed in mouse models with activated Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Wnts are involved in stem cell regulation and tumorigenesis, and are hormonally regulated in the mammary gland. We observed activated β-catenin signalling and elevated expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in TG tumors and mammary glands. Furthermore, we discovered that HCG directly regulates the expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in the mouse mammary gland. Pharmacological treatment with HCG also caused upregulation of several Wnt-pathway target genes in ovariectomized wild type (WT) mice in the presence of physiological concentrations of estradiol and progesterone. In addition, differential expression of several metabolic genes was observed, suggesting that HCG affects adipocyte function or glucose metabolism. When WT mice were transplanted with LHR deficient or wild type WT mammary epithelium, differential expression of several genes affecting the Wnt-signalling pathway was observed in microarray analysis. Diminished expression of several genes associated with LHR function in other tissues, such as the ovary, was observed in mammary glands deficient of epithelial LHR. In cultured human mammary epithelial cells HCG upregulated the expression of WNT5B, WNT7B similar to mouse, suggesting that the observations found are relevant in human physiology. These studies suggest that HCG/LHR signalling affects gene expression in non-gonadal tissues, and that Wnt-signalling is regulated by HCG/LH in human and mouse mammary glands.
Pendant quatre semaines, les étudiant(e)s en médecine de 3e année de l'Université de Lausanne mènent une enquête dans la communauté sur le sujet de leur choix. L'objectif de ce module est de faire découvrir aux futurs médecins les déterminants non biomédicaux de la santé, de la maladie et de l'exercice de la médecine : les styles de vie, les facteurs psychosociaux et culturels, l'environnement, les décisions politiques, les contraintes économiques, les questions éthiques, etc. Par groupes de cinq, les étudiant(e)s commencent par définir une question de recherche originale et en explorent la littérature scientifique. Leur travail de recherche les amène à entrer en contact avec le réseau d'acteurs de la communauté concernés, professionnels ou associations de patients dont ils analysent les rôles et influences respectives. Chaque groupe est accompagné par un(e) tuteur(trice), enseignant(e) de la Faculté de biologie et de médecine de l'Université de Lausanne. Les étudiant(e)s présentent la synthèse de leurs travaux pendant un congrès de deux jours à la fin du module. Quatre travaux parmi les plus remarquables ont été choisis pour être publiés dans la Revue Médicale Suisse et Primary Care.