995 resultados para Farming--South Carolina
The Dora Dee Walker Papers consist of biographical sketches and data sheets, a letter, photographs, a newspaper clipping and a copy of the history of extension work in Allendale County, all relating to Dora Walker, pioneering State leader in extension work in South Carolina.
The Strom and Jean Crouch Thurmond Scrapbook collection consists of three scrapbooks containing photocopies of clippings relating to Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond’s family life, as well as the political career of Strom Thurmond. Senator Thurmond’s first wife, Jean Crouch Thurmond was a 1947 graduate of Winthrop College, the South Carolina College for Women.
Thelma Ecord Busbee (1910-2004) was a Civic leader and club woman from Columbia, South Carolina. The Thelma Ecord Busbee Papers consist of correspondence, reports, constitutions, financial records, program notes, and other papers relating to her many club and civic activities. The collection covers the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1950-1959), The South Carolina Status of Women’s Conference (1961-1968), the Richland-Lexington Tuberculosis Association (1961-1964), South Carolina Alert, Inc. (1961-1962), the Palmetto Outdoor Historical Drama Association (1965-1968), the South Carolina State Library Board (1967-1968), the Lexington County Hospital Auxiliary (1970-1972), and the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1966).
The Mrs. W. E. Cochran Papers consist of histories, constitutions, bylaws, reports, memoranda, minutes, membership lists, newsletters, handbooks, brochures, manuals, newspaper clippings and photographs, relating to her involvement with the South Carolina Extension Homemakers’ Council (1936-1976), the National Home Demonstration Council (1960-1976), the Associated Country Women of the World (1947-1976), the Master Farm Homemakers’ Guild (1964-1976), and the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1968-1972).
Thomas Smithwick Gettys (1912-2003) was a lawyer and U.S. Representative for the Fifth Congressional District of South Carolina. The Thomas Smithwick Gettys Papers consist of reports, resolutions, correspondence, news releases, government publications, and newspaper clippings, relating to Getty’s efforts to enlarge and develop the Cowpens Battlefield Site of Cherokee County, South Carolina. Correspondents include Ernest Hollings, Donald Russell, John P. Saylor, W.S. Stuckey, Jr., Roy A. Taylor, Mark W. Clark, Wayne Aspinall, and Stewart Udall.
Sallie Alta Pearce Musser (1902-1974) was a home demonstration agent (1930-1957), and head of the South Carolina Home Demonstration Service (1957-1965). The Sallie Pearce Musser Papers consist of biographical data, correspondence, letters of appreciation upon her retirement, newspaper clippings, photographs, and term papers written by Mrs. Musser while she was working on her MA in 1950 at George Peabody College for Women.
The Church Women United In Columbia was founded in 1915 as the Women’s Interdenominational Missionary Union whose purpose was to work for the betterment of social and economic conditions in the city of Columbia, South Carolina. The collection consists of constitutions, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, newsletters, newspaper clippings, lists, and other records relating to the history and civic activities of the organization.
Organized in 1904 as the Monday Afternoon Club and later the Monday Club, it became the Outlook Club in 1916. The original purpose of the book club (later the interests of the club were literary, social, and philanthropic) was to affect a better relationship between the wives of the Winthrop College faculty, and the women of Rock Hill, SC. The club was federated by the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1907 and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1933. Minutes, reports, correspondence, financial records, program notes, newspaper clippings, membership records, publications, constitutions and bylaws, historical data, yearbooks, bulletins, convention records, magazines, catalogs, memorabilia, and a scrapbook. The records provide information, not only on the club but also on other subjects, including the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs, the role of women’s clubs during World War II, and the relationship between the wives of Winthrop College faculty and the women in the Rock Hill community.
In this issue: Beach House Raffle Planned "The End of the Affair" -- Dean Herring Note From the Chair: "Reflections on Reading"-- Dr. Jane J. White Membership Form
Marguerite Tolbert (1893-1982) was a Winthrop alumna (class of 1914), club woman, and administrator with the Opportunity School in Columbia, South Carolina. The Marguerite Tolbert Papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, galley proofs, biographical sketches, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to the publication of the book, South Carolina’s Distinguished Women of Laurens County. Miss Tolbert served as coordinator for the book project. Also included is an unpublished manuscript written by Clara Yarborough concerning the terms of office of seven former South Carolina governors. Miss Yarborough served as secretary under these governors.
Transgenerational plasticity (TGP), a type of maternal effect, occurs when the environment experienced by one or both the parents prior to fertilization directly translates, without changing DNA sequences, into changes in offspring reaction norms. Evidence of such effects has been found in several traits throughout many phyla, and, although of great potential importance - especially in a time of rapid climate change - TGP in thermal growth physiology had never been demonstrated for vertebrates until the first experiment on thermal TGP in sheepshead minnows, who, given sufficient time, adaptively program their offspring for maximal egg viability and growth at the temperature experienced before fertilization. This study on sheepshead minnows from South Carolina and Connecticut investigates how population, parent temperature, and offspring temperature affect egg production, size, viability, larval survival and growth rates, whether these effects provide evidence of TGP, and whether and how they vary with length of exposure time (5, 12, 19, 26, 33 and 43 days) of the parents to the new experimental temperatures of either 26°C or 32°C. Several results are consistent with those obtained in the previous TGP study, which outline a sequence of events consisting of an initial adjustment period to the new temperatures, in which egg production decreases and no signs of TGP are present, followed by a shift to TGP (towards 26-33 days of exposure) in which parents start to produce more eggs which are better adapted to the new thermal environment. Other results present new information, such as signs of TGP in the parent temperature effect on egg sizes already around 20 days of exposure. The innovative idea of populations being able to adapt to rapidly shifting environments through non-genetic mechanisms such as TGP opens new possibilities of survival of species and will have important implications on ecology, physiology, and contemporary evolution.