981 resultados para Factor-ii Gene
Rifampin-resistant Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif and mutants in which the regulatory gene algU (encoding sigma factor sigma(E)) or gacA (encoding a global regulator of secondary metabolism) was inactivated were compared for persistence in three nonsterile soils. Functional algU and (particularly) gacA were needed for CHA0-Rif to maintain cell culturability in soil.
Background and objectives Interleukin 18 (IL-18) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. This study was carried out to evaluate the effi cacy of IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) gene therapy in the rat adjuvant- induced arthritis (AIA) model and to decipher the mechanisms by which IL-18BP delivery lessens bone destruction.Materials and methods Arthritis was induced in female Lewis rat by Mycobacterium butyricum and the mRNA expression of IL-18 and IL-18BP was determined in the joints. In a preventive study, rats were divided into an adenovirus producing IL-18BP-Fc (AdmIL-18BP-Fc) group (n=8) and an adenovirus producing green fl uorescent protein (AdGFP) group (n=7). On day 8 after AIA induction, adenoviruses were injected. Clinical parameters were assessed. At day 18, during maximal arthritis, the rats were euthanized, ankles were collected and x-rays were performed. mRNA and protein were extracted from joints for analysis by quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR, multiplex, Western blot and zymography.Results The authors observed a decrease in the (IL-18BP/ IL-18) ratio from day 7 to 45. Administration of AdmIL-18BPd-Fc decreased clinical parameters and prevented bone and joint destruction compared to AdGFP administration. IL-18BP delivery reduced the (receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG)) ratio by 70%, the matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) level by 33% and the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) level by 44% in the joint homogenates from AdmIL-18BPd-Fc compared to AdGFP treated rats.Conclusions In rat AIA, a decrease in the (IL-18BP/IL-18) ratio was observed. IL-18BP delivery prevented joint and bone destruction by downregulating MMP9, (RANKL/OPG) and TRAP, suggesting a potential benefi t of a similar therapy in RA.Abstract topics Towards novel therapeutic strategies.
ABSTRACT Production of the polyketide antimicrobial metabolite 2,4-diacetyl-phloroglucinol (DAPG) is a key factor in the biocontrol activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. Strain CHA0 carrying a translational phlA'-'lacZ fusion was used to monitor expression of the phl biosynthetic genes in vitro and in the rhizosphere. Expression of the reporter gene accurately reflected actual production of DAPG in vitro and in planta as determined by direct extraction of the antimicrobial compound. In a gnotobiotic system containing a clay and sand-based artificial soil, reporter gene expression was significantly greater in the rhizospheres of two monocots (maize and wheat) compared with gene expression in the rhizospheres of two dicots (bean and cucumber). We observed this host genotype effect on bacterial gene expression also at the level of cultivars. Significant differences were found among six additional maize cultivars tested under gnotobiotic conditions. There was no difference between transgenic maize expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal gene cry1Ab and the near-isogenic parent line. Plant age had a significant impact on gene expression. Using maize as a model, expression of the phlA'-'lacZ reporter gene peaked at 24 h after planting of pregerminated seedlings, and dropped to a fourth of that value within 48 h, remaining at that level throughout 22 days of plant growth. Root infection by Pythium ultimum stimulated bacterial gene expression on both cucumber and maize, and this was independent of differences in rhizosphere colonization on these host plants. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive evaluation of how biotic factors that commonly confront bacterial inoculants in agricultural systems (host genotype, host age, and pathogen infection) modulate the expression of key biocontrol genes for disease suppression.
Nitric oxide (NO) plays a major role in the regulation of cardiovascular and metabolic homeostasis, as evidenced by insulin resistance and arterial hypertension in endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) null mice. Extrapolation of these findings to humans is difficult, however, because eNOS gene deficiency has not been reported. eNOS gene polymorphism and impaired NO synthesis, however, have been reported in several cardiovascular disease states and could predispose to insulin resistance. High-fat diet induces insulin resistance and arterial hypertension in normal mice. To test whether partial eNOS deficiency facilitates the development of insulin resistance and arterial hypertension during metabolic stress, we examined effects of an 8-week high-fat diet on insulin sensitivity (euglycemic clamp) and arterial pressure in eNOS(+/-) mice. When fed a normal diet, these mice had normal insulin sensitivity and were normotensive. When fed a high-fat diet, however, eNOS(+/-) mice developed exaggerated arterial hypertension and had fasting hyperinsulinemia and a 35% lower insulin-stimulated glucose utilization than control mice. The partial deletion of the eNOS gene does not alter insulin sensitivity or blood pressure in mice. When challenged with nutritional stress, however, partial eNOS deficiency facilitates the development of insulin resistance and arterial hypertension, providing further evidence for the importance of this gene in linking metabolic and cardiovascular disease.
Résumé tout public : Le développement du diabète de type II et de l'obésité est causé par l'interaction entre des gènes de susceptibilité et des facteurs environnementaux, en particulier une alimentation riche en calories et une activité physique insuffisante. Afín d'évaluer le rôle de l'alimentation en absence d'hétérogénéité génétique, nous avons nourri une lignée de souris génétiquement pure avec un régime extrêmement gras. Ce régime a conduit à l'établissement de différents phénotypes parmi ces souris, soit : un diabète et une obésité (ObD), un diabète mais pas d'obésité (LD) ou ni un diabète, ni une obésité (LnD). Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que ces adaptations différentes au stress nutritionnel induit par le régime gras étaient dues à l'établissement de programmes génétiques différents dans les principaux organes impliqués dans le maintien de l'équilibre énergétique. Afin d'évaluer cette hypothèse, nous avons développé une puce à ADN contenant approximativement 700 gènes du métabolisme. Cette puce à ADN, en rendant possible la mesure simultanée de l'expression de nombreux gènes, nous a permis d'établir les profils d'expression des gènes caractéristiques de chaque groupe de souris nourries avec le régime gras, dans le foie et le muscle squelettique. Les données que nous avons obtenues à partir de ces profils d'expression ont montré que des changements d'expression marqués se produisaient dans le foie et le muscle entre les différents groupes de souris nourries avec le régime gras. Dans l'ensemble, ces changements suggèrent que l'établissement du diabète de type II et de l'obésité induits par un régime gras est associé à une synthèse accrue de lipides par le foie et à un flux augmenté de lipides du foie jusqu'à la périphérie (muscles squelettiques). Dans un deuxième temps, ces profils d'expression des gènes ont été utilisés pour sélectionner un sous-ensemble de gènes suffisamment discriminants pour pouvoir distinguer entre les différents phénotypes. Ce sous-ensemble de gènes nous a permis de construire un classificateur phénotypique capable de prédire avec une précision relativement élevée le phénotype des souris. Dans le futur, de tels « prédicteurs » basés sur l'expression des gènes pourraient servir d'outils pour le diagnostic de pathologies liées au métabolisme. Summary: Aetiology of obesity and type II diabetes is multifactorial, involving both genetic and environmental factors, such as calory-rich diets or lack of exercice. Genetically homogenous C57BL/6J mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) up to nine months develop differential adaptation, becoming either obese and diabetic (ObD) or remaining lean in the presence (LD) or absence (LnD) of diabetes development. Each phenotype is associated with diverse metabolic alterations, which may result from diverse molecular adaptations of key organs involved in the control of energy homeostasis. In this study, we evaluated if specific patterns of gene expression could be associated with each different phenotype of HFD mice in the liver and the skeletal muscles. To perform this, we constructed a metabolic cDNA microarray containing approximately 700 cDNA representing genes involved in the main metabolic pathways of energy homeostasis. Our data indicate that the development of diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes is linked to some defects in lipid metabolism, involving a preserved hepatic lipogenesis and increased levels of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In skeletal muscles, an increase in fatty acids uptake, as suggested by the increased expression of lipoprotein lipase, would contribute to the increased level of insulin resistance observed in the ObD mice. Conversely, both groups of lean mice showed a reduced expression in lipogenic genes, particularly stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (Scd-1), a gene linked to sensitivity to diet-induced obesity. Secondly, we identified a subset of genes from expression profiles that classified with relative accuracy the different groups of mice. Such classifiers may be used in the future as diagnostic tools of each metabolic state in each tissue. Résumé Développement d'une puce à ADN métabolique et application à l'étude d'un modèle murin d'obésité et de diabète de type II L'étiologie de l'obésité et du diabète de type II est multifactorielle, impliquant à la fois des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux, tels que des régimes riches en calories ou un manque d'exercice physique. Des souris génétiquement homogènes C57BL/6J nourries avec un régime extrêmement gras (HFD) pendant 9 mois développent une adaptation métabolique différentielle, soit en devenant obèses et diabétiques (ObD), soit en restant minces en présence (LD) ou en absence (LnD) d'un diabète. Chaque phénotype est associé à diverses altérations métaboliques, qui pourraient résulter de diverses adaptations moléculaires des organes impliqués dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie énergétique. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué si des profils d'expression des gènes dans le foie et le muscle squelettique pouvaient être associés à chacun des phénotypes de souris HFD. Dans ce but, nous avons développé une puce à ADN métabolique contenant approximativement 700 ADNc représentant des gènes impliqués dans les différentes voies métaboliques de l'homéostasie énergétique. Nos données indiquent que le développement de l'obésité et du diabète de type II induit par un régime gras est associé à certains défauts du métabolisme lipidique, impliquant une lipogenèse hépatique préservée et des niveaux de lipoprotéines de très faible densité (VLDL) augmentés. Au niveau du muscle squelettique, une augmentation du captage des acides gras, suggéré par l'expression augmentée de la lipoprotéine lipase, contribuerait à expliquer la résistance à l'insuline plus marquée observée chez les souris ObD. Au contraire, les souris minces ont montré une réduction marquée de l'expression des gènes lipogéniques, en particulier de la stéaroyl-CoA désaturase 1 (scd-1), un gène associé à la sensibilité au développement de l'obésité par un régime gras. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons identifié un sous-ensemble de gènes à partir des profils d'expression, qui permettent de classifier avec une précision relativement élevée les différents groupes de souris. De tels classificateurs pourraient être utilisés dans le futur comme outils pour le diagnostic de l'état métabolique d'un tissu donné.
1.1 AbstractThe treatment of memory disorders and cognitive deficits in various forms of mental retardation may greatly benefit from a better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of memory formation. Different forms of memory have distinct molecular requirements.Short-term memory (STM) is thought to be mediated by covalent modifications of existing synaptic molecules, such as phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of enzymes, receptors or ion channels. In contrast, long-term memoiy (LTM) is thought to be mediated by growth of new synapses and restructuring of existing synapses. There is extensive evidence that changes in gene expression and de novo protein synthesis are key processes for LTM formation. In this context, the transcription factor CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) was shown to be crucial. Activation of CREB requires phosphorylation of a serine residue (Ser-133), and the subsequent recruitment of a coactivator called CREB-binding protein (CBP). Moreover, we have recently shown that another coactivator called CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1 (CRTC1) functions as a calcium- and cAMP-sensitive coincidence detector in neurons, and is involved in hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity. Given the importance of cAMP and calcium signaling for plasticity-related gene expression in neurons and in astrocytes, we sought to determine the respective involvement of the CREB coactivators CBP and CRTC1 in CREB-mediated transcription.We developed various strategies to selectively interfere with these CREB coactivators in mouse primary neurons and in astrocytes in vitro. However, despite several pieces of evidence implicating CBP and/or CRTC1 in the regulation of neuronal plasticity genes, we could not clearly determine the respective requirement of these coactivators for the activation of these genes. Nevertheless, we showed that calcineurin activity, which is important for CRTC1 nuclear translocation, is necessary for the expression of some CREB-regulated plasticity genes. We associated this phenomena to physiopathological conditions observed in Down's syndrome. In addition, we demonstrated that in astrocytes, noradrenaline stimulates CREB-target gene expression through β-adrenergic receptor activation, intracellular cAMP pathway activation, and CRTC-induced CREB transactivation.Defining the respective role of CREB and its coactivators CBP and CRTC1 in neuronal and astrocytic cultures in vitro sets the stage for future in vivo studies and for the possible development of new therapeutic strategies to improve the treatment of memoiy and cognitive disorders.1.2 RésuméUne meilleure connaissance des mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires responsables de la formation de la mémoire pourrait grandement améliorer le traitement des troubles de la mémoire ainsi que des déficits cognitifs observés dans différentes formes de pathologies psychiatriques telles que le retard mental. Les différentes formes de mémoire dépendent de processus moléculaires différents.La mémoire à court terme (STM) semble prendre forme suite à des modifications covalentes de molécules synaptiques préexistantes, telles que la phosphorylation ou la déphosphorylation d'enzymes, de récepteurs ou de canaux ioniques. En revanche, la mémoire à long terme (LTM) semble être due à la génération de nouvelles synapses et à la restructuration des synapses existantes. De nombreuses études ont permis de démontrer que les changements dans l'expression des gènes et la synthèse de protéine de novo sont des processus clés pour la formation de la LTM. Dans ce contexte, le facteur de transcription CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) s'est avéré être un élément crucial. L'activation de CREB nécessite la phosphorylation d'un résidu sérine (Ser-133), et le recrutement d'un coactivateur nommé CBP (CREB binding protein). En outre, nous avons récemment démontré qu'un autre coactivateur de CREB nommé CRTC1 (CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1) agit comme un détecteur de coïncidence de l'AMP cyclique (AMPc) et du calcium dans les neurones et qu'il est impliqué dans la formation de la plasticité synaptique à long terme dans l'hippocampe. Etant donné l'importance des voies de l'AMPc et du calcium dans l'expression des gènes impliqués dans la plasticité cérébrale, nous voulions déterminer le rôle respectif des coactivateurs de CREB, CBP et CRTC1.Nous avons développé diverses stratégies pour interférer de façon sélective avec les coactivateurs de CREB dans les neurones et dans les astrocytes chez la souris in vitro. Nos résultats indiquent que CBP et CRTC1 sont tous deux impliqués dans la transcription dépendante de CREB induite par l'AMPc et le calcium dans les neurones. Cependant, malgré plusieurs évidences impliquant CBP et/ou CRTC1 dans l'expression de gènes de plasticité neuronale, nous n'avons pas pu déterminer clairement leur nécessité respective pour l'activation de ces gènes. Toutefois, nous avons montré que l'activité de la calcineurine, dont dépend la translocation nucléaire de CRTC1, est nécessaire à l'expression de certains de ces gènes. Nous avons pu associer ce phénomène à une condition physiopathologique observée dans le syndrome de Down. Nous avons également montré que dans les astrocytes, la noradrénaline stimule l'expression de gènes cibles de CREB par une activation des récepteurs β- adrénergiques, l'activation de la voie de l'AMPc et la transactivation de CREB par les CRTCs.Définir le rôle respectif de CREB et de ses coactivateurs CBP et CRTC1 dans les neurones et dans les astrocytes in vitro permettra d'acquérir les connaissances nécessaires à de futures études in vivo et, à plus long terme d'éventuellement développer des stratégies thérapeutiques pour améliorer les traitements des troubles cognitifs.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are essential in glucose and lipid metabolism and are implicated in metabolic disorders predisposing to atherosclerosis, such as diabetes and dyslipidemia. Conversely, antidiabetic glitazones and hypolipidemic fibrate drugs, known as PPARgamma and PPARalpha ligands, respectively, reduce the process of atherosclerotic lesion formation, which involves chronic immunoinflammatory processes. Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules, expressed on the surface of specialized cells, are directly involved in the activation of T lymphocytes and in the control of the immune response. Interestingly, expression of MHC-II has recently been observed in atherosclerotic plaques, and it can be induced by the proinflammatory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in vascular cells. To explore a possible role for PPAR ligands in the regulation of the immune response, we investigated whether PPAR activation affects MHC-II expression in atheroma-associated cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that PPARgamma but not PPARalpha ligands act as inhibitors of IFN-gamma-induced MHC-II expression and thus as repressors of MHC-II-mediated T-cell activation. All different types of PPARgamma ligands tested inhibit MHC-II. This effect of PPARgamma ligands is due to a specific inhibition of promoter IV of CIITA and does not concern constitutive expression of MHC-II. Thus, the beneficial effects of antidiabetic PPARgamma activators on atherosclerotic plaque development may be partly explained by their repression of MHC-II expression and subsequent inhibition of T-lymphocyte activation.
In the principal cell of the renal collecting duct, vasopressin regulates the expression of a gene network responsible for sodium and water reabsorption through the regulation of the water channel and the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). We have recently identified a novel vasopressin-induced transcript (VIT32) that encodes for a 142 amino acid vasopressin-induced protein (VIP32), which has no homology with any protein of known function. The Xenopus oocyte expression system revealed two functions: (i) when injected alone, VIT32 cRNA rapidly induces oocyte meiotic maturation through the activation of the maturation promoting factor, the amphibian homolog of the universal M phase trigger Cdc2/cyclin; and (ii) when co-injected with the ENaC, VIT32 cRNA selectively downregulates channel activity, but not channel cell surface expression. In the kidney principal cell, VIP32 may be involved in the downregulation of transepithelial sodium transport observed within a few hours after vasopressin treatment. VIP32 belongs to a novel gene family ubiquitously expressed in oocyte and somatic cells that may be involved in G to M transition and cell cycling.
A variety of stress situations may affect the activity and survival of plant-beneficial pseudomonads added to soil to control root diseases. This study focused on the roles of the sigma factor AlgU (synonyms, AlgT, RpoE, and sigma(22)) and the anti-sigma factor MucA in stress adaptation of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. The algU-mucA-mucB gene cluster of strain CHA0 was similar to that of the pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas syringae. Strain CHA0 is naturally nonmucoid, whereas a mucA deletion mutant or algU-overexpressing strains were highly mucoid due to exopolysaccharide overproduction. Mucoidy strictly depended on the global regulator GacA. An algU deletion mutant was significantly more sensitive to osmotic stress than the wild-type CHA0 strain and the mucA mutant were. Expression of an algU'-'lacZ reporter fusion was induced severalfold in the wild type and in the mucA mutant upon exposure to osmotic stress, whereas a lower, noninducible level of expression was observed in the algU mutant. Overexpression of algU did not enhance tolerance towards osmotic stress. AlgU was found to be essential for tolerance of P. fluorescens towards desiccation stress in a sterile vermiculite-sand mixture and in a natural sandy loam soil. The size of the population of the algU mutant declined much more rapidly than the size of the wild-type population at soil water contents below 5%. In contrast to its role in pathogenic pseudomonads, AlgU did not contribute to tolerance of P. fluorescens towards oxidative and heat stress. In conclusion, AlgU is a crucial determinant in the adaptation of P. fluorescens to dry conditions and hyperosmolarity, two major stress factors that limit bacterial survival in the environment.
The pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and the female hormone estrogen have been implicated in the pathophysiology of two common gynecological diseases, endometriosis and endometrial adenocarcinoma. Here we describe a novel capacity of TNF-α to activate ER signaling in endometrial epithelial cells. TNF-α induced luciferase expression in the absence and presence of estradiol and also augmented expression of the estrogen-regulated genes c-fos, GREB1, and progesterone receptor. Furthermore, TNF-α mediated ER transcriptional activity is dependent on the Extracellular Regulated Kinase (ERK) 1/2 pathway. Co-treatment with a pure ER antagonist resulted in an inhibition of this TNF-α-induced ERE luciferase activity and gene expression, demonstrating that this cytokine signals through ERs. Additional investigations confirmed that TNF-α acts specifically via ERα. Taken together, these data provide a rationale for the potential use of inhibitors of TNF-α and estrogen production/activity in combination for the treatment of endometrial pathologies.
OBJECTIVE: In addition to its haemodynamic effects, angiotensin II (AngII) is thought to contribute to the development of cardiac hypertrophy via its growth factor properties. The activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) is crucial for stimulating cardiac growth. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine whether the trophic effects of AngII and the AngII-induced haemodynamic load were associated with specific cardiac MAPK pathways during the development of hypertrophy. Methods The activation of the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK), the c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and the p38 kinase was followed in the heart of normotensive and hypertensive transgenic mice with AngII-mediated cardiac hypertrophy. Secondly, we used physiological models of AngII-dependent and AngII-independent renovascular hypertension to study the activation of cardiac MAPK pathways during the development of hypertrophy. RESULTS: In normotensive transgenic animals with AngII-induced cardiac hypertrophy, p38 activation is associated with the development of hypertrophy while ERK and JNK are modestly stimulated. In hypertensive transgenic mice, further activation of ERK and JNK is observed. Moreover, in the AngII-independent model of renovascular hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy, p38 is not activated while ERK and JNK are strongly stimulated. In contrast, in the AngII-dependent model, all three kinases are stimulated. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that p38 activation is preferentially associated with the direct effects of AngII on cardiac cells, whereas stimulation of ERK and JNK occurs in association with AngII-induced mechanical stress.
BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) takes advantage of multiple host proteins to support its own replication. The gene ZNRD1 (zinc ribbon domain-containing 1) has been identified as encoding a potential host factor that influenced disease progression in HIV-positive individuals in a genomewide association study and also significantly affected HIV replication in a large-scale in vitro short interfering RNA (siRNA) screen. Genes and polymorphisms identified by large-scale analysis need to be followed up by means of functional assays and resequencing efforts to more precisely map causal genes. METHODS: Genotyping and ZNRD1 gene resequencing for 208 HIV-positive subjects (119 who experienced long-term nonprogression [LTNP] and 89 who experienced normal disease progression) was done by either TaqMan genotyping assays or direct sequencing. Genetic association analysis was performed with the SNPassoc package and Haploview software. siRNA and short hairpin RNA (shRNA) specifically targeting ZNRD1 were used to transiently or stably down-regulate ZNRD1 expression in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells. Cells were infected with X4 and R5 HIV strains, and efficiency of infection was assessed by reporter gene assay or p24 assay. RESULTS: Genetic association analysis found a strong statistically significant correlation with the LTNP phenotype (single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1048412; [Formula: see text]), independently of HLA-A10 influence. siRNA-based functional analysis showed that ZNRD1 down-regulation by siRNA or shRNA impaired HIV-1 replication at the transcription level in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells. CONCLUSION: Genetic association analysis unequivocally identified ZNRD1 as an independent marker of LTNP to AIDS. Moreover, in vitro experiments pointed to viral transcription as the inhibited step. Thus, our data strongly suggest that ZNRD1 is a host cellular factor that influences HIV-1 replication and disease progression in HIV-positive individuals.
Toll-like receptor 4 (Tlr4) has a pivotal role in innate immune responses, and the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPδ, Cebpd) is a Tlr4-induced gene. Here we identify a positive feedback loop in which C/EBPδ activates Tlr4 gene expression in macrophages and tumour cells. In addition, we discovered a negative feedback loop whereby the tumour suppressor FBXW7α (FBW7, Cdc4), whose gene expression is inhibited by C/EBPδ, targets C/EBPδ for degradation when C/EBPδ is phosphorylated by GSK-3β. Consequently, FBXW7α suppresses Tlr4 expression and responses to the ligand lipopolysaccharide. FBXW7α depletion alone is sufficient to augment pro-inflammatory signalling in vivo. Moreover, as inflammatory pathways are known to modulate tumour biology, Cebpd null mammary tumours, which have reduced metastatic potential, show altered expression of inflammation-associated genes. Together, these findings reveal a role for C/EBPδ upstream of Tlr4 signalling and uncover a function for FBXW7α as an attenuator of inflammatory signalling.
Addition of insulin, IGF I or IGF II to serum-free cultures of fetal rat brain cells (gestation day 15/16) significantly stimulates DNA synthesis. The dose-response curves show that IGF I is more potent than insulin; half maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation is obtained at about 0.4 nM IGF I and 14 nM insulin, respectively. Cultures initiated 2 days later (gestation day 17/18) showed a decreased responsiveness to both peptides. No additive effect was observed after combined addition of both peptides at near-maximal doses. Both peptides show a latency of action of about 12-18 h. In the presence of either IGF or insulin, neuronal as well as glial enzymes are increased, suggesting that neuronal and glial precursor cell division is influenced. IGF I and IGF II interact with a specific binding site for which insulin competes very weakly; however IGF I and IGF II bind with relatively high affinity to the insulin specific binding site. The present results support the hypothesis that both insulin and IGF stimulate mitotic activity by interacting with specific somatomedin receptors and suggest a physiological role of IGF in the developing brain.
BACKGROUND: Lapatinib is an effective anti-HER2 therapy in advanced breast cancer and docetaxel is one of the most active agents in breast cancer. Combining these agents in pre-treated patients with metastatic disease had previously proved challenging, so the primary objective of this study aimed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) in treatment-naive patients, by identifying acute dose-limiting toxicities (DLT) during cycle 1 in the first part of a phases 1-2 neoadjuvant European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with large operable or locally-advanced HER2 positive breast cancer were treated with continuous lapatinib, and docetaxel every 21days for 4 cycles. Dose levels (DLs) were: 1000/75, 1250/75, 1000/85, 1250/85, 1000/100 and 1250/100 (mg/day)/(mg/m(2)). RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were included. Two DLTs occurred at dose level 5 (1000/100); one grade 4 neutropenia ⩾7days and one febrile neutropenia. A further 3 patients were therefore treated at the same dose with prophylactic granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and 3 patients at dose level 6. No further DLTs were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Our recommended dose for phase II is lapatinib 1000mg/day and docetaxel 100mg/m(2) with G-CSF in HER2 positive non-metastatic breast cancer. The dose of lapatinib should have been 1250mg/day but we were mindful of the high rate of treatment discontinuation in GeparQuinto with lapatinib 1250mg/day combined with docetaxel. No grade 3-4 diarrhoea was observed. Pharmacodynamics analysis suggests that concomitant medications altering P-glycoprotein activity (in addition to lapatinib) can modify toxicity, including non-haematological toxicities. This needs verification in larger trials, where it may contribute to understanding the sources of variability in clinical toxicity and treatment discontinuation.