997 resultados para Eye injuries


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Research has indicated that day laborers engage in higher risk occupations and suffer a high number of occupationally related fatal and non-fatal injuries. Although there have been some studies focusing on immigrant workers and their occupational injuries, none to our knowledge has studied Houston’s day laborers. An exploratory study of Houston’s day laborer population was conducted in 2008 by Dr. Fernández-Esquer from the University of Texas. ^ The aims of the current study are to analyze secondary data from this parent study and describe the prevalence of the self reported occupational injuries among Houston immigrant day laborers seeking work during the months of October through December 2008. The study also aims to determine if the reported injuries varied by age group, education level, length of time living in the U.S. and length of time working as day laborers and describe if injuries were more common by the number of different job types or job conditions reported or the use of personal protective equipment used (PPE). ^ This study analyzed 325 questionnaires that included job-related information from the parent study. One hundred and nine workers (35 %) reported an occupational injury or illness in the year before the interview. The most frequent injuries or illnesses reported were falls (26.7 %), cuts and lacerations (23.3 %) and being struck by an object (18.3 %). Over half of the workers (57 %) reported working 4 to 6 different jobs in the year before the interview, followed by 22.5 % reporting 1 to 3 different jobs. A combined 79 % of day laborers in Houston reported exposure to 7 or more of the job conditions listed and 69 % of those workers also reported an injury or illness. PPE use varied from 44 % of workers reporting using 4 to 6 PPE items to 6.8 % reporting not using any type of PPE. Thirty two percent of workers reporting not using any PPE also reported an injury or illness. ^ Injuries were found not to have varied significantly by age group, time living in the US, time working as a day laborer, numbers of different job types and the number of PPE used. Injuries did vary significantly by education level of the participants and the number of different job conditions reported (education, X2 (4, N = 315) = 12.651, p =0.013; and job conditions, X2 (3, N = 319) = 14.698, p = 0.002). ^ Although this first study of Houston’s day laborers was successful at engaging the population and getting background information regarding the occupational health of these workers, more studies are needed to further characterize the day laborers occupational experiences and injuries along with determining what specific job types and job conditions were present when injuries occurred and what kind of PPE was being used at the time. It is also clear that these workers need better safety training programs regarding working in potentially dangerous jobs and job conditions. They would also benefit from programs that would help empower them to negotiate for safer conditions.^


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Purpose. The measurement of quality of life has become an important topic in healthcare and in the allocation of limited healthcare resources. Improving the quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients is paramount. Cataract removal and lens implantation appears to improve patient well-being of cancer patients, though a formal measurement has never been published in the US literature. In this current study, National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ-25), a validated vision quality of life metric, was used to study the change in vision-related quality of life in cancer patients who underwent cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. ^ Methods. Under an IRB approved protocol, cancer patients who underwent cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation (by a single surgeon) from December 2008 to March 2011, and who had completed a pre- and postoperative NEI-VFQ-25 were retrospectively reviewed. Post-operative data was collected at their routine 4-6 week post-op visit. Patients' demographics, cancer history, their pre and postoperative ocular examinations, visual acuities, and NEI-VFQ-25 with twelve components were included in the evaluation. The responses were evaluated using the Student t test, Spearman correlation and Wilcoxon signed rank test. ^ Results. 63 cases of cataract surgery (from 54 patients) from the MD Anderson Cancer Center were included in the study. Cancer patients had a significant improvement in the visual acuity (P<0.0001) postoperatively, along with a significant increase in vision-related quality of life (P<0.0001). Patients also had a statistically significant improvement in ten of the twelve subcategories which are addressed in the NEI-VFQ-25. ^ Conclusions. In our study, cataract extraction and intraocular implantation showed a significant impact on the vision-related quality of life in cancer patients. Although this study includes a small sample size, it serves as a positive pilot study to evaluate and quantify the impact of a surgical intervention on QOL in cancer patients and may help to design a larger study to measure vision related QOL per dollar spent for health care cost in cancer patients.^


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A case-referent study of occupational injuries sustained by 474 workers employed in the heavy equipment machinery industry over a two year period, 1985-1986, was undertaken to examine the association of occupational injuries with non-work-related morbidity. Its specific aim was to evaluate whether employees who experienced a work-related injury had an increased prevalence of non-work-related morbidity, specifically for injuries, cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, all other disease outcomes and total morbidity, compared to employees who did not experience a work-related injury. In order to determine the direction of the relationship, the use of the previous calendar year was employed to assess non-work-related morbidity. A secondary objective of the study was the evaluation of the utility of two existing data sources, workers' compensation and group health insurance claims, and the feasibility of conducting studies based on these data.^ The association of non-work-related non-back injuries and subsequent occupational injury was statistically significant (OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.02-1.67) for all WC claims. The strength of the association was supported by the elevated odds ratio for non-work-related injuries when severity of occupational injury was assessed by WC claim costs of $100 and greater (OR = 1.47, 1.09--1.97), and by lost workdays (OR = 1.37). Factors that predispose an individual to a non-back injury, such as personal attributes and lifestyle characteristics, also influence that individual's risk of subsequent occupational injury. These factors may be reflected in an employee's reaction to life stressors which influence susceptibility to injury. The role of employee assistance programs as a component of injury prevention strategies is suggested.^ An increased but nonsignificant prevalence of non-work-related injuries, cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, and other morbidity conditions was noted among cases. These findings do not provide support of a causal factor in the etiology of occupational injuries. In contrast to non-back injuries, these conditions are chronic in nature and their influence on risk of occupational injuries uncertain.^ In general, cases tended to file more group health insurance claims for other morbidity than did referents. The association with increased total morbidity was consistent whether worker compensation claims were analyzed by total number of claims, claims with costs of $100 and greater, or by lost workdays. Whether persons who sustained an occupational injury were in fact in poor general health than referents, warrant further investigation. ^


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Paciente de 60 años de edad y sexo femenino con esclerodermia y miopía alta bilateral que consulta por estrabismo y ptosis palpebral. El estrabismo consiste en esotropía progresiva con hipotropía de ojo derecho (OD) asociado a miopía alta axial con gran tamaño del globo ocular medido por ecometría ultrasónica que conjuntamente con imágenes de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (RMN) llevan al diagnóstico de Síndrome MAPE (Miopic Acquired Progressive Esotropia). La hipotropía se diagnostica como heavy eye (ojo pesado). El tratamiento del estrabismo mediante cirugía de retroceso de recto medio derecho con técnica de suturas ajustables corrigió la esotropía mientras que la normalización del trayecto del recto lateral descendido no mejoró la hipotropía en esta paciente. Ésta se compensó parcialmente con el plegamiento ajustable del recto superior. Persiste la ptosis palpebral causada por la esclerodermia.


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Infrared thermography IR is a technique, which allows us to get rapidly and non-invasive thermal images from objects or human beings. (Barnes, 1967). In Medicine, its usefulness as diagnosis tool was accepted decades ago (BenEliyahu, 1990), but other techniques with a higher efficiency -such as magnetic resonance or x-rays- ousted it. Nevertheless, the technological improvements on thermographic cameras and new studies on sport injuries are reinforcing new applications (Ring, 2006)


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La integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de rehabilitación permite la generación de terapias personalizadas, ubicuas y basadas en la evidencia. Tecnologías como el vídeo interactivo son propicias para el desarrollo de entornos virtuales en los que el paciente se ve inmerso dentro de actividades de la vida diaria en los que tiene que lograr un objetivo ecológico en un contexto seguro, controlado y adaptado a su perfil disfuncional. Dentro de este marco de rehabilitación la interacción visual paciente-entorno virtual se entiende como el mecanismo de comunicación principal, siendo además la atención visual un reflejo del estado cognitivo del paciente. El trabajo presentado en este artículo permite la integración de un sistema de eye-tracking con un entorno de neurorrehabilitación basado en vídeo interactivo. El objetivo último del sistema es la monitorización en tiempo real de la atención visual del usuario durante el proceso de neurorrehabilitación. Esta monitorización permite no sólo reproducir la ejecución de la actividad junto con el foco de la mirada, sino también detectar faltas de atención por parte del usuario, que permiten al vídeo interactivo reaccionar y adaptar la presentación de estímulos para ayudar a centrar su atención y así completar el objetivo de la actividad.


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Abstract The aim was to examine the injuries sustained by Spanish football players in the First Division and to compare injury-related variables in the context of both competition and training. The injury data were prospectively collected from 16 teams (427 players) using a specific web-based survey during the 2008/2009 season. A total of 1293 injuries were identified (145 were recurring injuries). The overall injury incidence was 5.65 injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Injuries were much more common during competition than during training (43.53 vs. 3.55 injuries per 1000 h of exposure, P menor que 0.05). Most of the injuries (89.6%) involved the lower extremities, and overuse (65.7%) was the main cause. Muscle and tendon injuries were the most common types of injury (53.8%) among the players. The incidence of training injuries was greater during the pre-season and tended to decrease throughout the season, while the incidence of competition injuries increased throughout the season (all P menor que 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest the need for injury prevention protocols in the First Division of the Spanish Football League to reduce the number of overuse injuries in the muscles and tendons in the lower extremities. In addition, special attention should be paid during the pre-season and the competitive phase II (the last four months of the season) in order to prevent training and competition injuries, respectively.


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The use of Biophotonic Sensing Cells (BICELLs) based on micro-nano pattemed photonic architectures has been recently proven as an efficient methodology for label-free biosensing by using Optical Interrogation [1]. According to this, we have studied the different optical response for a specific typology of BICELL, consisting of structures of SU -8. This material is biocompatible with different types of biomolecules and can be immobilized on its sensing surface. In particular, we have measured the optical response for a biomarker in clinic diagnostic of dry eye. Although different proteins can be enstudied such as: PRDX5, ANXA 1, ANXA 11, CST 4, PLAA Y S 1 OOA6 related with ocular surface (dry eye), for this work PLAA (phospholipase A2) is studied by means of label free biosensing based on BICELLs for analyzing the performance and specificity according with means values of concentration in ROC curves.


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El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) se define como una lesión cerebral que ocurre después del nacimiento y que no guarda relación con defectos congénitos o enfermedades degenerativas. En el cerebro, se llevan a cabo las funciones mentales superiores como la atención, la memoria, las funciones ejecutivas y el lenguaje, consideradas pre-requisitos básicos de la inteligencia. Sea cual sea su causa, todo daño cerebral puede afectar a una o varias de estas funciones, de ahí la gravedad del problema. A pesar de los avances en nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de los cuidados intensivos, las afectaciones cerebrales aún no tienen tratamiento ni quirúrgico ni farmacológico que permita una restitución de las funciones perdidas. Los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación cognitiva y funcional pretenden, por tanto, la minimización o compensación de las alteraciones ocasionadas por una lesión en el sistema nervioso. En concreto, la rehabilitación cognitiva se define como el proceso en el que personas que han sufrido un daño cerebral trabajan de manera conjunta con profesionales de la salud para remediar o aliviar los déficits cognitivos surgidos como consecuencia de un episodio neurológico. Esto se consigue gracias a la naturaleza plástica del sistema nervioso, donde el cerebro es capaz de reconfigurar sus conexiones neuronales, tanto creando nuevas como modificando las ya existentes. Durante los últimos años hemos visto una transformación de la sociedad, en lo que se ha denominado "sociedad de la información", cuyo pilar básico son las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC). La aplicación de estas tecnologías en medicina ha revolucionado la manera en que se proveen los servicios sanitarios. Así, donde tecnología y medicina se mezclan, la telerrehabilitación se define como la rehabilitación a distancia, ayudando a extender los servicios de rehabilitación más allá de los centros hospitalarios, rompiendo las barreras geográficas, mejorando la eficiencia de los procesos y monitorizando en todo momento el estado y evolución del paciente. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis es mejorar la rehabilitación neuropsicológica de pacientes que sufren alteraciones cognitivas, mediante el diseño, desarrollo y validación de un sistema de telemedicina que incorpora las TIC para avanzar hacia un nuevo paradigma personalizado, ubicuo y ecológico. Para conseguirlo, se han definido los siguientes objetivos específicos: • Analizar y modelar un sistema de telerrehabilitación, mediante la definición de objetivos y requisitos de usuario para diseñar las diferentes funcionalidades necesarias. • Definir una arquitectura de telerrehabilitación escalable para la prestación de diferentes servicios que agrupe las funcionalidades necesarias en módulos. • Diseñar y desarrollar la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, incluida la interfaz de usuario, creando diferentes roles de usuario con sus propias funcionalidades. • Desarrollar de un módulo de análisis de datos para extraer conocimiento basado en los resultados históricos de las sesiones de rehabilitación almacenadas en el sistema. • Evaluación de los resultados obtenidos por los pacientes después del programa de rehabilitación, obteniendo conclusiones sobre los beneficios del servicio implementado. • Evaluación técnica de la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, así como su usabilidad y la relación coste/beneficio. • Integración de un dispositivo de eye-tracking que permita la monitorización de la atención visual mientras los pacientes ejecutan tareas de neurorrehabilitación. •Diseño y desarrollo de un entorno de monitorización que permita obtener patrones de atención visual. Como resumen de los resultados obtenidos, se ha desarrollado y validado técnicamente la plataforma de telerrehabilitación cognitiva, demostrando la mejora en la eficiencia de los procesos, sin que esto resulte en una reducción de la eficacia del tratamiento. Además, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la usabilidad del sistema, con muy buenos resultados. Respecto al módulo de análisis de datos, se ha diseñado y desarrollado un algoritmo que configura y planifica sesiones de rehabilitación para los pacientes, de manera automática, teniendo en cuenta las características específicas de cada paciente. Este algoritmo se ha denominado Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). Los resultados obtenidos por el asistente muestran una mejora tanto en la eficiencia como en la eficacia de los procesos, comparado los resultados obtenidos con los de la planificación manual llevada a cabo por los terapeutas. Por último, se ha integrado con éxito el dispositivo de eye-tracking en la plataforma de telerrehabilitación, llevando a cabo una prueba con pacientes y sujetos control que ha demostrado la viabilidad técnica de la solución, así como la existencia de diferencias en los patrones de atención visual en pacientes con daño cerebral. ABSTRACT Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is defined as brain damage that suddenly and unexpectedly appears in people’s life, being the main cause of disability in developed countries. The brain is responsible of the higher cognitive functions such as attention, memory, executive functions or language, which are considered basic requirements of the intelligence. Whatever its cause is, every ABI may affects one or several functions, highlighting the severity of the problem. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, despite these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish lost functions. Cognitive rehabilitation is defined as a process whereby people with brain injury work together with health service professionals and others to remediate or alleviate cognitive deficits arising from a neurological insult. This is achieved by taking advantage of the plastic nature of the nervous system, where the brain can reconfigure its connections, both creating new ones, and modifying the previously existing. Neuro-rehabilitation aims to optimize the plastic nature by inducing a reorganization of the neural network, based on specific experiences. Personalized interventions from individual impairment profile will be necessary to optimize the remaining resources by potentiating adaptive responses and inhibiting maladaptive changes. In the last years, some applications and software programs have been developed to train or stimulate cognitive functions of different neuropsychological disorders, such as ABI, Alzheimer, psychiatric disorders, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The application of technologies into medicine has changed the paradigm. Telemedicine allows improving the quality of clinical services, providing better access to them and helping to break geographical barriers. Moreover, one of the main advantages of telemedicine is the possibility to extend the therapeutic processes beyond the hospital (e.g. patient's home). As a consequence, a reduction of unnecessary costs and a better costs/benefits ratio are achieved, making possible a more efficient use of the available resources In this context, the main objective of this work is to improve neuro-rehabilitation of patients suffering cognitive deficits, by designing, developing and validating a telemedicine system that incorporates ICTs to change this paradigm, making it more personalized, ubiquitous and ecologic. The following specific objectives have been defined: • To analyse and model a tele-rehabilitation system, defining objectives and user requirements to design the different needed functionalities. • To define a scalable tele-rehabilitation architecture to offer different services grouping functionalities into modules. • To design and develop the tele-rehabilitation platform, including the graphic user interface, creating different user roles and permissions. • To develop a data analysis module to extract knowledge based on the historic results from the rehabilitation sessions stored in the system. • To evaluate the obtained results by patients after the rehabilitation program, arising conclusions about the benefits of the implemented service. • To technically evaluate the tele-rehabilitation platform, and its usability and the costs/benefit ratio. • To integrate an eye-tracking device allowing the monitoring of the visual attention while patients execute rehabilitation tasks. •To design and develop a monitoring environment that allows to obtain visual attention patterns. Summarizing the obtained results, the cognitive tele-rehabilitation platform has been developed and evaluated technically, demonstrating the improvements on the efficiency without worsening the efficacy of the process. Besides, a usability evaluation has been carried out, with very good results. Regarding the data analysis module, an algorithm has been designed and developed to automatically select and configure rehabilitation sessions, taking into account the specific characteristics of each patient. This algorithm is called Intelligent Therapy Assistant (ITA). The obtained results show an improvement both in the efficiency and the efficacy of the process, comparing the results obtained by patients when they receive treatments scheduled manually by therapists. Finally, an eye-tracking device has been integrated in the tele-rehabilitation platform, carrying out a study with patients and control subjects demonstrating the technical viability of the developed monitoring environment. First results also show that there are differences between the visual attention patterns between ABI patients and control subjects.


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Purpose: This systematic review examines what is known about injuries in strength training. Methods: A systematic search was performed in PubMed and SportDiscus. Studies were included if they examined powerlifters, weightlifters, strongman athletes, bodybuilding athletes, individuals who undertook recreational weight training or weight training to complement athletic performance. Exposure variables were incidence, severity and body part injury. Results: After examining 1214 titles and abstracts, 62 articles were identified as potentially relevant. Finally, 11 were included in this systematic review. Conflicting results were reported on the relationships between injury definition and incidence or severity recorded. The lower back followed by the shoulder and knee are the most frequently affected areas in strength sports. Conclusion: Strength training is safe. However, the variety of injury definitions has makes it difficult to compare different studies in this field. New styles of reporting injuries have appeared, and could make increases these ratios. If methodological limitations in measuring incidence rate and severity injuries can be resolved, more work can be conducted to define the real incidence rate, compare it with others sports, and explore cause and effect relationships in randomized controlled trials. Key Words: strength training, injuries, specific strength sports, severity


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El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) se ha convertido en una de las principales causas de discapacidad neurológica de las sociedades desarrolladas. La alteración de las funciones cognitivas como consecuencia del DCA, limita no sólo la calidad de vida del paciente sino también la de las persona de su entorno. Aunque la neurorrehabilitación permite recuperar algunas de las funciones alteradas aprovechando la naturaleza plástica del sistema nervioso, su práctica siguiendo procesos tradicionales no permiten en muchos casos ajustarse a las necesidades de cada individuo ni, en general, cubrir todos los aspectos necesarios que conviertan al proceso rehabilitador en un tratamiento realmente efectivo. La incorporación al proceso de rehabilitación de las nuevas tecnologías ha permitido aumentar la intensidad del tratamiento, personalizando y prolongándolo en el tiempo de forma sostenible. Los entornos virtuales (EV) apoyados en esta tendencia permiten reproducir Actividades de Vida Diaria (AVD) controladas que incrementan el valor ecológico de las terapias. Este Trabajo Fin de Grado aborda el uso pionero de la tecnología de Vídeo Interactivo (VI) para el desarrollo de dichos entornos en el campo de la rehabilitación cognitiva. En concreto, el objetivo del TFG es la evaluación de un EV de rehabilitación desarrollado mediante tecnología de VI e integrado con un sistema de Eye-Tracking, capaz de capturar y analizar la información referente al comportamiento visual del paciente. Para este fin, se realiza el diseño, implementación y evaluación de un estudio experimental que registre el comportamiento de diferentes sujetos ante dos modalidades de AVD.