992 resultados para Extracellular protease


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The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway participates in the control of numerous cellular processes, including cell proliferation. Since its activation kinetics are critical for to its biological effects, they are tightly regulated. We report that the protein translation factor, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit a (eIF3a), binds to SHC and Raf-1, two components of the ERK pathway. The interaction of eIF3a with Raf-1 is increased by ß-arrestin2 expression and transiently decreased by epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation in a concentration-dependent manner. The EGF-induced decrease in Raf-1-eIF3a association kinetically correlates with the time course of ERK activation. eIF3a interferes with Raf-1 activation and eIF3a downregulation by small interfering RNA enhances ERK activation, early gene expression, DNA synthesis, expression of neuronal differentiation markers in PC12 cells, and Ras-induced focus formation in NIH 3T3 cells. Thus, eIF3a is a negative modulator of ERK pathway activation and its biological effects.


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The importance of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) in angiogenesis is unclear and contradictory. Here we show that inhibition of extracellular TG2 protein crosslinking or downregulation of TG2 expression leads to inhibition of angiogenesis in cell culture, the aorta ring assay and in vivo models. In a human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) co-culture model, inhibition of extracellular TG2 activity can halt the progression of angiogenesis, even when introduced after tubule formation has commenced and after addition of excess vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In both cases, this leads to a significant reduction in tubule branching. Knockdown of TG2 by short hairpin (shRNA) results in inhibition of HUVEC migration and tubule formation, which can be restored by add back of wt TG2, but not by the transamidation-defective but GTP-binding mutant W241A. TG2 inhibition results in inhibition of fibronectin deposition in HUVEC monocultures with a parallel reduction in matrix-bound VEGFA, leading to a reduction in phosphorylated VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) at Tyr1214 and its downstream effectors Akt and ERK1/2, and importantly its association with b1 integrin. We propose a mechanism for the involvement of matrix-bound VEGFA in angiogenesis that is dependent on extracellular TG2-related activity. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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The CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) receptor is a family B GPCR (G-protein-coupled receptor). It consists of a GPCR, CLR (calcitonin receptor-like receptor) and an accessory protein, RAMP1 (receptor activity-modifying protein 1). RAMP1 is needed for CGRP binding and also cell-surface expression of CLR. There have been few systematic studies of the ECLs (extracellular loops) of family B GPCRs. However, they are likely to be especially important for the interaction of the N-termini of the peptide agonists that are the natural agonists for these receptors. We have carried out alanine scans on all three ECLs of CLR, as well as their associated juxtamembrane regions. Residues within all three loops influence CGRP binding and receptor activation. Mutation of Ala203 and Ala206 on ECL1 to leucine increased the affinity of CGRP. Residues at the top of TM (transmembrane) helices 2 and 3 influenced CGRP binding and receptor activation. L351A and E357A in TM6/ECL3 reduced receptor expression and may be needed for CLR association with RAMP1. ECL2 seems especially important for CLR function; of the 16 residues so far examined in this loop, eight residues reduce the potency of CGRP at stimulating cAMP production when mutated to alanine.


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The first and third extracellular loops (ECL) of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been implicated in ligand binding and receptor function. This study describes the results of an alanine/leucine scan of ECLs 1 and 3 and loop-associated transmembrane (TM) domains of the secretin-like GPCR calcitonin receptor-like receptor which associates with receptor activity modifying protein 1 to form the CGRP receptor. Leu195Ala, Val198Ala and Ala199Leu at the top of TM2 all reduced aCGRP-mediated cAMP production and internalization; Leu195Ala and Ala199Leu also reduced aCGRP binding. These residues form a hydrophobic cluster within an area defined as the "minor groove" of rhodopsin-like GPCRs. Within ECL1, Ala203Leu and Ala206Leu influenced the ability of aCGRP to stimulate adenylate cyclase. In TM3, His219Ala, Leu220Ala and Leu222Ala have influences on aCGRP binding and cAMP production; they are likely to indirectly influence the binding site for aCGRP as well as having an involvement in signal transduction. On the exofacial surfaces of TMs 6 and 7, a number of residues were identified that reduced cell surface receptor expression, most noticeably Leu351Ala and Glu357Ala in TM6. The residues may contribute to the RAMP1 binding interface. Ile360Ala impaired aCGRP-mediated cAMP production. Ile360 is predicted to be located close to ECL2 and may facilitate receptor activation. Identification of several crucial functional loci gives further insight into the activation mechanism of this complex receptor system and may aid rational drug design.


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GPCRs exhibit a common architecture of seven transmembrane helices (TMs) linked by intracellular loops and extracellular loops (ECLs). Given their peripheral location to the site of G-protein interaction, it might be assumed that ECL segments merely link the important TMs within the helical bundle of the receptor. However, compelling evidence has emerged in recent years revealing a critical role for ECLs in many fundamental aspects of GPCR function, which supported by recent GPCR crystal structures has provided mechanistic insights. This review will present current understanding of the key roles of ECLs in ligand binding, activation and regulation of both family A and family B GPCRs.


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We have recently found that celiac disease patient serum-derived autoantibodies targeted against transglutaminase 2 interfere with several steps of angiogenesis, including endothelial sprouting and migration, though the mechanism involved remained to be fully characterized. This study now investigated the processes underlying the antiangiogenic effects exerted by celiac disease patient antibodies on endothelial cells, with particular regard to the adhesion, migration, and polarization signaling pathway. We observed that celiac IgA reduced endothelial cell numbers by affecting adhesion without increasing apoptosis. Endothelial cells in the presence of celiac IgA showed weak attachment, a high susceptibility to detach from fibronectin, and a disorganized extracellular matrix due to a reduction of protein cross-links. Furthermore, celiac patient IgA led to secretion of active transglutaminase 2 from endothelial cells into the culture supernatants. Additionally, cell surface transglutaminase 2 mediated integrin clustering in the presence of celiac IgA was coupled to augmented expression of ß1-integrin. We also observed that celiac patient IgA-treated endothelial cells had migratory defects and a less polarized phenotype when compared to control groups, and this was associated with the RhoA signaling pathway. These biological effects mediated by celiac IgA on endothelial cells were partially influenced but not completely abolished by R281, an irreversible extracellular transglutaminase 2 enzymatic activity inhibitor. Taken together, our results imply that celiac patient IgA antibodies disturb the extracellular protein cross-linking function of transglutaminase 2, thus altering cell-extracellular matrix interactions and thereby affecting endothelial cell adhesion, polarization, and motility. © 2013 Springer Basel.


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Purpose: To investigate the role of thioredoxin (TRX), a novel regulator of extracellular transglutaminase 2 (TG2), in celiac patients IgA (CD IgA) mediated TG2 enzymatic activation. Methods: TG2 enzymatic activity was evaluated in endothelial cells (HUVECs) under different experimental conditions by ELISA and Western blotting. Extracellular TG2 expression was studied by ELISA and immunofluorescence. TRX was analysed by Western blotting and ELISA. Serum immunoglobulins class A from healthy subjects (H IgA) were used as controls. Extracellular TG2 enzymatic activity was inhibited by R281. PX12, a TRX inhibitor, was also employed in the present study. Results: We have found that in HUVECs CD IgA is able to induce the activation of extracellular TG2 in a dose-dependent manner. Particularly, we noted that the extracellular modulation of TG2 activity mediated by CD IgA occurred only under reducing conditions, also needed to maintain antibody binding. Furthermore, CD IgA-treated HUVECs were characterized by a slightly augmented TG2 surface expression which was independent from extracellular TG2 activation. We also observed that HUVECs cultured in the presence of CD IgA evinced decreased TRX surface expression, coupled with increased secretion of the protein into the culture medium. Intriguingly, inhibition of TRX after CD IgA treatment was able to overcome most of the CD IgA-mediated effects including the TG2 extracellular transamidase activity. Conclusions: Altogether our findings suggest that in endothelial cells CD IgA mediate the constitutive activation of extracellular TG2 by a mechanism involving the redox sensor protein TRX. © 2013 Nadalutti et al.


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The functional life of the flower is terminated by senescence and/or abscission. Multiple processes contribute to produce the visible signs of petal wilting and inrolling that typify senescence, but one of the most important is that of protein degradation and remobilization. This is mediated in many species through protein ubiquitination and the action of specific protease enzymes. This paper reports the changes in protein and protease activity during development and senescence of Alstroemeria flowers, a Liliaceous species that shows very little sensitivity to ethylene during senescence and which shows perianth abscission 8-10 d after flower opening. Partial cDNAs of ubiquitin (ALSUQ1) and a putative cysteine protease (ALSCYP1) were cloned from Alstroemeria using degenerate PCR primers and the expression pattern of these genes was determined semi-quantitatively by RT-PCR. While the levels of ALSUQ1 only fluctuated slightly during floral development and senescence, there was a dramatic increase in the expression of ALSCYP1 indicating that this gene may encode an important enzyme for the proteolytic process in this species. Three papain class cysteine protease enzymes showing different patterns of activity during flower development were identified on zymograms, one of which showed a similar expression pattern to the cysteine protease cDNA.


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Damaged, aged or unwanted cells are removed from the body by an active process known as apoptosis. This highly orchestrated programme results in the exposure of 'flags' at the dying cell surface and the release of attractive signals to recruit phagocytes. Together these changes ensure efficient phagocytic removal of dying cells and prevention of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are released from a variety of cells (both viable and apoptotic) and they serve as a novel means of intercellular communication. They range in size: 70-100nm ('exosomes') through 100-1000nm ('microparticles') to large vesicles released from dying cells ('apoptotic bodies'). Release of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles (acdEV) of less than 1000nm is an important mechanism by which phagocytes are attracted to sites of cell death. Using a variety of approaches we characterize the release, physical characteristics and function of acdEV. Using fluorescence microscopy we demonstrate release of ICAM-3 on acdEV from dying leukocytes and, through the use of resistive pulse technology (qNano, IZON Science), we accurately size and quantitate acdEV release. The function of acdEV is revealed through the use of both horizontal chemotaxis assays (Dunn chambers) and vertical transwell migration assays (Cell-IQ, CM Technologies). These assays reveal potent chemoattractive capacity of acdEV and associated ICAM-3. Additionally we demonstrate an additional novel function of acdEV as anti-inflammatory immune-modulators. These data support an integrated approach to the physical and functional analyses of EV.


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Apoptotic cell clearance by phagocytes is a vital part of programmed cell death that prevents dying cells from undergoing necrosis which may lead to inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Apoptotic cells (AC) are removed by phagocytes, in a process that involves 'find me' and 'eat me' signals that facilitate the synapsing and engulfment of cell corpses. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are shed during apoptosis and promote phagocyte recruitment. Binding of AC is achieved by multiple ligand-receptor interactions. One interesting AC associated ligand is ICAM-3, a highly glycosylated adhesion molecule of the IgSF family, expressed on human leukocytes. On viable cells ICAM-3 participates in initiating immune responses, whereas on AC we show it attracts phagocytes through EV and aids in the binding of AC to the phagocytes. This project aims to characterize the role of ICAM-3 and EV in the clearance of AC and to identify the mechanisms that underlie their function in apoptotic cell clearance. Human B cells induced to apoptosis by UV irradiation were observed during their progression from viable to apoptotic via flow cytometry. The involvement of ICAM-3 in mediating interaction between AC and MØ was assessed. The ability of ICAM3 on EV to mediate chemoattraction was observed using chemotaxis assays. Additionally the anti-inflammatory effect was assessed using LPS-induced TNF-α production that suggested it may have anti-inflammatory effects. Future work in this project will assess the role of ICAM3 on EV from different phases of apoptosis to exert functional effects both in vitro and in vivo.


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Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is a rare, inherited, autosomal-recessive disease, characterized by palmoplantar keratosis and severe prepubertal periodontitis, leading to premature loss of all teeth. Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is caused by a mutation in the cathepsin C gene, resulting in complete loss of activity and subsequent failure to activate immune response proteins. Periodontitis in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome is thought to arise from failure to eliminate periodontal pathogens as a result of cathepsin C deficiency, although mechanistic pathways remain to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to characterize comprehensively neutrophil function in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome. Peripheral blood neutrophils were isolated from 5 patients with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome, alongside matched healthy control subjects. For directional chemotactic accuracy, neutrophils were exposed to the chemoattractants MIP-1α and fMLP and tracked by real-time videomicroscopy. Reactive oxygen species generation was measured by chemiluminescence. Neutrophil extracellular trap formation was assayed fluorometrically, and proinflammatory cytokine release was measured following overnight culture of neutrophils with relevant stimuli. Neutrophil serine protease deficiencies resulted in a reduced ability of neutrophils to chemotax efficiently and an inability to generate neutrophil extracellular traps. Neutrophil extracellular trap-bound proteins were also absent in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome, and Papillon-Lefévre syndrome neutrophils released higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines in unstimulated and stimulated conditions, and plasma cytokines were elevated. Notably, neutrophil chemoattractants MIP-1α and CXCL8 were elevated in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome neutrophils, as was reactive oxygen species formation. We propose that relentless recruitment and accumulation of hyperactive/reactive neutrophils (cytokines, reactive oxygen species) with increased tissue transit times into periodontal tissues, alongside a reduced antimicrobial capacity, create a locally destructive chronic inflammatory cycle in Papillon-Lefévre syndrome.


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Ligand-directed signal bias offers opportunities for sculpting molecular events, with the promise of better, safer therapeutics. Critical to the exploitation of signal bias is an understanding of the molecular events coupling ligand binding to intracellular signaling. Activation of class B G protein-coupled receptors is driven by interaction of the peptide N terminus with the receptor core. To understand how this drives signaling, we have used advanced analytical methods that enable separation of effects on pathway-specific signaling from those that modify agonist affinity and mapped the functional consequence of receptor modification onto three-dimensional models of a receptor-ligand complex. This yields molecular insights into the initiation of receptor activation and the mechanistic basis for biased agonism. Our data reveal that peptide agonists can engage different elements of the receptor extracellular face to achieve effector coupling and biased signaling providing a foundation for rational design of biased agonists.


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The nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, Nm23H1, is a highly expressed during neuronal development, whilst induced over-expression in neuronal cells results in increased neurite outgrowth. Extracellular Nm23H1 affects the survival, proliferation and differentiation of non-neuronal cells. Therefore, this study has examined whether extracellular Nm23H1 regulates nerve growth. We have immobilised recombinant Nm23H1 proteins to defined locations of culture plates, which were then seeded with explants of embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or dissociated adult rat DRG neurons. The substratum-bound extracellular Nm23H1 was stimulatory for neurite outgrowth from chick DRG explants in a concentration-dependent manner. On high concentrations of Nm23H1, chick DRG neurite outgrowth was extensive and effectively limited to the location of the Nm23H1, i.e. neuronal growth cones turned away from adjacent collagen-coated substrata. Nm23H1-coated substrata also significantly enhanced rat DRG neuronal cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in comparison to collagen-coated substrata. These effects were independent of NGF supplementation. Recombinant Nm23H1 (H118F), which does not possess NDP kinase activity, exhibited the same activity as the wild-type protein. Hence, a novel neuro-stimulatory activity for extracellular Nm23H1 has been identified in vitro, which may function in developing neuronal systems. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.


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Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes that can be found in freshwater and marine environments as well as in soil. These organisms produce a variety of different biologically active compounds exhibiting anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-cancer properties among others. In this study, cyanobacterial isolates were screened for their ability to produce extracellular antibacterial products. Cyanobacteria were isolated from fresh water and soil samples collected in the Pembroke Pines, FL area. Twenty- seven strains of cyanobacteria were isolated belonging to the following genera: Limnothrix, Nostoc, Fischerella, Anabaena, Pseudoanabaena, Lyngbya, Leptolyngbya, Tychonema, and Calothrix. Individual strains were grown in liquid culture in laboratory conditions. Following 14-day cultivation, the culture liquid was filtered and tested for activity against the following bacteria: Escherichia coli, Bacillus megatarium, Staphylococcus aureus, and Micrococcus luteus. Among all genera of cyanobacterial strains tested, Fischerella exhibited the greatest inhibitory activity. An attempt was made to isolate the active compound from the culture liquid of the active strains. Lipophilic extracts from culture liquid were obtained from three selected Fischerella strains. The extracts proved to have varying levels of activity against the tested bacteria. Inhibitory activity from all three Fischerella strains was detected against B. megatarium and M luteus. The only strain that was active against S. aureus was Fischerella sp. 114-12 while none of the extracts showed activity against E. coli. This kind of screening has potential pharmaceutical and agricultural benefits, including possible discovery of novel antibiotics.