951 resultados para Expressió facial


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Over the course of the last decade, infrared (IR) and particularly thermal IR imaging based face recognition has emerged as a promising complement to conventional, visible spectrum based approaches which continue to struggle when applied in the real world. While inherently insensitive to visible spectrum illumination changes, IR images introduce specific challenges of their own, most notably sensitivity to factors which affect facial heat emission patterns, e.g. emotional state, ambient temperature, and alcohol intake. In addition, facial expression and pose changes are more difficult to correct in IR images because they are less rich in high frequency detail which is an important cue for fitting any deformable model. In this paper we describe a novel method which addresses these major challenges. Specifically, to normalize for pose and facial expression changes we generate a synthetic frontal image of a face in a canonical, neutral facial expression from an image of the face in an arbitrary pose and facial expression. This is achieved by piecewise affine warping which follows active appearance model (AAM) fitting. This is the first publication which explores the use of an AAM on thermal IR images; we propose a pre-processing step which enhances detail in thermal images, making AAM convergence faster and more accurate. To overcome the problem of thermal IR image sensitivity to the exact pattern of facial temperature emissions we describe a representation based on reliable anatomical features. In contrast to previous approaches, our representation is not binary; rather, our method accounts for the reliability of the extracted features. This makes the proposed representation much more robust both to pose and scale changes. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on the largest public database of thermal IR images of faces on which it achieved 100% identification rate, significantly outperforming previously described methods


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In this chapter we focus on face appearance-based biometrics. The cheap and readily available hardware used to acquire data, their non-invasiveness and the ease of employing them from a distance and without the awareness of the user, are just some of the reasons why these continue to be of great practical interest. However, a number of research challenges remain. Specifically, face biometrics have traditionally focused on images acquired in the visible light spectrum and these are greatly affected by such extrinsic factors such as the illumination, camera angle (or, equivalently, head pose) and occlusion. In practice, the effects of changing pose are usually least problematic and can oftentimes be overcome by acquiring data over a time period, e.g., by tracking a face in a surveillance video. Consequently, image sequence or image set matching has recently gained a lot of attention in the literature [137–139] and is the paradigm adopted in this chapter as well. In other words, we assume that the training image set for each individual contains some variability in pose, but is not obtained in scripted conditions or in controlled illumination. In contrast, illumination is much more difficult to deal with: the illumination setup is in most cases not practical to control and its physics is difficult to accurately model. Thermal spectrum imagery is useful in this regard as it is virtually insensitive to illumination changes, as illustrated in Fig. 6.1. On the other hand, it lacks much of the individual, discriminating facial detail contained in visual images. In this sense, the two modalities can be seen as complementing each other. The key idea behind the system presented in this chapter is that robustness to extreme illumination changes can be achieved by fusing the two. This paradigm will further prove useful when we consider the difficulty of recognition in the presence of occlusion caused by prescription glasses.


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Face recognition from a single image remains an important task in many practical applications and a significant research challenge. Some of the challenges are inherent to the problem, for example due to changing lighting conditions. Others, no less significant, are of a practical nature – face recognition algorithms cannot be assumed to operate on perfect data, but rather often on data that has already been subject to pre-processing errors (e.g. localization and registration errors). This paper introduces a novel method for face recognition that is both trained and queried using only a single image per subject. The key concept, motivated by abundant prior work on face appearance manifolds, is that of face part manifolds – it is shown that the appearance seen through a sliding window overlaid over an image of a face, traces a trajectory over a 2D manifold embedded in the image space. We present a theoretical argument for the use of this representation and demonstrate how it can be effectively exploited in the single image based recognition. It is shown that while inheriting the advantages of local feature methods, it also implicitly captures the geometric relationship between discriminative facial features and is naturally robust to face localization errors. Our theoretical arguments are verified in an experimental evaluation on the Yale Face Database.


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Our aim in this paper is to robustly match frontal faces in the presence of extreme illumination changes, using only a single training image per person and a single probe image. In the illumination conditions we consider, which include those with the dominant light source placed behind and to the side of the user, directly above and pointing downwards or indeed below and pointing upwards, this is a most challenging problem. The presence of sharp cast shadows, large poorly illuminated regions of the face, quantum and quantization noise and other nuisance effects, makes it difficult to extract a sufficiently discriminative yet robust representation. We introduce a representation which is based on image gradient directions near robust edges which correspond to characteristic facial features. Robust edges are extracted using a cascade of processing steps, each of which seeks to harness further discriminative information or normalize for a particular source of extra-personal appearance variability. The proposed representation was evaluated on the extremely difficult YaleB data set. Unlike most of the previous work we include all available illuminations, perform training using a single image per person and match these also to a single probe image. In this challenging evaluation setup, the proposed gradient edge map achieved 0.8% error rate, demonstrating a nearly perfect receiver-operator characteristic curve behaviour. This is by far the best performance achieved in this setup reported in the literature, the best performing methods previously proposed attaining error rates of approximately 6–7%.


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The objective of this work is to recognize faces using sets of images in visual and thermal spectra. This is challenging because the former is greatly affected by illumination changes, while the latter frequently contains occlusions due to eye-wear and is inherently less discriminative. Our method is based on a fusion of the two modalities. Specifically: we examine (i) the effects of preprocessing of data in each domain, (ii) the fusion of holistic and local facial appearance, and (iii) propose an algorithm for combining the similarity scores in visual and thermal spectra in the presence of prescription glasses and significant pose variations, using a small number of training images (5-7). Our system achieved a high correct identification rate of 97% on a freely available test set of 29 individuals and extreme illumination changes.