962 resultados para Explicit method, Mean square stability, Stochastic orthogonal Runge-Kutta, Chebyshev method


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Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the effect of confinement on a crystal of point particles interacting with an inverse power law potential in d=2 dimensions. This system can describe colloidal particles at the air-water interface, a model system for experimental study of two-dimensional melting. It is shown that the state of the system (a strip of width D) depends very sensitively on the precise boundary conditions at the two ``walls'' providing the confinement. If one uses a corrugated boundary commensurate with the order of the bulk triangular crystalline structure, both orientational order and positional order is enhanced, and such surface-induced order persists near the boundaries also at temperatures where the system in the bulk is in its fluid state. However, using smooth repulsive boundaries as walls providing the confinement, only the orientational order is enhanced, but positional (quasi-) long range order is destroyed: The mean-square displacement of two particles n lattice parameters apart in the y-direction along the walls then crosses over from the logarithmic increase (characteristic for $d=2$) to a linear increase (characteristic for d=1). The strip then exhibits a vanishing shear modulus. These results are interpreted in terms of a phenomenological harmonic theory. Also the effect of incommensurability of the strip width D with the triangular lattice structure is discussed, and a comparison with surface effects on phase transitions in simple Ising- and XY-models is made


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Optical frequency comb technology has been used in this work for the first time to investigate the nuclear structure of light radioactive isotopes. Therefore, three laser systems were stabilized with different techniques to accurately known optical frequencies and used in two specialized experiments. Absolute transition frequency measurements of lithium and beryllium isotopes were performed with accuracy on the order of 10^(−10). Such a high accuracy is required for the light elements since the nuclear volume effect has only a 10^(−9) contribution to the total transition frequency. For beryllium, the isotope shift was determined with an accuracy that is sufficient to extract information about the proton distribution inside the nucleus. A Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy on the stable lithium isotopes (6,7)^Li was performed in order to determine the absolute frequency of the 2S → 3S transition. The achieved relative accuracy of 2×10^(−10) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to previous measurements. The results provide an opportunity to determine the nuclear charge radius of the stable and short-lived isotopes in a pure optical way but this requires an improvement of the theoretical calculations by two orders of magnitude. The second experiment presented here was performed at ISOLDE/CERN, where the absolute transition frequencies of the D1 and D2 lines in beryllium ions for the isotopes (7,9,10,11)^Be were measured with an accuracy of about 1 MHz. Therefore, an advanced collinear laser spectroscopy technique involving two counter-propagating frequency-stabilized laser beams with a known absolute frequency was developed. The extracted isotope shifts were combined with recent accurate mass shift calculations and the root-mean square nuclear charge radii of (7,10)^Be and the one-neutron halo nucleus 11^Be were determined. Obtained charge radii are decreasing from 7^Be to 10^Be and increasing again for 11^Be. While the monotone decrease can be explained by a nucleon clustering inside the nucleus, the pronounced increase between 10^Be and 11^Be can be interpreted as a combination of two contributions: the center-of-mass motion of the 10^Be core and a change of intrinsic structure of the core. To disentangle these two contributions, the results from nuclear reaction measurements were used and indicate that the center-of-mass motion is the dominant effect. Additionally, the splitting isotope shift, i.e. the difference in the isotope shifts between the D1 and D2 fine structure transitions, was determined. This shows a good consistency with the theoretical calculations and provides a valuable check of the beryllium experiment.


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Nel primo capitolo viene introdotto lo studio eff�ettuato e descritto un metodo di misure successivo alla caratterizzazione della super�ficie. Nel secondo capitolo vengono descritti i campioni analizzati e, nello speci�fico, la crescita attraverso MaCE dei nanofi�li di silicio. Nel terzo capitolo viene descritto lo strumento AFM utilizzato e la teoria della caratterizzazione alla base dello studio condotto. Nella quarta sezione vengono descritti i risultati ottenuti mentre nelle conclusioni viene tratto il risultato dei valori ottenuti di RMS roughness e roughness exponent.


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The dynamics of a passive back-to-back test rig have been characterised, leading to a multi-coordinate approach for the analysis of arbitrary test configurations. Universal joints have been introduced into a typical pre-loaded back-to-back system in order to produce an oscillating torsional moment in a test specimen. Two different arrangements have been investigated using a frequency-based sub-structuring approach: the receptance method. A numerical model has been developed in accordance with this theory, allowing interconnection of systems with two-coordinates and closed multi-loop schemes. The model calculates the receptance functions and modal and deflected shapes of a general system. Closed form expressions of the following individual elements have been developed: a servomotor, damped continuous shaft and a universal joint. Numerical results for specific cases have been compared with published data in literature and experimental measurements undertaken in the present work. Due to the complexity of the universal joint and its oscillating dynamic effects, a more detailed analysis of this component has been developed. Two models have been presented. The first represents the joint as two inertias connected by a massless cross-piece. The second, derived by the dynamic analysis of a spherical four-link mechanism, considers the contribution of the floating element and its gyroscopic effects. An investigation into non-linear behaviour has led to a time domain model that utilises the Runge-Kutta fourth order method for resolution of the dynamic equations. It has been demonstrated that the torsional receptances of a universal joint, derived using the simple model, result in representation of the joint as an equivalent variable inertia. In order to verify the model, a test rig has been built and experimental validation undertaken. The variable inertia of a universal joint has lead to a novel application of the component as a passive device for the balancing of inertia variations in slider-crank mechanisms.


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Topologische Beschränkungen beeinflussen die Eigenschaften von Polymeren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe von Computersimulationen im Detail untersucht, inwieweit sich die statischen Eigenschaften von kollabierten Polymerringen, Polymerringen in konzentrierten Lösungen und aus Polymerringen aufgebauten Bürsten mit topologischen Beschränkungen von solchen ohne topologische Beschränkungen unterscheiden. Des Weiteren wird analysiert, welchen Einfluss geometrische Beschränkungen auf die topologischen Eigenschaften von einzelnen Polymerketten besitzen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit geht es um den Einfluss der Topologie auf die Eigenschaften einzelner Polymerketten in verschiedenen Situationen. Da allerdings gerade die effiziente Durchführung von Monte-Carlo-Simulationen von kollabierten Polymerketten eine große Herausforderung darstellt, werden zunächst drei Bridging-Monte-Carlo-Schritte für Gitter- auf Kontinuumsmodelle übertragen. Eine Messung der Effizienz dieser Schritte ergibt einen Beschleunigungsfaktor von bis zu 100 im Vergleich zum herkömmlichen Slithering-Snake-Algorithmus. Darauf folgt die Analyse einer einzelnen, vergröberten Polystyrolkette in sphärischer Geometrie hinsichtlich Verschlaufungen und Knoten. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine signifikante Verknotung der Polystrolkette erst eintritt, wenn der Radius des umgebenden Kapsids kleiner als der Gyrationsradius der Kette ist. Des Weiteren werden sowohl Monte-Carlo- als auch Molekulardynamiksimulationen sehr großer Ringe mit bis zu einer Million Monomeren im kollabierten Zustand durchgeführt. Während die Konfigurationen aus den Monte-Carlo-Simulationen aufgrund der Verwendung der Bridging-Schritte sehr stark verknotet sind, bleiben die Konfigurationen aus den Molekulardynamiksimulationen unverknotet. Hierbei zeigen sich signifikante Unterschiede sowohl in der lokalen als auch in der globalen Struktur der Ringpolymere. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird das Skalierungsverhalten des Gyrationsradius der einzelnen Polymerringe in einer konzentrierten Lösung aus völlig flexiblen Polymerringen im Kontinuum untersucht. Dabei wird der Anfang des asymptotischen Skalierungsverhaltens, welches mit dem Modell des “fractal globules“ konsistent ist, erreicht. Im abschließenden, dritten Teil dieser Arbeit wird das Verhalten von Bürsten aus linearen Polymeren mit dem von Ringpolymerbürsten verglichen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Struktur und das Skalierungsverhalten beider Systeme mit identischem Dichteprofil parallel zum Substrat deutlich voneinander abweichen, obwohl die Eigenschaften beider Systeme in Richtung senkrecht zum Substrat übereinstimmen. Der Vergleich des Relaxationsverhaltens einzelner Ketten in herkömmlichen Polymerbürsten und Ringbürsten liefert keine gravierenden Unterschiede. Es stellt sich aber auch heraus, dass die bisher verwendeten Erklärungen zur Relaxationsverhalten von herkömmlichen Bürsten nicht ausreichen, da diese lediglich den anfänglichen Zerfall der Korrelationsfunktion berücksichtigen. Bei der Untersuchung der Dynamik einzelner Monomere in einer herkömmlichen Bürste aus offenen Ketten vom Substrat hin zum offenen Ende zeigt sich, dass die Monomere in der Mitte der Kette die langsamste Relaxation besitzen, obwohl ihre mittlere Verrückung deutlich kleiner als die der freien Endmonomere ist.


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Die Analyse optischer Spektren liefert einen kernmodellunabhängigen Zugang zur Bestimmung der Kernspins, Ladungsradien und elektromagnetischen Momente von Atomkernen im Grundzustand und von langlebigen Isomeren. Eine der vielseitigsten Methoden zur optischen Spektroskopie an kurzlebigen Isotopen ist die kollineare Laserspektroskopie. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zum einen die TRIGA-LASER Strahlstrecke am Institut für Kernchemie der Universität Mainz durch die Implementierung einer neuen offline Oberflächenionenquelle für hohe Verdampfungstemperaturen und eines Strahlanalysesystems weiterentwickelt. Zum anderen wurde kollineare Laserspektroskopie an kurzlebigen Praseodym- und Cadmiumisotopen an ISOLDE/CERN durchgeführt. Die neue Ionenquelle ermöglichte dabei den Test der kollinearen Laserspektroskopie an Praseodymionen am TRIGA-LASER Experiment. Die Spektroskopie der Prasdeodymionen motivierte sich aus der Beobachtung einer zeitlichen Modulation der EC-Zerfallsrate von wasserstoffähnlichem 140Pr58+. Für die Erklärung dieser sogenannten GSI Oszillationen wird unter anderem das magnetische Moment des Kerns benötigt, welches bislang noch nicht experimentell bestimmt wurde. Zudem wurde für wasserstoffähnliches 140Pr58+ überraschenderweise eine kleinere EC-Zerfallskonstante gemessen als für heliumähnliches 140Pr57+. Die Erklärung dieses Phänomens setzt ein positives magnetisches Moment voraus. Bei der Spektroskopie am COLLAPS Experiment wurden erstmals die magnetischen Momente von 135Pr, 136Pr und 137Pr vermessen. Aufgrund zu geringer Produktionsraten war die Spektroskopie des gewünschten Isotops 140Pr jedoch nicht erfolgreich. Die Untersuchung der Cadmiumisotope ist kernphysikalisch motiviert. In der Zinnregion erstrecken sich die Isotope über die beiden magischen Zahlen N=50 und N=82 bei gleichzeitiger Nähe des Z=50 Schalenabschlusses. Hier können verschiedene Kernmodelle getestet werden, die sich beispielsweise hinsichtlich der Stärke des N=82 Schalenabschlusses widersprechen. Diese Arbeit berichtet über erste Ergebnisse der Spektroskopie an Cadmiumatomen, die sich über die Isotope 106−124,126Cd sowie die zugehörigen langlebigen I=11/2− Isomere erstreckt. Die zuvor experimentell bekannten oder aus dem erweiterten Schalenmodell abgeleiteten Kernspins konnten für alle Isotope bis auf 119Cd bestätigt werden. Der Kernspin von 119Cd wurde eindeutig zu I=1/2 bestimmt. Die elektrischen Quadrupolmomente der Isomere zeigen ein bemerkenswert lineares Verhalten in Abhängigkeit von der Neutronenzahl und dies über die eigentliche Kapazität der 1h11/2 Unterschale hinaus. Die Änderungen der mittleren quadratischen Ladungsradien zeigen den auch an Indium- und Zinnisotopen beobachteten stetigen Verlauf. Der lineare Anteil passt sehr gut zu den Berechnung des Tröpfchenmodells in der Parametrisierung nach Berchidevsky und Tondeur. Die Differenzen der mittleren quadratischen Ladungsradien zwischen Grund- und isomeren Zustand der ungeraden Cadmiumisotope zeigen einen interessanten parabolischen Verlauf mit einem Minimum zwischen A=117 und A=119.


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The complex nature of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the wide range of systems covered by the roughly 3000 known nuclides leads to a multitude of effects observed in nuclear structure. Among the most prominent ones is the occurence of shell closures at so-called ”magic numbers”, which are explained by the nuclear shell model. Although the shell model already is on duty for several decades, it is still constantly extended and improved. For this process of extension, fine adjustment and verification, it is important to have experimental data of nuclear properties, especially at crucial points like in the vicinity of shell closures. This is the motivation for the work performed in this thesis: the measurement and analysis of nuclear ground state properties of the isotopic chain of 100−130Cd by collinear laser spectroscopy.rnrnThe experiment was conducted at ISOLDE/CERN using the collinear laser spectroscopy apparatus COLLAPS. This experiment is the continuation of a run on neutral atomic cadmium from A = 106 to A = 126 and extends the measured isotopes to even more exotic species. The required gain in sensitivity is mainly achieved by using a radiofrequency cooler and buncher for background reduction and by using the strong 5s 2S1/2 → 5p 2P3/2 transition in singly ionized Cd. The latter requires a continuous wave laser system with a wavelength of 214.6 nm, which has been developed during this thesis. Fourth harmonic generation of an infrared titanium sapphire laser is achieved by two subsequent cavity-enhanced second harmonic generations, leading to the production of deep-UV laser light up to about 100 mW.rnrnThe acquired data of the Z = 48 Cd isotopes, having one proton pair less than the Z = 50 shell closure at tin, covers the isotopes from N = 52 up to N = 82 and therefore almost the complete region between the neutron shell closures N = 50 and N = 82. The isotope shifts and the hyperfine structures of these isotopes have been recorded and the magnetic dipole moments, the electric quadrupole moments, spins and changes in mean square charge radii are extracted. The obtained data reveal among other features an extremely linear behaviour of the quadrupole moments of the I = 11/2− isomeric states and a parabolic development in differences in mean square nuclear charge radii between ground and isomeric state. The development of charge radii between the shell closures is smooth, exposes a regular odd-even staggering and can be described and interpreted in the model of Zamick and Thalmi.


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In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Dynamikkern entwickelt und in das bestehendernnumerische Wettervorhersagesystem COSMO integriert. Für die räumlichernDiskretisierung werden diskontinuierliche Galerkin-Verfahren (DG-Verfahren)rnverwendet, für die zeitliche Runge-Kutta-Verfahren. Hierdurch ist ein Verfahrenrnhoher Ordnung einfach zu realisieren und es sind lokale Erhaltungseigenschaftenrnder prognostischen Variablen gegeben. Der hier entwickelte Dynamikkern verwendetrngeländefolgende Koordinaten in Erhaltungsform für die Orographiemodellierung undrnkoppelt das DG-Verfahren mit einem Kessler-Schema für warmen Niederschlag. Dabeirnwird die Fallgeschwindigkeit des Regens, nicht wie üblich implizit imrnKessler-Schema diskretisiert, sondern explizit im Dynamikkern. Hierdurch sindrndie Zeitschritte der Parametrisierung für die Phasenumwandlung des Wassers undrnfür die Dynamik vollständig entkoppelt, wodurch auch sehr große Zeitschritte fürrndie Parametrisierung verwendet werden können. Die Kopplung ist sowohl fürrnOperatoraufteilung, als auch für Prozessaufteilung realisiert.rnrnAnhand idealisierter Testfälle werden die Konvergenz und die globalenrnErhaltungseigenschaften des neu entwickelten Dynamikkerns validiert. Die Massernwird bis auf Maschinengenauigkeit global erhalten. Mittels Bergüberströmungenrnwird die Orographiemodellierung validiert. Die verwendete Kombination ausrnDG-Verfahren und geländefolgenden Koordinaten ermöglicht die Behandlung vonrnsteileren Bergen, als dies mit dem auf Finite-Differenzenverfahren-basierendenrnDynamikkern von COSMO möglich ist. Es wird gezeigt, wann die vollernTensorproduktbasis und wann die Minimalbasis vorteilhaft ist. Die Größe desrnEinflusses auf das Simulationsergebnis der Verfahrensordnung, desrnParametrisierungszeitschritts und der Aufteilungsstrategie wirdrnuntersucht. Zuletzt wird gezeigt dass bei gleichem Zeitschritt die DG-Verfahrenrnaufgrund der besseren Skalierbarkeit in der Laufzeit konkurrenzfähig zurnFinite-Differenzenverfahren sind.


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Die Funktionsweise der Laserionenquellenfalle LIST, sowie deren Implementierung bei der Forschungseinrichtung ISOLDE am CERN als neue Standard-Ionenquelle und die ermittelten Spezifikationen Effizienz und Selektivität werden vorgestellt.rnrnDurch die Implementierung der LIST bei ISOLDE konnte on-line mit Hilfe von Radionukliden ein Minimalwert zur Unterdrückung von Kontaminationen durch die LIST bestimmt werden. Die erfolgreiche Unterdrückung von Francium-Kontamination ermöglichte es, neue Messdaten für den mittleren Ladungsradius und die Hyperfeinstruktur für Po-217 zu erzeugen.rnrnUm die Funktionalität der LIST bei ISOLDE hinsichtlich der Ionisationseffizienz gegenüber anderen Ionenquellen einzuordnen, wurden in Mainz am RISIKO-Massenseparator mit der bereits existierenden Standard-Ionenquelle RILIS und der LIST die Effizienzen bestimmt und miteinander verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die LIST im Modus hoher Ionisationseffizienz eine vergleichbare Effizienz aufweist wie die RILIS. Im Modus zur Produktion eines hochreinen Ionenstrahls ist die Ionisationseffizienz gegenüber der RILIS reduziert.rnrnDa die Bestimmung der Selektivität im On-line-Betrieb aufwendig und zeitintensiv ist, wurde die Reinheit des Ionenstrahls am RISIKO-Massenseparator mittels Laufzeitmessungen der Ionen off-line bestimmt und analysiert. Die Zeitstrukturen der RILIS ermöglichen einerseits Rückschlüsse auf die Reinheit des Ionenstrahls zu ziehen, andererseits konnte auch die Ionisation außerhalb des Atomisators, in dem überwiegend die resonante Ionisation stattfindet, nachgewiesen werden. Durch diesen Nachweis kann der Effizienzverlust während der Produktion eines hochreinen Ionenstrahls erklärt werden. Zudem bietet er einen Ansatz für weitere Entwicklungsarbeiten der LIST zur Steigerung der Effizienz.rnrnEine Übertragung der Messergebnisse zur Zeitstruktur der RILIS auf die LIST eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung deren Selektivität im massenselektiven Mode. Dieser wurde anhand von Simulationen überprüft und mit Messungen an Kalium experimentell quantifiziert.


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The Scilla rock avalanche occurred on 6 February 1783 along the coast of the Calabria region (southern Italy), close to the Messina Strait. It was triggered by a mainshock of the Terremoto delle Calabrie seismic sequence, and it induced a tsunami wave responsible for more than 1500 casualties along the neighboring Marina Grande beach. The main goal of this work is the application of semi-analtycal and numerical models to simulate this event. The first one is a MATLAB code expressly created for this work that solves the equations of motion for sliding particles on a two-dimensional surface through a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The second one is a code developed by the Tsunami Research Team of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) of the Bologna University that describes a slide as a chain of blocks able to interact while sliding down over a slope and adopts a Lagrangian point of view. A wide description of landslide phenomena and in particular of landslides induced by earthquakes and with tsunamigenic potential is proposed in the first part of the work. Subsequently, the physical and mathematical background is presented; in particular, a detailed study on derivatives discratization is provided. Later on, a description of the dynamics of a point-mass sliding on a surface is proposed together with several applications of numerical and analytical models over ideal topographies. In the last part, the dynamics of points sliding on a surface and interacting with each other is proposed. Similarly, different application on an ideal topography are shown. Finally, the applications on the 1783 Scilla event are shown and discussed.


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A new overground body-weight support system called ZeroG has been developed that allows patients with severe gait impairments to practice gait and balance activities in a safe, controlled manner. The unloading system is capable of providing up to 300 lb of static support and 150 lb of dynamic (or constant force) support using a custom-series elastic actuator. The unloading system is mounted to a driven trolley, which rides along an overhead rail. We evaluated the performance of ZeroG's unloading system, as well as the trolley tracking system, using benchtop and human-subject testing. Average root-mean-square and peak errors in unloading were 2.2 and 7.2 percent, respectively, over the range of forces tested while trolley tracking errors were less than 3 degrees, indicating the system was able to maintain its position above the subject. We believe training with ZeroG will allow patients to practice activities that are critical to achieving functional independence at home and in the community.


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In this study, the effect of time derivatives of flow rate and rotational speed was investigated on the mathematical modeling of a rotary blood pump (RBP). The basic model estimates the pressure head of the pump as a dependent variable using measured flow and speed as predictive variables. Performance of the model was evaluated by adding time derivative terms for flow and speed. First, to create a realistic working condition, the Levitronix CentriMag RBP was implanted in a sheep. All parameters from the model were physically measured and digitally acquired over a wide range of conditions, including pulsatile speed. Second, a statistical analysis of the different variables (flow, speed, and their time derivatives) based on multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the significant variables for pressure head estimation. Finally, different mathematical models were used to show the effect of time derivative terms on the performance of the models. In order to evaluate how well the estimated pressure head using different models fits the measured pressure head, root mean square error and correlation coefficient were used. The results indicate that inclusion of time derivatives of flow and speed can improve model accuracy, but only minimally.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the role of vocational rehabilitation services in contributing to the goals of the National HIV/AIDS strategy. Three key research questions are addressed: (a) What is the relationship among factors associated with the use of vocational rehabilitation services for people living with HIV/AIDS? (b) Are the factors associated with use of vocational rehabilitation also associated with access to health care, supplemental employment services and reduced risk of HIV transmission? And (c) What unique role does use of vocational rehabilitation services play in access to health care and HIV prevention? Survey research methods were used to collect data from a broad sample of volunteer respondents who represented diverse racial (37% Black, 37% White, 18% Latino, 7% other), gender (65% male, 34% female, 1% transgender) and sexual orientation (48% heterosexual, 44% gay, 8% bisexual) backgrounds. The fit of the final structural equation model was good (root mean square error of approximation = .055, Comparative Fit Index=.953, Tucker Lewis Index=.945). Standardized effects with bootstrap confidence intervals are reported. Overall, the findings support the hypothesis that vocational rehabilitation services can play an important role in health and prevention strategies outlined in the National HIV/AIDS strategy.


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We examined the impact of physical activity (PA) on surrogate markers of cardiovascular health in adolescents. 52 healthy students (28 females, mean age 14.5 ± 0.7 years) were investigated. Microvascular endothelial function was assessed by peripheral arterial tonometry to determine reactive hyperemic index (RHI). Vagal activity was measured using 24 h analysis of heart rate variability [root mean square of successive normal-to-normal intervals (rMSSD)]. Exercise testing was performed to determine peak oxygen uptake ([Formula: see text]) and maximum power output. PA was assessed by accelerometry. Linear regression models were performed and adjusted for age, sex, skinfolds, and pubertal status. The cohort was dichotomized into two equally sized activity groups (low vs. high) based on the daily time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA, 3,000-5,200 counts(.)min(-1), model 1) and vigorous PA (VPA, >5,200 counts(.)min(-1), model 2). MVPA was an independent predictor for rMSSD (β = 0.448, P = 0.010), and VPA was associated with maximum power output (β = 0.248, P = 0.016). In model 1, the high MVPA group exhibited a higher vagal tone (rMSSD 49.2 ± 13.6 vs. 38.1 ± 11.7 ms, P = 0.006) and a lower systolic blood pressure (107.3 ± 9.9 vs. 112.9 ± 8.1 mmHg, P = 0.046). In model 2, the high VPA group had higher maximum power output values (3.9 ± 0.5 vs. 3.4 ± 0.5 W kg(-1), P = 0.012). In both models, no significant differences were observed for RHI and [Formula: see text]. In conclusion, in healthy adolescents, PA was associated with beneficial intensity-dependent effects on vagal tone, systolic blood pressure, and exercise capacity, but not on microvascular endothelial function.


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The problem of re-sampling spatially distributed data organized into regular or irregular grids to finer or coarser resolution is a common task in data processing. This procedure is known as 'gridding' or 're-binning'. Depending on the quantity the data represents, the gridding-algorithm has to meet different requirements. For example, histogrammed physical quantities such as mass or energy have to be re-binned in order to conserve the overall integral. Moreover, if the quantity is positive definite, negative sampling values should be avoided. The gridding process requires a re-distribution of the original data set to a user-requested grid according to a distribution function. The distribution function can be determined on the basis of the given data by interpolation methods. In general, accurate interpolation with respect to multiple boundary conditions of heavily fluctuating data requires polynomial interpolation functions of second or even higher order. However, this may result in unrealistic deviations (overshoots or undershoots) of the interpolation function from the data. Accordingly, the re-sampled data may overestimate or underestimate the given data by a significant amount. The gridding-algorithm presented in this work was developed in order to overcome these problems. Instead of a straightforward interpolation of the given data using high-order polynomials, a parametrized Hermitian interpolation curve was used to approximate the integrated data set. A single parameter is determined by which the user can control the behavior of the interpolation function, i.e. the amount of overshoot and undershoot. Furthermore, it is shown how the algorithm can be extended to multidimensional grids. The algorithm was compared to commonly used gridding-algorithms using linear and cubic interpolation functions. It is shown that such interpolation functions may overestimate or underestimate the source data by about 10-20%, while the new algorithm can be tuned to significantly reduce these interpolation errors. The accuracy of the new algorithm was tested on a series of x-ray CT-images (head and neck, lung, pelvis). The new algorithm significantly improves the accuracy of the sampled images in terms of the mean square error and a quality index introduced by Wang and Bovik (2002 IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 9 81-4).