955 resultados para Experimental dynamics


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This paper proposes an online learning control system that uses the strategy of Model Predictive Control (MPC) in a model based locally weighted learning framework. The new approach, named Locally Weighted Learning Model Predictive Control (LWL-MPC), is proposed as a solution to learn to control robotic systems with nonlinear and time varying dynamics. This paper demonstrates the capability of LWL-MPC to perform online learning while controlling the joint trajectories of a low cost, three degree of freedom elastic joint robot. The learning performance is investigated in both an initial learning phase, and when the system dynamics change due to a heavy object added to the tool point. The experiment on the real elastic joint robot is presented and LWL-MPC is shown to successfully learn to control the system with and without the object. The results highlight the capability of the learning control system to accommodate the lack of mechanical consistency and linearity in a low cost robot arm.


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The coupling of kurtosis based-indexes and envelope analysis represents one of the most successful and widespread procedures for the diagnostics of incipient faults on rolling element bearings. Kurtosis-based indexes are often used to select the proper demodulation band for the application of envelope-based techniques. Kurtosis itself, in slightly different formulations, is applied for the prognostic and condition monitoring of rolling element bearings, as a standalone tool for a fast indication of the development of faults. This paper shows for the first time the strong analytical connection which holds for these two families of indexes. In particular, analytical identities are shown for the squared envelope spectrum (SES) and the kurtosis of the corresponding band-pass filtered analytic signal. In particular, it is demonstrated how the sum of the peaks in the SES corresponds to the raw 4th order moment. The analytical results show as well a link with an another signal processing technique: the cepstrum pre-whitening, recently used in bearing diagnostics. The analytical results are the basis for the discussion on an optimal indicator for the choice of the demodulation band, the ratio of cyclic content (RCC), which endows the kurtosis with selectivity in the cyclic frequency domain and whose performance is compared with more traditional kurtosis-based indicators such as the protrugram. A benchmark, performed on numerical simulations and experimental data coming from two different test-rigs, proves the superior effectiveness of such an indicator. Finally a short introduction to the potential offered by the newly proposed index in the field of prognostics is given in an additional experimental example. In particular the RCC is tested on experimental data collected on an endurance bearing test-rig, showing its ability to follow the development of the damage with a single numerical index.


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Cyclostationary models for the diagnostic signals measured on faulty rotating machineries have proved to be successful in many laboratory tests and industrial applications. The squared envelope spectrum has been pointed out as the most efficient indicator for the assessment of second order cyclostationary symptoms of damages, which are typical, for instance, of rolling element bearing faults. In an attempt to foster the spread of rotating machinery diagnostics, the current trend in the field is to reach higher levels of automation of the condition monitoring systems. For this purpose, statistical tests for the presence of cyclostationarity have been proposed during the last years. The statistical thresholds proposed in the past for the identification of cyclostationary components have been obtained under the hypothesis of having a white noise signal when the component is healthy. This need, coupled with the non-white nature of the real signals implies the necessity of pre-whitening or filtering the signal in optimal narrow-bands, increasing the complexity of the algorithm and the risk of losing diagnostic information or introducing biases on the result. In this paper, the authors introduce an original analytical derivation of the statistical tests for cyclostationarity in the squared envelope spectrum, dropping the hypothesis of white noise from the beginning. The effect of first order and second order cyclostationary components on the distribution of the squared envelope spectrum will be quantified and the effectiveness of the newly proposed threshold verified, providing a sound theoretical basis and a practical starting point for efficient automated diagnostics of machine components such as rolling element bearings. The analytical results will be verified by means of numerical simulations and by using experimental vibration data of rolling element bearings.


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The diagnostics of mechanical components operating in transient conditions is still an open issue, in both research and industrial field. Indeed, the signal processing techniques developed to analyse stationary data are not applicable or are affected by a loss of effectiveness when applied to signal acquired in transient conditions. In this paper, a suitable and original signal processing tool (named EEMED), which can be used for mechanical component diagnostics in whatever operating condition and noise level, is developed exploiting some data-adaptive techniques such as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED) and the analytical approach of the Hilbert transform. The proposed tool is able to supply diagnostic information on the basis of experimental vibrations measured in transient conditions. The tool has been originally developed in order to detect localized faults on bearings installed in high speed train traction equipments and it is more effective to detect a fault in non-stationary conditions than signal processing tools based on spectral kurtosis or envelope analysis, which represent until now the landmark for bearings diagnostics.


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Diagnostics of rolling element bearings have been traditionally developed for constant operating conditions, and sophisticated techniques, like Spectral Kurtosis or Envelope Analysis, have proven their effectiveness by means of experimental tests, mainly conducted in small-scale laboratory test-rigs. Algorithms have been developed for the digital signal processing of data collected at constant speed and bearing load, with a few exceptions, allowing only small fluctuations of these quantities. Owing to the spreading of condition based maintenance in many industrial fields, in the last years a need for more flexible algorithms emerged, asking for compatibility with highly variable operating conditions, such as acceleration/deceleration transients. This paper analyzes the problems related with significant speed and load variability, discussing in detail the effect that they have on bearing damage symptoms, and propose solutions to adapt existing algorithms to cope with this new challenge. In particular, the paper will i) discuss the implication of variable speed on the applicability of diagnostic techniques, ii) address quantitatively the effects of load on the characteristic frequencies of damaged bearings and iii) finally present a new approach for bearing diagnostics in variable conditions, based on envelope analysis. The research is based on experimental data obtained by using artificially damaged bearings installed on a full scale test-rig, equipped with actual train traction system and reproducing the operation on a real track, including all the environmental noise, owing to track irregularity and electrical disturbances of such a harsh application.


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Diagnostics is based on the characterization of mechanical system condition and allows early detection of a possible fault. Signal processing is an approach widely used in diagnostics, since it allows directly characterizing the state of the system. Several types of advanced signal processing techniques have been proposed in the last decades and added to more conventional ones. Seldom, these techniques are able to consider non-stationary operations. Diagnostics of roller bearings is not an exception of this framework. In this paper, a new vibration signal processing tool, able to perform roller bearing diagnostics in whatever working condition and noise level, is developed on the basis of two data-adaptive techniques as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED), coupled by means of the mathematics related to the Hilbert transform. The effectiveness of the new signal processing tool is proven by means of experimental data measured in a test-rig that employs high power industrial size components.


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Design of hydraulic turbines has often to deal with hydraulic instability. It is well-known that Francis and Kaplan types present hydraulic instability in their design power range. Even if modern CFD tools may help to define these dangerous operating conditions and optimize runner design, hydraulic instabilities may fortuitously arise during the turbine life and should be timely detected in order to assure a long-lasting operating life. In a previous paper, the authors have considered the phenomenon of helical vortex rope, which happens at low flow rates when a swirling flow, in the draft tube conical inlet, occupies a large portion of the inlet. In this condition, a strong helical vortex rope appears. The vortex rope causes mechanical effects on the runner, on the whole turbine and on the draft tube, which may eventually produce severe damages on the turbine unit and whose most evident symptoms are vibrations. The authors have already shown that vibration analysis is suitable for detecting vortex rope onset, thanks to an experimental test campaign performed during the commissioning of a 23 MW Kaplan hydraulic turbine unit. In this paper, the authors propose a sophisticated data driven approach to detect vortex rope onset at different power load, based on the analysis of the vibration signals in the order domain and introducing the so-called "residual order spectrogram", i.e. an order-rotation representation of the vibration signal. Some experimental test runs are presented and the possibility to detect instability onset, especially in real-time, is discussed.


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The transmission path from the excitation to the measured vibration on the surface of a mechanical system introduces a distortion both in amplitude and in phase. Moreover, in variable speed conditions, the amplification/attenuation and the phase shift, due to the transfer function of the mechanical system, varies in time. This phenomenon reduces the effectiveness of the traditionally tachometer based order tracking, compromising the results of a discrete-random separation performed by a synchronous averaging. In this paper, for the first time, the extent of the distortion is identified both in the time domain and in the order spectrum of the signal, highlighting the consequences for the diagnostics of rotating machinery. A particular focus is given to gears, providing some indications on how to take advantage of the quantification of the disturbance to better tune the techniques developed for the compensation of the distortion. The full theoretical analysis is presented and the results are applied to an experimental case.


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In the field of diagnostics of rolling element bearings, the development of sophisticated techniques, such as Spectral Kurtosis and 2nd Order Cyclostationarity, extended the capability of expert users to identify not only the presence, but also the location of the damage in the bearing. Most of the signal-analysis methods, as the ones previously mentioned, result in a spectrum-like diagram that presents line frequencies or peaks in the neighbourhood of some theoretical characteristic frequencies, in case of damage. These frequencies depend only on damage position, bearing geometry and rotational speed. The major improvement in this field would be the development of algorithms with high degree of automation. This paper aims at this important objective, by discussing for the first time how these peaks can draw away from the theoretical expected frequencies as a function of different working conditions, i.e. speed, torque and lubrication. After providing a brief description of the peak-patterns associated with each type of damage, this paper shows the typical magnitudes of the deviations from the theoretical expected frequencies. The last part of the study presents some remarks about increasing the reliability of the automatic algorithm. The research is based on experimental data obtained by using artificially damaged bearings installed in a gearbox.


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Buffeting response of a cable-stayed bridge under construction is investigated through wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations. Two configurations of the erection stage have been considered and compared in terms of dynamic response and internal forces using the results of the experimental aeroelastic models. Moreover the results of a numerical model able to simulate the simultaneous effects of vortex shedding from tower and aeroelastic response of the deck are compared to the wind tunnel ones.