961 resultados para Evolutionary processes
This short interim progress report builds on previous progress reports which have described the quantification of the process both within and between lakes of different degrees of eutrophication. These data indicated that slight changes in methodology, particularly when investigating sediment deposits, could grossly affect the measured activity. The aim of the present research was an attempt to rationalize these differences. If this could be achieved it would enable meaningful interpretation of published data obtained using different methods and therefore enlarge the available database. In addition some observations have been made on the production of nitrite by Grasmere profundal sediment slurries sampled during the circulation period.
This review is concerned with the kinetics of calcium carbonate formation and related processes which are important in many hard waters.
Recent theoretical developments in the reggeization of inelastic processes involving particles with high spin are incorporated into a model of vector meson production. A number of features of experimental differential cross sections and density matrices are interpreted in terms of this model.
The method chosen for reggeization of helicity amplitudes first separates kinematic zeros and singularities from the parity-conserving amplitudes and then applies results of Freedman and Wang on daughter trajectories to the remaining factors. Kinematic constraints on helicity amplitudes at t = 0 and t = (M – MΔ)2 are also considered.
It is found that data for reactions of types πN→VN and πN→VΔ are consistent with a model of this type in which all kinematic constraints at t = 0 are satisfied by evasion (vanishing of residue functions). As a quantitative test of the parametrization, experimental differential cross sections of vector meson production reactions dominated by pion trajectory exchange are compared with the theory. It is found that reduced residue functions are approximately constant, once the kinematic behavior near t = (M – MΔ)2 has been removed.
The alternative possibility of conspiracy between amplitudes is also discussed; and it is shown that unless conspiracy is present, some amplitudes allowed by angular momentum conservation will not contribute with full strength in the forward direction. An example, γp→π+n in which the data for dσ/dt indicate conspiracy, is studied in detail.
This project investigated the production of nitrate (nitrification) by bacteria in lakes. The work was undertaken as nitrification is a key process in the nitrogen cycle and previous estimates of rates of nitrification were unreliable. When different methods were used to estimate rates of nitrification within sediment deposits different results were obtained. Investigation' of specific aspects of these methodologies has allowed some rationalization of these observations and also enabled comparisons of previously published data which, beforehand, was not possible. However, it was not clear which methods gave the most reliable rate estimates. Calculation of a nitrate budget for Grasmere lake indicated that the use of methods which involved the mixing of surface sediments (and therefore disrupted preformed nutrient gradients) overestimated the rate of nitrification. The study concludes that slight changes in the method used to prepare sediment slurries can result in large changes, in the measured nitrifying activity. This makes comparisons between studies, using different methods, extremely difficult. Methods to study sediment nitrification processes which do not disrupt preformed substrate gradients within the sediment provide the most reliable rate estimates.
The processes which control the growth, composition, succession and loss from suspension of phytoplankton algae are briefly reviewed, with special reference to function in eutrophic reservoir systems. The ecology of larger algal biomasses supported by high nutrient loading rates are more likely to be subject to physical (wash-out, underwater light penetration, thermal stability and mixing) than to chemical constraints. Sudden changes in the interactions between physical factors temporarily impair the growth of dominant algal species, and advance the succession. Certain algae may be cropped heavily, but selectively, by zooplankton feeding, but they are rarely the species which cause problems in waterworks practice. Grazing, however, does influence succession. A deeper understanding of the operation of loss control mechanism is urgently required. Potentially, manipulation of the physical environment provides an important means of alleviating day-to-day algal problems in eutrophic reservoirs; in terms of cost effectiveness these may prove to be more attractive than reducing nutrient loads at source.
Análise global da estabilidade termodinâmica de misturas: um estudo com o método do conjunto gerador
O cálculo do equilíbrio de fases é um problema de grande importância em processos da engenharia, como, por exemplo, na separação por destilação, em processos de extração e simulação da recuperação terciária de petróleo, entre outros. Mas para resolvê-lo é aconselhável que se estude a priori a estabilidade termodinâmica do sistema, a qual consiste em determinar se uma dada mistura se apresenta em uma ou mais fases. Tal problema pode ser abordado como um problema de otimização, conhecido como a minimização da função distância do plano tangente à energia livre de Gibbs molar, onde modelos termodinâmicos, de natureza não convexa e não linear, são utilizados para descrevê-lo. Esse fato tem motivado um grande interesse em técnicas de otimização robustas e eficientes para a resolução de problemas relacionados com a termodinâmica do equilíbrio de fases. Como tem sido ressaltado na literatura, para proporcionar uma completa predição do equilíbrio de fases, faz-se necessário não apenas a determinação do minimizador global da função objetivo do teste de estabilidade, mas também a obtenção de todos os seus pontos estacionários. Assim, o desenvolvimento de metodologias para essa tarefa desafiadora tem se tornado uma nova área de pesquisa da otimização global aplicada à termodinâmica do equilíbrio, com interesses comuns na engenharia química e na engenharia do petróleo. O foco do presente trabalho é uma nova metodologia para resolver o problema do teste de estabilidade. Para isso, usa-se o chamado método do conjunto gerador para realizar buscas do tipo local em uma rede de pontos previamente gerada por buscas globais efetuadas com uma metaheurística populacional, no caso o método do enxame de partículas.Para se obter mais de um ponto estacionário, minimizam-se funções de mérito polarizadas, cujos pólos são os pontos previamente encontrados. A metodologia proposta foi testada na análise de quatorze misturas polares previamente consideradas na literatura. Os resultados mostraram que o método proposto é robusto e eficiente a ponto de encontrar, além do minimizador global, todos os pontos estacionários apontados previamente na literatura, sendo também capaz de detectar, em duas misturas ternárias estudadas, pontos estacionários não obtidos pelo chamado método de análise intervalar, uma técnica confiável e muito difundida na literatura. A análise do teste de estabilidade pela simples utilização do método do enxame de partículas associado à técnica de polarização mencionada acima, para a obtenção de mais de um ponto estacionário (sem a busca local feita pelo método do conjunto gerador em uma dada rede de pontos), constitui outra metodologia para a resolução do problema de interesse. Essa utilização é uma novidade secundária deste trabalho. Tal metodologia simplificada exibiu também uma grande robustez, sendo capaz de encontrar todos os pontos estacionários pesquisados. No entanto, quando comparada com a abordagem mais geral proposta aqui, observou-se que tal simplificação pode, em alguns casos onde a função de mérito apresenta uma geometria mais complexa, consumir um tempo de máquina relativamente grande, dessa forma é menos eficiente.
Mixing and transport processes in surface waters strongly influence the structure of aquatic ecosystems. The impact of mixing on algal growth is species-dependent, affecting the competition among species and acting as a selective factor for the composition of the biocoenose. Were it not for the ever-changing ”aquatic weather”, the composition of pelagic ecosystems would be relatively simple. Probably just a few optimally adapted algal species would survive in a given water-body. In contrast to terrestrial ecosystems, in which the spatial heterogeneity is primarily responsible for the abundance of niches, in aquatic systems (especially in the pelagic zone) the niches are provided by the temporal structure of physical processes. The latter are discussed in terms of the relative sizes of physical versus biological time-scales. The relevant time-scales of mixing and transport cover the range between seconds and years. Correspondingly, their influence on growth of algae is based on different mechanisms: rapid changes are relevant for the fast biological processes such as nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, and the slower changes are relevant for the less dynamic processes such as growth, respiration, mineralization, and settling of algal cells. Mixing time-scales are combined with a dynamic model of photosynthesis to demonstrate their influence on algal growth.
O tema abordado nesta dissertação de mestrado é a petrogênese dos diabásios do Eocretáceo que integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar na região de Angra dos Reis (RJ). Estes diques intrudem rochas do Terreno Ocidental e do Arco Magmático Rio Negro, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de fragmentação do Gondwana no Cretáceo Inferior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a N039E. Intrusões retilíneas são as mais observadas em campo. Os diabásios são compostos, essencialmente, por plagioclásio e clinopiroxênios (augita e pigeonita). Quartzo, minerais opacos, apatita e olivina ocorrem como minerais acessórios. A composição mineral secundária é marcada pela presença de biotita, uralita e saussurita. Os diabásios estudados compreendem uma série transicional com afinidade toleítica. Os estudos petrológicos revelam a existência de cinco suítes de alto-TiO2, tendo sido as mesmas discriminadas com base nas razões La/Yb de amostras com o mesmo teor de MgO. Destas, apenas a suíte 2 têm quantidade mínima de amostras para avaliação de processos evolutivos. O resultado da modelagem petrogenética aponta que o processo evolutivo mais provável para a geração dos diabásios da suíte 2 é cristalização fracionada sem mudança na assembleia fracionante. As amostras representativas dos líquidos parentais das cinco suítes apresentam razões La/Nb e La/Yb maiores que a unidade, típicas de derivação de fonte enriquecida, que, em várias províncias basálticas continentais, tem sido associada à fusão exclusiva do manto litosférico subcontinental ou a sua participação em processos de mistura de fontes. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita exclusivamente com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais das cinco suítes discriminadas na área de estudo. Os modelos indicam que todas as cinco suítes estudadas estão relacionadas a fontes harzburgíticas com granada residual. A suíte 5 da área de estudo não pode ser associada à mesma fonte mantélica geradora das suítes 1, 2, 3 e 4 que, por sua vez, se originaram por diferentes quantidades de fusão parcial (respectivamente, 44%, 35%, 31% e 25%) de uma mesma fonte. Cabe ressaltar que a ocorrência de duas suítes, com razões La/Yb muito distintas, porém geograficamente muito próximas, sugere que processos de heterogeneidade mantélica, tipicamente laterais, devem também ocorrer verticalmente.
IDOKI SCF Technologies S.L. is a technology-based company, set up on September 2006 in Derio (Biscay) with the main scope of developing extraction and purification processes based on the use of supercritical fluid extraction technology (SFE) in food processing, extraction of natural products and the production of personal care products. IDOKI¿s researchers have been working on many different R&D projects so far, most of them using this technology. However, the optimization of a SFE method for the different matrices cannot be performed unless we have an analytical method for the characterisation of the extracts obtained in each experiment. The analytical methods are also essential for the quality control of the raw materials that are going to be used and also for the final product. This PhD thesis was born to tackle this problem and therefore, it is based on the development of different analytical methods for the characterisation of the extracts and products. The projects that we could include in this thesis were the following: the extraction propolis, the recovery of agroindustrial residues (soy and wine) and the dealcoholisation of wine.On the one hand, for the extraction of propolis, several UV-Vis spectroscopic methods were used in order to measure the antioxidant capacity and the total polyphenol and flavonoid content of the extracts. A SFC method was also developed in order to measure more specific phenolic compounds. On the other hand, for the recovery of agroindustrial residues UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to determine the total polyphenol content and two SFC methods were developed to analyse different phenolic compounds. Extraction methods such as MAE, FUSE and rotary agitation were also evaluated for the characterisation of the raw materials.Finally, for the dealcoholisation of wine, the development of a SBSE-TD-GC-MS and DHS-TD-GC-MS methods for the analysis of aromas and a NIR spectroscopic method for the determination of ethanol content with the help of chemometrics was necessary. Most of these methods are typically used in IDOKI¿s lab as routine analyses apart from others not included in this PhD thesis.
This article investigates the convergence properties of iterative processes involving sequences of self-mappings of metric or Banach spaces. Such sequences are built from a set of primary self-mappings which are either expansive or non-expansive self-mappings and some of the non-expansive ones can be contractive including the case of strict contractions. The sequences are built subject to switching laws which select each active self-mapping on a certain activation interval in such a way that essential properties of boundedness and convergence of distances and iterated sequences are guaranteed. Applications to the important problem of stability of dynamic switched systems are also given.