967 resultados para Evolutionary algorithms


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In this paper we study the influence of interventions on self-interactions in a spatial Prisoner's Dilemma on a two-dimensional grid with periodic boundary conditions and synchronous updating of the dynamics. We investigate two different types of self-interaction modifications. The first type (FSIP) is deterministic, effecting each self-interaction of a player by a constant factor, whereas the second type (PSIP) performs a probabilistic interventions. Both types of interventions lead to a reduction of the payoff of the players and, hence, represent inhibiting effects. We find that a constant but moderate reduction of self-interactions has a very beneficial effect on the evolution of cooperators in the population, whereas probabilistic interventions on self-interactions are in general counter productive for the coexistence of the two different strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a methodology for implementing a complete Digital Signal Processing (DSP) system onto a heterogeneous network including Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) automatically. The methodology aims to allow design refinement and real time verification at the system level. The DSP application is constructed in the form of a Data Flow Graph (DFG) which provides an entry point to the methodology. The netlist for parts that are mapped onto the FPGA(s) together with the corresponding software and hardware Application Protocol Interface (API) are also generated. Using a set of case studies, we demonstrate that the design and development time can be significantly reduced using the methodology developed.


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The use of dataflow digital signal processing system modelling
and synthesis techniques has been a fruitful research theme for many years and has yielded many powerful rapid system synthesis and optimisation capabilities. However, recent years have seen the spectrum of languages and techniques splinter in an application specific manner, resulting in an ad-hoc design process which is increasingly dependent on the particular application under development. This poses a major problem for automated toolflows attempting to provide rapid system synthesis for a wide ranges of applications. By analysing a number of dataflow FPGA implementation case studies, this paper shows that despit ethis common traits may be found in current techniques, which fall largely into three classes. Further, it exposes limitations pertaining to their ability to adapt algorith models to implementations for different operating environments and target platforms.


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The expression of two or more discrete phenotypes amongst individuals within a species (morphs) provides multiple modes upon which selection can act semi-independently, and thus may be an important stage in speciation. In the present study, we compared two sympatric morph systems aiming to address hypotheses related to their evolutionary origin. Arctic charr in sympatry in Loch Tay, Scotland, exhibit one of two discrete, alternative body size phenotypes at maturity (large or small body size). Arctic charr in Loch Awe segregate into two temporally segregated spawning groups (breeding in either spring or autumn). Mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed that the morph pairs in both lakes comprise separate gene pools, although segregation of the Loch Awe morphs is more subtle than that of Loch Tay. We conclude that the Loch Awe morphs diverged in situ (within the lake), whereas Loch Tay morphs most likely arose through multiple invasions by different ancestral groups that segregated before post-glacial invasion (i.e. in allopatry). Both morph pairs showed clear trophic segregation between planktonic and benthic resources (measured by stable isotope analysis) but this was significantly less distinct in Loch Tay than in Loch Awe. By contrast, both inter-morph morphological and life-history differences were more subtle in Loch Awe than in Loch Tay. The strong ecological but relatively weak morphological and life-history divergence of the in situ derived morphs compared to morphs with allopatric origins indicates a strong link between early ecological and subsequent genetic divergence of sympatric origin emerging species pairs. The emergence of parallel specialisms despite distinct genetic origins of these morph pairs suggests that the effect of available foraging opportunities may be at least as important as genetic origin in structuring sympatric divergence in post-glacial fishes with high levels of phenotypic plasticity. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, , .


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Local computation in join trees or acyclic hypertrees has been shown to be linked to a particular algebraic structure, called valuation algebra.There are many models of this algebraic structure ranging from probability theory to numerical analysis, relational databases and various classical and non-classical logics. It turns out that many interesting models of valuation algebras may be derived from semiring valued mappings. In this paper we study how valuation algebras are induced by semirings and how the structure of the valuation algebra is related to the algebraic structure of the semiring. In particular, c-semirings with idempotent multiplication induce idempotent valuation algebras and therefore permit particularly efficient architectures for local computation. Also important are semirings whose multiplicative semigroup is embedded in a union of groups. They induce valuation algebras with a partially defined division. For these valuation algebras, the well-known architectures for Bayesian networks apply. We also extend the general computational framework to allow derivation of bounds and approximations, for when exact computation is not feasible.


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The common prior assumption justifies private beliefs as posterior probabilities when updating a common prior based on individual information. We dispose of the common prior assumption for a homogeneous oligopoly market with uncertain costs and firms entertaining arbitrary priors about other firms' cost-type. We show that true prior beliefs can not be evolutionarily stable when truly expected profit measures (reproductive) success.


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Recently, a number of most significant digit (msd) first bit parallel multipliers for recursive filtering have been reported. However, the design approach which has been used has, in general, been heuristic and consequently, optimality has not always been assured. In this paper, msd first multiply accumulate algorithms are described and important relationships governing the dependencies between latency, number representations, etc are derived. A more systematic approach to designing recursive filters is illustrated by applying the algorithms and associated relationships to the design of cascadable modules for high sample rate IIR filtering and wave digital filtering.


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Real time digital signal processing demands high performance implementations of division and square root. This can only be achieved by the design of fast and efficient arithmetic algorithms which address practical VLSI architectural design issues. In this paper, new algorithms for division and square root are described. The new schemes are based on pre-scaling the operands and modifying the classical SRT method such that the result digits and the remainders are computed concurrently and the computations in adjacent rows are overlapped. Consequently, their performance exceeds that of the SRT methods. The hardware cost for higher radices is considerably more than that of the SRT methods but for many applications, this is not prohibitive. A system of equations is presented which enables both an analysis of the method for any radix and the parameters of implementations to be easily determined. This is illustrated for the case of radix 2 and radix 4. In addition, a highly regular array architecture combining the division and square root method is described. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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A methodology has been developed which allows a non-specialist to rapidly design silicon wavelet transform cores for a variety of specifications. The cores include both forward and inverse orthonormal wavelet transforms. This methodology is based on efficient, modular and scaleable architectures utilising time-interleaved coefficients for the wavelet transform filters. The cores are parameterized in terms of wavelet type and data and coefficient word lengths. The designs have been captured in VHDL and are hence portable across a range of silicon foundries as well as FPGA and PLD implementations.


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In real time digital signal processing, high performance modules for division and square root are essential if many powerful algorithms are to be implemented. In this paper, a new radix 2 algorithms for SRT division and square root are developed. For these new schemes, the result digits and the residuals are computed concurrently and the computations in adjacent rows are overlapped. Consequently, their performance should exceed that of the radix 2 SRT methods. VLSI array architectures to implement the new division and square root schemes are also presented.


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A genetic algorithm (GA) was adopted to optimise the response of a composite laminate subject to impact. Two different impact scenarios are presented: low-velocity impact of a slender laminated strip and high-velocity impact of a rectangular plate by a spherical impactor. In these cases, the GA's objective was to, respectively, minimise the peak deflection and minimise penetration by varying the ply angles.

The GA was coupled to a commercial finite-element (FE) package LS DYNA to perform the impact analyses. A comparison with a commercial optimisation package, LS OPT, was also made. The results showed that the GA was a robust, capable optimisation tool that produced near optimal designs, and performed well with respect to LS OPT for the more complex high-velocity impact scenario tested.


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The optimization of cutouts in composite plates was investigated by implementing a procedure known as Evolutionary Structural Optimization. Perforations were introduced into a finite element mesh of the plate from which one or more cutouts of a predetermined size were evolved. In the examples presented, plates were rejected from around each evolving cutout based on a predefined rejection criterion. The Limiting ply within each plate element around the cutout was determined based on the Tsai-Hill failure criterion. Finite element plates with values below the product of the average Tsai-Hill number and a rejection criterion were subsequently removed. This process was iterated until a steady state was reached and the rejection criterion was then incremented by an evolutionary rate and the above steps repeated until the desired cutout area was achieved. Various plates with differing lay-up and loading parameters were investigated to demonstrate the generality and robustness of this optimization procedure.