953 resultados para Estrutura organizacional - Japão


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One of principal goals of this work was to investigate the reasons for the growth of Corporate University in Brazil, therefore, it is concluded that the capacitation is geared towards the improvement of the performance of the organization¿s business; the dissemination of common values in the organization includes customers, suppliers and society; The investment in the trademark of the company uses the network of people committed to the organization; and the development of the innovation¿s culture and the growth within the organization. The other main objective of this study was to identify the perception of the official in relation to the University Petrobras in training and development of the individual and its consequent increase in value. For this, 5 testimonies were collected and a field research was made with the application of a closed questionnaire considering a sample of 43 respondents, which are allocated among the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The research shows that 88 % of the respondents approve the conduction of teaching/learning and consequent enhancement of human potential, in line with the strategic goals of the Company, promoted by Petrobrás Corporate University. Finally, it is concluded that the Corporative University is an institution of education and training of companies that provide several learning alternatives, aligned to organizational strategies, to promote the development not only of their staff, but also of other members of the value chain of the company, as customers, suppliers and partners.


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This dissertation presents a research aimed at identifying and explaining the individual perceptions as far as the introduction of computer technology concerning the organization change process and the reason underlying those changes, utilizing for study purposes, a customer attendance agency of INSS , located in São Luís-MA, which data collection was carried out by interviews with three managers and application of to thirty employees, all of them working at the unit researched. The core point was to identify feelings and perceptions of individuals, and the reason steering the change actions deployed in this office. Based on this perception, it is presented a literature review on the main thinkers who discussed the role, and the relevance of reasoning in the development of human relations, both in the organizations and in society. To start with, Max Weber thinking on rationality was introduced, on the sequence, the discussion raised by the Frankfurt School in its first phase, mainly on the Max Horkheimer thinking and finally it is shown a summary of Jurgen Habermas thinking, mainly concerning its communicative action theory proposed as a path to emancipation of individual of current instrumental reasoning. Summing up, we can conclude from this research that perceptions, feelings and opinions indicate that the institution uses to discuss with the civil servants the implementation of change process. For those servants the excessive functional control, the limitation of knowledge production and an artificial functional integration are consequences of the shape and intensity, as well as of computer technologies deployed in the institution. It is also shared by most of civil servants, including managers, that the overall participation would have more validity and would decrease the resistance to those changes. And it is also worth registering that despite of the servants having job stability, only 50% have positive expectations as far as its future in the institution.


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o objetivo dessa dissertação é conhecer as relações de poder - fonnais e informais - existentes na Rede Ferroviária Federal S.A., em liquidação (RFFSA) e aquelas que atuam sobre a empresa. Para isso, foi utilizado o Método Etnográfico, observando-se de forma participante a cultura da empresa, complementando assim o levantamento bibliográfico sobre o Estado, sobre a burocracia - especialmente o hibridismo das empresas estatais - e sobre as relações de poder entre esses no Brasil. Concluiu-se que: os funcionários de uma empresa em liquidação não são facilmente motivados e trabalham contra os objetivos organizacionais, já que se apresenta um conflito de interesses; como o processo de liquidação da RFFSA é longo, as relações de poder infonnais se fortificam com o intuito de que a estratégia organizacional não tenha sucesso; a comunicação entre lideres e liderados não atenua os conflitos entre os objetivos organizacionais e de Recursos Humanos, dado que os empregados manipulam o discurso como forma de resistência à liquidação. De forma mais genérica, recomenda-se a redução da ingerência político-partidária na burocracia estatal, por meio de uma refonna administrativa que considere o aspecto cultural do serviço público, podendo se desenvolver a idéia de "accountability" entre os servidores.


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O presente estudo se constitui numa tentativa de analisar a questão do uso do poder e da autoridade por aqueles que exercem cargos de chefia e liderança nas empresas, presumindo-se que os executivos, em suas interações com os subordinados, exercem influência no Clima Organizacional, de acordo com seus perfis de estilo gerencial e de liderança.A importância atribuída às pesquisas de Clima Organizacional, de acordo com a metodologia da HayGroup, baseia-se no fato de que ao responder os questionários, os trabalhadores terão voz para manifestar suas críticas formais e dar Feed-Back à organização e às lideranças quanto às condições de trabalho e aspectos motivacionais.Supõe-se que o exercício da liderança é um elemento que influi e constrói o ambiente de trabalho onde as pessoas estão inseridas. Na perspectiva das teorias contnigenciais de liderança, o líder deve aprender a diagnosticar os diferentes cenários, sendo que são os líderes, em conjunto com os subordinados, os agentes que determinam o contexto.Há a expectativa de que um ambiente de trabalho adequadamente construído reduz o hiato entre a racionalidade substantiva ,desejada.Esse tema adquire relevância nessa essa pós-capitalista, quando o homem com seu capital intelectual, se constitui no único agente capaz de diferençar as empresas frente à vertiginosa velocidade das mudanças e as incertezas quanto ao futuro, em suma, à competição global estabelecida.


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A organização do trabalho constitui-se a partir da caracterização de sua estrutura e dos respectivos impactos do desempenho de papéis profissionais. O relacionamento interpessoal no ambiente de trabalho reflete o grau de participação e colaboração dos indivíduos. Os indivíduos diferem uns dos outros pelas suas atitudes em relação a um trabalho "estimulante" ou não. O valor prático do estudo, busca analisar o grau de satisfação I insatisfação dos indivíduos em relação a si próprios e em relação a empresa. Também foi feito um estudo das abordagens motivacionais e suas ligações com os indivíduos acima citados. A maior parte dos autores que contribuíram ao desenvolvimento dos temas considerados neste estudo parecem ter querido conciliar dois imperativos: aumentar a rendimento dos trabalhadores e elevar o seu nível de satisfação no trabalho (este segundo imperativo foi reformulado recentemente em termos de melhora da qualidade de vida no trabalho). Ainda no corpo do trabalho foram apresentados resultados da pesquisa realizada e discutidas algumas das abordagens motivacionais, com a finalidade de fundamentar teoricamente a questão principal que é a forma de administração da empresa o que se trata de satisfação I motivação na empresa TREE TOOLS, escolhida como agente deste estudo de caso.


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This resume focus the connection between the learning process and the technological competences evolution. It is based on business case of a plastic injection company named Multibras da Amazonia S/A, that manufacture plastic parts to electro- electronic industry assemblers, the study used the company evolution from 1983 to 2000. Its conclusion allowed to demonstrate, how the theories developed by Figueiredo (2001) can be used to describe the technological competences and the learning process, and on it's scale from 1 to 6 the Multibras case has reached the level 5. Based on the business case, the study confirmed how the technological competences learning process and accumulation is linked to an organizational knowledge. Using the theory basis, but applied to an industry case, different from all the previous studies, this resume shows that it's necessary to have a continuous, organized and integrated effort to generate and develop the knowledge evolution inside the company to make possible the technological competences accumulation on a fast and effective track.


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This dissertation enfoca the relationship between technological competences accumulation and the learning underlying processes. This relationship is examined in the company AGCO Comércio and Indústria Ltda, during the period of 1970 to 2000. It is of a company metal-mechanics, agricultural machines manufacturer. In other words, the dissertation examines the processes technological learning implications for aA technological competences accumulation in the company in study. The dissertation enfoca the competences accumulation for three technological functions: processes and organization, products and equipments. The learning processes are examined to the light of four characteristic: variety, intensity, operation and interaction, from the structure existing analysis use in the literature. Based on study of individual case, this study found that the technological competences ways to accumulation in the studied company are associates to the several processes used to acquire technological knowledge and converts him in organizacional. Ademais, the simple incidence of these processes in the company didn't guarantee in the company a positive implication for the technological competences accumulation. The company accumulated level middleman-superior technological competence (level 6) to accomplish production and function products function processes and organization activities, and intermediary level (level 5) to accomplish function equipments activities. In haves to characteristic key, the learning processes introduce an oscillation differentiated along time: the variety oscillated of moderated the several; the intensity of intermittent the continuous; the operation of bad the good; and the interaction of weak the strong. Through the existing structure use in the literature, however applied to a previous studies different industry, this dissertation suggests that must there be an organized , continuous effort and integrated for the knowledge generation and sowing in every company in order to the technological training accumulation be accelerated in the company.


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How strategical decisions are taken? The present work consists of a psychological experiment that it aims to search the knowledge about the subcognitive structure of strategical vision of deeper form, investigating its interaction with the cognitives processes of human beings ¿ perception, memory, and learning. We also argue the nature of chunks (pieces or units), that, in opposition to the current theories, we consider to be provided with essence or meanings in detriment of the appearance or superficial features. In this way, we choose as domain for our experiment the chess game, because its dealing with lesser complexity of the one that decisions in the politics or industry. Thus, we shows the importance that the perception of the abstract roles playing in specific chess position, leading to a strategical vision of this. Moreover, after the experiment, was verified that the expert chess players are capable to perceive distinct positions in the appearance as being similar strategically", while that the beginners had gotten greater difficulty. Finally, we present part of an emergent theory that claims that the human being cognition is nothing more than the abstract perception, as well as the replication of this theory in other domains, for example in the management and the real world."