977 resultados para Estímulo do peristaltismo intestinal
Motility responses of the small intestine of iNOS deficient mice (iNOS −/−) and their wildtype littermates (iNOS+/+) to the inflammatory challenge of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated. LPS administration failed to attenuate intestinal transit in iNOS−/− mice but depressed transit in their iNOS+/+ littermates. Supporting an inhibitory role for sustained nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in the regulation of intestinal motility during inflammation, iNOS immunoreactivity was upregulated in all regions of the small intestine of iNOS+/+ mice. In contrast, neuronal NOS was barely affected. Cyclooxygenase activation was determined by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentration. Following LPS challenge, PGE2 levels were elevated in all intestinal segments in both animal groups. Moreover, COX-1 and COX-2 protein levels were elevated in iNOS+/+ mice in response to LPS, while COX-2 levels were similarly increased in iNOS −/− intestine. However, no apparent relationship was observed between increased prostaglandin concentrations and attenuated intestinal transit. The presence of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in the murine small intestine was also investigated. In both animal groups HO-1 immunoreactivity in the proximal intestine increased in response to treatment, while the constitutive protein levels detected in the middle and distal intestine were unresponsive to LPS administration. No apparent correlation of HO-1 to the suppression of small intestinal motility induced by LPS administration was detected. The presence of S-nitrosylated contractile proteins in the small intestine was determined. γ-smooth muscle actin was basally nitrosylated as well as in response to LPS, but myosin light chain kinase and myosin regulatory chain (MLC20) were not. In conclusion, in a model of acute intestinal inflammation, iNOS-produced NO plays a significant role in suppressing small intestinal motility while nNOS, COX-1, COX-2 and HO-1 do not participate in this event. S-nitrosylation of γ-smooth muscle actin is associated with elevated levels of nitric oxide in the smooth muscle of murine small intestine. ^
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Certificate in Orthodontics, Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut Health Center, 1986
The hypothesis tested was that rapid rejection of Trichinella spiralis infective larvae from immunized rats following a challenge infection is associated with a local anaphylactic reaction, and this response should be reflected in altered small intestinal motility. The objective was to determine if altered gut smooth muscle function accompanies worm rejection based on the assumption that anaphylaxis in vivo could be detected by changes in intestinal smooth muscle contractile activity (ie. an equivalent of the Schultz-Dale reaction or in vitro anaphylaxis). The aims were to (1) characterize motility changes by monitoring intestinal myoelectric activity in conscious rats during the enteric phase of T. spiralis infection in immunized hosts, (2) detect the onset and magnitude of myoelectric changes caused by challenge infection in immunized rats, (3) determine the parasite stimulus causing changes, and (4) determine the specificity of host response to stimulation. Electrical slow wave frequency, spiking activity, normal interdigestive migrating myoelectric complexes and abnormal migrating action potential complexes were measured. Changes in myoelectric parameters induced by larvae inoculated into the duodenum of immune hosts differed from those associated with primary infection with respect to time of onset, magnitude and duration. Myoelectric changes elicited by live larvae could not be reproduced by inoculation of hosts with dead larvae, larval excretory-secretory products, or by challenge with a heterologous parasite, Eimeria nieschulzi. These results indicate that (1) local anaphylaxis is a component of the initial response to T. spiralis in immune hosts, since the rapid onset of altered smooth muscle function parallels in time the expression of rapid rejection of infective larvae, and (2) an active mucosal penetration attempt by the worm is necessary to elicit this host response. These findings provide evidence that worm rejection is a consequence of, or sequel to, an immediate hypersensitivity reaction elicited when parasites attempt to invade the gut mucosa of immunized hosts. ^
Few studies have been conducted on the epidemiology of enteric infectious diseases of public health importance in communities along the United States-Mexico border, and these studies typically focus on bacterial and viral diseases. The epidemiology of intestinal helminth infections along the border has not recently been explored, and there are no published reports for El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, both of which are high traffic urban areas along the Texas-Mexico border. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a cross-sectional epidemiologic survey for enteric helminths of medical importance along the Texas-Mexico border region of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez and to evaluate risk factors for exposure to these parasites. In addition, an emphasis was placed on the zoonotic tapeworm, Taenia solium. This tapeworm is especially important in this region because of the increasing incidence of neurocysticercosis, a severe disease spread by carriers of intestinal T. solium. Fecal samples were collected from individuals of all ages in a population-based cross-sectional household survey and evaluated for the presence of helminth parasites using fecal flotations. In addition, a Taenia coproantigen enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed on each stool sample to identify tapeworm carriers. A standardized questionnaire was administered to identify risk factors and routes of exposure for enteric helminth infections with additional questions to assess risk factors specific for taeniasis. The actual prevalence of taeniasis along the Texas-Mexico border was unknown, and this is the first population-based study performed in this region. Flotations were performed on 395 samples and four (1%) were positive for helminths including Ascaris, hookworms and Taenia species. Immunodiagnostic testing demonstrated a prevalence of 2.9% (11/378) for taeniasis. Based on the case definition, a 3% (12/395) prevalence of taeniasis was detected in this area. In addition, statistical analyses indicate that residents of El Paso are 8.5 times more likely to be a tapeworm carrier compared to residents of Juarez (PR=8.5, 95% CI=2.35, 30.81). This finding has important implications in terms of planning effective health education campaigns to decrease the prevalence of enteric helminths in populations along the Texas-Mexico border. ^
A inclusao está cada vez mais presente e vigente na sociedade e nao poderia ser diferente no que se refere à educaçao. Através do PIBID-PED, Subprojeto Educaçao Física (EF) da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brasil, buscamos discutir questoes referentes às implicaçoes de se ter turmas mistas, com a presença de alunos com deficiência, bem como, as implicaçoes e possibilidades dentro da área do conhecimento da EF escolar. Objetiva-se neste trabalho, problematizar e discutir as questoes pedagógicas de inclusao dos alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF Escolar. Para este estudo foram produzidos Diários de Campos, através da observaçao e intervençao de turmas de 1° ao 5° ano do ensino fundamental. Pode-se observar que EF auxilia o aluno com deficiência no que diz respeito a sua valorizaçao e integraçao no meio escolar. Existiram dificuldades a cerca do planejamento e intervençao e para solucionar tal impasse, passou-se a buscar estratégias e alternativas para dinamizar e qualificar as aulas e a partir daí pode-se observar o quanto a EF auxilia o aluno com deficiência no que diz respeito a sua valorizaçao e integraçao. Contudo, é necessário que se discuta e se crie iniciativas para que os alunos com deficiência possam, de fato, ser incluídos nas aulas e juntos superarem suas diferenças
Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
A inclusao está cada vez mais presente e vigente na sociedade e nao poderia ser diferente no que se refere à educaçao. Através do PIBID-PED, Subprojeto Educaçao Física (EF) da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brasil, buscamos discutir questoes referentes às implicaçoes de se ter turmas mistas, com a presença de alunos com deficiência, bem como, as implicaçoes e possibilidades dentro da área do conhecimento da EF escolar. Objetiva-se neste trabalho, problematizar e discutir as questoes pedagógicas de inclusao dos alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF Escolar. Para este estudo foram produzidos Diários de Campos, através da observaçao e intervençao de turmas de 1° ao 5° ano do ensino fundamental. Pode-se observar que EF auxilia o aluno com deficiência no que diz respeito a sua valorizaçao e integraçao no meio escolar. Existiram dificuldades a cerca do planejamento e intervençao e para solucionar tal impasse, passou-se a buscar estratégias e alternativas para dinamizar e qualificar as aulas e a partir daí pode-se observar o quanto a EF auxilia o aluno com deficiência no que diz respeito a sua valorizaçao e integraçao. Contudo, é necessário que se discuta e se crie iniciativas para que os alunos com deficiência possam, de fato, ser incluídos nas aulas e juntos superarem suas diferenças
A inclusao está cada vez mais presente e vigente na sociedade e nao poderia ser diferente no que se refere à educaçao. Através do PIBID-PED, Subprojeto Educaçao Física (EF) da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brasil, buscamos discutir questoes referentes às implicaçoes de se ter turmas mistas, com a presença de alunos com deficiência, bem como, as implicaçoes e possibilidades dentro da área do conhecimento da EF escolar. Objetiva-se neste trabalho, problematizar e discutir as questoes pedagógicas de inclusao dos alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF Escolar. Para este estudo foram produzidos Diários de Campos, através da observaçao e intervençao de turmas de 1° ao 5° ano do ensino fundamental. Pode-se observar que EF auxilia o aluno com deficiência no que diz respeito a sua valorizaçao e integraçao no meio escolar. Existiram dificuldades a cerca do planejamento e intervençao e para solucionar tal impasse, passou-se a buscar estratégias e alternativas para dinamizar e qualificar as aulas e a partir daí pode-se observar o quanto a EF auxilia o aluno com deficiência no que diz respeito a sua valorizaçao e integraçao. Contudo, é necessário que se discuta e se crie iniciativas para que os alunos com deficiência possam, de fato, ser incluídos nas aulas e juntos superarem suas diferenças
Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).