996 resultados para Emission-line


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Conical emission is investigated for Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser pulses propagating in water. The colored rings can be observed in the forward direction due to the constructive and destructive interference of transverse wavevector, which are induced by the spatio-temporal gradient of the free-electron density. With increasing input laser energy, due to filamentation and pulse splitting induced by the plasma created by multiphoton excitation of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, the on-axis spectrum of the conical emission is widely broadened and strongly modulated with respect to input laser spectrum, and finally remains fairly constant at higher laser energy due to intensity clamping in the filaments.


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4 p.


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Nonlinear X-wave formation at different pulse powers in water is simulated using the standard model of nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). It is shown that in near field X-shape originally emerges from the interplay between radial diffraction and optical Kerr effect. At relatively low power group-velocity dispersion (GVD) arrests the collapse and leads to pulse splitting on axis. With high enough power, multi-photon ionization (NIPI) and multi-photon absorption (MPA) play great importance in arresting the collapse. The tailing part of pulse is first defocused by MPI and then refocuses. Pulse splitting on axis is a manifestation of this process. Double X-wave forms when the split sub-pulses are self-focusing. In the far field, the character of the central X structure of conical emission (CE) is directly related to the single or double X-shape in the near field. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrated that a synthesized laser field consisting of an intense long (45 fs, multi-optical-cycle) laser pulse and a weak short (7 fs, few-optical-cycle) laser pulse can control the electron dynamics and high-order harmonic generation in argon, and generate extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum towards the production of a single strong attosecond pulse. The long pulse offers a large amplitude field, and the short pulse creates a temporally narrow enhancement of the laser field and a gate for the highest energy harmonic emission. This scheme paves the way to generate intense isolated attosecond pulses with strong multi-optical-cycle laser pulses.


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From studies of protoplanetary disks to extrasolar planets and planetary debris, we aim to understand the full evolution of a planetary system. Observational constraints from ground- and space-based instrumentation allows us to measure the properties of objects near and far and are central to developing this understanding. We present here three observational campaigns that, when combined with theoretical models, reveal characteristics of different stages and remnants of planet formation. The Kuiper Belt provides evidence of chemical and dynamical activity that reveals clues to its primordial environment and subsequent evolution. Large samples of this population can only be assembled at optical wavelengths, with thermal measurements at infrared and sub-mm wavelengths currently available for only the largest and closest bodies. We measure the size and shape of one particular object precisely here, in hopes of better understanding its unique dynamical history and layered composition.

Molecular organic chemistry is one of the most fundamental and widespread facets of the universe, and plays a key role in planet formation. A host of carbon-containing molecules vibrationally emit in the near-infrared when excited by warm gas, T~1000 K. The NIRSPEC instrument at the W.M. Keck Observatory is uniquely configured to study large ranges of this wavelength region at high spectral resolution. Using this facility we present studies of warm CO gas in protoplanetary disks, with a new code for precise excitation modeling. A parameterized suite of models demonstrates the abilities of the code and matches observational constraints such as line strength and shape. We use the models to probe various disk parameters as well, which are easily extensible to others with known disk emission spectra such as water, carbon dioxide, acetylene, and hydrogen cyanide.

Lastly, the existence of molecules in extrasolar planets can also be studied with NIRSPEC and reveals a great deal about the evolution of the protoplanetary gas. The species we observe in protoplanetary disks are also often present in exoplanet atmospheres, and are abundant in Earth's atmosphere as well. Thus, a sophisticated telluric removal code is necessary to analyze these high dynamic range, high-resolution spectra. We present observations of a hot Jupiter, revealing water in its atmosphere and demonstrating a new technique for exoplanet mass determination and atmospheric characterization. We will also be applying this atmospheric removal code to the aforementioned disk observations, to improve our data analysis and probe less abundant species. Guiding models using observations is the only way to develop an accurate understanding of the timescales and processes involved. The futures of the modeling and of the observations are bright, and the end goal of realizing a unified model of planet formation will require both theory and data, from a diverse collection of sources.


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This work contains 4 topics dealing with the properties of the luminescence from Ge.

The temperature, pump-power and time dependences of the photoluminescence spectra of Li-, As-, Ga-, and Sb-doped Ge crystals were studied. For impurity concentrations less than about 1015cm-3, emissions due to electron-hole droplets can clearly be identified. For impurity concentrations on the order of 1016cm-3, the broad lines in the spectra, which have previously been attributed to the emission from the electron-hole-droplet, were found to possess pump-power and time dependent line shape. These properties show that these broad lines cannot be due to emission of electron-hole-droplets alone. We interpret these lines to be due to a combination of emissions from (1) electron-hole- droplets, (2) broadened multiexciton complexes, (3) broadened bound-exciton, and (4) plasma of electrons and holes. The properties of the electron-hole-droplet in As-doped Ge were shown to agree with theoretical predictions.

The time dependences of the luminescence intensities of the electron-hole-droplet in pure and doped Ge were investigated at 2 and 4.2°K. The decay of the electron-hole-droplet in pure Ge at 4.2°K was found to be pump-power dependent and too slow to be explained by the widely accepted model due to Pokrovskii and Hensel et al. Detailed study of the decay of the electron-hole-droplets in doped Ge were carried out for the first time, and we find no evidence of evaporation of excitons by electron-hole-droplets at 4.2°K. This doped Ge result is unexplained by the model of Pokrovskii and Hensel et al. It is shown that a model based on a cloud of electron-hole-droplets generated in the crystal and incorporating (1) exciton flow among electron-hole-droplets in the cloud and (2) exciton diffusion away from the cloud is capable of explaining the observed results.

It is shown that impurities, introduced during device fabrication, can lead to the previously reported differences of the spectra of laser-excited high-purity Ge and electrically excited Ge double injection devices. By properly choosing the device geometry so as to minimize this Li contamination, it is shown that the Li concentration in double injection devices may be reduced to less than about 1015cm-3 and electrically excited luminescence spectra similar to the photoluminescence spectra of pure Ge may be produced. This proves conclusively that electron-hole-droplets may be created in double injection devices by electrical excitation.

The ratio of the LA- to TO-phonon-assisted luminescence intensities of the electron-hole-droplet is demonstrated to be equal to the high temperature limit of the same ratio of the exciton for Ge. This result gives one confidence to determine similar ratios for the electron-hole-droplet from the corresponding exciton ratio in semiconductors in which the ratio for the electron-hole-droplet cannot be determined (e.g., Si and GaP). Knowing the value of this ratio for the electron-hole-droplet, one can obtain accurate values of many parameters of the electron-hole-droplet in these semiconductors spectroscopically.


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The purpose of this work is to extend experimental and theoretical understanding of horizontal Bloch line (HBL) motion in magnetic bubble materials. The present theory of HBL motion is reviewed, and then extended to include transient effects in which the internal domain wall structure changes with time. This is accomplished by numerically solving the equations of motion for the internal azimuthal angle ɸ and the wall position q as functions of z, the coordinate perpendicular to the thin-film material, and time. The effects of HBL's on domain wall motion are investigated by comparing results from wall oscillation experiments with those from the theory. In these experiments, a bias field pulse is used to make a step change in equilibrium position of either bubble or stripe domain walls, and the wall response is measured by using transient photography. During the initial response, the dynamic wall structure closely resembles the initial static structure. The wall accelerates to a relatively high velocity (≈20 m/sec), resulting in a short (≈22 nsec ) section of initial rapid motion. An HBL gradually forms near one of the film surfaces as a result of local dynamic properties, and moves along the wall surface toward the film center. The presence of this structure produces low-frequency, triangular-shaped oscillations in which the experimental wall velocity is nearly constant, vs≈ 5-8 m/sec. If the HBL reaches the opposite surface, i.e., if the average internal angle reaches an integer multiple of π, the momentum stored in the HBL is lost, and the wall chirality is reversed. This results in abrupt transitions to overdamped motion and changes in wall chirality, which are observed as a function of bias pulse amplitude. The pulse amplitude at which the nth punch- through occurs just as the wall reaches equilibrium is given within 0.2 0e by Hn = (2vsH'/γ)1/2 • (nπ)1/2 + Hsv), where H' is the effective field gradient from the surrounding domains, and Hsv is a small (less than 0.03 0e), effective drag field. Observations of wall oscillation in the presence of in-plane fields parallel to the wall show that HBL formation is suppressed by fields greater than about 40 0e (≈2πMs), resulting in the high-frequency, sinusoidal oscillations associated with a simple internal wall structure.


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Part I of this thesis deals with 3 topics concerning the luminescence from bound multi-exciton complexes in Si. Part II presents a model for the decay of electron-hole droplets in pure and doped Ge.

Part I.

We present high resolution photoluminescence data for Si doped With Al, Ga, and In. We observe emission lines due to recombination of electron-hole pairs in bound excitons and satellite lines which have been interpreted in terms of complexes of several excitons bound to an impurity. The bound exciton luminescence in Si:Ga and Si:Al consists of three emission lines due to transitions from the ground state and two low lying excited states. In Si:Ga, we observe a second triplet of emission lines which precisely mirror the triplet due to the bound exciton. This second triplet is interpreted as due to decay of a two exciton complex into the bound exciton. The observation of the second complete triplet in Si:Ga conclusively demonstrates that more than one exciton will bind to an impurity. Similar results are found for Si:Al. The energy of the lines show that the second exciton is less tightly bound than the first in Si:Ga. Other lines are observed at lower energies. The assumption of ground state to ground-state transitions for the lower energy lines is shown to produce a complicated dependence of binding energy of the last exciton on the number of excitons in a complex. No line attributable to the decay of a two exciton complex is observed in Si:In.

We present measurements of the bound exciton lifetimes for the four common acceptors in Si and for the first two bound multi-exciton complexes in Si:Ga and Si:Al. These results are shown to be in agreement with a calculation by Osbourn and Smith of Auger transition rates for acceptor bound excitons in Si. Kinetics determine the relative populations of complexes of various sizes and work functions, at temperatures which do not allow them to thermalize with respect to one another. It is shown that kinetic limitations may make it impossible to form two-exciton complexes in Si:In from a gas of free excitons.

We present direct thermodynamic measurements of the work functions of bound multi-exciton complexes in Al, B, P and Li doped Si. We find that in general the work functions are smaller than previously believed. These data remove one obstacle to the bound multi-exciton complex picture which has been the need to explain the very large apparent work functions for the larger complexes obtained by assuming that some of the observed lines are ground-state to ground-state transitions. None of the measured work functions exceed that of the electron-hole liquid.

Part II.

A new model for the decay of electron-hole-droplets in Ge is presented. The model is based on the existence of a cloud of droplets within the crystal and incorporates exciton flow among the drops in the cloud and the diffusion of excitons away from the cloud. It is able to fit the experimental luminescence decays for pure Ge at different temperatures and pump powers while retaining physically reasonable parameters for the drops. It predicts the shrinkage of the cloud at higher temperatures which has been verified by spatially and temporally resolved infrared absorption experiments. The model also accounts for the nearly exponential decay of electron-hole-droplets in lightly doped Ge at higher temperatures.