997 resultados para Emergence period
Thirty years after neo-liberalism hegemony, the states shows its incapacity for driving democratically exceptional situations like global economical crisis. In this context, it seems a particularly interesting issue to exam the popular alternatives that are growing to reject the institutional paralysis. This work take these problems since European perspective, especially this one of Spain, and its scope is justify the new forms of civil disobedience that are growing. They are analyzed not like"paradoxes" of democracy, but like necessary instruments of participative democracy into a really exceptional scenario
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to quantify loss to follow-up (LTFU) in HIV care after delivery and to identify risk factors for LTFU, and implications for HIV disease progression and subsequent pregnancies. METHODS: We used data on pregnancies within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study from 1996 to 2011. A delayed clinical visit was defined as > 180 days and LTFU as no visit for > 365 days after delivery. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for LTFU. RESULTS: A total of 695 pregnancies in 580 women were included in the study, of which 115 (17%) were subsequent pregnancies. Median maternal age was 32 years (IQR 28-36 years) and 104 (15%) women reported any history of injecting drug use (IDU). Overall, 233 of 695 (34%) women had a delayed visit in the year after delivery and 84 (12%) women were lost to follow-up. Being lost to follow-up was significantly associated with a history of IDU [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.79; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32-5.88; P = 0.007] and not achieving an undetectable HIV viral load (VL) at delivery (aOR 2.42; 95% CI 1.21-4.85; P = 0.017) after adjusting for maternal age, ethnicity and being on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at conception. Forty-three of 84 (55%) women returned to care after LTFU. Half of them (20 of 41) with available CD4 had a CD4 count < 350 cells/μL and 15% (six of 41) a CD4 count < 200 cells/μL at their return. CONCLUSIONS: A history of IDU and detectable HIV VL at delivery were associated with LTFU. Effective strategies are warranted to retain women in care beyond pregnancy and to avoid CD4 cell count decline. ART continuation should be advised especially if a subsequent pregnancy is planned.
Odontoid fractures are the most common cervical fractures in the adult population. They represent 9 to 18 % of all cervical fractures and the type II is the most common. The incidence of neurologic deficits (ND) in odontoid fractures varies between 3 to 25%. A recent study showed that patients with ND had a mortality rate increased by 4.72 times and a complication rate higher of 1.18 times. The most common complication in patients with ND was respiratory distress8. Surprisingly, although type II odontoid fractures are frequent cervical fractures, their natural history has been poorly described. Surgery for odontoid fractures is well described. However, there are so far guidelines based on class II and class III evidence only regarding indications for surgery and regarding surgical techniques. The class II guidelines recommend to consider surgical stabilization and fusion for type II odontoid in patients over 50 years of age. The class III recommendations are to first manage non-displaced odontoid type II fracture with external immobilization and that translation of 5mm or more is associated with a high rate of non- union with the conservative treatment and should be treated surgically.
Les radiolaires sont des unicellulaires planctoniques qui peuplent nos océans depuis plus de 500 millions d'années. Ces microorganismes développent un squelette en silice ayant des géométries extrêmement diversifiées et sophistiqués qui varient rapidement à l'échelle géologique et permettent de construire des échelles biochronologiques basées sur les différents assemblages qui se succèdent dans le temps. On retrouve ces organismes à l'état fossile dans les roches ma¬rines siliceuse desquelles on peut les extraire avec de l'acide. Des échantillons provenant du sultanat d'Oman et de Sicile ont été étudiés afin de mieux com¬prendre les relations de parenté entre les groupes et de comparer les faunes avec celles du même âge venant de Colombie britannique, du Japon et de Turquie, qui sont représentatives de divers domaines océaniques de l'époque. Certains radiolaires possèdent un anneau autour de leur coque centrale sphérique et ont ainsi été baptisés Saturnalides. Il y a 215 millions d'années, au Norien moyen, ce groupe se diversifie soudainement et donne naissance à une multitude d'espèces qui évoluent rapidement ce qui a permis d'établir des subdivisions temporelles supplémentaires et d'affiner les zonations exis¬tantes. L'étude détaillée de formes intermédiaires entre les espèces a permis d'établir de nouveaux liens de parenté et de considérer le genre Praehexasaturnalis comme l'ancêtre probable de nom¬breuses formes dans le Norien moyen et supérieur. Grâce à l'étude comparative des espèces de Saturnalidae allant du Mésozoïque au Cénozoïque, un certain type d'asymétrie de l'anneau a pu être identifiée comme étant propre à cette famille et plus précisément liée à la disposition de la coque la plus interne (microsphère). Deux nouveaux genres, Blechschmidtia et Tjerkium, s'inscrivent dans une lignée parallèle au Saturnalidae. Cette lignée met en évidence la formation au cours du temps d'un anneau à partir de la fusion de deux épines opposées. -- Late Triassic marine deposits of the Tethyan realm have been investigated in the Sultanate of Oman and in Sicily in order to contribute to the knowledge of radiolarian taxonomy and bio- stratigraphy of this key period preceding the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. In the middle Norian, the saturnalid radiolarians display intense diversification. This blooming of fast evolving spe¬cies has been used to establish a new zonation based on evolutionary successions that refine the existing zonal schemes. One new genus and 16 new species are described. The chronologic distribution of 172 species belonging to 72 genera is established from five sections in the Umar and Al Aridh units of the Hawasina Basin. Many Late Triassic saturnalid species are interpreted to originate from the genus Praehexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler, which shows strong morpho¬logical diversification patterns. Detailed comparative studies of different types of asymmetric ring morphologies of Mesozoic to Cainozoic saturnalid species permitted to relate the origin of the asymmetry to the disposition of the initial skeletal structure and to gain new insight on the internal and external geometrical transformations of this group trough time and how the emergence of new families is induced by environmental stress. RÉSUMÉ Les formations marines du Trias supérieur du domaine téthysien ont été étudiées dans le Sultanat d'Oman et en Sicile afin de contribuer à la connaissance et au développement de la taxonomie et de la biostratigraphie des radiolaires de cette période clé qui précède la crise de la limite Trias-Jurassique. Au Norien moyen, les radiolaires Saturnalides montrent une intense diversi¬fication. Ce véritable "bloom" d'espèces qui évoluent rapidement a été utilisé pour l'établisse¬ment d'une nouvelle zonation basée sur les successions évolutives de ce groupe qui permettent d'affiner les subdivisions biochronologiques existantes. Un nouveau genre et seize nouvelles espèces sont décrits. La distribution stratigraphique de 172 espèces appartenant à 72 genres est établie pour 5 sections dans les unités d'Umar et d'Al Aridh du bassin de Hawasina. Un essai d'établissement d'une phylogénèse des Saturnalidae du Trias supérieur mène à proposer que le genre Praehexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler est l'ancêtre de beaucoup d'espèces de Saturnalidae du Trias supérieur. L'étude comparative détaillée des différents types d'asymétrie de l'anneau chez les Saturnali¬dae du Mésozoïque au Cénozoïque a permis de lier l'origine de ce phénomène à la disposition de la structure initiale de leur squelette et par ce fait d'avoir une meilleure compréhension des transformations géométriques internes et externes subies par ce groupe au cours du temps et de concevoir comment l'émergence de nouvelles familles est induite lors de périodes de stress environnemental.
This paper explores the origins of Andorra’s financial cluster. It shows that the free movement of currency, the protection of infant industry, and geographical concentration lie at the foundation of the cluster’s competitive advantage. Drawing on a new set of data, the paper also provides for the first time an estimate of the total deposits held by Andorra’s banks between 1931 and 2007. Based on this new information, the paper reaches the conclusion that the development of the cluster went through four distinct phases in which large companies, acting as leaders, played an important role in enhancing the cluster’s business capabilities.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in skin and bone of South American sea lions from Brazil and Uruguay were analysed to test the hypothesis that trophic overlap between the sexes is lower during the pre-breeding season than throughout the rest of the year. The isotopic values of skin and bone were used to infer the trophic relationships between the sexes during the pre-breeding period and year round, respectively. Prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline necessary for interpreting the stable isotope ratios of skin and bone. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference in the SIBER routine of the SIAR package in R, suggested that males and females used a wide diversity of foraging strategies throughout the year and that no differences existed between the sexes. However, the diversity of foraging strategies was largely reduced during the pre-breeding period, with all the individuals of each sex adopting similar strategies, but with the two sexes differing considerably in stable isotope values and the ellipse areas of males and females not overlapping at all. Nevertheless, the results revealed a general increase in the consumption of pelagic prey by both sexes during the pre-breeding period. The progressive crowding of individuals in the areas surrounding the breeding rookeries during the pre-breeding period could lead to an increase in the local population density, which could explain the above reported changes.
Both the competitive environment and the internal structure of an industrial organization are typically included in the processes which describe the strategic management processes of the firm, but less attention has been paid to the interdependence between these views. Therefore, this research focuses on explaining the particular conditions of an industry change, which lead managers to realign the firm in respect of its environment for generating competitive advantage. The research question that directs the development of the theoretical framework is: Why do firms outsource some of their functions? The three general stages of the analysis are related to the following research topics: (i) understanding forces that shape the industry, (ii) estimating the impacts of transforming customer preferences, rivalry, and changing capability bases on the relevance of existing assets and activities, and emergence of new business models, and (iii) developing optional structures for future value chains and understanding general boundaries for market emergence. The defined research setting contributes to the managerial research questions “Why do firms reorganize their value chains?”, “Why and how are decisions made?” Combining Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Resource-Based View (RBV) within an integrated framework makes it possible to evaluate the two dimensions of a company’s resources, namely the strategic value and transferability. The final decision of restructuring will be made based on an analysis of the actual business potential of the outsourcing, where benefits and risks are evaluated. The firm focuses on the risk of opportunism, hold-up problems, pricing, and opportunities to reach a complete contract, and finally on the direct benefits and risks for financial performance. The supplier analyzes the business potential of an activity outside the specific customer, the amount of customer-specific investments, the service provider’s competitive position, abilities to revenue gains in generic segments, and long-term dependence on the customer.
We study the lysis timing of a bacteriophage population by means of a continuously infection-age-structured population dynamics model. The features of the model are the infection process of bacteria, the death process, and the lysis process which means the replication of bacteriophage viruses inside bacteria and the destruction of them. The time till lysis (or latent period) is assumed to have an arbitrary distribution. We have carried out an optimization procedure, and we have found that the latent period corresponding to maximal fitness (i.e. maximal growth rate of the bacteriophage population) is of fixed length. We also study the dependence of the optimal latent period on the amount of susceptible bacteria and the number of virions released by a single infection. Finally, the evolutionarily stable strategy of the latent period is also determined as a fixed period taking into account that super-infections are not considered
We report the use of an optical fiber sensor to measure the soybean oil concentration in samples obtained from the mixture of pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil. The operation of the device is based on the long-period grating sensitivity to the surrounding medium refractive index, which leads to measurable modifications in the grating transmission spectrum. The proposed analysis method results in errors in the oil concentration of 0.4% and 2.6% for pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil, respectively. Techniques of total glycerol, dynamic viscosity, density, and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were also employed to validate the proposed method.
Tutkimukseni käsittelee keskiajan nousua historian tärkeäksi periodiksi 1700-luvun Englannissa näkökulmanaan Thomas Wartonin (1726–1790) kirjoitukset. Warton oli Oxfordin yliopistossa toiminut oppinut antikvaari. Wartonin pääteos History of English Poetry (1774–1781) ei nimestään huolimatta ollut moderni kirjallisuushistoria vaan 1000–1500-luvun kirjoitettua kulttuuria laajasti käsitellyt vernakulaariin kirjallisuuteen pohjautunut esitys. Warton ja hänen lähipiiriinsä kuuluneet tutkijat tarjoavat erityisen mahdollisuuden tarkastella, miten käsitys keskiajasta omana aikakautenaanmuodostui 1700-luvun lopulla. Tutkin Wartonin ja hänen aikalaistensa toisen vuosituhannen alusta kirjoittamia arvioita Michel de Certeaun historiografisen operaation käsitteen avulla. Se koostuu kolmesta vaiheesta: Alue määrittelee sosiaaliset riippuvuussuhteet ja vaikuttimet, jotka ohjaavat tutkimusta. Käytäntö viittaa siihen, miten historioitsija valitsee materiaalinsa ja muokkaa siitä historiankirjoituksena hahmottuvan kokonaisuuden. Lopuksi kirjoitus konkreettisena ja fyysisenä ilmiönä luo illuusion lopullisuudesta ja huonosti sopivien osien yhteenkuuluvuudesta. de Certeaun teoria soveltuu paremmin vanhemman historiankirjoituksen ja oppineisuuden tarkasteluun kuin historiantutkimuksen narratiiveja analysoivat teokset, koska se kontekstualisoi laajemmin historiankirjoitukseen vaikuttavat ilmiöt. Thomas Warton ja muut 1700-luvun puolivälin oppineet määrittelivät keskiajan fiktiivisten tekstien avulla. Warton tutustui tarkasti romansseihin ja kronikoihin. Erityisen suuri merkitys keskiajan hahmottamisen kannalta oli Geoffrey Monmouthilaisen kronikalla Historia regum britanniae, joka esitteli Englannin myyttisen varhaisen historian yhdistämällä Rooman ja oman kansallisen perinteen. Geoffreyn kronikan avulla Warton huomasi keskiaikaisten tarinoiden laajan vaikutuksen; hän kirjoitti erityisesti kuningas Arthuriin liittyneiden kertomusten merkityksestä, joka jatkui aina 1500-luvulle asti. Näin Warton löysi antiikin perinteelle haastajan keskiaikaisesta kulttuurista. Wartonin tapa esitellä keskiaikaa perustui osittain valistusajan sulavasti kirjoitetuille universaalihistorioille, osittain oppineelle luettelomaiselle esitystavalle. Käytännössä Wartonin pitkät johdantotutkielmat kuitenkin johdattavat lukijaa keskeisiin teemoihin. Niitä ovat mielikuvituksen väheneminen uusimmassa kirjallisuudessa ja toisaalta hienostuneisuuden ja tiedon kasvu. Warton ei missään vaiheessa kerro, liittyvätkö nämä teemat yhteen, mutta tulkintani mukaan ne liittyivät. Warton ajatteli kirjallisuuden menettäneen olennaisen mielikuvituksen samaan aikaan, kun yhteiskunta oli kehittynyt. Tämä auttaa hahmottamaan koko kirjallisuuden historiaa: Warton etsi alkuperäistä mielikuvitusta niin antiikin Kreikasta, Orientista kuin muinaisesta Skandinaviasta. History of English Poetry ei pohtinut vain kirjallisuuden ja yhteiskunnan suhdetta, sillä Warton ajatteli voivansa tutkia keskiajan yhteiskuntaa kronikoiden ja romanssien avulla. Hänen käsityksensä feodalismista, hovien elämästä ja keskiaikaisista tavoista perustuivat niihin. Warton ei huomannut, että hänen käyttämänsä lähteet olivat tietoisia kirjallisia konstruktioita vaan hän piti niitä totuudenmukaisina kuvauksina. Toisaalta Wartonin tulkintaan heijastuivat myös 1700-luvun käsitykset yhteiskunnasta. Keskiajan lähteiden kuvaukset ja 1700-luvun ideaalit vaikuttivat lopulta siihen, millaiseksi populaari kuva keskiajasta kehittyi.
The home as ethos, an ethical dimension of human beings, is this study’s focus of interest. Can the home as ethos comprise motive and driving force for a human being? This dissertation has a mainly hermeneutic approach with a Caring Science interpretive horizon. Firstly, the purpose of this study is to develop the concept “home” through etymological and semantic analysis. The concept’s Caring Science content is also investigated. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to investigate, through the use of a history of ideas method, how the home as ethos is made visible and evident in public health nurses’ caring during the first half of the 20th century. Which motives compromise the driving force behind public health nurses’ caring? Which idea patterns are stressed? Material for the study’s concept determination consists of tymological dictionaries as well as Swedish language dictionaries published from 1850 – 2001. The results of the concept determination provide a preliminary idea-model, where dimensions such as ethos as a human being’s innermost room, human beings’ manner of being, and the metaphor “my home is my castle” are stressed. These results comprise the background of the history of ideas portion of the study. The study’s history of ideas investigation occurs through the evaluation and interpretation of historical sources focusing on the caring provided by public health nurses. Public health nurses comprise both the context and prevalent traditions during the time-period studied. The historical sources consist of three different types of sources, namely textbooks, archived material, and the professional nursing journals Epione and Sairaanhoitajatarlehti. The purpose is to rediscover fundamental idea-patterns through the thematic structuring of the patterns appearing in the historical sources. Three main idea-patterns and underlying themes are rediscovered: love- a fire which burns inside human beings; reverence for human beings and home; and the honor of responsibility. The emerging patterns are tightly interwoven and form a pattern. A new interpretation occurs, widening the study’s horizon and leading to the emergence of the theory-model’s contours. The study’s theory-model is formed from three different levels. Ethos as a human being’s innermost room- the spirit, encompasses a human being’s value base and the spirit that he/she is permeated with. Fundamental values are converted into an internal ethic, becoming visible in human beings’ manner of being- the manner of conduct. The metaphor “my home is my castle”- the tone, symbolizes the room where a human being’s abstract or concrete being lives. The spirit, the ethos, is expressed in a home’s culture and atmosphere, that is to say the tone of a home or how one lives in a room. Communion is a significant component in the creation of a culture and atmosphere. This study’s theory-model gives rise to a new perspective that can generate new patterns of action. The study’s theory-model results in a new historically-based view that create new patterns of action in care and Caring Science today.
Risk analysis of climate change on plant diseases has great importance for agriculture since it allows the evaluation of management strategies to minimize future damages. This work aimed to simulate future scenarios of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) epidemics by elaborating geographic distribution maps using a model that estimates the pathogen incubation period and the output from three General Circulation Models (CSIRO-Mk3.0, INM-CM3.0, and MIROC3.2.medres). The climatological normal from 1961-1990 was compared with that of the decades 2020s, 2050s and 2080s using scenarios A2 and B1 from the IPCC. Maps were prepared with a spatial resolution of 0.5 × 0.5 degrees of latitude and longitude for ten producing states in Brazil. The climate variables used were maximum and minimum monthly temperatures. The maps obtained in scenario A2 showed a tendency towards a reduction in the incubation period when future scenarios are compared with the climatological normal from 1961-1990. A reduction in the period was also observed in scenario B1, although smaller than that in scenario A2.
The seeding process was the operation that suffered the most changes in no-tillage system due the cover crop soil and new particle soil arrangement. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of loads applied to the wheels and adjustments of sowing depth on seedling emergence of corn in no-tillage system. The experimental design was completely randomized with a factorial arrangement 5x4, with five loads applied to the wheels and four theoretical sowing depth adjustments. The real sowing depth increased in the lower theoretical depth and decreased in the higher theoretical depth, due to the compaction loads. Regarding the time of emergence, loads applied had not influence at the greater depths. Emergence time decreased with the load increase in the lower depths. Thus, the adjustment of the compactor wheels can influence in the corn seeding process.
In this study, it was adjusted a mathematical model to measure the effect of electric motor efficiency on pumping system costs for irrigation on the tariff structure of conventional electricity and green horo-seasonal , and also to calculate the recovery period of the invested capital in higher efficiency equipment. Then, it was applied to a center pivot irrigation system in two options of electric motor efficiency, 92,6% (standard line) and 94,3% (high efficiency line), and the acquisition cost of the first corresponded to 70% the of the second. The power of the electric motor was 100hp. The results showed that the model allowed us to evaluate if a high efficiency motor was economically viable compared to the standard motor in each tariff structure. The high efficiency motor was not viable in the two tariff structures. In the green horo-seasonal tariff, would only be viable if its efficiency was 4.46% higher than the standard motor. In the conventional tariff, it would only be viable if the efficiency overcame 2.71%.
Straw on sowing line modifies seed germination environment regarding temperature and water content. Given these considerations, the aim of this study was to evaluate different mechanisms for coverage mobilization on the sowing line and their effect on germination environment of maize seeds, mainly in relation to the dynamics of straw in the seedbed, water content and soil temperature. Treatments consisted on the combination of two mechanisms at front of furrow opener, composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, with three mechanisms behind the seed furrower for returning the soil, consisting of three covering mechanisms, commercial and prototype models. It was found that straw presence on the surface of sowing line contributed to germination of maize seeds, maintenance of temperature and soil water content. The cutting disc treatment, associated with prototype, introduced percentages of water content near the ones in bottom layer, and this soil water content was 29.7% with 93.75% of straw coverage and deeper seeding depth, granting better conditions for seed germination. However, the straw coverage removal on soil by the row cleaners and its low sowing depth caused water loss in the lines resulting in great reduction of the emergence speed index in maize seedlings.