968 resultados para Electrospray ionization
The objective of the present research was to study the degradation and the persistence of phenthoate (Elsan 50 CE) residues in tomato fruits. The experiment was set in a tomato field located in Mombuca, State of São Paulo, Brazil, after 45 days from seedlings transplantation. Dosages of 600 (A), 800 (B), 1200 (C) and 1600 g a.i./ha (D) were sprayed at the beginning of the ripening period of fruits. Samples of 15 fruits each were collected 1, 4, 10, 20 and 40 days after products spraying. The utilized procedure consisted of extraction with acetone and purification by partition with dichloromethane. The purified extract was concentrated and injected into a gas chromatograph equipped with alkaly flame ionization detector (AFID). The limits of detection were of 0,01 ppm for this product. The recovery percentage from fortified samples varied from 60 to 81%. The degradation and the persistence half-lives were 1 to 2 and 3 to 6 days for phenthoate, respectively.
A fast and efficient procedure was elaborated to identify the alkaloid constituents from Tabernaemontana hilariana (Apocynaceae). The strategy based on fractioning of the crude alkaloid fraction in small silica cartridges followed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), capillary gas chromatography-flame ionization detection as well as high-resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry afforded voacangine, coronaridine, ibogamine, voacangine pseudoindoxyl, voacangine hydroxyindolenine, 3-hydroxycoronaridine and 3-(2-oxopropyl)coronaridine. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
The new 6-methoxyquercetin-3-O-(6-E-feruloyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1) was isolated from the aerial parts of Paepalanthus polyanthus and characterized by spectroscopic methods, mainly 1D and 2D NMR experiments, as well as electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition four known flavonoids of taxonomic relevance were isolated and identified by comparison to literature data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
A quantitative study was made about the effects caused by ionizing irradiation on materials used for dental restoration (amalgams, compound resins and compomere), aiming to alleviate in bearers of head and neck cancer, the possible harmful effects of radiotherapy perceived when the repaired teething is within the radiation field. Research also encourages further studies for new alternative materials to be used in dental repair of patients submitted to radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Test samples were submitted to a gamma radiation beam coming from a cobalt-therapy source and analyzed according to the X-ray fluorescence technique, comparing the chemical composition of the samples before and after irradiation. Radiation detectors such as an ionization chamber and a Geiger-Muller were used to measure the rate of residual dose. Gamma spectrometry with Nal detectors was also performed on the same samples. Results showed that there was no significant change in the chemical composition and that at post-irradiation, samples did not exhibit radiation emission, that is to say they had not become radioactive.
The efficiency of two methods for determining 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate content in the biopolymer (poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) has been evaluated. Both methods are based on (a) the hydrolysis of polymers, (b) the esterification with methyl (method A) and isoamilic alcohol (method B) and (c) analysis of the esters by gas chromatography using flame ionization detection (GC-FID). After optimization of the analytical conditions, the main validation parameters (linearity, quantification limit, detection limit, recovery, sensitivity and precision) were determined showing that both analytical procedures can be applied to control the process of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production. However, method B gives better analytical results than method A and has the advantage of not using chlorinated solvents.
A series of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM)-acrylic acid-ethyl methacrylate terpolymers with varied monomer compositions was prepared by radical polymerization. The solution behavior of these polymers was studied in dilute aqueous solution using spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained revealed that the lower critical solution temperatures depend strongly on the copolymer composition, solution pH and ionic strength. At a high pH, the ionization of acrylic acid (AA) units leads to an increase in solution cloud points (T-c). Solutions of polymers containing 10% or less of AA display a constant T-c for pH above 5.5, with 15% there is a continuous increase in T-c with pH and, for higher AA contents, no clouding was observed within the studied temperature range. Fluorescence probe studies were conducted by following the I (1)/I (3) ratio of pyrene vibronic bands and the emission of anilinonaphtalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt (ANS), both approaches revealing the existence of hydrophobic domains for polymers with higher ethyl methacrylate content at temperatures lower than T-c, suggesting some extent of aggregation and/or a coil-to-globule transition. Scanning calorimetry measurements showed an endothermic transition at temperatures agreeing with the previously detected cloud points. Moreover, the transition curves became broader and with a smaller transition enthalpy, as both the AA content and the solution pH were increased. These broader transitions were interpreted to be the result of a wider molecular distribution upon polymer ionization, hence, displaying varied solution properties. The decrease in transition enthalpy was rationalized as a consequence of reminiscent hydration of NIPAM units, even after phase separation, owing to the presence of electric charges along the polymer chain.
The effect of magnetic field enhanced plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) in silicon substrate has been investigated at low and high pulsed bias voltages. The magnetic field in magnetic bottle configuration was generated by two magnetic coils installed outside the vacuum chamber. The presence of both, electric and magnetic field in PIII creates a system of crossed E x B fields, promoting plasma rotation around the target. The magnetized electrons drifting in crossed E x B fields provide electron-neutral collision. Consequently, the efficient background gas ionization augments the plasma density around the target where a magnetic confinement is achieved. As a result, the ion current density increases, promoting changes in the samples surface properties, especially in the surface roughness and wettability and also an increase of implantation dose and depth. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper describes two simple thermal methods for measuring the energy fluence in J/cm 2 from a diagnostic x-ray exposure. Both detectors absorb essentially 100% of the radiation and give a signal that is directly proportional to the energy fluence of the x-ray beam. One detector measures the thermal effect when a pulse of x rays is totally absorbed in the pyroelectric detector of lead-zirconium-titanate (PZT). The other detector measures the expansion of a gas surrounding a lead disk detector in a photoacoustic chamber. The increased pressure of the gas is transmitted through a 1-mm duct to a sensitive microphone. Both detectors have previously been used to measure the energy fluence rate of continuous x-ray beams in the same energy region using a chopped beam and a lock-in amplifier. Measurement of the energy fluence of a pulse of radiation eliminates the need for the beam chopper and lock-in amplifier and results in a simple, rugged, and inexpensive dosimeter. Either method can be combined with the area of the beam to give an estimate of the imparted energy to the patient from a diagnostic x-ray exposure.
Monochromatic light excitation in conjunction with thermally stimulated depolarization current measurements are applied to indirect bandgap AlxGa1-xAs. The obtained average activation energy for dipole relaxation is in very close agreement with the DX center binding energy. Monochromatic light induces state transition in the defect and makes possible the identification of dipoles observed in the dark. Charge relaxation currents are destroyed by photoionization of Al0.5Ga0.5As using either 647 nm Kr+ or 488 nm Ar+ laser lines, which are above the DX center threshold photoionization energy. It suggests that correlation may exist among charged donor states DX--d+. Sample resistance as a function of temperature is also measured in the dark and under illumination and shows the probable X valley effective mass state participation in the electron trapping. Ionization with energies of 0.8 eV and 1.24 eV leads to striking current peak shifts in the thermally stimulated depolarization bands. Since vacancies are present in this material, they may be responsible for the secondary band observed in the dark as well as participation in the light induced recombination process.
We examine further astrophysical constraints on a light spinless particle coupled only to photons and proposed by Massó and Toldra. We consider constraints coming from measurements of extra galactic background and from ionization of HI clouds.
The calcium hydroxide ionization of four root canal sealers (Sealapex, CRCS, Sealer 26, and Apexit) was studied by measuring conductivity and pH and by conducting atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Samples 6 mm in diameter and 15 mm long were prepared from these sealers. After setting and 48 h storage in a desiccator, five samples of each material were placed in 50 mL distilled water and analysed after 0,1,2,4, 6 and 24 h and 5, 15 and 30 days. The results showed that Sealapex was the root canal sealer showing the highest pH, ionic calcium and total calcium values (P<0.05) throughout the experimental period, followed by CRCS, Apexit and Sealer 26.
The conformational transition from coil to extended coil for polygalacturonic acid has been studied by conductometric titrations and Monte Carlo simulations. The results of conductometric titrations at different polymer concentrations have been analyzed using the model proposed by Manning,1 which describes the conductivity of polyelectrolitic solutions. This experimental approach provides the transport factor and the average distance between charged groups at different degrees of ionization (α). The mean distances between charged groups have been compared with the values obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. In these simulations the polymer chain is modeled as a self-avoiding random walk in a cubic lattice. The monomers interact through the unscreened Coulombic potential. The ratio between the end-to-end distance and the number of ionized beads provides the average distance between charged monomers. The experimental and theoretical values are in good agreement for the whole range of ionization degrees accessed by conductometric titrations. These results suggest that the electrostatic interactions seem to be the major contribution for the coil to extended coil conformational change. The small deviations for α ≤ 0.5 suggests that the stiffness of the chain, associated with local interactions, becomes increasingly significant as the fraction of charged groups is decreased. © 2000 American Chemical Society.
Using the post-mitochondrial fraction of rat intestinal mucosa, we have investigated lycopene metabolism. The incubation media was composed of NAD+, KCI, and DTT with or without added lipoxygenase. The addition of lipoxygenase into the incubation significantly increased the production of lycopene metabolites. The enzymatic incubation products of 2H10 lycopene were separated using high-performance liquid chromatography and analyzed by UV/Vis spectrophotometer and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectroscopy. We have identified two types of products: cleavage products and oxidation products. The cleavage products are likely: (1) 3-keto-apo-13-lycopenone (C18H24O2 or 6,10,14-trimethyl-12-one-3,5,7,9,13-pentadecapentaen-2-one) with lambdamax = 365 nm and m/z =272 and (2) 3,4-dehydro-5,6-dihydro-15-apo-lycopenal (C20H28O or 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2,4,6,8,12,14-hexadecahexaen-l-al) with lambdamax= 380 nm and m/z = 284. The oxidative metabolites are likely: (3) 2-ene-5,8-lycopenal-furanoxide (C37H50O) with lambdamax = 415 nm, 435 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z = 510; (4) lycopene-5, 6, 5', 6'-diepoxide (C40H56O2) with lambdamax = 415 nm, 440 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z =568; (5) lycopene-5,8-furanoxide isomer (I) (C40H56O2) with lambdamax = 410 nm, 440 nm, and 470 nm, and m/z = 552; (6) lycopene-5,8-epoxide isomer (II) (C40H56O) with lambdamax = 410, 440, 470 nm, and m/z = 552; and (7) 3-keto-lycopene-5',8'-furanoxide (C40H54O2) with lambdamax = 400 nm, 420 nm, and 450 nm, and m/z = 566. These results demonstrate that both central and excentric cleavage of lycopene occurs in the rat intestinal mucosa in the presence of soy lipoxygenase.
N-Terminally and internally labeled analogues of the hormones angiotensin (AII, DRVYIHPF) and bradykinin (BK, RPPGFSPFR) were synthesized containing the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4- carboxylic acid (TOAC). TOAC replaced Asp 1 (TOAC 1-AII) and Val 3 (TOAC 3-AII) in AII and was inserted prior to Arg 1 (TOAC 0-BK) and replacing Pro 3 (TOAC 3-BK) in BK. The peptide conformational properties were examined as a function of trifluoroethanol (TFE) content and pH. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra were sensitive to both variables and showed that internally labeled analogues yielded rotational correlation times (TC) considerably larger than N-terminally labeled ones, evincing the greater freedom of motion of the N-terminus. In TFE, τ C increased due to viscosity effects. Calculation of τ Cpeptide/τ CTOAC ratios indicated that the peptides acquired more folded conformations. Circular dichroism spectra showed that, except for TOAC 1-AII in TFE, the N-terminally labeled analogues displayed a conformational behavior similar to that of the parent peptides. In contrast, under all conditions, the TOAC 3 derivatives acquired more restricted conformations. Fluorescence spectra of All and its derivatives were especially sensitive to the ionization of Tyr 4. Fluorescence quenching by the nitroxide moiety was much more pronounced for TOAC 3-AII The conformational behavior of the TOAC derivatives bears excellent correlation with their biological activity, since, while the N-terminally labeled peptides were partially active, their internally labeled counterparts were inactive [Nakaie, C. R., et al., Peptides 2002, 23, 65-70]. The data demonstrate that insertion of TOAC in the middle of the peptide chain induces conformational restrictions that lead to loss of backbone flexibility, not allowing the peptides to acquire their receptor-bound conformation. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.