949 resultados para Dwellings -- Goteburg (Sweden)
BACKGROUND: To update and compare mortality from primary liver cancer (PLC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) in Europe in 1990-2010. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used data from the World Health Organization (WHO) to compute age-standardized (world population) mortality rates, and used joinpoint analysis to identify substantial changes. RESULTS: Between 2002 and 2007, PLC rates in the European Union (EU) declined from 3.9 to 3.6/100,000 men. Around 2007, the highest male rates were in France (6.2/100,000), Spain (4.9), and Italy (4.0), while the lowest ones were in Sweden (1.1), the Netherlands (1.2), and the UK (1.8). In women, mortality was lower (0.8/100,000 in 2007 in the EU), and showed more favourable trends, with a decline of over 2% per year over the last two decades as compared with 0.4% in men, in the EU. In contrast, the EU mortality from ICC increased by around 9% in both sexes from 1990 to 2008, reaching rates of 1.1/100,000 men and 0.75/100,000 women. The highest rates were in UK, Germany, and France (1.2-1.5/100,000 men, 0.8-1.1/100,000 women). CONCLUSIONS: PLC mortality has become more uniform across Europe over recent years, with an overall decline; in contrast, ICC mortality has substantially increased in most Europe.
Objective: Integration of the radiotherapy technologist "know-how" in the Gamma Knife treatment processMaterials and Methods: Gamma Knife (GK) treatments started in July 2010 at the GK Center in C.H.U.V. with the Leksell Gamma KnifeR Perfexion?(Elekta AB, Sweden). The multidisciplinary GK team involves neurosurgeons, radio-oncologists, physicists, neuroradiologists, nurses and technologists, aiming at a full integration for optimal patient management.Results: Between July and December 2010, 60 patients have been treated. Required stereotactic imaging involves IRM, CT scan (and angiography for AVM). All the steps in the treatment process (Leksell coordinate frame fixation, imaging, planning, treatment) are supervised by the members of the multidisciplinary team. In our experience, radiotherapy technologist (RTT) have acquired an important role in the multidisciplinary team communication and integration. Specifically, the RTT are responsible of: supervision of the image acquisition, performing the Gamma Knife unit control tests, patient setup, and patient surveillance during treatment.Conclusion: RTT have a fundamental role in the communication within the team, between the team and the patient and also to assure the patient security. Our experience shows that it is possible and required to involve RTT in all steps of the GK treatment process, to guarantee the best GK treatment possible.
This edited volume examines, from a ritual perspective, Pentecostal-Charismatic groups that are the fastest growing religious movements in the world today. The authors, who are anthropologists, ethnologists or sociologists (with one theologian) collected rich and diverse material on healing, deliverance, personal devotion, public engagement. Their work covers several regions such as Chile, South California, Fiji, Kenya, and Sweden. After an introduction by the editor, eleven chapters examine various issues relevant to the field. Overcoming the diversity of subjects, the unity of the volume is provided by the general ritual perspective and by the methodological implications of employing such a perspective.
El present treball es proposa l'estudi fonnal de I'habitat construtt amb materials duradors a Catalunya durant el Bronze Final i la Primera Edat del Ferro, i se centra en l'aninisi dels materials i tecniques de construcció emprats, així com en l' estructura de la casa (planta, dimensions, superfície). Els elements definidors d'aquests habitacles en els períodes estudiats consisteixen en l'ús sistematic de la pedra i la terra com a materials de construcció i la disposició d'habitacions de planta rectangular compartint parets mitgeres, amb poca compartimentació interna i pocs agenc¡:aments al seu interior (llar, forn, banquetes). Les dimensions maximes d'aquestes habitacions no superen, per nonna general, els 20 metres quadrats. La unifonnitat d'aquestes construccions, unida a la poca compartimentació de l'espai, suggereix que ens trobem davant una arquitectura poc especialitzada, que podria correspondre a una societat amb una organització socio-política poc complexa.