985 resultados para Duty to mitigate the loss


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The purpose of this project was to raise awareness surrounding child and adolescent mental health in an effort to reduce preconceived stigmas in relation to this specialized field. This project presented a literature review of the current state of child and adolescent mental health in Canada today, including the prevalence and several treatment options for young people confronting mental health challenges. Consideration of the powerful role of the education system upon youth with mental health issues became evident, specifically regarding early identification and prevention. A needs assessment was conducted to gather feedback from the clinical practitioners of a Section 23 classroom within a Southern Ontario hospital. This assessment was used to develop an informational and pedagogical workshop resource to extend practitioner understanding of this pertinent issue and support the social and emotional needs of young people confronting mental heath challenges. Results of the assessment indicated the significant need for such a workshop resource, and these responses were used to guide the development of Group Chat: A Workshop to Support the Emotional and Social Needs of Youth. The latter was subsequently presented to participants, whereby evaluative questionnaires indicated the efficacy and usefulness of this workshop resource to both practitioners and students alike.


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This project addressed the need for more insightful, current, and applicable resources for intermediate math teachers in Canadian classrooms. A need for a handbook in this division seemed warranted by a lack of government resource support. Throughout an extensive review of the literature, themes and topics for the handbook emerged. The handbook was designed to not only provide educators with examples of effective teaching strategies within the mathematics classroom but to also inform them about the ways in which their personal characteristics and personality type could affect their students and their own pedagogical practices. Three teaching professionals who had each taught in an intermediate math class within the past year evaluated the handbook. The feedback received from these educators was directly applied to the first draft of the handbook in order to make it more accessible and applicable to other math teachers. Although the handbook was written with teachers in mind, the language and format used throughout the manual also make it accessible to parents, tutors, preservice education students, and educational administrators. Essentially, any individual who is hoping to inspire and educate intermediate math students could make use of the content within the handbook.


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Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures (Stein & Kanner, 2009). The purpose of this study was to understand the essence of being a young woman living with epilepsy using heuristic inquiry (Moustakas, 1990). The research was built upon the assumption that each experience is unique, yet commonalities exist. Five women aged 22 to 28 years living with epilepsy were interviewed. Additionally, the researcher described her life with epilepsy. Participants characterized life with epilepsy as a transformative journey. The act of meeting and interacting with another woman living with epilepsy provided an opportunity to remove themselves from the shadows and discuss epilepsy. Three major themes of seizures, medical treatment, and social relationships were developed revealing a complex view of an illness requiring engaged advocacy in the medical system. Respondents frequently make difficult adjustments to accommodate epilepsy. This study provides a complex in-depth view of life with epilepsy.


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The conclusion of the article reads "good handling during processing and re-implanting could mean the difference between a going operation and financial disaster. But it's up to you to make certain your crew understands and follows proper chute practices. When they do, it will mean more money in your pocket."


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Voucher from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension for W.G. Thompson for the Northern Division. There are attached notes from the Welland Railway Company to John Mitchell for putting up shelves; to William Waud, staff; and to William Martin to repair the office (copy), June 10, 1857.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff regarding a resolution passed that the engineer be requested to examine the fence built by the contractors alongside of the Henry Vandenburgh Farm and report to the secretary as to whether this is a lawful fence, completed according to Williams’ contract. This is signed by Duncan McFarland, president. There is a reply written by S.D. Woodruff at the bottom of the letter stating that the fence is not built in accordance with the contract, Dec. 18, 1856.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff regarding resolution #5 of the Board of Directors. Mr. Woodruff is requested to take steps to ensure the early completion of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold macadamized road. This is signed by James McCoppen, president. The letter is stained and worn torn in spots. This does not affect the text, July 11, 1857.


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Act to incorporate the Long Point Company. This is a 4 page document, printed on vellum. It was printed by Malcolm Cameron, Law Printer to the Queen, Aug. 15, 1866.


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Bill no. 2: An act to amend an act entitled “An Act to Incorporate the Long Point Company” (1 printed page), 1885.


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Bill no. 20: An act to amend the acts relating to the Long Point Company (2 ¼ printed pages), 1887.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Leary, steward, endorsing G. Fish to paint the new building (1 ½ pages, handwritten), June 7, 1875.


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Photosynthesis is a process in which electromagnetic radiation is converted into chemical energy. Photosystems capture photons with chromophores and transfer their energy to reaction centers using chromophores as a medium. In the reaction center, the excitation energy is used to perform chemical reactions. Knowledge of chromophore site energies is crucial to the understanding of excitation energy transfer pathways in photosystems and the ability to compute the site energies in a fast and accurate manner is mandatory for investigating how protein dynamics ef-fect the site energies and ultimately energy pathways with time. In this work we developed two software frameworks designed to optimize the calculations of chro-mophore site energies within a protein environment. The first is for performing quantum mechanical energy optimizations on molecules and the second is for com-puting site energies of chromophores in a fast and accurate manner using the polar-izability embedding method. The two frameworks allow for the fast and accurate calculation of chromophore site energies within proteins, ultimately allowing for the effect of protein dynamics on energy pathways to be studied. We use these frame-works to compute the site energies of the eight chromophores in the reaction center of photosystem II (PSII) using a 1.9 Å resolution x-ray structure of photosystem II. We compare our results to conflicting experimental data obtained from both isolat-ed intact PSII core preparations and the minimal reaction center preparation of PSII, and find our work more supportive of the former.


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Telegram from Montreal and Dominion Telegraph Companies’ Lines to Louis Cabot stating that Mr. Woodruff has arranged to transfer the shares, Jan. 18, 1886.


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Chart containing the statement of amount required to complete the canal, March 15, 1848.


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Appointment of Phyn Ellices and Inglis to be the lawful attorneys of Henry W. Nelles, June 20, 1788.