995 resultados para Du Barry, Ctesse


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Cet article présente une méthode de calculs pour évaluer le potentiel éolien moyen annuel dans une topographie accidentée à partir de méthodes d'écoulements tridimensionnels. Cette méthode a été testée avec succès dans 2 régions du Jura suisse et elle permet d'identifier les sites les mieux ventilés et les plus rentables pour l'énergie éolienne sur un vaste domaine.


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Oligotrophic, lowland and montane meadows and pastures in the Jura Mountains have been well studied, but little is known about subalpine pastures and meadows, especially in Western Switzerland. This paper describes the different types of calcicolous, oligotrophic pastures and meadows found in the "Parc jurassien vaudois" (canton of Vaud). Eight plant communities are described: Gentiano-Brometum acinetosum at montane and Alchemillo-Seslerietum prunelletosum at subalpine altitudes, Alchemillo- Seslerietum festucetosum on shallower soil, Sedo-Poetum acinetosum on very shallow soil, Ranunculi- Agrostietum traunsteineretosum on clayey soil on southern exposures, Seslerio-Laserpitietum on steep and stony southern exposed slopes, a Festuca pulchell a and Pulsatilla alpina community on northern exposed scree, and Laserpitio-Calama- grostietum on more stable scree. Many of these meadows and pastures are very species-rich and deserve protection. Two floristic comparisons complete this paper. The first looks at the transition zone between montane pastures (Mesobromion) and subalpine pastures (Seslerion), and sets the limit around 1350 m, with some variation due to aspect and soil. The second compares the main subalpine pasture community (Alchemillo- Seslerietum prunelletosum) in the Jura Mountains with its vicariant (Seslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis) in the Alps.