994 resultados para Domínios estratificados


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A condição da deficiência é observada ao longo da história da humanidade. Informações, da Organização Mundial da Saúde e do Brasil, mostram a existência no país de 3,6 milhões de pessoas com deficiências visuais, sendo 900 mil cegos e 2,7 milhões de pessoas com baixa visão. A evolução da deficiência visual está relacionada às questões, como o crescimento populacional, dificuldades econômicas, aumento da expectativa de vida, escassez de serviços especializados e falhas na prevenção. Os participantes, deste estudo, foram adolescentes com deficiência visual, possuidores de baixa visão. Foram investigados os fatores de risco e de proteção a saúde e a vida e a avaliação da qualidade de vida. O método de investigação é exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, uma obtida com a aplicação de uma escala de autopreenchimento, que aborda a percepção dos sujeitos sobre a qualidade de vida e a outra, a partir de entrevistas individuais. As análises dos dados obtidos apresentam, que a Qualidade de Vida é percebida e avaliada por eles, positivamente, pois, não existem indicadores negativos nesta questão. Os domínios com maior predominância foram o físico e o psicológico, em que se sobressaiu em comparação aos domínios das relações sociais e meio ambiente. Em relação aos riscos, observamos que existe maior vulnerabilidade em relação à locomoção em espaço público, o nível de deficiência, a superproteção materna e familiar, a dificuldade no processo de ensino aprendizagem, isolamento, fazer escolhas, bebidas alcoólicas e sexualidade. Relatam que lidam com esses riscos por meio da estimulação dos demaissentidos, pelo uso e estimulação da visão residual, boa, meio de uma boa saúde, integração grupal, utilização dos discursos disponíveis, como tecnologia e Braille e por meio da religiosidade. Revelam que a proteção ocorre a partir da auto-estima, do suporte social, por meio de amigos e familiares, pelos professores e um processo de ensino/aprendizagem adequado a esta condição, além do lazer. As expectativas para o futuro envolvem trabalho e estudo, além de questões de desenvolvimento pessoal, profissional e social. Os adolescentes, com deficiência visual, pesquisados, buscam mais autonomia e oportunidades para atravessar os desafios desta complexa etapa do ciclo vital da mesma forma que os demais adolescentes


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O envelhecimento é um processo multifatorial, influenciado por mudanças biológicas, sociais e psicológicas que pode estar associado ao desenvolvimento de estresse e ao comprometimento da qualidade de vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre o estresse percebido e a qualidade de vida em idosos no município de Campina Grande, PB. O estudo teve um delineamento transversal e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, amostragem do tipo snowboll e não probabilística, com amostra composta por 326 idosos, considerando as perdas, totalizaram 253 idosas para a análise dos dados. Foram realizados análises descritivas e testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos entre as características da amostra, adotando um nível de significância de 5%. Utilizou-se como instrumentos um questionário sócio-demográfico e epidemiológico, o Índice de Barthel, a Escala de Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton e Brody, as Escalas de Estresse Percebido, PSS14 e PSS10 e o SF-36, para avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. As idosas participantes apresentaram o seguinte perfil sócio-demográfico e epidemiológico: idade média de 71,3 anos; 80,2% casadas ou viúvas; 55,3% praticam alguma atividade física; aproximadamente 50% tinham menos de 8 anos de estudo; 76,7% recebiam até dois salários mínimos por mês; a maioria, 82,2%, vivia com a família; e 87,4% apresentava alguma doença crônica. Com relação ao estresse percebido, foi possível identificar que as pontuações da P SS-14 e PSS-10 variaram entre, 2-53 e 4-39, respectivamente, sendo que a quantidade de participantes com valores PSS-14  28 e PSS-10  21 foram de 15.8% (n = 40) e 20.6% (n= 52), respectivamente. Na avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, os escores do SF-36 foram menores nas dimensões de dor (62,7) e aspectos físicos (63,6), e maiores nas dimensões aspectos sociais (84,4) e saúde mental (75,6). Observou-se uma correlação negativa e estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de estresse percebido e os domínios do SF-36 (p <0,001). O estresse percebido relacionou-se tanto com os aspectos físicos e funcionais como com a saúde mental das idosas, apresentando uma associação com a qualidade de vida de forma global, sendo um ótimo indicador da qualidade de vida das idosas.


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar o efeito da cinesioterapia na qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomas climatéricos em mulheres climatéricas com e sem fibromialgia. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 90 mulheres na fase do climatério, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo fibromialgia (47) e grupo controle (43). Todas as pacientes foram avaliadas com relação às seguintes variáveis pré e pós-intervenção: qualidade de vida (Utian Quality of Life - UQOL), função sexual (questionário do Quociente sexual/versão feminina - QS-F) e intensidade dos sintomas climatéricos (Índice Menopausal de Blatt-Kupperman - IMBK). Ambos grupos foram submetidos a programa de cinesioterapia composto de 20 sessões consecutivas, realizada duas vezes por semana com técnicas para percepção, contração voluntária, dissociação e automatização do assoalho pélvico, mobilização de pelve e treino respiratório. Análise estatística foi realizada por meio dos testes t-Student pareado, análise de variância de delineamento misto e Kappa de Cohen’s, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Em relação à qualidade de vida, foi observada melhora estatisticamente significante no período pós-intervenção em ambos os grupos para todos os domínios avaliados. Entretanto, na análise intergrupo foi evidenciado diferença estatisticamente significante nos domínios emocional (p=0,01), saúde (0,03) e sexual (p=0,001) com ganhos mais expressivos para o grupo controle. Quanto à função sexual, foi verificada elevação significativa dos escores em ambos os grupos, após a intervenção; na análise intergrupo as mulheres com fibromialgia apresentaram escores inferiores ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Em relação aos sintomas climatéricos não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na analise intergrupo pós-intervenção (p=0,73), entretanto, ambos os grupos apresentaram redução significativa da sintomatologia após a intervenção (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A cinesioterapia do assoalho pélvico exerce efeito benéfico sobre os domínios da qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomatologia climatérica em mulheres com e sem fibromialgia na fase do climatério, entretanto a fibromialgia parece ser fator limitante para melhores resultados em alguns aspectos avaliados.


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Venous ulcers (UV) are the result of deep venous insufficiency or obstruction leading to venous hypertension in the lower limbs and lesions. Self-efficacy is the belief in the ability to successfully perform a given task or exhibit behavior that leads to a desirable outcome. Nursing needs to know and explore the influence of self-efficacy on quality of life (QOL) of people with UV, seeking to exercise holistic care. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the correlation of self-efficacy for pain control and functionality with the QOL of people with UV in primary health care. It is a cross-sectional, analytical, quantitative study with people with UV in family health strategy and mixed units in Natal / RN. We used the instruments: sociodemographic and health questionnaire, domains self-efficacy for pain control and self-efficacy for functionality of Scale of Self-Efficacy for Chronic Pain (SFCD) and the Charing Cross Venous Ulcer Questionnaire (CCVUQ). The sample included 101 people in the self-efficacy scale for functionality and 89 in self-efficacy for pain, for twelve patients reported no pain at the time of collection, and therefore were excluded from the application of the scale of selfefficacy for pain. The project was approved by the ethics committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CAAE No. 07556312.0.0000.5537), serving Resolution 466/12. Women predominated (66.3%), elderly (61.4%), married or in a stable relationship (63.4%), low income (90.1%) and education (85.1%), inactive (75.2%), associated chronic diseases (60.4%), more than six hours of sleep / day (82.2%), non-drinkers / smokers (80.2%), chronic injury (73.3%) and moderate to severe pain (76.2%). Self-efficacy for pain (mean 67.3, SD 26.6) was less committed to the self-efficacy for functionality (mean 59.4 SD 25.9), with statistical difference (pvalue = 0.011). No significant associations were found between self-efficacy for pain control and functionality with the sociodemographic and health characteristics. When considering the total mean CCVUQ (mean 52.1, SD 16.6), QOL of respondents tended to worsen, with the aesthetic domain the most committed (mean 57.6, SD 24.0), followed by emotional state (mean 57.0, SD 25.7), social interaction (mean 48.4, SD 21.4) and household activities (mean 43.6, SD 23.3) . We found negative and significant correlations between self-efficacy for pain and CCVUQ total score (r = -0,324; p = 0,001), the social interaction domain (r = -0,278; p = 0,008), household activities (r = - 0,285; p = 0,007) and state emotional (r = -0,247; p = 0,019). Likewise, between selfefficacy for functionality and the CCVUQ total score (r = -0,553; p < 0,001), the social interaction domain (r = -0,553; p < 0,001), household activities (r = -0,594; p < 0,001) and emotional status (r = -0,259; p = 0,009). The aesthetic domain showed negative correlation but weak and not significant with self-efficacy for pain (r = -0, 155; p = 0,147) and functionality (r = -0,189; p = 0,058). It became evident the correlation between self-efficacy for pain control and functionality and the domains social interaction, household activities and emotional state, the quality of life of people with UV


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Many species have specialized to live in the most varied existing environments showing the remarkable adaptability of the microbial world the most diverse physicochemical conditions. Environments exposed to natural radiation and metals are scarce around the world, presenting a microbiota still unknown. With a total number estimated between 4 and 6 x 1030 microrganisms on earth, they constitute an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Metagenomic approach independent of cultivation, provides a new form to access to the potential genomic environmental samples becoming a powerful tool for the elucidation of ecological functions, metabolic profiles, as well as to identify new biomolecules. In this context, the genetic material of environmental soil and water samples from Açude Boqueirao Parelhas-RN, under the influence of natural radiation and the presence of metals, was extracted, pirosequencing and the generated sequences were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MG-RAST and STAMP). Taxonomic comparative profiles of both samples showed high abundance of Domain Bacteria, followed by a small portion attributable to Eucaryota Domains, Archaea and Viruses. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacterioidetes phyla showed the greater dominance in both samples. Important genera and species associated with resistance to various stressors found in region were observed. Sequences related to oxidative and heat stress, DNA replication and repair, and resistance to toxic compounds were observed, suggesting a significant relationship between the microbiota and their metabolic profile, influenced by regional environmental variables. The results of this study add valuable and unpublished data on the composition of microbial communities in these regions


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OBJETIVO: analisar o impacto da fibromialgia sobre os sinais e sintomas climatéricos, qualidade de vida, função sexual em mulheres na fase do climatério. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo observacional analítico de corte transversal, envolvendo 161 mulheres na fase do climatério. As participantes foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo sem fibromialgia (83) e grupo com fibromialgia (78). As variáveis investigadas foram: Qualidade de vida medida através do questionário UQOL (Utian Quality of Life), Função sexual analisada através do questionário Quociente Sexual - versão feminina (QS-F) e sinais e sintomas climatéricos avaliados pelo Índice menopausal de Blatt & Kupperman (IMBK). No estudo estatístico, foi realizada análise inferencial através do método de modelos lineares generalizados. Para análise do UQOL e seus domínios assim como o QS-F e IMBK, foi utilizado uma função de ligação linear de Log Poisson com exposição de contrastes para os níveis dos fatores de exposição. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: No grupo fibromialgia foram observados escores significativamente inferiores para o domínio ocupacional UQOL (p 0,01) e UQOL total (p = 0,02), em comparação ao grupo sem fibromialgia. O grupo de mulheres com fibromialgia apresentou escores superiores em relação à intensidade dos sinais e sintomas climatéricos (p ˂0,01) e escores inferiores na avaliação da função sexual pelo QS-F (p = 0,01), quando comparado ao grupo sem fibromialgia. As mulheres mais jovens, com trabalhos extra domicílio, maior renda e maior grau de escolaridade apresentaram melhores escores na qualidade de vida em todos os domínios. Quanto aos sinais e sintomas climatéricos, a renda mais alta e maior tempo de escolaridade exerceram associação direta com sinais e sintomas mais leves, entretanto, quanto mais jovens, maior relação com sintomatologia mais intensa. Em relação à função sexual, melhores escores estiveram associados com idade entre 45 a 49 anos e trabalho extra domicílio. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo permitem concluir que o diagnóstico de fibromialgia na fase do climatério apresentase como influência negativa no domínio ocupação da qualidade de vida, sinais e sintomas climatéricos e função sexual, sendo esta associação influenciada significativamente por diversos fatores sócio demográficos


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It is considered that the Strategic Alignment IT is the first step within the IT Governance process for any institution. Taking as initial point the recognition that the governance corporate has an overall view of the organizations, the IT Governance takes place as a sub-set responsible for the implementation of the organization strategies in what concerns the provision of the necessary tools for the achievement of the goals set in the Institutional Development Plan. In order to do so, COBIT specifies that such Governance shall be built on the following principles: Strategic Alignment, Value Delivery, Risk Management, Performance Measurement. This paper aims at the Strategic Alignment, considered by the authors as the foundation for the development of the entire IT Governance core. By deepening the technical knowledge of the management system development, UFRN has made a decisive step towards the technical empowerment needed to the “Value Delivery”, yet, by perusing the primarily set processes to the “Strategic Alignment”, gaps that limited the IT strategic view in the implementation of the organizational goals were found. In the qualitative study that used documentary research with content analysis and interviews with the strategic and tactical managers, the view on the role of SINFO – Superintendência de Informática was mapped. The documentary research was done on public documents present on the institutional site and on TCU – Tribunal de Contas da União – documents that map the IT Governance profiles on the federal public service as a whole. As a means to obtain the documentary research results equalization, questionnaires/interviews and iGovTI indexes, quantitative tools to the standardization of the results were used, always bearing in mind the usage of the same scale elements present in the TCU analysis. This being said, similarly to what the TCU study through the IGovTI index provides, this paper advocates a particular index to the study area – SA (Strategic Alignment), calculated from the representative variables of the COBIT 4.1 domains and having the representative variables of the Strategic Alignment primary process as components. As a result, an intermediate index among the values in two adjacent surveys done by TCU in the years of 2010 and 2012 was found, which reflects the attitude and view of managers towards the IT governance: still linked to Data Processing in which a department performs its tasks according to the demand of the various departments or sectors, although there is a commission that discusses the issues related to infrastructure acquisition and systems development. With an Operational view rather than Strategic/Managerial and low attachment to the tools consecrated by the market, several processes are not contemplated in the framework COBIT defined set; this is mainly due to the inexistence of a formal strategic plan for IT; hence, the partial congruency between the organization goals and the IT goals.


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Cette recherche décrit la représentation discursive que la présidente Dilma Rousseff fait de soi-même, dans son discours devant le Congrès National, lors de la journée d’investiture, le 1/1/2011. Notre travail se situe dans le domaine théorique et méthodologique de la linguistique du texte et, plus spécialement, dans la perspective de l’Analyse Textuelle des Discours – ATD (ADAM, 2011 [2008a]), qui se définit comme « une théorie de la production co(n)textuelle de sens qui doit se fonder sur l’analyse de textes concrets ». Elle nous fournit la notion théorique et analytique de « représentation discursive », qui se focalise sur la dimension sémantique du texte. Nous nous appuyons, aussi, sur des travaux récents sur les représentations discursives, réalisés dans la recherche brésilienne sur l’ATD (RODRIGUES, PASSEGGI, SILVA NETO, 2010, 2012; RAMOS, 2011; OLIVEIRA, 2013; QUEIROZ, 2013; ZAMBLANO-OLIVEIRA, PASSEGGI, 2013). Les principales opérations sémantiques de construction de la représentation discursive utilisées dans notre travail sont la Référenciation et la Prédication. L’approche méthodologique est, en même temps, qualitative et quantitative, priorisant l’identification des occurrences, ainsi que la description détaillée de leurs valeurs sémantiques et textuelles. Les résultats de la recherche sont de trois ordres : méthodologique, théorique et descriptif-interprétatif. Méthodologique : nous proposons une approche que nous désignons comme « marquage textuel » (ou « mappage textuel ») qui permet de marquer (étiqueter) les valeurs sémantiques des formes linguistiques, permettant leur identification dans le flux textuel, c.-à-d., dans la dimension séquentiellecompositionnelle du texte. Théorique : nous introduisons la notion de « domaines de la représentation discursive » qui organisent et articulent les différents éléments qui composent la représentation discursive de la présidente. Quant aux résultats descriptifsinterprétatifs du discours de l’investiture, ils indiquent que la représentation discursive de la présidente se configure au moyen de différents domaines conceptuels, explicités par les référenciations et les prédications. Ils mettent en relief les désignations et les actions / états, aussi bien de la femme – domaine du genre – que de la présidente – domaine du rôle politique et institutionnel. La présidente se représente explicitement et avec emphase comme l’agent responsable par les actions exprimées par les prédications verbales (verbes d’action), consciente de l’importance de son rôle politique et social. Les prédications nominales signalent clairement une représentation discursive qui englobe les domaines conceptuels politique, moral, éthique, comportemental et émotionnel (forte, accueillante, pionnière, consolidatrice, infatigable, humble, engagée, démocrate, victorieuse et courageuse). Le discours d’investiture réalise, donc, des désignations positives de la présidente, lesquelles se situent dans un temps présent et prospectif – avec des perspectives de futur – comme leader politique du Brésil, avec une participation active dans la transformation du pays, tenant compte aussi de son histoire de vie, sa biographie de luttes. Ainsi, la description empirique et l’interprétation de ce discours particulier contribue à l’analyse textuelle des représentations discursives dans le discours politique brésilien contemporain. Elle soulève, aussi, des questions théoriques et méthodologiques qui nous semblent pertinentes pour le développement de cette aproche.


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Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) are a key component in Ubiquitous Computing Systems and have many applications in different knowledge domains. Programming for such networks is very hard and requires developers to know the available sensor platforms specificities, increasing the learning curve for developing WSAN applications. In this work, an MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) approach for WSAN applications development called ArchWiSeN is proposed. The goal of such approach is to facilitate the development task by providing: (i) A WSAN domain-specific language, (ii) a methodology for WSAN application development; and (iii) an MDA infrastructure composed of several software artifacts (PIM, PSMs and transformations). ArchWiSeN allows the direct contribution of domain experts in the WSAN application development without the need of specialized knowledge on WSAN platforms and, at the same time, allows network experts to manage the application requirements without the need for specific knowledge of the application domain. Furthermore, this approach also aims to enable developers to express and validate functional and non-functional requirements of the application, incorporate services offered by WSAN middleware platforms and promote reuse of the developed software artifacts. In this sense, this Thesis proposes an approach that includes all WSAN development stages for current and emerging scenarios through the proposed MDA infrastructure. An evaluation of the proposal was performed by: (i) a proof of concept encompassing three different scenarios performed with the usage of the MDA infrastructure to describe the WSAN development process using the application engineering process, (ii) a controlled experiment to assess the use of the proposed approach compared to traditional method of WSAN application development, (iii) the analysis of ArchWiSeN support of middleware services to ensure that WSAN applications using such services can achieve their requirements ; and (iv) systematic analysis of ArchWiSeN in terms of desired characteristics for MDA tool when compared with other existing MDA tools for WSAN.


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INTRODUCTION: Human sexuality is recognized as one of the pillars of quality of life. In women, sexual function is influenced throughout life by many factors that can lead to the appearance of changes in the cycle of sexual response, and hence the quality of life (QOL). Pregnancy is a period of change, leaving them physically and mentally vulnerable, which may affect sexual function and quality of life during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between sexual function, presence of depressive symptoms and quality of life in pregnant women. METHODS: The study included 207 pregnant women attending prenatal examination of the Maternity Divine Love, Parnamirim / RN and the participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN (central campus). Initially it was applied, a questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic, gynecological and obstetric data, as well as body and sexual self-knowledge. Sexual function was assessed using the Sexual Function Index Female (Female Sexual Function Index - FSFI). To assess the quality of life, we used the Quality Index Ferrans Life & Powers mom. The presence of depressive symptoms was verified by applying the Beck Depression Inventory. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality was carried variables, Mann-Whitney test for carrying out the comparisons and the Wilcoxon test for comparing the monthly sexual frequency before and during pregnancy. Multiple linear regression was used to verify the relationship between sexual function, depressive symptoms and quality of life. We used the Spearman correlation to check correlation between the variables. Ap value <0.05 was adopted. RESULTS: Sexual function and depressive symptoms were related quality of life (R2 = 0.30, p <0.001). Depression had a moderate negative correlation with quality of life (0.53; p <0.001), whereas sexual function showed a positive correlation with low quality of life (0.22; p = 0.001). The planning of pregnancy, education and income shown to influence depression scores. With respect to sexual function, it was seen that during pregnancy, a reduction in the monthly frequency of sexual partner (Z = -10.56; p <0.001). Among the sexual domain, just the pain, showed a statistically significant difference compared between the second and third quarter (Z = -1.91, p <0.05). The score of the quality of life of women with sexual dysfunction was xvii significantly lower than that pregnant women without dysfunction (Z = -2.87, p = 0.004). Conclusion: Sexual function and the presence of depressive symptoms are related to the quality of life of pregnant women.


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INTRODUCTION: The pregnancy and childbirth cause many changes in a woman's life, whether physical, hormonal, emotional or social. Such changes may affect the postural balance and the quality of life of women in pregnancy and may persist after delivery. To analyze changes in postural balance and quality of life in women in pregnancy and postpartum. METHODS: This study consisted of 47 women participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN, evaluated during pregnancy (2° or 3° trimester) and in the period 1-8 months postpartum. In all participants was evaluated the postural balance, the Balance Master® in five specific tests: (1) Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance-MCTSIB; (2) Rhythmic Weight Shift Test - RWS (3) unilateral stance - US, (4) Sit to Stand - STS, and (5) Walk Across - WA. The quality of life (QoL) was assessed by applying the Quality Score of life Ferrans & Powers (IQVFP), both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. For statistical analysis we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software for Personal Computer- SPSS (version 20.0), applying the tests: Shapiro-Wilk to assess the normality of the data; Chi-square to analyze the frequency of postural balance changes in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups; McNemar test to analyze balance disorders frequency of related samples in the two time points; to compare the behavior of postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum, and to compare the QoL between the periods, we used the Wilcoxon test; and yet, the MannWhitney test to compare the QoL scores in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups. We adopted p-value <0.05. RESULTS: Comparing the postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum in MSTSIB test has statistical difference in unstable surface with closed eyes (p=0.001) and in the US test, the speed of oscillation with right leg with eyes closed (p=0,03). Quality of life, there was statistical difference between the scores only among postpartum groups, the family domain (p=0.03); and to comparing pregnancy and postpartum in domain health and operation (p=0.02) and the Socioeconomic domain (p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that the balance changes present during pregnancy persist postpartum, and the quality of life is considered good by women, both during pregnancy and postpartum.


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Introduction: The rehabilitation of edentulous patients is one of the main challenges of Dentistry. Objective: To assess the satisfaction and the impact of oral health on quality of life of patients rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures in both arcades. Method: A clinical trial with 25 patients rehabilitated with CCD was conducted. The impact of oral health in individuals quality of life was evaluated through the Brazilian version of the OHIP-Edent and the patient satisfaction was evaluated using a specific questionnaire. The instruments were applied before and 3 months after rehabilitation. Results: There was a statistically significant improvement (p <0.001) on the impact of the quality of life of the denture users after the new rehabilitation. The analysis of 4 OHIP domains also showed statistically significant improvement (p <0.001). The final overall satisfaction with the dentures was statistically superior to initial satisfaction (p <0.001). The analysis of the specific aspects of satisfaction with CCD after 3 months of rehabilitation also showed significant results in the improvement of every aspect. Conclusion: Patients disappointed with their dentures, have their quality of life improved after the new rehabilitation, reducing the negative impact of the prostheses on oral health, and improving their satisfaction with the rehabilitation.


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High dependability, availability and fault-tolerance are open problems in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The possibility of generating software applications by integrating services from heterogeneous domains, in a reliable way, makes worthwhile to face the challenges inherent to this paradigm. In order to ensure quality in service compositions, some research efforts propose the adoption of verification techniques to identify and correct errors. In this context, exception handling is a powerful mechanism to increase SOA quality. Several research works are concerned with mechanisms for exception propagation on web services, implemented in many languages and frameworks. However, to the extent of our knowledge, no works found evaluates these mechanisms in SOA with regard to the .NET framework. The main contribution of this paper is to evaluate and to propose exception propagation mechanisms in SOA to applications developed within the .NET framework. In this direction, this work: (i)extends a previous study, showing the need to propose a solution to the exception propagation in SOA to applications developed in .NET, and (ii) show a solution, based in model obtained from the results found in (i) and that will be applied in real cases through of faults injections and AOP techniques.


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This work is within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, which, as opposed to generative modular approach posits that language is not autonomous but part of human cognition manifest mental processing, socio-cultural and bodily experiences. Our goal is to describe and analyze cognitive mechanisms of understanding who work in the formal and meaningful organization of the narrative. In order to study and verification of this phenomenon, this project was based in the theoretical framework of Rapaport et al (1994) with the treatment of deictic center, Zwaan (1999) and Zwaan and Radvansky (1998) with situation models, Minsky (1974) with the concept frame, Johnson (1987) and Duke and Costa (2012) with pictorial schemes. To this end, we focused on the deictic perspective (WHERE, WHEN, WHO), social cognitive structures (frames) and body (pictorial diagrams) and the situation of models built by compreendedor from these cognitive structures. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research (BAUER and GASKELL, 2002), of interpretive base (MOITA LOPES, 1994), based on introspection (Talmy, 2005). The corpus selected is a sample of twelve texts written by 8th grade students, whose production consists of fictional narrative, the production of diary pages. The analyses were conducted by cognitive structures known as constructional blocks (BCs)(SANTOS, 2011), which guid the discussion about how we build understanding and creation of meanings in narratives. The result shows that the narrative events are mentally represented by the understander that conceives a deictic center and that, guided by it, has access to understanding and construction of meaning in narrative by means of cognitive domains established by bodily and socio-cultural experiences.


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Child development is the result of the interaction of biological, psychological and social factors. Hostile environment, income, offered stimuli, as well as the presence of a chronic illness are issues that may interfere significantly. Considering the chronic diseases, we can identify congenital heart disease (CHD) is characterized by anatomical heart defects and functional and currently has presented an incidence of up to 1% of the population of live births. This research aimed to evaluate child development and verify an association with the commitment by biopsychosocial factors of children with and without CHD. Study participants were children from zero to six years, divided into three groups: Group1- 29 children pre-surgical congenital heart disease, Group2- 43 children post-surgical cardiac patients and Group3- 56 healthy children. The instruments used were a biopsychosocial questionnaire and the Screening Test Denver II. Of the total of 128 children evaluated, 66 (51.56%) are girls, and ages ranged from two months to six years (median 24.5 months). In G1 and G2 predominated acyanotic heart disease (55.2% and 58.1%). Regarding the Denver II reviews, children with heart disease had more development ratings "suspicious" and "suspect/abnormal", and 41.9% of children who have gone through surgery had characterized its development as "suspect/abnormal" . In the group of healthy children 53.6% were classified as developmental profile "normal" (p = ˂0,0001). On the areas of Denver II, among children with heart disease was greatest change in motor areas (p = 0.016, p = ˂0,001). The biopsychosocial variables that were related to a possible developmental delay were gender (p = 0.042), child's age (p = 0.0001) and income per capita (p = 0.019). There were no associations between the variables related to the treatment of disease, information, understanding of the disease and the way parents treat their children. In the group of healthy children showed that children who underwent hospitalization rates were more changes in development (p = 0.025) and the higher the number of admissions over these changes have intensified (p = 0.023). The results suggest that children with congenital heart disease have likely delayed development. It was also observed that there is a significant difference between the children who have gone through surgery, those who are still waiting for surgery only doing clinical follow-up. Changes in the development are more connected motor areas can be explained by the characteristic features of the disease and treatment, such as dyspnea, fatigue, care and limitations in daily activities. The gender and age appear to be decisive in the development as well as healthy children go through hospitalization experience. Already in children with heart disease, it was realized that social variables involved in the disease and the treatment did not affect the development. This question can be understood by means of protective factors and resiliency, as this population receives family and social support.