963 resultados para Disulfide Bond Formation
The reactions of halogenocyclotetraphosphazatetraenes N4P4X8, with nucleophiles have received little attention and only the reactions of the octachloride, N4P4Cl8, with amines have been investigated in any detail.1 Millington and Sowerby2 studied the reaction of N4P4Cl8 with dimethylamine and isolated the derivatives, N4P4Cl8-n (NMe2)n, n = 2,3,4,5,6,8;several N-methylanilino derivatives
The influence of the pedogenic and climatic contexts on the formation and preservation of pedogenic carbonates in a climosequence in the Western Ghats (Karnataka Plateau, South West India) has been studied. Along the climosequence, the current mean annual rainfall (MAR) varies within a 80 km transect from 6000 mm at the edge of the Plateau to 500 mm inland. Pedogenic carbonates occur in the MAR range of 500-1200 mm. In the semi-arid zone (MAR: 500-900 mm), carbonates occur (i) as rhick hardpan calcretes on pediment slopes and (ii) as nodular horizons in polygenic black soils (i.e. vertisols). In the sub-humid zone (MAR: 900-1500 mm), pedogenic carbonates are disseminated in the black soil matrices either as loose, irregular and friable nodules of millimetric size or as indurated botryoidal nodules of centimetric to pluricentimetric size. They also occur at the top layers of the saprolite either as disseminated pluricentimetric indurated nodules or carbonate-cemented lumps of centimetric to decimetric size. Chemical and isotopic (Sr-87/Sr-86) compositions of the carbonate fraction were determined after leaching with 0.25 N HCl. The corresponding residual fractions containing both primary minerals and authigenic clays were digested separately and analyzed. The trend defined by the Sr-87/Sr-86 signatures of both labile carbonate fractions and corresponding residual fractions indicates that a part of the labile carbonate fraction is genetically linked to the local soil composition. Considering the residual fraction of each sample as the most likely lithogenic source of Ca in carbonates, it is estimated that from 24% to 82% (55% on average) of Ca is derived from local bedrock weathering, leading to a consumption of an equivalent proportion of atmospheric CO2. These values indicate that climatic conditions were humid enough to allow silicate weathering: MAR at the time of carbonate formation likely ranged from 400 to 700 mm, which is 2- to 3-fold less than the current MAR at these locations. The Sr, U and Mg contents and the (U-234/U-238) activity ratio in the labile carbonate fraction help to understand the conditions of carbonate formation. The relatively high concentrations of Sr, U and Mg in black soil carbonates may indicate fast growth and accumulation compared to carbonates in saprolite, possibly due to a better confinement of the pore waters which is supported by their high (U-234/U-238) signatures, and/or to higher content of dissolved carbonates in the pore waters. The occurrence of Ce, Mn and Fe oxides in the cracks of carbonate reflects the existence of relatively humid periods after carbonate formation. The carbonate ages determined by the U-Th method range from 1.33 +/- 0.84 kyr to 7.5 +/- 2.7 kyr and to a cluster of five ages around 20 kyr, i.e. the Last Glacial Maximum period. The young occurrences are only located in the black soils, which therefore constitute sensitive environments for trapping and retaining atmospheric CO2 even on short time scales. The maximum age of carbonates depends on their location in the climatic gradient: from about 20 kyr for centimetric nodules at Mule Hole (MAR = 1100 mm/yr) to 200 kyr for the calcrete at Gundlupet (MAR = 700 mm/yr, Durand et al., 2007). The intensity of rainfall during wet periods would indeed control the lifetime of pedogenic carbonates and thus the duration of inorganic carbon storage in soils. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fire is an important driver of the boreal forest ecosystem, and a useful tool for the restoration of degraded forests. However, we lack knowledge on the ecological processes initiated by prescribed fires, and whether they bring about the desired restoration effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of low-intensity experimental prescribed fires on four ecological processes in young commercial Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands eight years after the burning. The processes of interest were tree mortality, dead wood creation, regeneration and fire scar formation. These were inventoried in twelve study plots, which were 30 m x 30 m in size. The plots belonged to two different stand age classes: 30-35 years or 45 years old at the time of burning. The study was partly a follow-up of study plots researched by Sidoroff et al. (2007) one year after burning in 2003. Tree mortality increased from 183 stems ha-1 in 2003 to 259 stems ha-1 in 2010, corresponding to 15 % and 21 % of stem number respectively. Most mortality was experienced in the stands of the younger age class, in smaller diameter classes and among species other than Scots pine. By 2010, the average mortality of Scots pine per plot was 18%, but varied greatly ranging from 0% to 63% of stem number. Delayed mortality, i.e. mortality that occurred between 2 and 8 years after fire, seemed to become more important with increasing diameter. The input of dead wood also varied greatly between plots, from none to 72 m3 ha-1, averaging at 12 m3 ha-1. The amount of fire scarred trees per plot ranged from none to 20 %. Four out of twelve plots (43 %) did not have any fire scars. Scars were on average small: 95% of scars were less than 4 cm in width, and 75% less than 40 cm in length. Owing to the light nature of the fire, the remaining overstorey and thick organic layer, regeneration was poor overall. The abundance of pine and other seedlings indicated a viable seed source existed, but the seedlings failed to establish under dense canopy. The number of saplings ranged from 0 to 12 333 stems ha-1. The results of this study indicate that a low intensity fire does not necessarily initiate the ecological processes of tree mortality, dead wood creation and regeneration in the desired scale. Fire scars, which form the basis of fire dating in fire history studies, did not form in all cases.
A filter cloth with 182 holes per 10−4 m2 has been used to generate air bubbles both in pure water and in aqueous solutions of electrolytes and non-electrolytes at various air flow rates. Potassium bromide and ammonium perchlorate were the electrolytes used, while the non-electrolytes were isopropanol, urea and glycerol. Bubble diameters and their size distribution were measured from photographs. The role of solutes in affecting bubble sizes and their distribution compared to that of pure water is discussed in the light of a hypothesis. This hypothesis assumes that if the final bubble diameter is less than the inter-orifice distance, then bubbles do not coalesce; on the other hand, if it is greater, then coalescence occurs when tf greater-or-equal, slantedti+ts, but does not occur when t
Formation of crystalline, monophasic indium selenide (InSe) thin solid films by elemental evaporation on hot glass substrates (400 to 530 K) is reported. The compound formation as well as the composition of the formed films are confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The crystallinity of the rhombohedral InSe films can be improved by post-depositional annealing for t < 30 min at 533 K. The InSe thin films become Se-deficient at higher temperatures of deposition or longer duration of annealing. Optical studies reveal the bandgap to be around 1.29 eV. Under optimum conditions of preparations the lowest resistivity of ≈ 12.8 Ω cm is obtained. Durch Verdampfen aus den Elementen auf heiße Glassubstrate (400 bis 530 k) werden dünne, kristalline, einphasige Indiumselenid (InSe)-Festkörperschichten gebildet. Sowohl die Bildung der Verbindung als auch die Zusammensetzung der Schichten werden durch Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) untersucht. Die Kristallinität der rhomboedrischen InSe-Schichten kann durch eine Temperung bei 533 K für t < 30 min nach der Abscheidung verbessert werden. Die dünnen InSe-Schichten zeigen nach Abscheidung bei höheren Temperaturen oder längerer Temperungsdauer einen Se-Unterschuß. Optische Untersuchungen ergeben, daß die Bandlücke bei etwa 1,29 eV liegt. Unter optimalen Präperationsbedingungen wird ein niedrigster Widerstand von ≈ 12.8 Ω cm erreicht.
Recent experimental studies have shown that the Rec-A mediated homologous recombination reaction involves a triple helical intermediate, in which the third strand base forms hydrogen bonds with both the bases in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex. Such 'mixed' hydrogen bonds allow formation of sequence independent triplexes. DNA triple helices involving 'mixed' hydrogen bonds have been studied, using model building, molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD). Models were built for a tripler comprising all four possible triplets viz., G.C*C, C.G*G, A.T*T and T.A*A. To check the stability of all the 'mixed' hydrogen bonds in such triplexes and the conformational preferences of such tripler structures, MD studies were carried out starting from two structures with 30 degrees and 36 degrees twist between the basepairs. It was observed that though the two triplexes converged towards a similar structure, the various hydrogen bonds between the WC duplex and the third strand showed differential stabilities. An MD simulation with restrained hydrogen bonds showed that the resulting structure was stable and remained close to the starting structure. These studies help us in defining stable hydrogen bond geometries involving the third strand and the WC duplex. It was observed that in the C.G*G triplets the N7 atom of the second strand is always involved in hydrogen bonding. In the G.C*C triplets, either N3 or O2 in the third strand cytosine can interchangeably act as a hydrogen bond acceptor.
An oxidative pathway hitherto unknown for tile degradation of a sesquiterpene alcohol, nerolidol (I) by Alcaligenes eutrophus is presented. Fermentation of nerolidol (I) by this organism in a mineral salts medium resulted in the formation of geranylacetone (II) and an optically active alcohol (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III), as major metabolites. Nerolidol (I) induced cells readily transformed 1,2-epoxynerolidol (IV) and 1,2-dihydroxynerolidol (V) into geranylacetone (II). These cells also exhibited their ability to carry out stereospecific reduction of II into (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III). Oxygen uptake studies clearly indicated that nerolidol induced cells oxidized compounds II, III, IV, V and ethyleneglycol. Based on these observations a new oxidative pathway for the degradation of I is suggested which envisages the epoxidation of the terminal double bond, opening of the epoxide and cleavage between C-2 and C-3 in a manner similar to the periodate oxidation of diol.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ottaa käyttöön tandemmassaspektrometrinen (MS/MS) menetelmä, jolla voidaan analysoida polysakkarideista purkautuneiden oligosakkaridien rakenteita. Tavoitteena oli, että menetelmällä voidaan määrittää glykosidisten sidosten eri asemat monosakkaridirakenteiltaan samanlaisista neutraaleista lineaarisista oligosakkarideista. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin oligosakkaridien rakenteiden määrittämiseen käytettyjä MS/MS-menetelmiä ja oligosakkaridien pilkkoutumisreaktioita MS/MS-analyysissa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella MS/MS-analyysissa oligosakkaridien pilkkoutuminen voi tapahtua joko glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisella tai monosakkaridirenkaan halkeamisella. Monosakkaridirenkaan pilkkoutumisesta muodostuvia tuoteioneja voidaan käyttää glykosidisen sidoksen aseman määrittämiseen. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aluksi monosakkaridirakenteiltaan isomeerisilla disakkaridimalliaineilla glykosidisen sidoksen sijainnin vaikutus disakkaridin pilkkoutumiseen MS/MS-analyysissa. Tämän jälkeen pyrittiin löytämään tunnetuista tri- ja tetrasakkaridimalliaineista näitä eri sidoksille tyypillisiä tuoteionien jakaumia. Tunnettujen tri- ja tetrasakkaridien pilkkoutuminen yhdenmukaisesti disakkaridien pilkkoutumisen kanssa antaisi mahdollisuuden pitkäketjuisempien oligosakkaridien glykosidisten sidosten tunnistamiseen sovelletulla MS/MS-menetelmällä. MS/MS-analyysit tehtiin ioniloukkumassadetektorilaitteistolla käyttäen sähkösumutusionisaatiota (ESI). Oligosakkaridit määritettiin positiivisella ionisaatiolla litium- ja natriumaddukti-ioneina ja negatiivisella ionisaatiolla kloridiaddukti-ioneina. Vertaamalla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista MS/MS-analyyseissa muodostuneita tuoteioneja disakkarideista muodostuneisiin tuoteioneihin, voitiin sekä positiivisella että negatiivisella ionisaatiolla määrittää oligosakkaridin pelkistävän pään sidoksen asema. Negatiivisella ionisaatiolla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista muodostuneista tuoteioneista voitiin määrittää myös muiden kuin pelkistävän pään sidosten asemia. Positiivisella ionisaatiolla muiden sidosten määrittäminen ei ollut mahdollista, koska rengasfragmentti-ioneja muodostui pääosin oligosakkaridin pelkistävästä päästä. Glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisesta muodostuneet tuoteionit analysoitiin edelleen MS3-analyysilla. MS3-analyysissa muodostuneista tuoteioneista ei voitu tulkita sidosten asemia, koska lähtöionit koostuivat sekä terminaalisen että pelkistävän pään isomeerisista ioneista.
We report a comparative modified neglect of diatomic overlap (MNDO), Austin method one (AM1), and parametric method 3 (PM3) study of trans‐stilbene (tS) in its ground, excited (singlet and triplet), and ionic (positive and negative polarons and bipolarons) states. We have also calculated the barrier for ring rotation about the backbone single bond. Our results show that PM3 geometries are superior to MNDO and AM1, at least for tS. PM3 predicts, in contrast with MNDO, AM1 and even ab initio 3‐21G, a coplanar structure for tS, in accordance with recent experimental data. Singlet and triplet energies obtained from heats of formation are in surprisingly good agreement with experimental data.