995 resultados para Dimensão empresarial


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A teoria em finanças tem evoluído cada vez mais aproximando a teoria financeira às práticas reais adotadas nas empresas e nos mercados financeiros. A partir de Modigliani e Miller, que contribuíram para o ramo das finanças com a teoria da Irrelevância Financeira, o caminho se abriu para uma série de debates a cerca da importância das variáveis financeiras na determinação do valor da empresa. Foram levantados questionamentos a respeito da perfeição dos mercados e apresentado argumentos como a assimetria de informações, os custos de agência, a restrição financeira e outras implicações à teoria do investimento. Atualmente o que se sabe é que o fator investimento está altamente ligado às finanças e, portanto, relaciona-se com os meios de financiamento presentes no mercado e com a organização interna e financeira das firmas, esse ramo de estudo recebe o nome de Finanças Corporativas. Diante da teoria financeira, o objetivo é analisar a indústria siderúrgica de duas economias atualmente em destaque, Brasil e China através da análise econômico-financeira de quatro empresas de capital aberto do setor: Gerdau, Usiminas, Baosteel e Masteel. Cabe destacar que a indústria siderúrgica é base para outras indústrias, como construção civil, automóveis, máquinas, entre outros e, por isso, é tida como sinalizadora do desenvolvimento econômico de um país, assim também, o Brasil e a China são caracterizados como grandes potenciais emergentes e fontes de atração de investimentos internacionais


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The various changes occurring in society in the late twentieth century created a context of true technological revolution based on information. These changes resulted in three points: a new way to communicate with the emergence of new media and communication platforms; a new role assigned to organizations increasingly blamed for social problems, and a greater access to information by society, which forms more critical and demanding. The convergence of these three consequences observed strengthening of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and the importance of internal communication in their construction. This literature review and empirical research, based on a case study with the Junior Enterprise of Public Relations at Unesp Bauru, studied the role of Public Relations in the process of communication management as a facilitator of internal processes towards mobilization for Social Responsibility. It intent to see which are the main barriers to the inclusion of the concept too. The study shows the relevant current context itself, in which the concern with the changing social scenario should be seen as opportunities for growth. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility should be inserted into the organizational DNA to its consolidation, characterizing itself as a cultural and dependent matter of internal restructuring. The role of public relations in this context covers the management of communication and harmony of the interests of all public organization


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The process of globalization resulted in a variety of new products emerging. Companies were obliged to find new ways of maintaining the attractiveness for their products to sustain their brands in the economic field. So in this scenario social accountability became an important subject for companies that want to achieve a positive image among consumers. This paper aims to explain how organizational communication is essential to create and manage social accountability in a company. Aiming to explain the relation between organizational communication and social accountability, this final project had three main purposes: establish the connection between organizational communication and social accountability, point out and discuss the main strategies in this communication field, and then propose an action plan for Raízen to solve an established problem in one of its factories


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The aim of this paper is to present some considerations on discursive positions that challenge the textual production of a student from Cycle II Elementary School. We intend to show how a biased reading of the student’s text might not observe significant textual features and disregard the student’s level of literacy, thus ignoring the insertion of this writing in a socio-historical context. Such an approach, while defined by ideology, is determined by the pedagogical discourse that focuses on formal patterns of language, which prevents the teacher from identifying rich and interesting linguistic and textual procedures in the text in question, indicative of the student's literacy and his/her potential for authorship. This reading mostly denies the efforts that have been made to reverse the exclusion of public schools students, weakening the idealist discourse that claims for a “school for everybody”.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ao observarmos o cotidiano nas escolas é possível constatar que nem sempre se reconhece e se valoriza a diferença e a singularidade que caracteriza cada sujeito envolvido, pois ocorrem situações de negação mútua entre alunos, entre alunos e professores e entre outras relações do espaço escolar que ferem a dignidade humana. Uma alternativa a essa realidade é a promoção de vivências dialógicas. Nesse sentido, objetivamos com este trabalho: Refletir sobre as contribuições teórico-conceituais desenvolvidas por Paulo Freire e por Humberto Maturana acerca da vivência do diálogo, suas possibilidades e impasses nas relações sociais e na relação educativa; e identificar, a partir de um estudo de caso realizado em uma escola da Rede Pública Estadual, as concepções dos educadores sobre a prática dialógica no cotidiano escolar. Para Freire, o diálogo é o encontro e a partilha de concepções de A com B e não de A sobre B ou vice versa, sendo que nesta relação é importante que ambos se disponham à escuta mútua reconhecendo a diversidade de concepções que estimula a curiosidade epistemológica. Para Maturana, a partir da Biologia, cada ser vivo se constitui como uma organização autopoiética, ou seja, tem a tarefa de produzir-se a si próprio, estabelecendo relações com o meio. Na existência humana, essas interações com o meio e entre os humanos se estabelecem num entrelaçamento de emoções e ações, que ele nomeia de conversação. A partir das reflexões pelos autores e o diálogo estabelecido com sujeitos da pesquisa destacamos: 1) As relações sociais se mantêm quando há aceitação do outro como legítimo outro na convivência, o que implica a aceitação de si próprio; 2) O diálogo cria um clima de aceitação para com a história e a diferença do outro, o que favorece relações de partilha de ideias e de releitura coletiva do mundo. Tanto Maturana e Freire, quanto os entrevistados valorizam o ...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The contributions of studies on Cognitive Styles are presented and discussed in this text, introductory and conceptually, in order to clarify and facilitate the discussion within the school education. With the theoretical origin in the cognitive psychology, more specifically, in studies of human cognition in differential perspective, the Cognitive Styles, are constructs developed to describe perceptual characteristics of the individual called "Dependence and Independence Field." In the course of this conceptual construction it is evidenced that individual perceptions are part of a broad set of interrelated factors that reflect the level of psychological differentiation of individuals. The studies show subjects with different Cognitive Styles, that are distributed in a "continuum" in order to set up a statistical normality. Therein some educational implications related to the Cognitive Styles are evident in relation to how the students learn, how the teachers teach, to the formal education in itself and to the career plan. The Cognitive Styles has a broad spectrum of influence on the relationship established in the teaching-learning process. So, these concepts need urgently to be better understood in the context of education.


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Founded in 1921, the company currently known as Lupo S/A is one of the most ancient textile and clothing industries in Brazil. In this article we aim to describe the general lines of the trajectory of this family company, currently producing socks, nightwear and sports articles. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of some strategies used by the company along its formation and development process, and, particularly, the way these strategies made possible the productive restructuring associated to the overcoming of the strong crisis which began in the end of the 80's and early 90's, contributing to its recent consolidation in the clothing industry. The leading hypothesis of the study is that pioneering connected to a strong organizational culture that has been formed and constructed since its foundation and that was reestablished in a more recent management were the factors which were responsible for the advances able to generate an innovation environment in products as well as in processes and management. The theoretical reflection selected to subsidize the cognitive construction of the study of the company is based on the historical approach of the development of the textile industry in Brazil and in studies about the importance of the action of the entrepreneur, in the role of the organizational culture and of innovation to choose strategies in companies. The research involved the analysis of documents and data of the company, as well as interviews with directors and employees. The results show a traditional company model, but also show the presence of a very advanced entrepreneurial dynamic. Modern world – known as a fordist industrial model – could already be noticed in the company when this production pattern was not clearly defined yet in the Brazilian industry. Nowadays, the company faces the challenge of globalization and the open competition in the international market which brings the rivalry of the greatest and best globalized companies.