999 resultados para Desafios estratégicos
This paper aims to make a historical and bibliographical review on the Creative Economy, from its birth to the implementation of this in the Brazilian scenario. Through this historical review, we intend to point out the main problems and prospects for this branch is in an incipient stage in Brazil, despite the recent institutional growth and increased financial incentives. The justification curtails the fact the literature on the creative economy in Brazil is extremely sparse, limited to articles based on case studies and legislation itself and plans of the Department of Creative Economy (SEC) of. Thus, we intend to help the promotion of this business booming and has low theoretical analysis.
This paper proposes some reflections from activities developped in the context of a research supported by FAPESP called “As políticas de educação profissional e tecnológica no Brasil pós LDB 9394/96”. Our purpose is to analyze the federal legislation of professional and technological education, by enphasizing its impacts in technical schools of São Paulo (Brazil).
This article has, as its main subject of reflection, a brazilian experience of intermunicipal cooperation named the "Consórcio Intermunicipal pela Conservação da Natureza na Bacia do Rio Jacaré Pepira" better known as "Consórcio do Rio Jacaré", located in São Paulo State, Brazil. Having its origin in 1985, the consortium is considered the first inter-municipal experience of cooperation witch tried to associate regional development with environmental issues. The research, qualitative in the method, designed as single case study and supported by data collected through desk research, systematized information on the projects and activities of the Consortium, pointing among the members those which effectively beneficed from the supposed cooperation, along with the difficulties faced and the context which led the consortium to the state of stagnation in which plunged after 1999. The results showed that, despite its historical and regional importance, the consortium could not be seen as a management model, being weakened by the political and institutional environment, the local realities, the absence of maturity of partners for joint cooperation, in addition to the lack of clarity on the regional dimension of the projects.
The paper approaches the U.S. perceptions about the sources of insecurity from Latin America, considered a low risk area and priority of its foreign policy. El análisis se concentra en la evaluación de las amenazas y desafíos a sus intereses estratégicos y las modalidades de actuación privilegiadas en la esfera regional, en que se verifican coincidencias entre las administraciones Demócratas y Republicanas en la adopción de un liderazgo con prerrogativas clasificatorias sobre los tipos de régimen político, con una agenda concebida como promoción de la convergencia hemisférica de democracias y economías liberales. The analysis focuses on assessing the threats and challenges to its strategic interests and privileged modes of action at the regional level, which verifies similarities between Republican and Democratic administrations in taking a leadership prerogatives qualifiers on the types political regime, with an agenda designed as promoting hemispheric convergence of liberal democracies and economies. En ese contexto, cabe destacar la prioridad atribuida a los países de la Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas (ALBA) como eje opositor de sus políticas. In this context, include the priority given to the countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) as the linchpin of his political opponent.
This paper aims to draw some outlines of what I understand to be background for possible investigations that examine the cultural / educational problems in Brazil from the perspective of Critical Theory. Under the light of these outlines I intend to present two directions of research which are the main objectives of the research project I develop within the Department of Educational Psychology of College of Sciences and Letters of Unesp in Araraquara. In particular, it is necessary to understand the internal deformation that education suffers as a concrete substance of the teaching process in schools, which makes an empirical investigation how the cultural industry’s schemes become present in the “didactic pedagogical scene” necessary. On the other hand, the elucidation of this problem requires a theoretical investigation about the broader process of constitution of today’s subjectivity under the impact of that industry. Both goals set forth herein are intended to provide subsidies to make readings about new educational demands possible in Brazil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of São Paulo established as the official curriculum Read and Write Program (2007) and EMAI (2012). In municipal elementary schools in Bauru SP, since 2013, went into action the Common curriculum, targeting a unified curriculum. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions, which vary according to the conception of the authors, as well as its practice can occur of different ways resulting from the worldview and teacher's work. So, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of state and municipal schools in Bauru regarding its articulation with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing proposal curriculum and teaching practice. For this, was necessary check the view of teachers on this process, because they are responsible for putting the curriculum in action and link it with the use of technology. Several authors report that the use of technology in education to provide qualitative advances in school learning, thereby we asked whether there is a joint in the daily life of state and municipal schools, through the existing curriculum. To answer these and other questions in this work, we realized a qualitative empirical research base that used as an instrument of data collection: literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city Bauru, on which we identified that there curricular flexibility to articulate the use of technologies. However, there are also many challenges and opportunities related to public policies and training of teachers to cope with the demands of the digital age
The objective of this paper is to present the relationship between higher education with other levels of education. In Brazil, some challenges were launched to fulfill improvement in teaching / learning covering a scientific development with the involvement of several bodies, among them the science and society. Therefore, according to the National Postgraduate-PNPG, the close relationship between science and society requires a scientific-cultural training that should start in higher education, teacher training, and that this knowledge can follow the company, traversing all levels of education prior to higher education. Thus, we analyze the formation of teachers as one of the pillars of our discussion, trying to understand that at different times, men have paid attention to the re/organization of society, to masters/teachers have the knowledge that enabled individuals to convey an apprenticeship favoring the theoretical reflection on practice. So, we have considered some classics, as Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, that dealt on the training of teachers (as) in different periods, expressing concern about the quality of teaching and documents dealing with the situation of education in Brazil
This article aims to discuss how leading companies of the automotive battery industry installed in Brazil are dealing with barriers to the adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices. From these discussions, we list the opportunities and challenges to the automotive battery sector in incorporating GSCM actions. We conducted a multiple-case study with the top five companies in this sector. The highlight factors are “organizational values” and “human resources” for internal barriers, and “suppliers” and “consumers” for external barriers.
The present work this is an exploratory study on the retail, considering its importance in the Brazilian economic scenario, in order to analyze their challenges in their different formats. This study emphasizes the importance of Competitive Intelligence area to complex sectors such as retail, and verify the professional skills of PR to act in this context, considering their academic training and skills developed in this process, focusing on his multidisciplinary approach to manage actions in strategic areas
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)