987 resultados para Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of, 1799-1869.
A presente pesquisa busca avaliar exegeticamente o texto que se encontra na Bíblia, especificamente no livro de Números capítulos 22-24 que relata sobre um personagem conhecido como Balaão. A pesquisa tem também como objeto o estudo sobre o panteão de divindades relatado no mesmo texto, assim como também o estudo dos textos descobertos em Deir Alla, na Jordânia, que apresentam um personagem designado como Balaão, possivelmente o mesmo personagem de Nm 22-24. A motivação que levou ao desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa foi o fato de se ter deparado com os conceitos dos diversos nomes divinos exibidos no texto, além da questão do profetismo fora de Israel, assim como as possibilidades hermenêuticas que se abrem para a leitura desse texto bíblico. O conceito geral sempre foi o de que Israel era a única nação onde existiam “verdadeiros” profetas e uma adoração a um único Deus, o “monoteísmo”. O que despertou interesse foi perceber, especialmente por meio da leitura dos livros bíblicos, que o profetismo não se restringiu somente a Israel. Ele antecede à formação do antigo Israel e já existia no âmbito das terras do antigo Oriente Médio, e que Israel ainda demorou muito tempo para ser monoteísta. Quem é esse Balaão, filho de Beor? Estudaremos sobre sua pessoa e sua missão. Examinaremos os textos de Deir Alla sobre Balaão e sua natureza de personagem mediador entre o divino e o humano. Esse personagem é apresentado como um grande profeta e que era famoso como intérprete de presságios divinos. Analisaremos a importante questão sobre o panteão de deuses que são apresentados na narrativa de Balaão nomeados como: El, Elyon Elohim e Shaddai, além de Yahweh. Entendemos, a princípio, que o texto possui uma conexão com a sociedade na qual foi criado e usando da metodologia exegética, faremos uma análise da narrativa em questão, buscando compreender o sentido do texto, dentro de seu cenário histórico e social. Cenário este, que nos apresentou esse profeta, não israelita, que profere bênçãos dos deuses sobre Israel e que, além disso, pronuncia maldições sobre os inimigos desse mesmo Israel. Percebemos que, parte do texto pesquisado é apresentado sob a ótica de Israel sobre as outras nações. A pesquisa defende, portanto, que o texto de Nm 22-24, além de nos apresentar um profeta fora de Israel igual aos profetas da Bíblia, defende que, o panteão de divindades também era adorado por Israel e que tais nomes são epítetos de uma mesma divindade, no caso YHWH. Defende, também, um delineamento de um projeto de domínio político e militar de Israel sobre as nações circunvizinhas.
Surmises of how myosin subfragment 1 (S1) interacts with actin filaments in muscle contraction rest upon knowing the relative arrangement of the two proteins. Although there exist crystallographic structures for both S1 and actin, as well as electron microscopy data for the acto–S1 complex (AS1), modeling of this arrangement has so far only been done “by eye.” Here we report fitted AS1 structures obtained using a quantitative method that is both more objective and makes more complete use of the data. Using undistorted crystallographic results, the best-fit AS1 structure shows significant differences from that obtained by visual fitting. The best fit is produced using the F-actin model of Holmes et al. [Holmes, K. C., Popp, D., Gebhard, W. & Kabsch, W. (1990) Nature (London) 347, 44–49]. S1 residues at the AS1 interface are now found at a higher radius as well as being translated axially and rotated azimuthally. Fits using S1 plus loops missing from the crystal structure were achieved using a homology search method to predict loop structures. These improved fits favor an arrangement in which the loop at the 50- to 20-kDa domain junction of S1 is located near the N terminus of actin. Rigid-body movements of the lower 50-kDa domain, which further improve the fit, produce closure of the large 50-kDa domain cleft and bring conserved residues in the lower 50-kDa domain into an apparently appropriate orientation for close interaction with actin. This finding supports the idea that binding of ATP to AS1 at the end of the ATPase cycle disrupts the actin binding site by changing the conformation of the 50-kDa cleft of S1.
Overexpression of p53 causes G2 arrest, attributable in part to the loss of CDC2 activity. Transcription of cdc2 and cyclin B1, determined using reporter constructs driven by the two promoters, was suppressed in response to the induction of p53. Suppression requires the regions −287 to −123 of the cyclin B1 promoter and −104 to −74 of the cdc2 promoter. p53 did not affect the inhibitory phosphorylations of CDC2 at threonine 14 or tyrosine 15 or the activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase that activates CDC2 by phosphorylating it at threonine 161. Overexpression of p53 may also interfere with the accumulation of CDC2/cyclin B1 in the nucleus, required for cells to enter mitosis. Constitutive expression of cyclin B1, alone or in combination with the constitutively active CDC2 protein T14A Y15F, did not reverse p53-dependent G2 arrest. However, targeting cyclin B1 to the nucleus in cells also expressing CDC2 T14A Y15F did overcome this arrest. It is likely that several distinct pathways contribute to p53-dependent G2 arrest.
Cells of vertebrates remove DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) from their genome predominantly utilizing a fast, DNA-PKcs-dependent form of non-homologous end joining (D-NHEJ). Mutants with inactive DNA-PKcs remove the majority of DNA DSBs utilizing a slow, DNA-PKcs-independent pathway that does not utilize genes of the RAD52 epistasis group, is error-prone and can therefore be classified as a form of NHEJ (termed basic or B-NHEJ). We studied the role of DNA ligase IV in these pathways of NHEJ. Although biochemical studies show physical and functional interactions between the DNA-PKcs/Ku and the DNA ligase IV/Xrcc4 complexes suggesting operation within the same pathway, genetic evidence to support this notion is lacking in mammalian cells. Primary human fibroblasts (180BR) with an inactivating mutation in DNA ligase IV, rejoined DNA DSBs predominantly with slow kinetics similar to those observed in cells deficient in DNA-PKcs, or in wild-type cells treated with wortmannin to inactivate DNA-PK. Treatment of 180BR cells with wortmannin had only a small effect on DNA DSB rejoining and no effect on cell radiosensitivity to killing although it sensitized control cells to 180BR levels. This is consistent with DNA ligase IV functioning as a component of the D-NHEJ, and demonstrates the unperturbed operation of the DNA-PKcs-independent pathway (B-NHEJ) at significantly reduced levels of DNA ligase IV. In vitro, extracts of 180BR cells supported end joining of restriction endonuclease-digested plasmid to the same degree as extracts of control cells when tested at 10 mM Mg2+. At 0.5 mM Mg2+, where only DNA ligase IV is expected to retain activity, low levels of end joining (∼10% of 10 mM) were seen in the control but there was no detectable activity in 180BR cells. Antibodies raised against DNA ligase IV did not measurably inhibit end joining at 10 mM Mg2+ in either cell line. Thus, in contrast to the situation in vivo, end joining in vitro is dominated by pathways with properties similar to B-NHEJ that do not display a strong dependence on DNA ligase IV, with D-NHEJ retaining only a limited contribution. The implications of these observations to studies of NHEJ in vivo and in vitro are discussed.
Studies of carbon isotopes and cadmium in bottom-dwelling foraminifera from ocean sediment cores have advanced our knowledge of ocean chemical distributions during the late Pleistocene. Last Glacial Maximum data are consistent with a persistent high-ΣCO2 state for eastern Pacific deep water. Both tracers indicate that the mid-depth North and tropical Atlantic Ocean almost always has lower ΣCO2 levels than those in the Pacific. Upper waters of the Last Glacial Maximum Atlantic are more ΣCO2-depleted and deep waters are ΣCO2-enriched compared with the waters of the present. In the northern Indian Ocean, δ13C and Cd data are consistent with upper water ΣCO2 depletion relative to the present. There is no evident proximate source of this ΣCO2-depleted water, so I suggest that ΣCO2-depleted North Atlantic intermediate/deep water turns northward around the southern tip of Africa and moves toward the equator as a western boundary current. At long periods (>15,000 years), Milankovitch cycle variability is evident in paleochemical time series. But rapid millennial-scale variability can be seen in cores from high accumulation rate series. Atlantic deep water chemical properties are seen to change in as little as a few hundred years or less. An extraordinary new 52.7-m-long core from the Bermuda Rise contains a faithful record of climate variability with century-scale resolution. Sediment composition can be linked in detail with the isotope stage 3 interstadials recorded in Greenland ice cores. This new record shows at least 12 major climate fluctuations within marine isotope stage 5 (about 70,000–130,000 years before the present).
The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates resulting from growth under elevated CO2 may potentially signal the repression of gene activity for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcS). To test this hypothesis we grew rice (Oryza sativa L.) under ambient (350 μL L−1) and high (700 μL L−1) CO2 in outdoor, sunlit, environment-controlled chambers and performed a cross-switching of growth CO2 concentration at the late-vegetative phase. Within 24 h, plants switched to high CO2 showed a 15% and 23% decrease in rbcS mRNA, whereas plants switched to ambient CO2 increased 27% and 11% in expanding and mature leaves, respectively. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase total activity and protein content 8 d after the switch increased up to 27% and 20%, respectively, in plants switched to ambient CO2, but changed very little in plants switched to high CO2. Plants maintained at high CO2 showed greater carbohydrate pool sizes and lower rbcS transcript levels than plants kept at ambient CO2. However, after switching growth CO2 concentration, there was not a simple correlation between carbohydrate and rbcS transcript levels. We conclude that although carbohydrates may be important in the regulation of rbcS expression, changes in total pool size alone could not predict the rapid changes in expression that we observed.
This diary, effectively a commonplace book, documents Flynt's daily activities and personal reflections from 1723 to 1747. Many entries concern his dealings with family members, business associates, acquaintances, ministers, and political officials. The diary includes a list of books Flynt loaned to others from 1723 to 1743 and detailed financial entries from 1724 to 1747. These entries provide information about the costs of goods and services, as well as Flynt's consumption habits; they detail where he traveled, what he ate and drank (including, apparently, many pounds of almonds), what he read, and many other aspects of daily life. The diary also contains entries related to Flynt's land holdings and other investments, as well as copies of meeting minutes from several sessions of the Harvard Board of Overseers.