957 resultados para Dark-eyed Juncos
The Letreiro do Quinto rock shelter is located in the rural area of the city of Pedro II, Piauí, Brazil. The sandstone walls of the shelter are covered with prehistoric rupestrian paintings, painted in patterns of yellow and light and dark red hues. The chemical-mineralogical characterization of the prehistoric pigments was made with energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence and 57Fe transmission Mössbauer spectroscopy at 110 K. Results confirm the occurrence of hematite- and goethite-rich ochres and also that the pigment layers are indeed made of a mixture of clay minerals mixed with iron oxides.
Two alkaloids, erysodine (1) and erysothrine (2) were isolated from the flowers of a Pakistani medicinal plant, Erythrina suberosa. These compounds were investigated for anxiolytic properties, and the results showed significant effect, in an acute oral treatment with 1-2, which were suspended in saline (NaCl 0.9%) plus DMSO 1%, and evaluated in 122 Swiss male mice exposed to two tests of anxiety - the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and the light/dark transition model (LDTM).
A bioassay-guided fractionation of culture filtrates of the fungus Alternaria euphorbiicola, a pathogen of the weed Euphorbia heterophylla, led to the isolation of anhydromevalonolactone (1), tyrosol (2), (R)-( - )-mevalonolactone (3), and cycloglycylproline (4). When tested on the punctured leaves of the host plant, these compounds produced bleached lesions with dark brown margins at concentrations as low as 80 µM. When tested on the leaves of other relevant weeds, only cycloglycylproline showed selective activity against E. heterophylla. This is the first report on the isolation of phytotoxins from A. euphorbiicola and on the phytotoxicity of anhydromevalonolactone, (R)-( - )-mevalonolactone, and cycloglycylproline.
In this study, we developed a method for the visual detection of biodiesel in petrodiesel-biodiesel (BX) blends through the aminolysis of the methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids that are found in biodiesel and that are absent from diesel and vegetable oils. This method is based on three reactional stages, which produce a dark red and easily visualized complex in the presence of biodiesel. In the absence of biodiesel, there is no dark red coloring, whereas in the presence of diesel or vegetable oil, there is a light red to yellow coloring. This simple, practical, inexpensive, and effective procedure may be applied by petrol stations to guarantee to consumers and resellers the presence of biodiesel in diesel blends, regardless of the BX blend's initial coloring or of the sulfur found in the diesel. In short, it ensures a safe fuel tank fill-up with BX blend.
This work was aimed at evaluating the possibility of using bromophenol blue as an indicator for detecting the presence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in the seeds of dry-beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max), through incubation of the seeds on an agar medium and "blotter" substrates. The seeds were artificially inoculated with four S. sclerotiorum isolates, plated on the agar medium, named Neon, and on modified Neon agar media all incubated at 14 and 20 ºC for seven days in the dark. Half of the seeds inoculated were surface desinfested prior to plating on the medium. The seeds showing change of colour in the medium, from blue to light yellow, as well as formation of typical mycelium and sclerotia in some cases, were considered to be infected or contaminated by S. sclerotiorum. The two incubation temperatures compared did not show significant (P<0.05) differences in detection level for most of the isolates tested on the different media. According to results obtained in this study, the Neon agar medium with incubation at 14 or 20 ºC has proved to be a reliable and quick method for the detection of S. sclerotiorum mycelium in naturally infected seeds of bean and soybean.
The Mal de Río Cuarto disease is caused by Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV) transmitted by Delphacodes kuscheli. Comparative studies were carried out on the cytopathological alterations produced by MRCV in corn (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), as seen with a transmission electron microscope. Corn plants were infected with viruliferous D. kuscheli collected from the endemic disease area (i.e. Río Cuarto County, Córdoba, Argentina). For the viral transmission to small grain cereal plants, laboratory rared insects were used. In this case, the inoculum source was wheat and barley plants infected with MRCV isolate grown in a greenhouse. Leaf samples with conspicuous symptoms were collected: enations and size reduction in corn; crenatures, swelling veins and dark green color in small grain cereals. Viral infection was corroborated by DAS-ELISA. Viroplasms containing complete and incomplete virus particles and fibrillar material were found in the cytoplasm of infected cells in all species. Mature virions were between 60 and 70 nm diameter. In wheat and barley, viroplasms and dispersed particles were observed only in phloem, while in corn virions were also found in cells of the bundle sheath. Crystalline arrays of particles were detected in corn enation constitutive cells. Tubular inclusions were found only in wheat samples. The three species showed abnormalities in the chloroplasts of affected cells. The results showed that MRCV cytopathology has similarities with other viruses from the genus Fijivirus, family family Reoviridae, but slight differences depending upon the host plant.
When grown in monoculture, Antilles cherry (Malpighia glabra) plants have been affected by diseases which cause fruits malformation and spotting, reducing their value for market. From 1999 on, three new diseases characterised by leaf spot and fall of leaves have been observed in plantations located in Santa Izabel do Pará and Igarapé Açu counties. After isolation and pathogenicity tests on leaves of Antilles cherry plants, the isolates were identified as Calonectria ilicicola (anamorph: Cylindrocladium parasiticum) which causes large leaf spots reaching up to 7 cm long, brownish in colour, coalescent, scorching large leaf areas and causing 50% of leaf fall; Corynespora cassiicola, which provokes irregularly shaped, necrotic leaf spots with dark brown margins and white centers, surrounded by a yellow halo; and Myrothecium roridum which causes greyish target spots. Corynespora cassiicola has been reported causing leaf spots on different hosts in the Amazon region, while C. cassiicola has been recorded infecting Antilles cherry besides other hosts in the States of Maranhão and Pará.
Surveys of soybean (Glycine max) seed grown in South Brazil revealed infection with Fusarium graminearum. To determine if members of this complex were pathogenic to soybean, six strains derived from soybean were added to soil at a rate of 10³ macroconidia/ ml or individual pods were inoculated with 10(4) macroconidia/ml. Seedlings grown in infested soil developed small necrotic lesions in the crown and upper roots. Pods inoculated with conidia developed large (>1 cm), dark brown, necrotic lesions. Younger pods inoculated with the fungus blighted and dropped from the plant. Strains of the F. graminearum complex recovered from lesions on the crown, roots and pods of soybean plants were identified as lineage 1, 2 or 8 by obtaining the DNA sequence from the EF1-alpha gene and comparing it to strains of the known lineage. Two strains of F. graminearum lineage 7 from the U.S. caused similar symptoms of the disease on soybean. Mycotoxin tests on soybean and wheat (Triticum aestivum) indicate that most Brazilian strains produce nivalenol as the major trichothecene mycotoxin rather than deoxynivalenol. In addition, strains from lineages 2 and 8 produce the novel trichothecene, 3-acetylnivalenol.
O manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.) é uma hortaliça da família Lamiaceae, utilizada na culinária ou como matéria prima para a indústria de fármacos e óleos essenciais. Amostras de plantas de manjericão apresentando sintomas de murcha, seca de hastes e podridão de colo foram coletadas na área rural de Brazlândia (DF) durante a estação chuvosa de 2005. Outras duas amostras foram coletadas em plantas cultivadas em campo aberto e casas de vegetação na região de Ponte Alta (DF). Isolados de um fungo, identificado como Fusarium oxysporum, foram obtidos em todas as amostras. Testes de patogenicidade foram conduzidos com mudas das cultivares O. basilicum 'Dark Opal' e 'Italian Large Leaf', e de acessos das espécies O. americanum L. (manjericão de folha miúda), O. campechianum Mill. (alfavaca), Origanum manjorana L. (manjerona), Origanum vulgare L. (orégano), Mentha arvensis L. (menta), Coleus blumei Benth. (tapete), Leonorus sibiricus L. (rubim) e Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) W.T. Aiton (cordão-de-frade). Todos os isolados fúngicos mostraram-se altamente virulentos sobre as duas cultivares de manjericão. Em O. campechianum e O. americanum os isolados causaram apenas suave escurecimento vascular e leve redução de crescimento, sendo avirulentos sobre acessos das espécies O. manjorana, O. vulgare, M. arvensis, C. blumei, L. sibiricus e L. nepetaefolia. Este conjunto de dados indicou que o agente causal da doença é o fungo F. oxysporum f. sp. basilici, constituindo-se no primeiro registro formal deste patógeno no Brasil. Os lotes de sementes utilizados nas áreas de ocorrência da doença foram submetidos a um teste de sanidade visando verificar a presença do patógeno. O fungo F. oxysporum f. sp. basilici foi detectado em quatro dos seis lotes e os isolados obtidos das sementes contaminadas mostraram similar sintomatologia e um idêntico perfil de virulência aos verificados em campo e casa de vegetação, sugerindo que as sementes representam o mais provável veículo de introdução e potencial disseminação deste patógeno no Brasil.
Leaf blight and defoliation of Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh and Eugenia patrisii Vahl, caused respectively by Cylindrocladium candelabrum (Calonectria scoparia) and C. spathiphylli (Calonectria spathiphylli) are reported in the state of Pará, Brazil. On both host species, the disease is characterized by dark brown lesions of different sizes and shapes. A whitish bright sporulation, resembling Cylindrocladium is observed on the necrotic lesions by using a stereomycroscope or a pocket lense (10-20 X). Under favorable conditions and depending on the level of infection, intense premature tree defoliation may also be found.Although the conidial germination and mycelial growth were higher at 25ºC for both species, C. candelabrum was more sensitive to the variation of temperature (10, 20, 30 and 40 ºC) than C. spathiphylli. This is the first report of C. candelabrum and C. spathiphylli on Eugenia stipitata (araçá-boi) and on Eugenia patrisii (ubaia-da-amazônia), respectively in Brazil.