974 resultados para DETERMINISTIC WALKER
The EpiNet project has been established to facilitate investigator-initiated clinical research in epilepsy, to undertake epidemiological studies, and to simultaneously improve the care of patients who have records created within the EpiNet database. The EpiNet database has recently been adapted to collect detailed information regarding status epilepticus. An incidence study is now underway in Auckland, New Zealand in which the incidence of status epilepticus in the greater Auckland area (population: 1.5 million) will be calculated. The form that has been developed for this study can be used in the future to collect information for randomized controlled trials in status epilepticus. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Status Epilepticus".
In this paper we focus our attention on a particle that follows a unidirectional quantum walk, an alternative version of the currently widespread discrete-time quantum walk on a line. Here the walker at each time step can either remain in place or move in a fixed direction, e.g., rightward or upward. While both formulations are essentially equivalent, the present approach leads us to consider discrete Fourier transforms, which eventually results in obtaining explicit expressions for the wave functions in terms of finite sums and allows the use of efficient algorithms based on the fast Fourier transform. The wave functions here obtained govern the probability of finding the particle at any given location but determine as well the exit-time probability of the walker from a fixed interval, which is also analyzed.
In recent years, an explosion of interest in neuroscience has led to the development of "Neuro-law," a new multidisciplinary field of knowledge whose aim is to examine the impact and role of neuroscientific findings in legal proceedings. Neuroscientific evidence is increasingly being used in US and European courts in criminal trials, as part of psychiatric testimony, nourishing the debate about the legal implications of brain research in psychiatric-legal settings. During these proceedings, the role of forensic psychiatrists is crucial. In most criminal justice systems, their mission consists in accomplishing two basic tasks: assessing the degree of responsibility of the offender and evaluating their future dangerousness. In the first part of our research, we aim to examine the impact of Neuroscientific evidence in the assessment of criminal responsibility, a key concept of law. An initial jurisprudential research leads to conclude that there are significant difficulties and limitations in using neuroscience for the assessment of criminal responsibility. In the current socio-legal context, responsibility assessments are progressively being weakened, whereas dangerousness assessments gain increasing importance in the field of forensic psychiatry. In the second part of our research we concentrate on the impact of using neuroscience for the assessment of dangerousness. We argue that in the current policy era of zero tolerance, judges, confronted with the pressure to ensure public security, may tend to interpret neuroscientific knowledge and data as an objective and reliable way of evaluating one's dangerousness and risk of reoffending, rather than their responsibility. This tendency could be encouraged by a utilitarian approach to punishment, advanced by some recent neuroscientific research which puts into question the existence of free will and responsibility and argues for a rejection of the retributive theory of punishment. Although this shift away from punishment aimed at retribution in favor of a consequentialist approach to criminal law is advanced by some authors as a more progressive and humane approach, we believe that it could lead to the instrumentalisation of neuroscience in the interest of public safety, which can run against the proper exercise of justice and civil liberties of the offenders. By advancing a criminal law regime animated by the consequentialist aim of avoiding social harms through rehabilitation, neuroscience promotes a return to a therapeutical approach to crime which can have serious impact on the kind and the length of sentences imposed on the offenders; if neuroscientific data are interpreted as evidence of dangerousness, rather than responsibility, it is highly likely that judges impose heavier sentences, or/and security measures (in civil law systems), which can be indeterminate in length. Errors and epistemic traps of past criminological movements trying to explain the manifestation of a violent and deviant behavior on a biological and deterministic basis stress the need for caution concerning the use of modern neuroscientific methods in criminal proceedings.
The Intestinal Microbiota Contributes to the Ability of Helminths to Modulate Allergic Inflammation.
Intestinal helminths are potent regulators of their host's immune system and can ameliorate inflammatory diseases such as allergic asthma. In the present study we have assessed whether this anti-inflammatory activity was purely intrinsic to helminths, or whether it also involved crosstalk with the local microbiota. We report that chronic infection with the murine helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hpb) altered the intestinal habitat, allowing increased short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production. Transfer of the Hpb-modified microbiota alone was sufficient to mediate protection against allergic asthma. The helminth-induced anti-inflammatory cytokine secretion and regulatory T cell suppressor activity that mediated the protection required the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)-41. A similar alteration in the metabolic potential of intestinal bacterial communities was observed with diverse parasitic and host species, suggesting that this represents an evolutionary conserved mechanism of host-microbe-helminth interactions.
Networks often represent systems that do not have a long history of study in traditional fields of physics; albeit, there are some notable exceptions, such as energy landscapes and quantum gravity. Here, we consider networks that naturally arise in cosmology. Nodes in these networks are stationary observers uniformly distributed in an expanding open Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe with any scale factor and two observers are connected if one can causally influence the other. We show that these networks are growing Lorentz-invariant graphs with power-law distributions of node degrees. These networks encode maximum information about the observable universe available to a given observer.
A collection of spherical obstacles in the unit ball in Euclidean space is said to be avoidable for Brownian motion if there is a positive probability that Brownian motion diffusing from some point in the ball will avoid all the obstacles and reach the boundary of the ball. The centres of the spherical obstacles are generated according to a Poisson point process while the radius of an obstacle is a deterministic function. If avoidable configurations are generated with positive probability, Lundh calls this percolation diffusion. An integral condition for percolation diffusion is derived in terms of the intensity of the point process and the function that determines the radii of the obstacles.
Leptin is an adipocyte-secreted hormone, the circulating levels of which correlate closely with overall adiposity. Although rare mutations in the leptin (LEP) gene are well known to cause leptin deficiency and severe obesity, no common loci regulating circulating leptin levels have been uncovered. Therefore, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of circulating leptin levels from 32,161 individuals and followed up loci reaching P<10(-6) in 19,979 additional individuals. We identify five loci robustly associated (P<5 × 10(-8)) with leptin levels in/near LEP, SLC32A1, GCKR, CCNL1 and FTO. Although the association of the FTO obesity locus with leptin levels is abolished by adjustment for BMI, associations of the four other loci are independent of adiposity. The GCKR locus was found associated with multiple metabolic traits in previous GWAS and the CCNL1 locus with birth weight. Knockdown experiments in mouse adipose tissue explants show convincing evidence for adipogenin, a regulator of adipocyte differentiation, as the novel causal gene in the SLC32A1 locus influencing leptin levels. Our findings provide novel insights into the regulation of leptin production by adipose tissue and open new avenues for examining the influence of variation in leptin levels on adiposity and metabolic health.
OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de malformações congênitas do sistema nervoso central (SNC) e malformações associadas diagnosticadas pela ultrassonografia obstétrica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, em instituição de referência para gestações de alto risco. RESULTADOS: Malformações congênitas do SNC estiveram presentes sem outras malformações associadas em 65,78%, com a distribuição: hidrocefalia (37,5%), mielomeningocele (15%), encefalocele (12,5%), agenesia de corpo caloso (12,5%), anencefalia (12,5%), holoprosencefalia (7,5%), Dandy-Walker (7,5%), Arnold-Chiari (5,0%), hidranencefalia (5,0%), meningocele (5,0%), cisto aracnoideo (2,5%). Malformações congênitas de outros sistemas estiveram associadas às do SNC: craniofacial (73,9%), ortopédica (65,2%), cardiovascular (34,8%), geniturinária (30,4%), gastrintestinal (30,4%), respiratória (8,7%), sindrômica (8,7), oftalmológica (4,3%). A sensibilidade ultrassonográfica no estudo de malformações fetais do SNC foi 79,4%. A taxa de falso-negativos foi 20,5%. Dentre as limitações quantificáveis destaca-se o oligodrâmnio, presente em 25% dos falso-negativos. CONCLUSÃO: A ultrassonografia obstétrica possui boa sensibilidade no rastreio de malformações fetais do SNC, em especial com o aperfeiçoamento constante e domínio na utilização de métodos especializados, como o Doppler e a ultrassonografia volumétrica (3D/4D), contribuindo para firmar-se como modalidade de escolha nesta rotina. Complementar ao método, a ressonância magnética pode vir a fornecer subsídios para uma ainda melhor assistência perinatal.
El projecte consisteix en el disseny d’un caminador per a persones amb mobilitatreduïda. Ens hem centrat en un caminador una mica més evolucionat que els caminadorsactuals, ja que no hi ha cap aparell intermedi entre un caminador i una cadira derodes i en conseqüència moltes persones que podrien caminar si tinguessin unapetita ajuda acaben impossibilitades de ver vida en una cadira de rodes. El majorproblema de dependència d’aquestes persones és el fet d’incorporar-se del llit, sofà,lavabo i per tant el nostre disseny està pensat perquè les persones puguin feraquest pas de manera més senzilla i així augmentar la seva autonomia i autoestima.La nostra solució ha consistit en una estructura més gran que la d’un caminadornormal i que incorpori un cilindre elèctric que ajuda a la persona a aixecar-se i queno hagi de fer-ho totalment sola. Aquest mecanismes també ens serveixen per donar seguretat i evitar possibles caigudes, de manera que la persona que en fa úses pugui sentir més segura de si mateixa
Nanogenotoxicity is a crucial endpoint in safety testing of nanomaterials as it addresses potential mutagenicity, which has implications for risks of both genetic disease and carcinogenesis. Within the NanoTEST project, we investigated the genotoxic potential of well-characterised nanoparticles (NPs): titanium dioxide (TiO2) NPs of nominal size 20 nm, iron oxide (8 nm) both uncoated (U-Fe3O4) and oleic acid coated (OC-Fe3O4), rhodamine-labelled amorphous silica 25 (Fl-25 SiO2) and 50 nm (Fl-50 SiO) and polylactic glycolic acid polyethylene oxide polymeric NPs - as well as Endorem® as a negative control for detection of strand breaks and oxidised DNA lesions with the alkaline comet assay. Using primary cells and cell lines derived from blood (human lymphocytes and lymphoblastoid TK6 cells), vascular/central nervous system (human endothelial human cerebral endothelial cells), liver (rat hepatocytes and Kupffer cells), kidney (monkey Cos-1 and human HEK293 cells), lung (human bronchial 16HBE14o cells) and placenta (human BeWo b30), we were interested in which in vitro cell model is sufficient to detect positive (genotoxic) and negative (non-genotoxic) responses. All in vitro studies were harmonized, i.e. NPs from the same batch, and identical dispersion protocols (for TiO2 NPs, two dispersions were used), exposure time, concentration range, culture conditions and time-courses were used. The results from the statistical evaluation show that OC-Fe3O4 and TiO2 NPs are genotoxic in the experimental conditions used. When all NPs were included in the analysis, no differences were seen among cell lines - demonstrating the usefulness of the assay in all cells to identify genotoxic and non-genotoxic NPs. The TK6 cells, human lymphocytes, BeWo b30 and kidney cells seem to be the most reliable for detecting a dose-response.
Marketing has studied the permanence of a client within an enterprise because it is a key element in the study of the value (economic) of the client (CLV). The research that they have developed is based in deterministic or random models, which allowed estimating the permanence of the client, and the CLV. However, when it is not possible to apply these schemes for not having the panel data that this model requires, the period of time of a client with the enterprise is uncertain data. We consider that the value of the current work is to have an alternative way to estimate the period of time with subjective information proper of the theory of uncertainty.
The multifractal dimension of chaotic attractors has been studied in a weakly coupled superlattice driven by an incommensurate sinusoidal voltage as a function of the driving voltage amplitude. The derived multifractal dimension for the observed bifurcation sequence shows different characteristics for chaotic, quasiperiodic, and frequency-locked attractors. In the chaotic regime, strange attractors are observed. Even in the quasiperiodic regime, attractors with a certain degree of strangeness may exist. From the observed multifractal dimensions, the deterministic nature of the chaotic oscillations is clearly identified.
Tutkimuksen ongelma on toimitusten ajallisen täsmällisyyden heikkeneminen kuljetuspolkujen pidentyessä ja erillisten suoritteitten lukumäärän kasvaessa. Näin usein tapahtuu toiminnan kansainvälistyessä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää menetelmä, jolla toimitusten ajallista täsmällisyyttä voidaan suunnitella ja ohjata sekä sen tavoitteet saavuttaa yllä todetusta kehityksestä huolimatta. Aluksi tutkimuksessa on jäsennetty toimitustäsmällisyyden nivoutumista yritys ja markkinointistrategioiden sekä tavoitteiden kokonaisuuteen. Täsmällisyyden merkitystä on myös tarkasteltu yleisesti yritysten kilpailutekijänä. Seuraavaksi on kehitetty interaktiivinen menetelmä, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella yksittäisen toimituksen ajallista täsmällisyyttä. Toimituksen suoritteet ja niiden vaihtoehdot on kuvattu kvantifioituna, suunnattuna graafina eli verkkona. Ensin on tarkasteltu tilannetta, jossa suoritteiden kestot ovat vakiot ja sitten suoritteiden keston hajonnan huomioon ottavaa menetelmää, jonka avulla on löydettävissä kustannuksiltaan halvin, riittävän täsmällinen ja luotettava ratkaisu. Menetelmän soveltamista on tarkasteltu yleisesti sekä tulo että lähtölogistiikassa, dynaamisessa toimitussuoritetta koskevassa paatoksen teossa ja erilaisissa erityistapauksissa. Täsmällisyystavoitteitten asettamista ja muuttujia on tarkasteltu yleisesti ja käytännön soveltamisen kannalta. Käytännön soveltamista on kokeiltu valitun kohdeyrityksen esimerkkitilanteessa. Menetelmän toimivuutta on testattu simuloimalla sen ja perinteisesti suunniteltujen tehdastoimitusten sekä paikallisvarastosta tehtävien toimitusten tuloksia ja kustannuksia sekä vertaamalla niitä keskenään. Analyysin lopuksi on tarkasteltu esimerkkitilannetta logistisena kokonaisuutena lisäämällä vertailuun muitten kustannuskomponenttien ja lisäarvon vaikutus. Lopussa on käsitelty menetelmän käytännön soveltuvuusprofiilia ja jatkotutkimusaiheita. Yhteenvetona on todettu kehitetyn menetelmän tekevän täsmällisyyttä korostavan toimitusstrategian luotettavan toteuttamisen mahdolliseksi. Sen on taas todettu voivan olla edullinen vaihtoehto, jos täsmällisyydellä on markkina arvoa ja merkitystä pitkän tähtäimen menestystekijänä.
El present projecte realitza una anàlisi de les claus criptogràfiques utilitzades en bitcoin. El projecte introdueix les nocions bàsiques necessàries de les corbes el·líptiques, la criptografia de corbes el·líptiques i els bitcoins per a realitzar l’anàlisi. Aquesta anàlisi consisteix en explorar el codi de diferents wallets bitcoin i realitzar un estudi empíric de l’aleatorietat de les claus. Per últim, el projecte introdueix el concepte de wallet determinista, el seu funcionament i alguns dels problemes que presenta.
We present new analytical tools able to predict the averaged behavior of fronts spreading through self-similar spatial systems starting from reaction-diffusion equations. The averaged speed for these fronts is predicted and compared with the predictions from a more general equation (proposed in a previous work of ours) and simulations. We focus here on two fractals, the Sierpinski gasket (SG) and the Koch curve (KC), for two reasons, i.e. i) they are widely known structures and ii) they are deterministic fractals, so the analytical study of them turns out to be more intuitive. These structures, despite their simplicity, let us observe several characteristics of fractal fronts. Finally, we discuss the usefulness and limitations of our approa