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The immediate effects of two human-related vegetation disturbances, (1) green tree retention (GTR) patch felling and scarification by harrowing and (2) experimental understorey vegetation layer removal, were examined in boreal forest stands in Finland. Effects of GTR patch felling and scarification on tree uprootings, on coarse woody debris (CWD) and on epixylic plant community were followed in upland and in paludified forest types. Uprootings increased considerably during 2-3 years after the fellings and were more frequent (47%) in the paludified than in the upland forest (13%). Scarification reduced 68% of the CWD in the felling area. Cover and especially species richness of epixylics declined in the both areas during 1-2 years after the felling. The increasing size of GTR patch correlated positively with the species richness. Regeneration of understorey vegetation community and Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea after different removals of vegetation layers in an old-growth forest took four years. The regeneration occurred mainly by vegetative means and it was faster in the terms of species richness than in the cover. In the most severe treatment, recovery occurred merely by sexual reproduction. V. myrtillus recovered mainly by producing new shoots. V. vitis-idaea recovered faster than V. myrtillus, mainly by increasing length growth. For ecological reasons, use of larger GTR patches on paludified biotope would be recommendable. In felling areas, scarification by harrowing could be replaced with some other spot-wise method. After moderate intensity level disturbance, recovery occurs rapidly by vegetative regrowth of the dominating species. High level of intensity may prevent the recovery of vegetation community for years, while enabling also the genetic regeneration of the initial species. Local anthropogenic-related disturbances are currently increasing and they can interact during temporally short times, which should be taken in to account in the future forest management plans.


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Reciprocating ball-on-flat dry sliding friction and wear experiments have been conducted on singlephase γ-Y2Si2O7 ceramic flats in contact with AISI 52100 bearing steel and Si3N4 ceramic balls at 5-15N normal loads in an ambient environment. The kinetic friction coefficients of γ-Y2Si2O7 varied in the range over 0.53-0.63 against AISI 52100 steel and between 0.51-0.56 against Si3N4 ceramic. We found thatwear occurred predominantly during the running-in period and it almost ceased at the steady friction stage. The wear rates of γ-Y2Si2O7 were in the order of 10-4mm3/(N m). Besides, wear debris strongly influenced the friction and wear processes. The strong chemical affinity between γ-Y2Si2O7 and AISI 52100 balls led to a thick transfer layer formed on both contact surfaces of the flat and counterpart ball, which changed the direct sliding between the ball and the flat into a shearing within the transfer layer. For the γ-Y2Si2O7/Si3N4 pair, a thin silica hydrate lubricant tribofilm presented above the compressed debris entrapped in the worn track and contact ball surface. This transfer layer and the tribofilm separated the sliding couple from direct contact and contributed to the low friction coefficient and wear rate.


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We report for the first time the ingestion of microplastics by scleractinian corals, and the presence of microplastics in coral reef waters adjacent to inshore reefs on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GRE, 18°31′S 146°23′E). Analysis of samples from sub-surface plankton tows conducted in close proximity to inshore reefs on the central GBR revealed microplastics, similar to those used in marine paints and fishing floats, were present in low concentrations at all water sampling locations. Experimental feeding trials revealed that corals mistake microplastics for prey and can consume up to ~50 μg plastic cm−2 h−1, rates similar to their consumption of plankton and Artemia nauplii in experimental feeding assays. Ingested microplastics were found wrapped in mesenterial tissue within the coral gut cavity, suggesting that ingestion of high concentrations of microplastic debris could potentially impair the health of corals.


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An efficient and statistically robust solution for the identification of asteroids among numerous sets of astrometry is presented. In particular, numerical methods have been developed for the short-term identification of asteroids at discovery, and for the long-term identification of scarcely observed asteroids over apparitions, a task which has been lacking a robust method until now. The methods are based on the solid foundation of statistical orbital inversion properly taking into account the observational uncertainties, which allows for the detection of practically all correct identifications. Through the use of dimensionality-reduction techniques and efficient data structures, the exact methods have a loglinear, that is, O(nlog(n)), computational complexity, where n is the number of included observation sets. The methods developed are thus suitable for future large-scale surveys which anticipate a substantial increase in the astrometric data rate. Due to the discontinuous nature of asteroid astrometry, separate sets of astrometry must be linked to a common asteroid from the very first discovery detections onwards. The reason for the discontinuity in the observed positions is the rotation of the observer with the Earth as well as the motion of the asteroid and the observer about the Sun. Therefore, the aim of identification is to find a set of orbital elements that reproduce the observed positions with residuals similar to the inevitable observational uncertainty. Unless the astrometric observation sets are linked, the corresponding asteroid is eventually lost as the uncertainty of the predicted positions grows too large to allow successful follow-up. Whereas the presented identification theory and the numerical comparison algorithm are generally applicable, that is, also in fields other than astronomy (e.g., in the identification of space debris), the numerical methods developed for asteroid identification can immediately be applied to all objects on heliocentric orbits with negligible effects due to non-gravitational forces in the time frame of the analysis. The methods developed have been successfully applied to various identification problems. Simulations have shown that the methods developed are able to find virtually all correct linkages despite challenges such as numerous scarce observation sets, astrometric uncertainty, numerous objects confined to a limited region on the celestial sphere, long linking intervals, and substantial parallaxes. Tens of previously unknown main-belt asteroids have been identified with the short-term method in a preliminary study to locate asteroids among numerous unidentified sets of single-night astrometry of moving objects, and scarce astrometry obtained nearly simultaneously with Earth-based and space-based telescopes has been successfully linked despite a substantial parallax. Using the long-term method, thousands of realistic 3-linkages typically spanning several apparitions have so far been found among designated observation sets each spanning less than 48 hours.


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We report new radio continuum and 21 cm HI observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) of the group Holmberg 124 ( Ho 124) comprising four late-type galaxies, namely NGC 2820, Mrk 108, NGC 2814 and NGC 2805. The three galaxies, NGC 2820, Mrk 108 and NGC 2814 which are closely located in the sky plane have clearly undergone tidal interactions as seen from the various morphological tidal signatures and debris. Moreover we note various features in the group members which we believe might be due to ram pressure. In this paper, we describe four interesting results emerging from our observations: a) detection of the tidal radio continuum bridge at 330 MHz connecting the galaxies NGC 2820+ Mrk 108 with NGC 2814. The radio bridge was discovered at 1465 MHz by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985, A& A, 150, 17). We find that the bridge has a fairly steep spectrum with a spectral index alpha(S proportional to nu(alpha)) of - 1.8(-0.2)(+0.3) which is much steeper than the - 0.8 quoted by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985); b) detection of other tidal features like the tilted HI and radio continuum disk of NGC 2814, a HI streamer and a radio continuum tail arising from the south of NGC 2814. We also report the detection of a possible tidal dwarf galaxy in HI; c) sharp truncation in the HI distribution in the south of NGC 2820 and in the HI and radio continuum distribution in the north of NGC 2814. The optical disks in both the cases look undisturbed. As pointed out by Davis et al. ( 1997, AJ, 114, 613), ram pressure affects different components of the interstellar medium to varying degrees. Simple estimates of pressure in different components of the interstellar medium ( radio continuum, Ha and HI) in NGC 2820 indicate that ram pressure will significantly influence HI; d) detection of a large one-sided HI loop to the north of NGC 2820. No radio continuum emission or Ha emission is associated with the HI loop. We discuss various scenarios for the origin of this loop including a central starburst, ram pressure stripping and tidal interaction. We do not support the central starburst scenario since the loop is not detected in ionized gas. Using the upper limit on X-ray luminosity of Ho 124 (Mulchaey et al. 2003, ApJS, 145, 39), we estimate an upper limit on the intragroup medium (IGrM) density of 8.8 x 10(-4) cm(-3). For half this electron density, we estimate the ram pressure force of the IGrM to be comparable to the gravitational pull of the disk of NGC 2820. Since tidal interaction has obviously influenced the group, we suggest that the loop could have formed by ram pressure stripping if tidal effects had reduced the surface density of HI in NGC 2820. From the complex observational picture of Ho 124 and the numerical estimates, we suggest that the evolution of the Ho 124 group may be governed by both tidal forces due to the interaction and the ram pressure due to motion of the member galaxies in the IGrM and that the IGrM densities should not be too low (i.e. >= 4 x 10(-4)). However this needs to be verified by further observations.


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Dry sliding wear behavior of die-cast ADC12 aluminum alloy composites reinforced with short alumina fibers were investigated by using a pin-on-disk wear tester. The Al2O3 fibers were 4 mu m in diameter and were present in volume fractions (T-f)ranging from 0.03 to 0.26, The length of the fiber varied from 40 to 200 mu m. Disks of aluminum-alumina composites were rubbed against a pin of nitrided stainless steel SUS440B with a load of 10 N at a sliding velocity of 0.1 m/s. The unreinforced ADC 12 aluminum alloy and their composites containing low volume fractions of alumina (V-f approximate to 0.05) showed a sliding-distance-dependent transition from severe to mild wear. However, composites containing high volume fractions of alumina ( V-f > 0.05) exhibited only mild wear for all sliding distances. The duration of occurrence of the severe wear regime and the wear rate both decrease with increasing volume fraction. In MMCs the wear rate in the mild wear regime decreases with increase in volume fraction: reaching a minimum value at V-f = 0.09 Beyond V-f = 0.09 the wear rate increasesmarginally. On the other hand, the wear rate of the counterface (steel pin) was found to increase moderately with increase in V-f. From the analysis of wear data and detailed examination of (a) worn surfaces, (b) their cross-sections and (c) wear debris, two modes of wear mechanisms have been identified to be operative, in these materials and these are: (i) adhesive wear in the case of unreinforced matrix material and in MMCs with low Vf and (ii) abrasive wear in the case of MMCs with high V-f. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PTFE specimens were slid against an EN24 disc. The unworn and worn surfaces as well as the wear debris were examined by X-ray diffraction. Sliding was found to introduce (i) shrinkage of the unit cell, (ii) enlargement of crystallites and (iii) residual stresses in the slid PTFE surface. No conformational changes in the 157 helix could be observed due to sliding. The wear debris was found to be 1 mgrm thick warped laminates.


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Lahopuun määrästä ja sijoittumisesta ollaan kiinnostuneita paitsi elinympäristöjen monimuotoisuuden, myös ilmakehän hiilen varastoinnin kannalta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää aluepohjainen laserkeilausdataa hyödyntävä malli lahopuukohteiden paikantamiseksi ja lahopuun määrän estimoimiseksi. Samalla tutkittiin mallin selityskyvyn muuttumista mallinnettavan ruudun kokoa suurennettaessa. Tutkimusalue sijaitsi Itä-Suomessa Sonkajärvellä ja koostui pääasiassa nuorista hoidetuista talousmetsistä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin harvapulssista laserkeilausdataa sekä kaistoittain mitattua maastodataa kuolleesta puuaineksesta. Aineisto jaettiin siten, että neljäsosa datasta oli käytössä mallinnusta varten ja loput varattiin valmiiden mallien testaamiseen. Lahopuun mallintamisessa käytettiin sekä parametrista että ei-parametrista mallinnusmenetelmää. Logistisen regression avulla erikokoisille (0,04, 0,20, 0,32, 0,52 ja 1,00 ha) ruuduille ennustettiin todennäköisyys lahopuun esiintymiselle. Muodostettujen mallien selittävät muuttujat valittiin 80 laserpiirteen ja näiden muunnoksien joukosta. Mallien selittävät muuttujat valittiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Aluksi muuttujia tarkasteltiin visuaalisesti kuvaamalla ne lahopuumäärän suhteen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa sopivimmiksi arvioitujen muuttujien selityskykyä testattiin mallinnuksen toisessa vaiheessa yhden muuttujan mallien avulla. Lopullisessa usean muuttujan mallissa selittävien muuttujien kriteerinä oli tilastollinen merkitsevyys 5 % riskitasolla. 0,20 hehtaarin ruutukoolle luotu malli parametrisoitiin muun kokoisille ruuduille. Logistisella regressiolla toteutetun parametrisen mallintamisen lisäksi, 0,04 ja 1,0 hehtaarin ruutukokojen aineistot luokiteltiin ei-parametrisen CART-mallinnuksen (Classification and Regression Trees) avulla. CARTmenetelmällä etsittiin aineistosta vaikeasti havaittavia epälineaarisia riippuvuuksia laserpiirteiden ja lahopuumäärän välillä. CART-luokittelu tehtiin sekä lahopuustoisuuden että lahopuutilavuuden suhteen. CART-luokituksella päästiin logistista regressiota parempiin tuloksiin ruutujen luokituksessa lahopuustoisuuden suhteen. Logistisella mallilla tehty luokitus parani ruutukoon suurentuessa 0,04 ha:sta(kappa 0,19) 0,32 ha:iin asti (kappa 0,38). 0,52 ha:n ruutukoolla luokituksen kappa-arvo kääntyi laskuun (kappa 0,32) ja laski edelleen hehtaarin ruutukokoon saakka (kappa 0,26). CART-luokitus parani ruutukoon kasvaessa. Luokitustulokset olivat logistista mallinnusta parempia sekä 0,04 ha:n (kappa 0,24) että 1,0 ha:n (kappa 0,52) ruutukoolla. CART-malleilla määritettyjen ruutukohtaisten lahopuutilavuuksien suhteellinen RMSE pieneni ruutukoon kasvaessa. 0,04 hehtaarin ruutukoolla koko aineiston lahopuumäärän suhteellinen RMSE oli 197,1 %, kun hehtaarin ruutukoolla vastaava luku oli 120,3 %. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että maastossa mitatun lahopuumäärän ja tutkimuksessa käytettyjen laserpiirteiden yhteys on pienellä ruutukoolla hyvin heikko, mutta vahvistuu hieman ruutukoon kasvaessa. Kun mallinnuksessa käytetty ruutukoko kasvaa, pienialaisten lahopuukeskittymien havaitseminen kuitenkin vaikeutuu. Tutkimuksessa kohteen lahopuustoisuus pystyttiin kartoittamaan kohtuullisesti suurella ruutukoolla, mutta pienialaisten kohteiden kartoittaminen ei onnistunut käytetyillä menetelmillä. Pienialaisten kohteiden paikantaminen laserkeilauksen avulla edellyttää jatkotutkimusta erityisesti tiheäpulssisen laserdatan käytöstä lahopuuinventoinneissa.


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The formation of nanoscale liquid droplets by friction of a solid is observed in real-time. This is achieved using a newly developed in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) triboprobe capable of applying multiple reciprocating wear cycles to a nanoscale surface. Dynamical imaging of the nanoscale cyclic rubbing of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) processed Al alloy by diamond shows that the generation of nanoscale wear particles is followed by a phase separation to form liquid Ga nanodroplets and liquid bridges. The transformation of a two-body system to a four-body solid-liquid system within the reciprocating wear track significantly alters the local dynamical friction and wear processes. Moving liquid bridges are observed in situ to play a key role at the sliding nanocontact, interacting strongly with the highly mobile nanoparticle debris. In situ imaging demonstrates that both static and moving liquid droplets exhibit asymmetric menisci due to nanoscale surface roughness. Nanodroplet kinetics are furthermore dependent on local frictional temperature, with solid-like surface nanofilaments forming on cooling. TEM nanotribology opens up new avenues for the real-time quantification of cyclic friction, wear and dynamic solid-liquid nanomechanics, which will have widespread applications in many areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.


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Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is an important engineering material. When rubbed or slid against a hard surface, PTFE exhibits a low coefficient of friction but a high rate of wear. These unique properties of the polymer have encouraged many mechanistic and physical examinations of the processes involved in the friction and wear of this polymer. A section of such work carried out over the past 30 years is reviewed here. When rubbed against a hard surface, the PTFE chain undergoes scission, creating active groups which chemically react with the counterface. This results in strong adhesion and a coherent transfer film. Further interaction between the bulk polymer and the transfer film gives rise to anisotropic deformation of the unit cell, which results in closeness of adjacent chains and easy shear between chains. Sliding brings about growth in as well as reorientation of crystallites situated in a very thin subsurface region of the bulk polymer. Such structural rearrangement facilitates the joining of adjacent aligned crystallites to form films and ribbons which emerge as debris.


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In the present investigation, Al 2024-15vol.%Al2O3 particulate (average size, 18 mu m) composites were fabricated using the liquid metallurgy route. The wear and friction characteristics of Al alloy 2024 and Al 2024-15vol.%Al2O3p, composite in the as-extruded and peak-aged conditions were studied using a pin-on-disc machine (with a steel disc as the counterface material). The worn surfaces, subsurfaces and the debris were analysed in a scanning electron microscope.The performance of the composite in the as-extruded condition is slightly inferior to that of the unreinforced alloy. However, in the T6 condition, although the wear rates of two materials are initially comparable, the unreinforced alloy seizes while the composite does not within the tested range employed. In the as-extruded condition, the presence of Al2O3 particles is not particularly beneficial as they fracture and result in extensive localized cracking and removal of material from the surface. In the peak-aged condition, however, while the unreinforced alloy exhibits severe plastic deformation and undergoes seizure, there is no significant change in the mechanism in the case of the composite. Except in the case of the peak-aged unreinforced alloy, worn surfaces of all other materials show the presence of an iron-rich layer.


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Epoxy systems containing HTBN rubber material and reinforced with E-glass fibres, exposed to a fixed time duration in three separate media were subjected to compressive mode of deformation. The yield stress and fractographic features noted on the compression failed samples are reported in this work. The experiment reveals that the seawater exposed sample exhibits a drop in strength compared to dry (unexposed) sample. This kind of drop is maintained if the media is changed from seawater to distilled water. When HCl is included in seawater. the experiment shows a small rise in strength value. These changes have been attributed to various factors like medium ingress into samples assisting interface failure, the larger-sized Cl- influencing the extent of diffusion of medium into system and finally their participation in the deformation phenomena. The fractographic features reveal interface separations that show either scattered debris or a cleaner surface or display a whitish-coated matrix region depending on whether the tests are done on unexposed samples or on ones following the immersion in the media.


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Wear of metals in dry sliding is dictated by the material response to traction. This is demonstrated by considering the wear of aluminium and titanium alloys. In a regime of stable homogeneous deformation the material approaching the surface from the bulk passes through microprocessing zones of flow, fracture, comminution and compaction to generate a protective tribofilm that retains the interaction in the mild wear regime. If the response leads to microstructural instabilities such as adiabatic shear bands, the near-surface zone consists of stacks of 500 nm layers situated parallel to the sliding direction. Microcracks are generated below the surface to propagate normally away from the surface though microvoids situated in the layers, until it reaches a depth of 10-20 mum. A rectangular laminate debris consisting of a 20-40 layer stack is produced, The wear in this mode is severe.


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Natural hazards such as landslides are triggered by numerous factors such as ground movements, rock falls, slope failure, debris flows, slope instability, etc. Changes in slope stability happen due to human intervention, anthropogenic activities, change in soil structure, loss or absence of vegetation (changes in land cover), etc. Loss of vegetation happens when the forest is fragmented due to anthropogenic activities. Hence land cover mapping with forest fragmentation can provide vital information for visualising the regions that require immediate attention from slope stability aspects. The main objective of this paper is to understand the rate of change in forest landscape from 1973 to 2004 through multi-sensor remote sensing data analysis. The forest fragmentation index presented here is based on temporal land use information and forest fragmentation model, in which the forest pixels are classified as patch, transitional, edge, perforated, and interior, that give a measure of forest continuity. The analysis carried out for five prominent watersheds of Uttara Kannada district– Aganashini, Bedthi, Kali, Sharavathi and Venkatpura revealed that interior forest is continuously decreasing while patch, transitional, edge and perforated forest show increasing trend. The effect of forest fragmentation on landslide occurrence was visualised by overlaying the landslide occurrence points on classified image and forest fragmentation map. The increasing patch and transitional forest on hill slopes are the areas prone to landslides, evident from the field verification, indicating that deforestation is a major triggering factor for landslides. This emphasises the need for immediate conservation measures for sustainable management of the landscape. Quantifying and describing land use - land cover change and fragmentation is crucial for assessing the effect of land management policies and environmental protection decisions.


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Glaciers of the Himalaya contribute significantly in the processes linking atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere, thus need to be monitored in view of the climatic variations. In this direction, many studies have been carried out during the last two decades and satellite-based multispectral data have been used extensively for this purpose throughout the world. The present study is aimed at mapping of glaciers in two adjacent basins (Warwan and Bhut) of the Western Himalaya with almost similar altitude and latitude and comparing the changes in the two time-frames with respect to three parameters, i.e. area, debris cover and area altitude distribution of glaciers. The two time-frames are topographical maps of 1962 and IRS LISS III images of 2001/02. Deglaciation was observed in both the basins with 19% and 9% loss in the glaciated area in Warwan and Bhut respectively. This difference may be due to: (i) the smaller size of the glaciers of the Warwan Basin (e.g. 164 glaciers having <1 sq. km area in comparison to 101 glaciers in the Bhut Basin), (ii) lower percentage of moraine cover in Warwan (18) than in the Bhut Basin (30) and (iii) higher percentage of glaciated area lying below 5100 m (80) in Warwan than in the Bhut Basin (70).