973 resultados para Culturally Appropriate Intervention


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Risk factors for the microvascular complications (nephropathy and retinopathy) of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the associated accelerated atherosclerosis include: age, diabetes duration, genetic factors, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, smoking, inflammation, glycation and oxidative stress and dyslipoproteinaemia. Hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL and small dense LDL are common features of Type 2 diabetes and Type 1 diabetes with poor glycaemic control or renal complications. With the expansion of knowledge and of clinical and research laboratory tools, a broader definition of 'lipid' abnormalities in diabetes is appropriate. Dyslipoproteinaemia encompasses alterations in lipid levels, lipoprotein subclass distribution, composition (including modifications such as non-enzymatic glycation and oxidative damage), lipoprotein-related enzymes, and receptor interactions and subsequent cell signaling. Alterations occur in all lipoprotein classes; chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL, and Lp(a). There is also emerging evidence implicating lipoprotein related genotypes in the development of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. Lipoprotein related mechanisms associated with damage to the cardiovascular system may also be relevant to damage to the renal and ocular microvasculature. Adverse tissue effects are mediated by both alterations in lipoprotein function and adverse cellular responses. Recognition and treatment of lipoprotein-related risk factors, supported by an increasing array of assays and therapeutic agents, may facilitate early recognition and treatment of high complication risk diabetic patients. Further clinical and basic research, including intervention trials, is warranted to guide clinical practice. Optimal lipoprotein management, as part of a multi-faceted approach to diabetes care, may reduce the excessive personal and economic burden of microvascular complications and the related accelerated atherosclerosis.


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To relate the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-determined lipoprotein profile, conventional lipid and apolipoprotein measures, and in vitro oxidizibility of LDL with gender and glycemia in type 1 diabetes.


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Background: Potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) in older people is common in primary care and can result in increased morbidity, adverse drug events, hospitalizations and mortality. The prevalence of PIP in Ireland is estimated at 36% with an associated expenditure of over [euro sign]45 million in 2007. The aim of this paper is to describe the application of the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework to the development of an intervention to decrease PIP in Irish primary care.

Methods: The MRC framework for the design and evaluation of complex interventions guided the development of the study intervention. In the development stage, literature was reviewed and combined with information obtained from experts in the field using a consensus based methodology and patient cases to define the main components of the intervention. In the pilot stage, five GPs tested the proposed intervention. Qualitative interviews were conducted with the GPs to inform the development and implementation of the intervention for the main randomised controlled trial.

Results: The literature review identified PIP criteria for inclusion in the study and two initial intervention components - academic detailing and medicines review supported by therapeutic treatment algorithms. Through patient case studies and a focus group with a group of 8 GPs, these components were refined and a third component of the intervention identified - patient information leaflets. The intervention was tested in a pilot study. In total, eight medicine reviews were conducted across five GP practices. These reviews addressed ten instances of PIP, nine of which were addressed in the form of either a dose reduction or a discontinuation of a targeted medication. Qualitative interviews highlighted that GPs were receptive to the intervention but patient preference and time needed both to prepare for and conduct the medicines review, emerged as potential barriers. Findings from the pilot study allowed further refinement to produce the finalised intervention of academic detailing with a pharmacist, medicines review with web-based therapeutic treatment algorithms and tailored patient information leaflets.

Conclusions: The MRC framework was used in the development of the OPTI-SCRIPT intervention to decrease the level of PIP in primary care in Ireland. Its application ensured that the intervention was developed using the best available evidence, was acceptable to GPs and feasible to deliver in the clinical setting. The effectiveness of this intervention is currently being tested in a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial.

Trial registration: Current controlled trials ISRCTN41694007.© 2013 Clyne et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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In 2000–2002 an innovative early years curriculum, the Enriched Curriculum (EC), was introduced
into 120 volunteer schools across Northern Ireland, replacing a traditional curriculum similar to
others across the UK at that time. It was intended by the designers to be developmentally appropriate
and play-based with the primary goal of preventing the experience of persistent early failure in
children. The EC was not intended to be a literacy and numeracy intervention, yet it did considerably
alter pedagogy in these domains, particularly the age at which formal reading and mathematics
instruction began. As part of a multi-method evaluation running from 2000–2008, the research
team followed the primary school careers of the first two successive cohorts of EC children, comparing
them with year-ahead controls attending the same 24 schools. Compared to the year-ahead control
group, the findings show that the EC children’s reading and mathematics scores fell behind in
the first two years but the majority of EC children caught up by the end of their fourth year. Thereafter,
the performance of the first EC cohort fell away slightly, while that of the second continued to
match that of controls. Overall, the play-based curriculum had no statistically significant positive
effects on reading and mathematics in the medium term. At best, the EC children’s scores matched
those of controls.


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Background: Recently both the UK and US governments have advocated the use of financial incentives to encourage healthier lifestyle choices but evidence for the cost-effectiveness of such interventions is lacking. Our aim was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of a quasi-experimental trial, exploring the use of financial incentives to increase employee physical activity levels, from a healthcare and employer’s perspective.

Methods: Employees used a ‘loyalty card’ to objectively monitor their physical activity at work over 12 weeks. The Incentive Group (n=199) collected points and received rewards for minutes of physical activity completed. The No Incentive Group (n=207) self-monitored their physical activity only. Quality of life (QOL) and absenteeism were assessed at baseline and 6 months follow-up. QOL scores were also converted into productivity estimates using a validated algorithm. The additional costs of the Incentive Group were divided by the additional quality adjusted life years (QALYs) or productivity gained to calculate incremental cost effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) and population expected value of perfect information (EVPI) was used to characterize and value the uncertainty in our estimates.

Results: The Incentive Group performed more physical activity over 12 weeks and by 6 months had achieved greater gains in QOL and productivity, although these mean differences were not statistically significant. The ICERs were £2,900/QALY and £2,700 per percentage increase in overall employee productivity. Whilst the confidence intervals surrounding these ICERs were wide, CEACs showed a high chance of the intervention being cost-effective at low willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds.

Conclusions: The Physical Activity Loyalty card (PAL) scheme is potentially cost-effective from both a healthcare and employer’s perspective but further research is warranted to reduce uncertainty in our results. It is based on a sustainable “business model” which should become more cost-effective as it is delivered to more participants and can be adapted to suit other health behaviors and settings. This comes at a time when both UK and US governments are encouraging business involvement in tackling public health challenges.


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Aim: To evaluate a psychoeducational intervention for patients with advanced cancer who have cachexia and their lay carers.

Background: Cachexia is a frequent and devastating syndrome of advanced cancer. It has an impact on patients biologically, psychologically and socially and has profound impact on their lay carers. Prior research has predominately focused on the biological components of cachexia and associated potential treatment modalities. At present, there is no standardized supportive healthcare intervention in current practice that targets the psychosocial impact of this syndrome.

Design: A pragmatic multicentre randomized controlled trial.

Methods: Patient/carer dyads (n = 200) will be recruited into a randomized controlled trial of a DVD intervention for cachexia management. The sample will be recruited from two urban hospices in the UK. The primary outcome measure will be the General Health Questionnaire-12. Additional questionnaires focusing on distress, readiness to give care and coping skills will be used as secondary outcome measures. In addition, lay carers in the intervention group will be asked to participate in semi-structured interviews following the death of their loved one. Both Office for Research Ethics Committee approval and local governance approval at both hospices have been obtained as of February 2013.

Discussion: This is the first time that a psychoeducational DVD has been tested in a randomized controlled trial in this population. Dissemination of findings will make a significant contribution to international knowledge and understanding in this area. Findings will inform education, practice and policy.


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Objectives: Study objectives were to investigate the prevalence and causes of prescribing errors amongst foundation doctors (i.e. junior doctors in their first (F1) or second (F2) year of post-graduate training), describe their knowledge and experience of prescribing errors, and explore their self-efficacy (i.e. confidence) in prescribing.

Method: A three-part mixed-methods design was used, comprising: prospective observational study; semi-structured interviews and cross-sectional survey. All doctors prescribing in eight purposively selected hospitals in Scotland participated. All foundation doctors throughout Scotland participated in the survey. The number of prescribing errors per patient, doctor, ward and hospital, perceived causes of errors and a measure of doctors’ self-efficacy were established.

Results: 4710 patient charts and 44,726 prescribed medicines were reviewed. There were 3364 errors, affecting 1700 (36.1%) charts (overall error rate: 7.5%; F1:7.4%; F2:8.6%; consultants:6.3%). Higher error rates were associated with : teaching hospitals (p,0.001), surgical (p = ,0.001) or mixed wards (0.008) rather thanmedical ward, higher patient turnover wards (p,0.001), a greater number of prescribed medicines (p,0.001) and the months December and June (p,0.001). One hundred errors were discussed in 40 interviews. Error causation was multi-factorial; work environment and team factors were particularly noted. Of 548 completed questionnaires (national response rate of 35.4%), 508 (92.7% of respondents) reported errors, most of which (328 (64.6%) did not reach the patient. Pressure from other staff, workload and interruptions were cited as the main causes of errors. Foundation year 2 doctors reported greater confidence than year 1 doctors in deciding the most appropriate medication regimen.

Conclusions: Prescribing errors are frequent and of complex causation. Foundation doctors made more errors than other doctors, but undertook the majority of prescribing, making them a key target for intervention. Contributing causes included work environment, team, task, individual and patient factors. Further work is needed to develop and assess interventions that address these.


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Purpose: In randomised clinical trials (RCTs) the selection of appropriate outcomes is crucial to the assessment of whether one intervention is better than another. The purpose of this review is to identify different clinical outcomes reported in glaucoma trials.

Methods We conducted a systematic review of glaucoma RCTs. A sample or selection of glaucoma trials were included bounded by a time frame (between 2006 and March 2012). Only studies in English language were considered. All clinical measured and reported outcomes were included. The possible variations of clinical outcomes were defined prior to data analysis. Information on reported clinical outcomes was tabulated and analysed using descriptive statistics. Other data recorded included type of intervention and glaucoma, duration of the study, defined primary outcomes, and outcomes used for sample size calculation, if nominated.

Results The search strategy identified 4323 potentially relevant abstracts. There were 315 publications retrieved, of which 233 RCTs were included. A total of 967 clinical measures were reported. There were large variations in the definitions used to describe different outcomes and their measures. Intraocular pressure was the most commonly reported outcome (used in 201 RCTs, 86%) with a total of 422 measures (44%). Safety outcomes were commonly reported in 145 RCTs (62%) whereas visual field outcomes were used in 38 RCTs (16%).

Conclusions There is a large variation in the reporting of clinical outcomes in glaucoma RCTs. This lack of standardisation may impair the ability to evaluate the evidence of glaucoma interventions.


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In clinical trials, the selection of appropriate outcomes is crucial for the assessment of whether one intervention is better than another. Selection of inappropriate outcomes can compromise the utility of a trial. However, the process of selecting the most suitable outcomes to include can be complex. Ideally, glaucoma trials aim to evaluate important outcomes for clinicians and patients. A high variability in the selection of outcomes suggests that there is no consensus on how best to evaluate the effect of glaucoma interventions. Further, it makes evidence synthesis difficult. The purpose of this review is to determine the extent of clinical outcome measures used in published glaucoma Cochrane Reviews and Protocols.


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Background: Clinical supervision takes place once the newly qualified nurse is employed in clinical practice. However, often the variety and diversity of nursing jobs can result in a hit and miss delivery of supervision training. By introducing training uniformly at undergraduate stage a more seamless transition may occur (McColgan K, Rice C. 2012).

There is an increased interest in higher education in the use of online learning resources for students. As part completion of a DNP an App. for training students in clinical supervision was developed.

Aim: The creation of a clinical supervision training App. for use in undergraduate nursing.

•To develop a teaching tool that is up to date, current and easily accessible to students.
•To introduce supervision training for undergraduate nursing students
•To motivate the undergraduate nursing student to identify examples from their clinical experience to encourage change and promote professional development.

Stage 1
In 2010/11 informal inquiries with senior nurses regarding the introduction of supervision training in undergraduate nursing
Stage 2
A review of UK supervision training.
Stage 3
Template production of teaching tool.
Stage 4
Collaboration with a computer technician to transfer multimedia outputs onto an App.
Stage 5
App. piloted with lecturers (n=4) and post registration students (n=20).
Stage 6
Minor alterations made to App. design template
Stage 7
App. included in an experimental study looking at online learning versus blended learning June 2013 (n=61, n=63)

Conclusion: A collaborative approach to the development of any educational programme is essential to ensure the success of the final teaching product (McCutcheon 2013). The end result is that this App. could be:
•Made available to nurses in the UK.
•Adapted to suit other healthcare professionals and students.
•Used as a prototype for other healthcare related subjects.

McColgan K., Rice C. (2012) An online training resource for clinical supervision. Nursing Standard, 26(24) 35-39.
McCutcheon K. (2013) Development of a multi-media book for clinical supervision training in an undergraduate nursing programme. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(5) 31-38.