969 resultados para Crosswell Seismic


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3D wave equation prestack depth migration is the effective tool for obtaining the exact imaging result of complex geology structures. It's a part of the 3D seismic data processing. 3D seismic data processing belongs to high dimension signal processing, and there are some difficult problems to do with. They are: How to process high dimension operators? How to improve the focusing? and how to construct the deconvolution operator? The realization of 3D wave equation prestack depth migration, not only realized the leap from poststack to prestack, but also provided the important means to solve the difficult problems in high dimension signal processing. In this thesis, I do a series research especially for the solve of the difficult problems around the 3D wave equation prestack depth migration and using it as a mean. So this thesis service for the realization of 3D wave equation prestack depth migration for one side and improve the migration effect for another side. This thesis expatiates in five departs. Summarizes the main contents as the follows: In the first part, I have completed the projection from 3D data point area to low dimension are using de big matrix transfer and trace rearrangement, and realized the liner processing of high dimension signal. Firstly, I present the mathematics expression of 3D seismic data and the mean according to physics, present the basic ideal of big matrix transfer and describe the realization of five transfer models for example. Secondly, I present the basic ideal and rules for the rearrange and parallel calculate of 3D traces, and give a example. In the conventional DMO focusing method, I recall the history of DM0 process firstly, give the fundamental of DMO process and derive the equation of DMO process and it's impulse response. I also prove the equivalence between DMO and prestack time migration, from the kinematic character of DMO. And derive the relationship between DMO base on wave equation and prestack time migration. Finally, I give the example of DMO process flow and synthetic data of theoretical models. In the wave equation prestak depth migration, I firstly recall the history of migration from time to depth, from poststack to prestack and from 2D to 3D. And conclude the main migration methods, point out their merit and shortcoming. Finally, I obtain the common image point sets using the decomposed migration program code.In the residual moveout, I firstly describe the Viterbi algorithm based on Markov process and compound decision theory and how to solve the shortest path problem using Viterbi algorithm. And based on this ideal, I realized the residual moveout of post 3D wave equation prestack depth migration. Finally, I give the example of residual moveout of real 3D seismic data. In the migration Green function, I firstly give the concept of migration Green function and the 2D Green function migration equation for the approximate of far field. Secondly, I prove the equivalence of wave equation depth extrapolation algorithms. And then I derive the equation of Green function migration. Finally, I present the response and migration result of Green function for point resource, analyze the effect of migration aperture to prestack migration result. This research is benefit for people to realize clearly the effect of migration aperture to migration result, and study on the Green function deconvolution to improve the focusing effect of migration.


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In the increasingly enlarged exploration target, deep target layer(especially for the reservoir of lava) is a potential exploration area. As well known, the reflective energy becomes weak because the seismic signals of reflection in deep layer are absorbed and attenuate by upper layer. Caustics and multi-values traveltime in wavefield are aroused by the complexity of stratum. The ratio of signal to noise is not high and the fold numbers are finite(no more than 30). All the factors above affect the validity of conventional processing methods. So the high S/N section of stack can't always be got with the conventional stack methods even if the prestack depth migration is used. So it is inevitable to develop another kind of stack method instead. In the last a few years, the differential solution of wave equation was hold up by the condition of computation. Kirchhoff integral method rose in the initial stages of the ninetieth decade of last century. But there exist severe problems in it, which is are too difficult to resolve, so new method of stack is required for the oil and gas exploration. It is natural to think about upgrading the traditionally physic base of seismic exploration methods and improving those widely used techniques of stack. On the other hand, great progress is depended on the improvement in the wave differential equation prestack depth migration. The algorithm of wavefield continuation in it is utilized. In combination with the wavefield extrapolation and the Fresnel zone stack, new stack method is carried out It is well known that the seismic wavefield observed on surface comes from Fresnel zone physically, and doesn't comes from the same reflection points only. As to the more complex reflection in deep layer, it is difficult to describe the relationship between the reflective interface and the travel time. Extrapolation is used to eliminate caustic and simplify the expression of travel time. So the image quality is enhanced by Fresnel zone stack in target. Based on wave equation, high-frequency ray solution and its character are given to clarify theoretical foundation of the method. The hyperbolic and parabolic travel time of the reflection in layer media are presented in expression of matrix with paraxial ray theory. Because the reflective wave field mainly comes from the Fresnel Zone, thereby the conception of Fresnel Zone is explained. The matrix expression of Fresnel zone and projected Fresnel zone are given in sequence. With geometrical optics, the relationship between object point in model and image point in image space is built for the complex subsurface. The travel time formula of reflective point in the nonuniform media is deduced. Also the formula of reflective segment of zero-offset and nonzero offset section is provided. For convenient application, the interface model of subsurface and curve surface derived from conventional stacks DMO stack and prestack depth migration are analyzed, and the problem of these methods was pointed out in aspects of using data. Arc was put forward to describe the subsurface, thereby the amount of data to stack enlarged in Fresnel Zone. Based on the formula of hyperbolic travel time, the steps of implementation and the flow of Fresnel Zone stack were provided. The computation of three model data shows that the method of Fresnel Zone stack can enhance the signal energy and the ratio of signal to noise effectively. Practical data in Xui Jia Wei Zhi, a area in Daqing oilfield, was processed with this method. The processing results showed that the ability in increasing S/N ratio and enhancing the continuity of weak events as well as confirming the deep configuration of volcanic reservoir is better than others. In deeper target layer, there exists caustic caused by the complex media overburden and the great variation of velocity. Travel time of reflection can't be exactly described by the formula of travel time. Extrapolation is bring forward to resolve the questions above. With the combination of the phase operator and differential operator, extrapolating operator adaptable to the variation of lateral velocity is provided. With this method, seismic records were extrapolated from surface to any different deptlis below. Wave aberration and caustic caused by the inhomogenous layer overburden were eliminated and multi-value curve was transformed into the curve.of single value. The computation of Marmousi shows that it is feasible. Wave field continuation extends the Fresnel Zone stack's application.


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Oil and scientific groups have been focusing on the 3D wave equation prestack depth migration since it can solve the complex problems of the geologic structure accurately and maintain the wave information, which is propitious to lithology imaging. The symplectic method was brought up by Feng Kang firstly in 1984 and became the hotspot of numerical computation study. It will be widely applied in many scientific field of necessity because of its great virtue in scientific sense. This paper combines the Symplectic method and the 3-D wave equation prestack depth migration to bring up an effectual numerical computation method of wave field extrapolatation technique under the scientific background mentioned above. At the base of deep analysis of computation method and the performance of PC cluster, a seismic prestack depth migration flow considering the virtue of both seismic migration method and Pc cluster has formatted. The software, named 3D Wave Equation Prestack Depth Migration of Symplectic Method, which is based on the flow, has been enrolled in the National Bureau of Copyright (No. 0013767). Dagang and Daqing Oil Field have now put it into use in the field data processing. In this paper, the one way wave equation operator is decompounded into a phase shift operator and a time shift operator and the correct item with high rank Symplectic method when approaching E exponent. After reviewing eliminating alias frequency of operator, computing the maximum angle of migration and the imaging condition, we present the test result of impulse response of the Symplectic method. Taking the imaging results of the SEG/EAGE salt and overthrust models for example and seeing about the imaging ability with complex geologic structure of our software system, the paper has discussed the effect of the selection of imaging parameters and the effectuation on the migration result of the seismic wavelet and compared the 2-D and 3-D prestack depth migration result of the salt mode. We also present the test result of impulse response with the overthrust model. The imaging result of the two international models indicates that the Symplectic method of 3-D prestack depth migration accommodates great transversal velocity variation and complex geologic structure. The huge computing cost is the key obstruction that 3-D prestack depth migration wave equation cannot be adopted by oil industry. After deep analysis of prestack depth migration flow and the character of PC cluster ,the paper put forward :i)parallel algorithms in shot and frequency domain of the common shot gather 3-D wave equation prestack migration; ii)the optimized setting scheme of breakpoint in field data processing; iii)dynamic and static load balance among the nodes of the PC cluster in the 3-D prestack depth migration. It has been proven that computation periods of the 3-D prestack depth migration imaging are greatly shortened given that adopting the computing method mentioned in the paper. In addition,considering the 3-D wave equation prestack depth migration flow in complex medium and examples of the field data processing, the paper put the emphasis on: i)seismic data relative preprocessing, ii) 2.5D prestack depth migration velocity analysis, iii)3D prestack depth migration. The result of field data processing shows satisfied application ability of the flow put forward in the paper.


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This dissertation that includes most of the P. PH.D research work during 2001~2002 covers the large-scale distribution of continental earthquakes in mainland China, the mechanism and statistic features of grouped strong earthquakes related to the tidal triggering, some results in earthquake prediction with correlativity analysis methods, and the flushes from the two strong continental earthquakes in South Asia in 2001. Mainland China is the only continental sub-plate that is compressed by collision boundaries at its two sides, within which earthquakes are dispersive and distributed as seismic belts with different widths. The control capability of the continental block boundaries on the strong earthquakes and seismic hazards is calculated and analyzed in this dissertation. By mapping the distribution of the 31282 ML:3s2,0 earthquakes, I found that the depth of continental earthquakes depend on the tectonic zonings. The events on the boundaries of relatively integrated blocks are deep and those on the new-developed ruptures are shallow. The average depth of earthquakes in the West of China is about 5km deeper than that in the east. The western and southwestern brim of Tarim Basin generated the deepest earthquakes in mainland China. The statistic results from correlation between the grouped M7 earthquakes and the tidal stress show that the strong events were modulated by tidal stress in active periods. Taking Taiwan area as an example, the dependence of moderate events on the moon phase angles (£>) is analyzed, which shows that the number of the earthquakes in Taiwan when D is 50° ,50° +90° and 50° +180° is more than 2 times of standard deviation over the average frequency at each degree, corresponding to the 4th, 12th and 19th solar day after the new moon. The probability of earthquake attack to the densely populated Taiwan island on the 4th solar day is about 4 times of that on other solar days. On the practice of earthquake prediction, I calculated and analyzed the temporal correlation of the earthquakes in Xinjinag area, Qinghai-Tibet area, west Yunnan area, North China area and those in their adjacent areas, and predicted at the end of 2000 that it would be a special time interval from 2001 to 2003, within which moderate to strong earthquakes would be more active in the west of China. What happened in 2001 partly validated the prediction. Within 10 months, there were 2 great continental earthquakes in south Asia, i.e., the M7.8 event in India on Jan 26 and M8.1 event in China on Nov. 14, 2001, which are the largest earthquake in the past 50 years both for India and China. No records for two great earthquakes in Asia within so short time interval. We should speculate the following aspects from the two incidences: The influence of the fallacious deployment of seismic stations on the fine location and focal mechanism determination of strong earthquakes must be affronted. It is very important to introduce comparative seismology research to seismic hazard analysis and earthquake prediction research. The improvement or changes in real-time prediction of strong earthquakes with precursors is urged. Methods need to be refreshed to protect environment and historical relics in earthquake-prone areas.


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Sangequan Uplift in Junggar Basin is an inherited positive structure, which has undergone many times of violent tectonic movements, with high tectonic setting, and far away from the oil-source sag, reservoir forming condition is complex. Combining sequence stratigraphy, depositional facies, reservoir formation theory with seismic and well logging analysis, this paper conducted integrated study on the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, entrapment conditions, the reservoir forming dynamics and the forming model, and acquired the following recognition: (1) The special reservoir formation conditions that enable Sangequan Uplift to form a giant oil-gas field of over 100 million tons of reserves are as follows: (D Deltaic frontal sandbody is developed in Jurassic Xishanyao Formation, Toutunhe Formation and Lower Cretaceous Hutubihe Formation, with good reservoir quality;? Abundant hydrocarbon resources are found in Western Well Pen-1 Sag, which provides sufficient oil sources for reservoir formation of Sagequan Uplift; ?The unconformity-fault-sandbody system has formed a favorable space transporting system and an open conduit for long-distance hydrocarbon migration; ?fault, low amplitude anticline and lithological traps were well developed, providing a favorable space for hydrocarbon accumulation. (2) The most significant source beds in the Western Well Pen-1 Sag are the Mid-Permian Lower Wuerhe Formation and Lower-Permian Fengcheng Formation. The oil in the Well Block Lu-9 and Shinan Oilfield all originated from the hydrocarbon source beds of Fengcheng Formation and Lower Wuerhe Formation in the Western Well Pen-1 Sag and migrated through Jidong and Jinan deep faults linking unconformity of different regions from sources to structural highs of the uplift and shallow horizons. (3) There were 2 reservoir formation periods in District Sangequan: the first was in late Cretaceous during which the upper part of Xishanyao Formation and Toutunhe Formation; the second was in Triassic, the main resources are high-maturity oil and gas from Fengcheng Formation and Wuerhe Formation in Western Pen-1 Well sag and the gas from coal measure strata of Xishanyao Formation, that were accumulated in Hutubihehe Formation. (4) Model of the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, reservoir formation of the study area are categorized as three types starting from the hydrocarbon source areas, focusing on the faults and unconformity and aiming at reservoirs: ① Model of accumulation and formation of reservoir through faults or unconformities along the "beam" outside source; ②Model of migration, accumulation and reservoir formation through on-slope near source;③Model of migration, accumulation and reservoir formation of marginal mid-shallow burial biogas-intermediate gas. (5) Pinchout, overlap and lithologic traps are developed in transitional zones between Western Well Pen-1 sag and Luliang uplift. Many faulted blocks and faulted nose-like traps are associated with large structures on Sangequan uplift. Above traps will be new prospecting areas for further hydrocarbon exploration in future.


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The studies of this paper is an important part of the "ninth five" science&technology-tackling project of CNPC -The oil and gas distribution regulation and the aims of explortion in jizhong depression. Basing on the former research results, with the materials of regional structural setting, major tectonic movements, bi-and tri-dimension seismic sections, oil well sections and reservoir sections, this paper involves studies of tectonic evolution, sedimentarv evolution, magma movement and reservoir prediction. The existence of huge stripping and gliding nappe is proved in the RaoYang Sag for the frist time. The properties, development, evolution and the relationship with reservoir of the stripping and gliding nappe are discussed in details in this paper. It is also talked about the affects of stripping and nappes to oil and gas exploration theoretically and practically in the paper. The marking attributes of the stripping and gliding nappe includes stripping and gliding plane, two deformation systems, stratigraphic repeat and hiatus close to the stripping and gliding plane, and the deformation attributes in the front and back of stripping and gliding nappe. The RaoYang stripping and gliding nappes can be divided into different belts in north-south direction and different zones in east-west direction. RaoYang Stripping and gliging nappes took place in the late Paleogene period and before the sedimentation of Neogene period. The sliding direction is NWW. The sliding distance is about 6km. The geothermal gradient in the separating slump area is low and stable. The formation of the stripping and gliding nappes is due to the regional structural setting, the sediments of Paleogene system, the soft roof and the uneven rising movement of structure units. The evolution of the stripping and gliding nappes can be divided into the following stages: regional differential elevation and subsidence, unstable gravity and gravitational sliding, the frist wholly stripping faults and sliding stage, and the following second and third stripping faults and sliding stages. The identification of RaoNan stripping and gliding nappes has an important role on the research of regional structure and oil and gas exploration. Basing on the properties of stripping and gliding nappes, we can identtify the gliding fractures, ductile compressional folds, the front and back structures of gliding nappes and gliding plane covered structures. Combination with different reservoir forming conditions, these structures can lead to different categories of reservoirs.


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In order to developing reservoir of Upper of Ng at high-speed and high-efficient in Chengdao oilfield which is located in the bally shallow sea, the paper builds up a series of theory and means predicting and descripting reservoir in earlier period of oilfield development. There are some conclusions as follows. 1. It is the first time to form a series of technique of fine geological modeling of the channel-sandy reservoir by means of mainly seismic methods. These technique include the logging restriction seismic inversion, the whole three dimension seismic interpretation, seismic properties analysis and so on which are used to the 3-dimension distributing prediction of sandy body, structure and properties of the channel reservoir by a lot of the seismic information and a small quantity of the drilling and the logging information in the earlier stage of the oil-field development. It is the first time that these methods applied to production and the high-speed development of the shallow sea oilfield. The prediction sandy body was modified by the data of new drilling, the new reservoir prediction thinking of traced inversion is built. The applied effect of the technique was very well, according to approximately 200 wells belonging to 30 well groups in Chengdao oilfield, the drilling succeeded rate of the predicting sandy body reached 100%, the error total thickness only was 8%. 2. The author advanced the thinking and methods of the forecasting residual-oil prediction at the earlier stage of production. Based on well data and seismic data, correlation of sediment units was correlated by cycle-correlation and classification control methods, and the normalization and finely interpretation of the well logging and sedimentation micro-facies were acquired. On the region of poor well, using the logging restriction inversion technique and regarding finished drilling production well as the new restriction condition, the sand body distributing and its property were predicted again and derived 3-dimension pool geologic model including structure, reservoir, fluid, reservoir engineering parameter and producing dynamic etc. According to the reservoir geologic model, the reservoir engineering design was optimized, the tracking simulation of the reservoir numerical simulation was done by means of the dynamic data (pressure, yield and water content) of development well, the production rule and oil-water distributing rule was traced, the distributing of the remaining oil was predicted and controlled. The dynamic reservoir modeling method in metaphase of development was taken out. Based on the new drilling data, the static reservoir geologic model was momentarily modified, the research of the flow units was brought up including identifying flow units, evaluating flow units capability and establishing the fine flow units model; according to the dynamic data of production and well testing data, the dynamic tracing reservoir description was realized through the constant modification of the reservoir geologic model restricted these dynamic data by the theory of well testing and the reservoir numerical simulation. It was built the dynamic tracing reservoir model, which was used to track survey of the remaining oil on earlier period. The reservoir engineering tracking analysis technique on shallow sea oilfield was founded. After renewing the structure history since tertiary in Chengdao area by the balance section technique and estimating the activity character of the Chengbei fault by the sealing fault analysis technique, the meandering stream sediment pattern of the Upper of Ng was founded in which the meandering border was the uppermost reservoir unit. Based on the specialty of the lower rock component maturity and the structure maturity, the author founded 3 kinds of pore structure pattern in the Guanshang member of Chengdao oil-field in which the storing space mainly was primary (genetic) inter-granular pore, little was secondary solution pore and the inter-crystal pore tiny pore, and the type of throat mainly distributed as the slice shape and the contract neck shape. The positive rhythmic was briefly type included the simple positive rhythm, the complex positive rhythm and the compound rhythm. Interbed mainly is mudstone widely, the physical properties and the calcite interbed distribute localized. 5. The author synthetically analyzed the influence action of the micro-heterogeneity, the macro-heterogeneity and the structure heterogeneity to the oilfield water flood development. The efficiency of water flood is well in tiny structure of convex type or even type at top and bottom in which the water breakthrough of oil well is soon at the high part of structure when inject at the low part of structure, and the efficiency of water flood is poor in tiny structure of concave type at top and bottom. The remaining oil was controlled by sedimentary facies; the water flooding efficiency is well in the border or channel bar and is bad in the floodplain or the levee. The separation and inter layer have a little influence to the non-obvious positive rhythm reservoir, in which the remaining oil commonly locate within the 1-3 meter of the lower part of the separation and inter layer with lower water flooding efficiency.


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The central uplift in the Huimin depression is famous for its large amounts of faults and small-scale fault-block area, and it is the famed typical complicated fault-block group oil & gas field in the whole world. After many years of rolling exploration and exploitation, many complex oil &gas field have been discovered in the central uplift, and won the splendent fruit. With the gradual deepening and development of the rolling exploitation, the exploration faces more and more difficulties. Therefore, it is important to reveal the forming mechanism and distributing rule of the complex fault-block reservoir, and to realize the forecast of the complex fault-block reservoir, sequentially, expedite the exploration step. This article applies the new multi-subject theory, method and technique such as structure geometry, kinematics, dynamics, structural stress field, fluid potential field, well logging record and constrained inversion of seismic records, coherence analysis, the seal mold and seal history of oil-bounded fault etc, and try to reveal the forming mechanism and distributing law of the complex fault-block reservoir, in result, implements the forecast of the fault-block reservoir and the remaining oil distributing. In order to do so, this article synthetically carries out structural estimate, reservoir estimate, fault sealing history estimate, oil-bearing properties estimate and residual. This article also synthetically researches, describes and forecast the complex fault-block in Huimin depression by use of the techniques, e.g. seismetic data post-stack processing technique, multi-component demarcating technique, elaborate description technique for the fault-block structure, technique of layer forecasting, fault sealing analysis technique, comprehensive estimate technique of fault-block, comprehensive analysis and estimate technique of remaining oil etc. The activities of the faults varies dramatically in the Huimin depression, and most of the second-class and the third-class faults are contemporaneous faults, which control the macroscopical distribution of the reservoir in the Huimin depression. The fourth-class faults cause the complication between the oil & gas among the fault-blocks. The multi-period strong activities of the Linyi fracture resulted in the vertical migration of large amount of oil & gas along with the faults. This is the main reason for the long vertical distribution properties near the Linyi fracture in the Huimin depression. The sealing ability of the fault is controlled by the property,size and direction of the main stress, the contact relationship of the both sides of the fault, the shale polluting factor, and the configuration relationship between the fault move period and the migration period of oil & gas. The article suggest four fault-sealing modes in the research zone for the first time, which establishes the foundation for the further forecast of the complex fault-block reservoir. Numerical simulation of the structural stress field reveals the distribution law and the evolvement progress of the three-period stress field from the end of the Dongying period to the Guantao period to nowadays. This article puts forward that the Linyi and Shanghe regions are the low value of the maximum main stress data. This is combined with the fault sealing history estimate, then multi-forming-reservoir in the central uplift is put forward. In the Shanghe oilfield, the article establishes six reservoir geological modes and three remaining oil distributing modes(the plane, the inside layer and the interlayer), then puts forward six increase production measure to enhance the remaining oil recovery ratio. Inducting the exploitation of oilfield, it wins notable economic effects and social effects.


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Based on the study of sequence stratigraphy, modern sedimentary, basin analysis, and petroleum system in Gubei depression, this paper builds high resolution sequence stratigraphic structure, sedimentary system, sandbody distribution, the effect of tectonic in sequence and sedimentary system evolution and model of tectonic-lithofacies. The pool formation mechanism of subtle trap is developed. There are some conclusions and views as follows. 1.With the synthetic sequence analysis of drilling, seismic, and well log, the highly resolution sequence structure is build in Gubei depression. They are divided two secondary sequences and seven three-order sequences in Shahejie formation. They are include 4 kinds of system traces and 7 kinds of sedimentary systems which are alluvial fan, under water fan, alluvial fan and fan-delta, fan-delta, lacustrine-fan, fluvial-delta-turbidite, lakeshore beach and bar, and deep lake system. Sandbody distribution is show base on third order sequence. 2.Based on a lot of experiment and well log, it is point out that there are many types of pore in reservoir with the styles of corrosion pore, weak cementing, matrix cementing, impure filling, and 7 kinds of diagenetic facies. These reservoirs are evaluated by lateral and profile characteristics of diagenetic facies and reservoir properties. 3.The effect of simultaneous faulting on sediment process is analyzed from abrupt slope, gentle slope, and hollow zone. The 4 kinds of tectonic lithofacies models are developed in several periods in Gubei depression; the regional distribution of subtle trap is predicted by hydro accumulation characteristics of different tectonic lithofacies. 4.There are 4 types of compacting process, which are normal compaction, abnormal high pressure, abnormal low pressure and complex abnormal pressure. The domain type is normal compaction that locates any area of depression, but normal high pressure is located only deep hollow zone (depth more than 3000m), abnormal low pressures are located gentle slope and faulted abrupt slope (depth between 1200~2500m). 5.Two types dynamic systems of pool formation (enclosed and partly enclosed system) are recognized. They are composed by which source rocks are from Es3 and Es4, cap rocks are deep lacustrine shale of Esl and Es3, and sandstone reservoirs are 7 kinds of sedimentary system in Es3 and Es4. According to theory of petroleum system, two petroleum systems are divided in Es3 and Es4 of Gubei depression, which are high or normal pressure self-source system and normal or low pressure external-source system. 6.There are 3 kinds of combination model of pool formation, the first is litholgical pool of inner depression (high or normal pressure self-source type), the second is fault block or fault nose pool in marginal of depression (normal type), the third is fault block-lithological pool of central low lifted block (high or normal pressure type). The lithological pool is located central of depression, other pool are located gentle or abrupt slope that are controlled by lithological, faulting, unconfirmed. 7.This paper raise a new technique and process of exploration subtle trap which include geological modeling, coring description and logging recognition, and well log constrained inversion. These are composed to method and theory of predicting subtle trap. Application these methods and techniques, 6 hydro objects are predicted in three zone of depression.


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Based on the study of sequence stratigraphy, modern sedimentary, basin analysis, and petroleum system in abrupt slop of depression, this paper builds sedimentary system and model, sandy bodies distribution, and pool-forming mechanism of subtle trap. There are some conclusions and views as follows. By a lot of well logging and seismic analysis, the author founded up the sequence stratigraphic of the abrupt slope, systematically illustrated the abrupt slope constructive framework, and pointed out that there was a special characteristics which was that south-north could be divided to several fault block and east-west could be carved up groove and the bridge in studying area. Based all these, the author divided the studying area to 3 fault block zone in which because of the groove became the basement rock channel down which ancient rivers breathed into the lake, the alluvial fan or fan delta were formed. In the paper, the author illustrated the depositional system and depositional model of abrupt slope zone, and distinguished 16 kinds of lithofacies and 3 kinds of depositional systems which were the alluvial fan and fan-delta system, lake system and the turbidite fan or turbidity current deposition. It is first time to expound completely the genetic pattern and distributing rule of the abrupt slope sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies. The abrupt slope sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies distribute around the heaves showing itself circularity shape. In studying area, the sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies mainly distribute up the southern slope of Binxian heave and Chenjiazhuang heave. There mainly are these sandy-conglomeratic fan body colony which distributes at a wide rage including the alluvial fan, sub-water fluvial and the turbidite fan or the other turbidity current deposition in the I fault block of the Wangzhuang area. In the II fault block there are fan-delta front and sub-water fluvial. And in the Binnan area, there mainly are those the alluvial fan (down the basement rock channel) and the sandy-conglomeratic fan body which formed as narrowband sub-water fluvial (the position of bridge of a nose) in the I fault block, the fan-delta front sandy-conglomeratic fan body in the H fault block and the fan-delta front and the turbidity current deposition sandy-conglomeratic fan body in the m fault block. Based on the reservoir outstanding characteristics of complex classic composition and the low texture maturity, the author comparted the reservoir micro-structure of the Sha-III and Sha-IV member to 4 types including the viscous crude cementation type, the pad cementation type, the calcite pore-funds type and the complex filling type, and hereby synthetically evaluated 4 types sandy- conglomeratic fan body reservoir. In the west-north abrupt slope zone of Dongying Depression, the crude oil source is belonging to the Sha-III and Sha-IV member, the deep oil of Lijin oilfield respectively come from the Sha-III and Sha-IV member, which belongs to the autogeny and original deposition type; and the more crude oil producing by Sha-IV member was migrated to the Wangzhuan area and Zhengjia area. The crude oil of Binnan oil-field and Shanjiasi oil-field belongs to mixed genetic. It is the first time to illustrate systematically the genetic of the viscous crude that largely being in the studying area, which are that the dissipation of the light component after pool-forming, the biological gradation action and the bath-oxidation action, these oil accumulation belonging to the secondary viscous crude accumulation. It is also the first time to compart the studying area to 5 pool-forming dynamical system that have the characteristic including the common pressure and abnormal pressure system, the self-fountain and other-fountain system and the closing and half-closing system etc. The 5 dynamical systems reciprocally interconnected via the disappearance or merger of the Ethology and the fluid pressure compartment zone, the fault and the unconformity surface, hereby formed duplicated pattern oil-gas collecting zone. Three oil-gas pool-forming pattern were founded, which included the self-fountain side-direction migrated collecting pattern, the self-fountain side-direction ladder-shape pool-forming pattern and the other-fountain pressure releasing zone migrated collecting pattern. A series of systemic sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies oil-gas predicting theory and method was founded, based on the groove-fan corresponding relation to confirm the favorable aim area, according as the characteristic of seismic-facies to identify qualitatively the sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies or its scale, used the temporal and frequency analysis technique to score the interior structure of the sandy- conglomeratic fan bodies, applied for coherent-data system analysis technology to describe the boundary of the sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies, and utilized the well logging restriction inversion technique to trace quantificational and forecast the sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies. Applied this technique, totally 15 beneficial sandy-conglomeratic fan bodies were predicted, in studying area the exploration was preferably guided, and the larger economic benefit and social benefit was acquired.


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This dissertation focuses on the basin geothermal history, tectonothermal evolution and the relationship between geothermal field evolution and hydrocarbon generation. Based on the research of present-day geothermal field, geothermal history of Eastern Subdepression of Liaohe Basin was reconstructed with available data from drillings, loggings, seismic cross-sections, BHTs and thermal indicators. 12 heat flow density values were calculated. Ranging from 45.7 mW/m~2 to 70.0 mW/m~2, the mean value of these determinations exhibits 58.0(±5.83mW/m~22). The heat flow density in the uplift and ramp is greater than that in the sag. The main factors affecting the heat flow density are the morphostructure of basement and thickness of sedimentary cover. The Subdepression experienced a much higher heat flow period from 43 Ma to about 25 Ma. The heat flow increased gradually from Sha3 stage to Dongying stage, and reached the peak at the late of Dongying stage, then cooled down. Structural subsidence analysis shows that the subsidence of Eastern Subdepression can be divided into two phases: earlier (25-43Ma) initial (rift) and late (since 25Ma) thermal subsidence. The lower present-day heat flow and the higher palaeo-heat flow corresponding to structural subsidence stage as well as the typical rift subsidence style in Eastern Subdepression provide with some insights to the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin. The source rocks of Sha3 member began to generate oil in the Shal stage, and entered oil-window at the late of Dongying stage. The source rocks of Shal began to generate oil at the late of Dongying stage, and being at the stage of lower maturation-maturation now. Most of Dongying source rocks are not mature now. The late of Dongying stage is the critical time for the oil system.


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It is the key project of SINOPEC at ninth five years period with a lot of work and very difficult, which the main object are the study of pool-forming mechanism, distribution rule and pool-forming model of complex secondary pool at Dongying formation in high mature exploration area, and building theories and methods of research, description and prediction of secondary fault block pool. This paper apply comprehensively with various theories, method and techniques of geology, seismic, well log, reservoir engineering, meanwhile apply with computer means, then adopt combination of quality and quantitative to develop studies of pool-forming mechanism, model and pool prediction of fault block pool. On the based of stretch, strike-slip, reversal structure theories, integrated the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of structure, it is show that the structure framework, the structure evolve, formation mechanism of central uplift belt of Dongying depression and control to formation and distribute of secondary complex fault block pool. The opening and sealing properties, sealing mechanism and sealing models of pool-controlling fault are shown by using quality, direction of normal stress, relations between interface and rock of two sides of fault and shale smear factor (SSF), as well as the juxtaposition of fault motion stage and hydrocarbon migration, etc. The sealing history of controlling fault, formation mechanism and distribute the regulation are established by combining together with bury history, structure evolve history, fault growth history stress field evolve history, which can be guide exploration and production oil field. It were bring up for the first time the dynamics mechanism of Dongying central uplift which were the result of compound tress field of stretch, strike-slip and reversal, companion with reversal drag structure, arcogenesis of paste and salt beds. The dual function of migration and sealing of fault were demonstrated in the research area. The ability of migration and sealing oil of pool-controlling fault is controlled by those factors of style of fault combination, activity regulation and intensity of fault at the period of oil migration. The four kinds of sealing model of pool-controlling fault were established in the research area, which the sealing mechanism of fault and distribution regulation of oil in time and space. The sealing ability of fault were controlled by quality, direction of normal stress, relations between interface and rock of two sides of fault and shale smear factor (SSF), as well as the juxtaposition of fault motion stage and hydrocarbon migration, etc. The fuzzy judge of fault sealing is the base of prediction of secondary pool. The pool-forming model of secondary was established in the research area, which the main factors are ability migration and sealing. The transform zone of fault, inner of arc fault and the compound area of multi fault are enrichment region of secondary pool of Dongying formation, which are confirm by exploration with economic performance and social performance.


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Our motherland has large area of maritime space. Searching and developing ocean becomes more and more important. So Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) as an absolutely necessary equipment can be used in many oceanic fields. OBS not only is an important instrument for discovering structure of lithosphere of ocean bottom, but also plays a main role of oceanic geophysical exploration. The paper introduces my relational work. The MCI micro-power broad frequency seismometer was developed independently. Its power dissipation is less than 300mW. It has some merits including miniature volumeN light mass and cheap price. It is an ideal device not only for the collection high-resolution natural seismic data, but also for the fields of seismic sounding and engineering seismology. Many new high technique were applied to develop this instrument including over-sampling A/D converter, high performance 32bit Micro Process Unit and Flash memory with smart-media interface. Base on the achievement, I have accomplished the showpiece of OBS, which is applied to the deepwater oil and gas geophysical exploration. Because of micro-power dissipation, the seismograph and the sonar releaser can be integrated into a sphere cabin. By this means, the instrument's frequency of resonance and frequency of couple are improved obviously. The data acquisition system of OBS is improved from MCI seismometer. The capacity of flash memory is enlarge from 1G bytes to 8G bytes. The advance MPU in data acquisition system is used to integrate other function modules such as sonar, GPS, compass and digital transmitter.


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The seismic survey is the most effective geophysical method during exploration and development of oil/gas. As a main means in processing and interpreting seismic data, impedance inversion takes up a special position in seismic survey. This is because the impedance parameter is a ligament which connects seismic data with well-logging and geological information, while it is also essential in predicting reservoir properties and sand-body. In fact, the result of traditional impedance inversion is not ideal. This is because the mathematical inverse problem of impedance is poor-pose so that the inverse result has instability and multi-result, so it is necessary to introduce regularization. Most simple regularizations are presented in existent literature, there is a premise that the image(or model) is globally smooth. In fact, as an actual geological model, it not only has made of smooth region but also be separated by the obvious edge, the edge is very important attribute of geological model. It's difficult to preserve these characteristics of the model and to avoid an edge too smooth to clear. Thereby, in this paper, we propose a impedance inverse method controlled by hyperparameters with edge-preserving regularization, the inverse convergence speed and result would be improved. In order to preserve the edge, the potential function of regularization should satisfy nine conditions such as basic assumptions edge preservation and convergence assumptions etc. Eventually, a model with clear background and edge-abnormity can be acquired. The several potential functions and the corresponding weight functions are presented in this paper. The potential functionφLφHL andφGM can meet the need of inverse precision by calculating the models. For the local constant planar and quadric models, we respectively present the neighborhood system of Markov random field corresponding to the regularization term. We linearity nonlinear regularization by using half-quadratic regularization, it not only preserve the edge, and but also simplify the inversion, and can use some linear methods. We introduced two regularization parameters (or hyperparameters) λ2 and δ in the regularization term. λ2 is used to balance the influence between the data term and the transcendental term; δ is a calibrating parameter used to adjust the gradient value at the discontinuous position(or formation interface). Meanwhile, in the inverse procedure, it is important to select the initial value of hyperparameters and to change hyperparameters, these will then have influence on convergence speed and inverse effect. In this paper, we roughly give the initial value of hyperparameters by using a trend- curve of φ-(λ2, δ) and by a method of calculating the upper limit value of hyperparameters. At one time, we change hyperparameters by using a certain coefficient or Maximum Likelihood method, this can be simultaneously fulfilled with the inverse procedure. Actually, we used the Fast Simulated Annealing algorithm in the inverse procedure. This method overcame restrictions from the local extremum without depending on the initial value, and got a global optimal result. Meanwhile, we expound in detail the convergence condition of FSA, the metropolis receiving probability form Metropolis-Hasting, the thermal procession based on the Gibbs sample and other methods integrated with FSA. These content can help us to understand and improve FSA. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the field data, it is proved that the impedance inverse method in this paper has the advantage of high precision practicability and obvious effect.


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The receiver function method applied in researching the discontinuities in upper mantle was systematically studied in this paper. Using the theoretical receiver functions, the characteristics of P410S and P660S phases were analyzed, and the influencing factors for detection of these phases were discussed. The stability of receiver function was studied, and a new computational method of receiver function, RFSSMS (Receiver Function of Stack and Smooth of Multi seismic-records at a Single station), was put forward. We built initial reference velocity model for the media beneath each of 18 seismic stations respectively; then estimated the buried depths of 410-km and 660-km discontinuities(simply marked as '410' and '660') under the stations by using the arrive time differences of P410S and P660S with P. We developed a new receiver function inversion method -PGARFI (Peeling-Genetic Algorithm of Receiver Function Inversion), to obtain the whole crust and upper mantle velocity structure and the depths of discontinuities beneath a station. The major works and results could be summarized as follows: (1) By analysis of the theoretical receiver functions with different velocity models and different ray parameters, we obtain the knowledge: The amplitudes of P410S and P660S phases are decreasing with the increasing of epicentral distance A , and the arrival time differences of these phases with P are shorter as A is longer. The multiple refracted and/or reflected waves yielded on Moho and the discontinuities in the crust interfere the identification of P410S. If existing LVZ under the lithosphere, some multiple waves caused by LVZ will interfere the identification of P410S. The multiple waves produced by discontinuity lied near 120km depth will mix with P410s phase in some range of epicentral distance; and the multiple waves concerned with the discontinuity lied near 210km depth will interfere the identification of P660S. The epicentral distance for P4i0s identification is limited, the upper limit is 80° . The identification of P660S is not restricted by the epicenter distance obviously. The identification of P410S and P6gos in the theoretical receiver functions is interfered weakly from the seismic wave attenuation caused by the media absorption if the Q value in a reasonable range. (2) The stability of receiver function was studied by using synthetic seismograms with different kind of noise. The results show that on the condition of high signal-noise-ratio of seismic records, the high frequency background noise and the low frequency microseism noise do not influence the calculating result of receiver function. But the media "scattering noise" influence the stability of receiver function. When the scattering effect reach some level, the identification of P4iOs and P66os is difficult in single receiver function which is yielded from only one seismic record. We provided a new method to calculate receiver function, that is, with a group of earthquake records, stacking the R and Z components respectively in the frequency domain, and weighted smooth the stacked Z component, then compute the complex spectrum ratio of R to Z. This method can improve the stability of receiver function and protrude the P4i0s and P66os in the receiver function curves. (3) 263 receiver functions were provided from 1364 three component broadband seismograms recorded at 18 stations in China and adjacent areas for the tele-earthquakes. The observed arrival time differences of P410S and P660S with P were obtained in these receiver functions. The initial velocity model for every station was built according to the prior research results. The buried depths of '410' and '660' under a station were acquired by the way of adjusting the depths of these two discontinuities in the initial velocity model until the theoretical arrival time differences of P410S and P660S with P well conformed to the observed. The results show an obvious lateral heterogeneity of buried depths of ' 410' and (660' . The depth of '410' is shallower beneath BJI, XAN, LZH and ENH, but deeper under QIZ and CHTO, and the average is 403km . The average depth of '660' is 663km, deeper under MDJ and MAJO, but shallower under QIZ and HYB. (4) For inversing the whole crust and upper mantle velocity structure, a new inversion method -PGARFI (Peeling-Genetic Algorithm of Receiver Function Inversion) has- been developed here. The media beneath a station is divided into segments, then the velocity structure is inversed from receiver function from surface to deep successively. Using PGARFI, the multi reflection / refraction phases of shallower discontinuities are isolated from the first order refraction transform phase of deep discontinuity. The genetic algorithm with floating-point coding was used hi the inversion of every segment, and arithmetical crossover and non-uniform mutation technologies were employed in the genetic optimization. 10 independent inversions are completed for every segment, and 50 most excellent velocity models are selected according to the priority of fitness from all models produced in the inversion process. The final velocity structure of every segment is obtained from the weighted average of these 50 models. Before inversion, a wide range of velocity variation with depth and depth range of the main discontinuities are given according to priori knowledge. PGARFI was verified with numerical test and applied in the inversion of the velocity structure beneath HIA station down to 700km depth.