966 resultados para Crab Fishery Resources of India


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Karnataka, one of the maritime states on the west coast of India, has progressed quite well in marine fisheries due to its vast fisheries resources and diversification in mechanised fishing. Mechanisation programmes were started by the state from 1957-58 only. Starting with two small mechanised boats, the state has today a fishing fleet of 398 purseseiners, 731 gillnetters, 2 deepsea trawlers and about 1,500 shrimp trawlers contributing over 85% of the total marine fish landings. The marine fish production during 1987-88 up to the end of March 1988 was 1,29,659 tonnes valued at Rs.48.05 crores.


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This paper deals in general terms with the historical expeditions to the Antarctica by various explorers leading to the exploration and identification of various living resources of the Antarctica and also a cautionary note not to pollute or disturb the existing ecosystem either for economic or political reasons.


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Variations in the abundance and composition of larval decapods were studied from 90 km stretch of the Bombay Harbour-Thana Creek-Bassein Creek (BHTCBC) system for a period of 15 months. The larvae belonged to Penacidea, Caridea, Anomura and Brachyura. Among these, brachyurans were the most abundant in the entire study area indicating good potential for crab fishery. Penaeus, Metapenaeus and Parapenaeopsis were the genera recorded in the family Penaeidae of which Metapenaeus spp. were the most common. Generally there was a higher abundance of Penaeus and Metapenaeus during monsoon probably indicating intense breeding. A few genera of decapods showed patchy occurrence in this system. Results of this first investigation were quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated with comments on fishery potential of the commercially important groups of decapods.


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In India the chief marine timber boring organisms are 2 species of Martesia, 28 species of shipworms, 4 species and a variety of Sphaeroma and 9 species of Limnoria besides bacteria and fungi. The occurrence, abundance and activity of the various species of borers show remarkable variations and fluctuations in the different harbours of India, each harbour or area having its own dominant set of species and an assemblage of less important forms. These species have their own characteristic preferences, life history and seasons of attachment and a scheme evolved for one locality may prove ineffective for another. Through a delicate and complex ecological adjustment the borers occurring in a locality have reached an interrelationship reducing interspecific and intraspecific competition. The seasons of settlement of the dominant borers in the different harbours of India are indicated. The need for a detailed biological enquiry is stressed.


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Situated as it is on the north-western section of the Indian Ocean, the Cochin littoral has played a very significant role in the history of India. Despite being an extremely interesting region from the point of view of oceanographic studies, the Indian Ocean in general has been one of the least scientifically known regions of our planet.


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Adults of Penaeus japonicus (Bate) and juveniles of P. canaliculatus (Olivier) were recorded for the first time from the coastal and estuarine regions of Goa respectively. Their presence in Goa waters suggests that both the species have a wide distribution along the west coast of India. The available data from the neighboring states suggest that both the species are distributed in deeper waters and are caught during or immediately after the southwest monsoon. Hence, it may be possible to tap these valuable resources from Goa waters if the fishing operation is extended to depths beyond those presently fished and fishing is carried out during the SW monsoon season.


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A 10-weeks culture trial of mud crab, Scylla serrata in brackish water earthen pond was conducted in different stocking densities. The aim of the experiment was to identify a suitable stocking density for optimum production. There were three treatment as 5000 crab lings/ha, 10000 crab lings/ha and 15000 crab lings/ha of each with three replications. The initial mean weight of crab lings were same (5.5 ± 0.13 g). The experimental month was June '95 to August '95. The size of each pond was 500 m². To maintain good water quality water was exchanged in every spring tide. The salinity during the experiment were 2-18ppt. Prepared feed of about 32% protein consisting fish meal, MOC rice bran and wheat flour was used at 5% of their body weight. In terms of production, survival rate, growth and carapace width, the stocking density having 10000/ha showed the best (P


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Experimental fishing operations with shark long lines were conducted in the sea off Veraval with a view to studying their efficiency and gathering information on the available resources of sharks to be used for planning the future gear investigations. The trials were undertaken in 1967, employing departmental fishing vessel "Fishtech No. IV" (10.9 m O.L. and 48 H.P. engine). A total of 5525 hooks were employed and 242 sharks weighing 8629 kg were landed. Data on composition of catch, weight of fishes landed, effectiveness of various baits in capture of different species of sharks and effectiveness of gear including its catch efficiency in this area were compiled. Bait preference was also observed in certain species of sharks caught. Chirocentrus dorab proved to be the cheapest and most effective bait in capture of all the three varieties of sharks landed.


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Nematopalaemon tenuipes is an important component of non-penaeid prawn resources of the northwest coast of India. During 1979-82 period, it contributed 29.9% to the non-penaeid prawn and 5.6% to the total fish landings of Maharashtra. The von Bertalanffy growth parameter L∞, K and t(sub)0 were 77.38 mm, 1.31 and -0.02 year for the males while for the females these parameters were respectively 87.23 mm, 1.30 and -0.01 year. The natural mortality coefficient (M) was 3.54 and 3.52 and the average total mortality coefficient (Z) during the period was 9.09 and 7.79 for the males and females respectively. With the exploitation rates of 0.61 and 0.55 for the males and females during the period, the total stock of the species was 26,270 tonnes and the standing stock was 3,418 tonnes. The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the species under the prevailing fishing conditions was 15,744 tonnes which is close to the average yield of 14,726 tonnes from the nets. Hence further increase in effort is not suggested.


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Since the commencement of the exploitation of oceanic tuna resources of the Indian Ocean seventeen years ago, the hooked rates for the tuna species have declined in many areas of the Ocean but there are no evidences of such a trend in the case of the sharks. As a result, the percentage composition of sharks in the longline catches and the percentage of the tuna catch damaged by sharks show an increase. Hence there is an urgent need for innovation of the existing longline gear in order to increase the fishing efficiency for hooking the tuna species with a corresponding reduction in its efficiency for hooking sharks. At the beginning of this fishery, hooked sharks were discarded at sea, at a later stage the liver and fins were taken and the carcass discarded and presently the sharks are also brought along with the tuna catch. Though the shark meat has a very low market value it is brought in order to cover up for the declining tuna catches. Thus it has become very necessary to increase the demand for shark meat by developing products or by-products utilizing shark meat and ensuring the successful continuity of the tuna longline fishery. The pattern of distribution of shark species in the time grounds of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans and also the predation of hooked tunas by sharks were discussed earlier (Sivasubranianiam 1963, 1964 and 1966). Some contribution to these studies is made in this paper based on new data become available.


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In Sri Lanka waters, Durairatnam (1963, 1969) had reported on the seasonal variation of plankton at Puttalam lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay and in the inshore and off shore waters off Colombo. Similar investigations were carried out at Koddiyar Bay especially in the estuarine waters where the three tributaries of the river Mahaveli empty their waters into the bay. The estuary is perennial. The fishes constituting the estuarine fisheries are mostly shallow water marine species which can tolerate considerable variations of salinities. Prawns and crabs also constitute a very valuable fishery in estuarine waters.


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Adequate data on the Wadge Bank fishery relating to several groups of fish, including Carangids, taken in bottom trawls are available for study. Analysis of this data indicated that the variation in Carangid catches was related to the time of day. In this paper, the available Wadge Bank fishery data is analysed and discussed to show the diurnal changes in Carangid catches and the probable influence of light in affecting these changes.


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The penaeid prawns of Sri Lanka from estuaries and sea are an important commercial fishery resource. This resource has been exploited over the last century or more by local fishermen using indigenous fishing gear from locally sail-driven or oar-driven fishing crafts. In more recent times, the Fisheries Research Division of the Department of Fisheries undertook surveys of the seas and lagoons of Sri Lanka with a view to ascertain whether any unexploited resources of prawns existed. These publications deal with the species composition, biology, distribution and abundance in the lagoons and inshore waters of Sri Lanka.


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It is generally observed that a variety of physical and chemical variables have considerable impact on the biological life in a mountain river which include plankton, benthic algae, benthic invertebrate and finally the fishery resources. They are often subjected to extreme hydrological disturbances particularly during rainy seasons when increased volume of water create 'Wash Off' situation for existing fauna and flora. A case study of a lesser Himalayan river - the Gaula, which drains the south-central part of Kumaon region in Uttaranchal is presented here. Since this river does not get snow-melt water, it mainly depends on steady flow of the groundwater round the year. The climate of the area is characterized with long winters, short summer and good amount of rain during monsoon months. The infiltrated groundwater which seeps into the surface soil layers during monsoon seasons is the chief source of discharge of water during winter and summer season


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Ichthyofauna was studied in the inshore waters around the Great Nicobar Island to assess the extent of biodiversity of fishery resources in the Great Nicobar waters by using various gears and crafts. During the present study, 258 species of fin fishes belonging to 141 genera, 84 families and 19 orders were recorded. Among these, Perciformes topped the list with 47 families, 84 genera and 169 species followed by Clupeiformes, Angulliformes, Tetrodoniformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Scorpaeniformes, Rajiformes, Elopiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Syluriformes, Laminiformes, Bercyformes, Aelopiformes, Syngathiformes and Gonorhychiformes which includes the medicinally important and ornamentally valuable species.