961 resultados para Constrained nonlinear optimization


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Use of some new planes such as the R-x, R2-x (where R represents in the n-dimensional phase space, the radius vector from the origin to any point on the trajectory described by the system) is suggested for analysis of nonlinear systems of any kind. The stability conditions in these planes are given. For easy understanding of the method, the transformation from the phase plane to the R-x, R2-x planes is brought out for second-order systems. In general, while these planes serve as useful as the phase plane, they have proved to be simpler in determining quickly the general behavior of certain classes of second-order nonlinear systems. A chart and a simple formula are suggested to evaluate time easily from the R-x and R2-x trajectories, respectively. A means of solving higher-order nonlinear systems is also illustrated. Finally, a comparative study of the trajectories near singular points on the phase plane and on the new planes is made.


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Analysis of certain second-order nonlinear systems, not easily amenable to the phase-plane methods, and described by either of the following differential equations xÿn-2ÿ+ f(x)xÿ2n+g(x)xÿn+h(x)=0 ÿ+f(x)xÿn+h(x)=0 n≫0 can be effected easily by drawing the entire portrait of trajectories on a new plane; that is, on one of the xÿnÿx planes. Simple equations are given to evaluate time from a trajectory on any of these n planes. Poincaré's fundamental phase plane xÿÿx is conceived of as the simplest case of the general xÿnÿx plane.


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This paper suggests the use of simple transformations like ÿ=kx, kx2 for second-order nonlinear differential equations to effect rapid plotting of the phase-plane trajectories. The method is particularly helpful in determining quickly the trajectory slopes along simple curves in any desired region of the phase plane. New planes such as the tÿ-x, tÿ2-x are considered for the study of some groups of nonlinear time-varying systems. Suggestions for solving certain higher-order nonlinear systems are also made.


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We present a method for obtaining conjugate, conjoined shapes and tilings in the context of the design of structures using topology optimization. Optimal material distribution is achieved in topology optimization by setting up a selection field in the design domain to determine the presence/absence of material there. We generalize this approach in this paper by presenting a paradigm in which the material left out by the selection field is also utilised. We obtain conjugate shapes when the region chosen and the region left-out are solutions for two problems, each with a different functionality. On the other hand, if the left-out region is connected to the selected region in some pre-determined fashion for achieving a single functionality, then we get conjoined shapes. The utilization of the left-out material, gives the notion of material economy in both cases. Thus, material wastage is avoided in the practical realization of these designs using many manufacturing techniques. This is in contrast to the wastage of left-out material during manufacture of traditional topology-optimized designs. We illustrate such shapes in the case of stiff structures and compliant mechanisms. When such designs are suitably made on domains of the unit cell of a tiling, this leads to the formation of new tilings which are functionally useful. Such shapes are not only useful for their functionality and economy of material and manufacturing, but also for their aesthetic value.


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In normal materials, the nonlinear optical effects arise from nonlinearities in the polarisabilities of the constituent atoms or molecules. On the other hand the nonlinear optical effects in liquid crystals arise from totally different processes. Also they occur at relatively low laser intensities. In a laser field a liquid crystal exhibits many novel and interesting nonlinear optical effects. In addition we also find laser field induced effects that are peculiar to liquid crystals, like structural transformations, orientational transitions, modulated structures and phase transitions, to name a few. Here we dwell upon a few of these interesting and important nonlinear optical phenomena that exist in nematic liquid crystals.


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The DMS-FEM, which enables functional approximations with C(1) or still higher inter-element continuity within an FEM-based meshing of the domain, has recently been proposed by Sunilkumar and Roy [39,40]. Through numerical explorations on linear elasto-static problems, the method was found to have conspicuously superior convergence characteristics as well as higher numerical stability against locking. These observations motivate the present study, which aims at extending and exploring the DMS-FEM to (geometrically) nonlinear elasto-static problems of interest in solid mechanics and assessing its numerical performance vis-a-vis the FEM. In particular, the DMS-FEM is shown to vastly outperform the FEM (presently implemented through the commercial software ANSYS (R)) as the former requires fewer linearization and load steps to achieve convergence. In addition, in the context of nearly incompressible nonlinear systems prone to volumetric locking and with no special numerical artefacts (e.g. stabilized or mixed weak forms) employed to arrest locking, the DMS-FEM is shown to approach the incompressibility limit much more closely and with significantly fewer iterations than the FEM. The numerical findings are suggestive of the important role that higher order (uniform) continuity of the approximated field variables play in overcoming volumetric locking and the great promise that the method holds for a range of other numerically ill-conditioned problems of interest in computational structural mechanics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lead Telluride (PbTe) nanorods have been uniformly grown on silicon substrates, using the thermal evaporation technique under high vacuum conditions. The structural and morphological studies are done using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Optical nonlinearity studies using the open aperture z-scan employing 5 ns and 100 fs laser pulses reveal a three-photon type absorption. For nanosecond excitation the nonlinear absorption coefficients (gamma) are in the order of 10(-22) m(3) W-2 and for femtosecond excitation it is in the order of 10(-29) m(3) W-2. The role of free carriers and excitons in causing the nonlinearity in both excitation time domains is discussed. Results indicate that PbTe nanorods are good optical limiters with potential device applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop a framework for understanding the difference between strong and fragile behavior in the dynamics of glass-forming liquids from the properties of the potential energy landscape. Our approach is based on a master equation description of the activated jump dynamics among the local minima of the potential energy (the so-called inherent structures) that characterize the potential energy landscape of the system. We study the dynamics of a small atomic cluster using this description as well as molecular dynamics simulations and demonstrate the usefulness of our approach for this system. Many of the remarkable features of the complex dynamics of glassy systems emerge from the activated dynamics in the potential energy landscape of the atomic cluster. The dynamics of the system exhibits typical characteristics of a strong supercooled liquid when the system is allowed to explore the full configuration space. This behavior arises because the dynamics is dominated by a few lowest-lying minima of the potential energy and the potential energy barriers between these minima. When the system is constrained to explore only a limited region of the potential energy landscape that excludes the basins of attraction of a few lowest-lying minima, the dynamics is found to exhibit the characteristics of a fragile liquid.


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Several surfactant molecules self-assemble in solution to form long, flexible wormlike micelles which get entangled with each other, leading to viscoelastic gel phases. We discuss our recent work on the rheology of such a gel formed in the dilute aqueous solutions of a surfactant CTAT. In the linear rheology regime, the storage modulus G′(ω) and loss modulus G″(ω) have been measured over a wide frequency range. In the nonlinear regime, the shear stress σ shows a plateau as a function of the shear rate math above a certain cutoff shear rate mathc. Under controlled shear rate conditions in the plateau regime, the shear stress and the first normal stress difference show oscillatory time-dependence. The analysis of the measured time series of shear stress and normal stress has been done using several methods incorporating state space reconstruction by embedding of time delay vectors. The analysis shows the existence of a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, unambiguously implying that the dynamics of the observed mechanical instability can be described by that of a dynamical system with a strange attractor of dimension varying from 2.4 to 2.9.


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Nonlinear analysis of batter piles in soft clay is performed using the finite element technique. As the batter piles are not only governed by lateral load but also axial load, the effect of P- Delta moment and geometric stiffness matrix is included in the analysis. For implementing the nonlinear soil behavior, reduction in soil strength (degradation), and formation of gap with number of load cycles, a numerical model is developed where a hyperbolic relation is adopted for the soil in static condition and hyperbolic relation considering degradation and gap for cyclic load condition. The numerical model is validated with published experimental results for cyclic lateral loading and the hysteresis loops are developed to predict the load-deflection behavior and soil resistance behavior during consecutive cycles of loading. This paper highlights the importance of a rigorous degradation model for subsequent cycles of loading on the pile-soil system by a hysteretic representation.


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In this paper we propose a new algorithm for learning polyhedral classifiers. In contrast to existing methods for learning polyhedral classifier which solve a constrained optimization problem, our method solves an unconstrained optimization problem. Our method is based on a logistic function based model for the posterior probability function. We propose an alternating optimization algorithm, namely, SPLA1 (Single Polyhedral Learning Algorithm1) which maximizes the loglikelihood of the training data to learn the parameters. We also extend our method to make it independent of any user specified parameter (e.g., number of hyperplanes required to form a polyhedral set) in SPLA2. We show the effectiveness of our approach with experiments on various synthetic and real world datasets and compare our approach with a standard decision tree method (OC1) and a constrained optimization based method for learning polyhedral sets.


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Dendritic rnicroenvironments defined by dynamic internal cavities of a dendrimer were probed through geometric isomerization of stilbene and azobenzene. A third-generation poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimer with hydrophilic exterior and hydrophobic interior was used as a reaction cavity in aqueous medium. The dynamic inner cavity sizes were varied by utilizing alkyl linkers that connect the branch junctures from ethyl to n-pentyl moiety (C(2)G(3)-C(5)G(3)). Dendrimers constituted with n-pentyl linker were found to afford higher solubilities of stilbene and azobenzene. Direct irradiation of trans-stilbene showed that C(5)G(3) and C(4)G(3) dendrimers afforded considerable phenanthrene formation, in addition to cis-stilbene, whereas C(3)G(3) and C(2)G(3) gave only cis-stilbene. An electron-transfer sensitized trans-cis isomerization, using cresyl violet perchlorate as the sensitizer, also led to similar results. Thermal isomerization of cis-azobenzene to trans-azobenzene within dendritic microenvironments revealed that the activation energy of the cis- to trans-isomer was increasing in the series C(5)G(3) < C(4)G(3) < C(3)G(3)


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The throughput-optimal discrete-rate adaptation policy, when nodes are subject to constraints on the average power and bit error rate, is governed by a power control parameter, for which a closed-form characterization has remained an open problem. The parameter is essential in determining the rate adaptation thresholds and the transmit rate and power at any time, and ensuring adherence to the power constraint. We derive novel insightful bounds and approximations that characterize the power control parameter and the throughput in closed-form. The results are comprehensive as they apply to the general class of Nakagami-m (m >= 1) fading channels, which includes Rayleigh fading, uncoded and coded modulation, and single and multi-node systems with selection. The results are appealing as they are provably tight in the asymptotic large average power regime, and are designed and verified to be accurate even for smaller average powers.