1000 resultados para Compania Huanchaca de Bolivia.


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Genara Casado de Sastre apeló el fallo en el juicio que seguía contra la Sociedad Rosarina de Campos y Bosques por el lote 69 del Chaco Paraguayo. Pero los camaristas concluyeron que el causante del error había sido José Monte, quien al adquirir los lotes 70 a79 a nombre de Casado, había invadido tierras que no le correspondían, y vendido a Casado inmuebles ajenos, es decir, del Estado. La Cámara afirmó que 'el comprador Casado tampoco pudo transmitir válidamente á sus herederos unos derechos que en realidad no adquirió' hasta Puerto Max, y que 'con toda temeridad' se hizo descender la propiedad chaqueña de los Casado 2 leguas más abajo del Río Paraguay. Sentenció también que los conflictos de tierras entre las diversas empresas y propietarios era 'consecuencia de la enojosa trasposición de los mojones oficiales y judiciales', situación originada en la diversidad de valores aplicados en la medición. En efecto, la legua paragtraya debió haber sido fijada en los lotes de Casado en un equivalente a 5.000 varas o a 4.330 metros, cuando en realidad tenía 4.370 metros de ancho frente al río.


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Kinosternon scorpioides (Linnaeus, 1766), with its common name of jurará, is a quite variable species of turtles, and many different names have been applied to populations throughout its range. Currently, however, four subspecies are considered valid as K. scorpioides arises from southern Panama over most of northern South America and is found in Ecuador, northern Peru, southern Bolivia, northern Argentina, eastern Guyana and Brazil. Thus, an ultrasonographic and radiographic study was performed in order to describe the morphology and development of eggs of 20 female jurará mud turtles K. scorpioides, from September 2005 to August 2006. In the first month, the ovarian cycle was characterized by absence of vitellogenic follicles, atresic follicles or oviduct eggs. From October 2005 to March 2006 on, ultrasonographic scanning allowed to establish the growing vitellogenic follicles. Vitellogenic follicles were observed with spherical to ovoid shapes, with a surrounding echogenic yolk, a nonechogenic albumin layer, and a high echogenic shell. The oviduct eggs were identified by radiography just 180 days after beginning the experiment, when the shell became enough mineralized to impress the radiographic film. This experiment allowed to obtain by means of the 7.5 MHz linear probe images with adequate resolution and penetration for visualization of follicles. Successive ultrasonographic examinations of 20 K. scorpioides females allowed to access initial stages of vitellogenic follicles and oviduct eggs, and radiographic examination revealed to be an easy technique to assess oviduct eggs and to allow evaluation of egg development in jurarás, from 6 months on.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the floristic composition and structure of the tree component in a seasonally deciduous forest on limestone outcrops, located in the northeast region of Goiás State, Brazil. A sample composed of 25 randomly sampled plots of 20 x 20 m (400 m²) within a 50 ha forest, was measured. All woody individuals > 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) had their diameter and height measured. The tree community was composed of 39 species with a density of 734 individuals ha-1; the richest families were Leguminosae (11 species), Bignoniaceae (4 species) and Apocynaceae (4 species). The forest had a basal area of 16.37 m² ha-1, with the most important species Cavanillesia arborea (3.26 m² ha-1), Pseudobombax tomentosum (2.35 m² ha-1), Dilodendron bipinnatum (1.84 m² ha-1), Tabebuia impetiginosa (1.36 m² ha-1) and Myracrodruon urundeuva (1.26 m² ha-1) occupying 61.5% of the total basal area of the forest. Several species grew on rocks, or in rock fissures or in places with a shallow layer of soil or even in litter over rocky layers. The floristic composition showed links with the "Caatinga" flora, with other patches of seasonal forests in Central Brazil and in the Pantanal, and with the Chiquitano forests of Bolivia too, containing even two species considered as endemic to the "Caatinga".


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In this report, we have reanalyzed genotyping data in a collection of families from South America based on maternal origin. Genotyping analysis was performed at the Craniofacial Anomalies Research Center at the University of Iowa. These genotypes were derived from genomic DNA samples obtained from blood spots from children born with isolated orofacial clefts in 45 hospitals located in eight countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela) collaborating with ECLAMC (Latin American Collaborative Studies of Congenital Malformations) between January 1998 and December 1999. Dried blood samples were sent by regular mail to the Laboratory of Congenital Malformations, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Previous findings suggested that mitochondrial haplotype D is more commonly found among cleft cases born in South America. We hypothesized that association of certain genes may depend upon the ethnic origin, as defined by population-specific markers. Therefore, we tested if markers in MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) and RFC1 (reduced folate carrier 1) were associated with oral clefts, depending on the maternal origin defined by the mitochondrial haplotype. Transmission distortion of alleles in MTHFR C677T and RFC1 G80A polymorphic variants was tested in 200 mother/affected child pairs taking into consideration maternal origin. RFC1 variation was over-transmitted to children born with cleft lip only (P = 0.017) carrying mitochondrial DNA haplotypes other than haplotype D. Our results provide a new indication that variation in RFC1 may contribute to cleft lip only. Future studies should investigate the association between oral clefts and RFC1 based on more discrete phenotypes.


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Pouteria pachycarpa is a tree species, found in the Brazilian Amazon and Bolivia whose wood has been exploited from the native forest. The present research describes the quantitative characteristics of fruits and seeds and quantifies the seed germination of this species. The fruit and seed color were characterized and measurements taken of the mass, length, diameter and number of seeds per fruit, the seed length, width and thickness, the germination percentage, abnormal seedlings and dead seeds. Sowing was carried out on a substrate containing sand and sawdust (1:1), in four replications of 50 seeds. The predominant fruit and seed colors were vivid yellowish orange (9YR) and dark grayish brown (6YR), respectively. Fruit mass, length and diameter ranged from 37.7 to 192.4g, 41.3 to 87.3mm and 39.7 to 71.7mm, respectively. Fruits had from two to seven seeds, and 42.6% were damaged by insects. Seed length, width and thickness ranged from 22.4 to 35.2mm, 9.7 to 15.5mm and 5.5 to 10.8mm, respectively. Seedling emergence began 18 days after sowing. Maximum germination, 86%, was recorded 33 days after sowing. The germination curve was sigmoid, similar to the majority of species. The percentage of abnormal seedlings and dead seeds were 3% and 11%, respectively. Both fruits and seeds show great variation in quantitative characteristics and the germination is slow and non-uniform.


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Recent results of presidential elections in Latin America suggest a turn to the left in various countries. In Bolivia, such a movement includes the victory of an Aymara Indian who is also a leader of coca farmers. The article proposes an interpretation of this event, describes and discusses the main actions of the new government, stressing the reactions they provoked, and explores the class, ethnic and territorial dimensions of the resulting conflicts. The regional aspects of the fights, seen in connection with the country's historical regionalism, are highlighted and their basic conditions are investigated.


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Bogotá Emprende


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En los últimos diez años Bogotá se ha convertido en una ciudad dinámica y con oportunidades y se proyecta como una de las ciudades globales más importantes en América Latina: es la cuarta ciudad global después de Buenos Aires, São Paulo y Ciudad de México. Y se consolida entre las mejores ciudades para hacer negocios: en el 2014 Bogotá subió al sexto lugar y superó a Buenos Aires y a Rio de Janeiro. Con 8 millones de personas, es la ciudad con más habitantes de Colombia, 19% de la población del país, y es la sexta con más habitantes en América Latina. En el 2015, se estima que tendrá más de 10 millones de personas y se convertirá en la primera megaciudad del país. Como sucede con las grandes ciudades del mundo, Bogotá es el motor de la economía nacional y uno de los mercados atractivos en la región, con un Producto Interno Bruto superior al de países como Costa Rica, Uruguay, El Salvador, Panamá y Bolivia.


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Héritière de la tradition fantastique borgésienne, imprégnée d’une réalité composée de mythes précolombiens et des résidus industriels de la modernité, et développée à l’ère de la mondialisation, du post-modernisme, des jeux vidéos, du cinéma numérique et d’animation, la tendance cyberpunk latino-américaine est cultivée du Mexique jusqu’en Argentine, en passant par Cuba et d’autres pays souvent méconnus dans le monde de la science-fiction comme le Paraguay et la Bolivie. Pressenti dans les œuvres de certains écrivains canoniques comme Ricardo Piglia, Carmen Boullosa ou Edmundo Paz-Soldán, le cyberpunk se manifeste avec force dans l’écriture de jeunes artistes interdisciplinaires et de collaborateurs assidus des fanzines. Cette adaptation du sous-genre dans un continent où la référence reste encore le réel merveilleux et le réalisme magique, malgré l’apport des générations plus récentes comme celle de « McOndo » ou celle du « Crack », essaie d’élaborer une série de réponses aux questions issues de la conjoncture historique et artistique dans laquelle nous vivons : comment situer l’identité latino-américaine dans la nouvelle cartographie culturelle mondiale à travers une littérature qui cherche à se renouveler par rapport au canon littéraire et à la marginalité de son propre genre? Quelles sont les stratégies d’assimilation et de résistance qu’adoptent des jeunes auteurs latino-américains devant le cyberpunk anglo-américain littéraire et cinématographique? Peut-on parler d’un impact esthétique et philosophique du cyberpunk sur la culture latino-américaine, perçue habituellement comme une consommatrice passive de ces produits culturels et non comme une productrice? Ce travail cherche à parcourir l’ensemble de ces questions à partir d’une réflexion sur les principaux dispositifs constitutifs du cyberpunk – la dystopie et la virtualité – dans les discours (post)identitaires en Amérique Latine. Représentation presque mimétique de l’espace socioculturel et historique latino-américain à travers la violence et la répression politique, militaire, ethnique ou sexuelle, la dystopie est un moyen d’articuler certaines figures spatiales aux mythes nationaux et à la politique identitaire dans le contexte de la mondialisation. Cette dernière réalité socioculturelle, ainsi que l’idéologie esthétique que véhicule celle-ci à travers le cyberpunk, crée un conflit avec ces discours identitaires nationaux, conflit qui est accentué ou dissous par la représentation de la réalité virtuelle. La réalité virtuelle, comprise ici comme la direction que le récit prend pour défaire ou consolider la figure dystopique, mène à réfléchir également sur les enjeux de la (post)identité. Penser à une (post)identité (en gardant bien à l’esprit cette parenthèse) à travers le cyberpunk signifie poser une question sur la résistance au passé identitaire des mythes nationaux, au présent de la mondialisation culturelle, et aux discours post-humanistes qui semblent marquer le futur. À l’appui de travaux sur la dystopie et la réalité virtuelle dans le cyberpunk anglo-américain, ainsi que des études culturelles latino-américaines, je parcourrai un corpus composé des romans écrits entre 1990 et 2005. Ce corpus comprendra La Primera Calle de la Soledad (1993) de Gerardo Horacio Porcayo, Santa Clara Poltergeist (1991) de Fausto Fawcett, Ygdrasil (2005) de Jorge Baradit, et les films argentins No muera sin decirme adónde vas (1992) d’Eliseo Subiela et La sonámbula (1998) de Fernando Spiner. Dans ces oeuvres, la dystopie se configure aux possibilités narratives de la virtualité et traverse des thématiques identitaires comme les mythes sexuels et nationaux, la mémoire et le traumatisme ainsi que les projets utopiques des minorités.


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In recent years, ‘agency’ has appeared in academic writings as a new way of referring to active involvement from below in development interventions. The concept of ‘agency’ starts from the assumption that people are actually agents themselves, continuously acting in and reacting to circumstances. In child labour activism, this concept has been applied to working children in the understanding that, in order to improve their working conditions, children should be organised in organizations that are exclusively for and (ideally) run by working children. This paper aims to evaluate the extent to which child labourers can become agents of change through their own organizations. The paper will draw on two studies carried out by the IREWOC foundation. In 2002 a study was undertaken in Bolivia to give practical meaning to the concept of child agency. Secondly, in 2004/2005 an investigation was carried out on the functioning and impact of children’s organizations in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. The applied research methods were mainly anthropological and used participant observation, (semi-) informal interviews and group interviewing with working children, their parents and adult representatives of the working children’s organizations. Both investigations show that in focussing on children as active participants, the structural constraints under which children have to live also need to be highlighted. One needs to understand how material poverty, mental deprivation and disempowerment help to shape resilience and defiance, but also anger, distrust and marginalisation.


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Through the justice principles –equality, time, status, need, efficiency and worth– developed by Jon Elster, we show in this article how fair trade certification for producers is legitimatised by stakeholders. Based on a field investigation with coffee growers in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia and with fair trade organisations in the North (Max Havelaar/FLO, Andines and Artisans du Monde), the analysis firstly reviews just certification according to the impersonal criteria of “mechanical” justice, such as equality, time and efficiency. The second section looks at more individualised criteria such as the status, need and worth of the beneficiaries. Finally, it determines in what way fair trade is really a mixed bag, one which calls upon different principles of justice to justify what it is out to accomplish. The main result of the analysis is that fair certification granted to producer organisations is not being distributed according to a unique system of justice based on just one criterion. On the contrary, fair trade is a complex and hybrid bag that uses different components from each distribution procedure.


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Cet article montre que dans le contexte actuel des producteurs de quinoa de l’altiplano du sud de la Bolivie, le commerce équitable n’apparaît pas comme un instrument efficace de réduction des inégalités sociales. Il contribue plutôt à les renforcer. Derrière la façade des marques et labels du commerce équitable, la réalité socio-économique de l’altiplano du Sud de la Bolivie, révèle donc un facteur important de déception par rapport aux attentes des consommateurs.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal