1000 resultados para Ciência - Metodologia


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In contemporary times, women can choose freely to enter any professional field. Along the way they come across stumbling blocks that make their progress difficult. Most of these difficulties are not gender-specific, yet women encounter them more consistently than do men. It is remarkably true for the areas of Science and Technology. However, it is not straightforward to evaluate and to obtain an accurate measure of the effects of gender bias. The factors and consequences associated with the phenomena are multiple, with many shades of regionalism as we look at different countries. Despite of the absence of detailed studies regarding the situation in Brazil, it seems unlikely we would be an exception to a world pattern. In this article, some causes as well as current actions around the world to fight gender bias are presented.


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In the last decade, many method has been developed to obtain oxysufides. However, theses materials were obtained by reaction involved gaseous toxics, CO, CS2, H2S and S. In the present work, the synthesis of lanthanum oxysufides actived by europium (III) through an alternative method has been made. This method involve the rare earth sulfate reduction under an atmosphere of argon contained 10% hydrogen using the thermogravimetric technique. The results showed the formation of the phase TR2O2S (TR = La and Eu) at temperatures which depend upon the heating rate, respectively 650 - 830ºC at 5ºC min-1 and 680 - 800ºC at 10ºC min-1. The oxysufides obtained are characterized by infrared spectroscopy. The method developed is more economic than the usual industrial methods and the environmental problems during the synthesis are also better controled.


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Irving Langmuir received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1932 "...for his outstanding discoveries and investigations within the field of surface chemistry", according to the Swedish Academy. However, few people know that his work comprises other very important contributions, and not only for chemistry, such as the discovery of plasma, the atomic hydrogen, the pure thermoionic phenomenon, the development of the cloud seeding technique for weather modification, among many others. This paper summarizes Langmuir's most important discoveries and theories, with an especial mention for his practical inventions and his work on the atomic theory.


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The historiography of science has undergone a profound change from the traditional perspective of a few decades ago, according to which only mainstream science was worth pursuing as a research field. Such a restricted outlook was not conducive to a thorough understanding of the whole process of the construction of science. New approaches have breathed new life into the discipline, taking into account not only scientific endeavours from so-called peripheral societies, but also from different quarters within or close to the central groups. From this a new and far more interesting view has emerged, showing a complex and richer texture.


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A methodology is presented to obtain force field parameters to be used in molecular mechanics. The case of Ru(II) is investigated and the parameters obtained, specially its covalent radii, are employed to model Ru(II) coordination compound. The combined use of molecular mechanics with ab initio methods allowed us to predict the metal-ligand stretching force constant for Ru(II) coordination compounds.


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In this work was developed an alternative methodology to separation of aquatic organic matter (AOM) present in natural river waters. The process is based in temperature decreasing of the aqueous sample under controlled conditions that provoke the freezing of the sample and separation of the dark extract, not frozen and rich in organic matter. The results showed that speed of temperature decreasing exerts strongly influence in relative recovery of organic carbon, enrichment and time separation of the organic matter present in water samples. Elemental composition, infrared spectra and thermal analysis results showed that the alternative methodology is less aggressive possible in the attempt of maintaining the integrity of the sample.


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A Catalunya també tenim algunes comissions assessores del govern sobre el vessant científic, però estan desconnectades i la seva estructura no és la ideal. La meva visió és que estan mancades de transversalitat quant als àmbits de coneixement i no consideren la visió del món científic sobre els diferents problemes que ens afecten. El mateix succeeix amb les fundacions polítiques: els 'think-thank', dels partits, estan massa esbiaixats. Difícilment poden generar-se bons programes sense una bona fecundació externa basada en el coneixement. Si volem progressar, cal actuar en conseqüència


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Lapachol is a naphthoquinone found in several species of the Bignoniaceae family possessing mainly anticancer activity. The present work consists of the development and validation of analytical methodology for lapachol and its preparations. The results here obtained show that lapachol has a low quantification limit, that the analytical methodology is accurate, reproducible, robust and linear over the concentration range 0.5-100 µg/mL of lapachol.


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Conèixer l'evolució conjuntural del sector industrial, tant a nivell nacional com regional, és de gran importància. En aquest sentit, el retard en la publicació de les xifres de les Comptabilitats Nacionals/Regionals, fa necessària l'elaboració d'indicadors que permetin dur a terme un seguiment a curt termini de l'activitat industrial. Així, l'INE elabora un IPI mensual obtingut pel mètode directe pel conjunt de l'Estat. D'altra banda, al llarg dels darrers anys, a algunes comunitats autònomes espanyoles, s'han engegat projectes centrats en l'elaboració d'indicadors de l'activitat industrial regional, tot i que a partir de metodologies no homogènies. Per corregir aquesta situació, d'un temps ençà, a diferents fòrums s'ha proposat emprar la metodologia emprada per l'IDESCAT per elaborar l'indicador de la comunitat catalana com a alternativa per construir indicadors de l'activitat industrial regional, atès el seu bon comportament per Catalunya. Així, l'INE recentment ha publicat uns IPIs per les CA espanyoles d'acord amb dita metodologia. A aquest treball s'estudia la idoneïtat d'estendre l'esmentada metodologia a totes les regions espanyoles. Per això, es duu a terme una anàlisi comparativa centrada en (tres de) les quatre regions que disposen d'un IPI elaborat pel mètode directe: Andalusia, Astúries i el País Basc.


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El present projecte neix de la proposta facilitada per l’Oficina del Parc Natural del Montseny en relació a les accions a portar a terme dins els compromisos de la Carta Europea de Turisme Sostenible (CETS) al parc durant els anys 2011-2015. Es dissenya una metodologia a portar a terme per a l’elaboració de l’inventariat dels recursos turístics, naturals i culturals, dins dels municipis que engloben el territori de la Carta. Així mateix, aquest projecte pretén ser una eina útil, no només per a la catalogació dels recursos, sinó també per a la jerarquització d’aquests en termes de potencial turístic


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L'experiència que es presenta aquí s'ha portat a terme en un centre escolar de Girona. És un centre obert a la realitat social, que assumeix com a funció principal la formació de persones íntegres, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar uns bons ciutadans i ciutadanes. És una escola sensibilitzada en l'educació en valors. La nostra intenció és la de donar a conèixer una pràctica realitzada per uns nois i unes noies de quart curs d'educació secundària, amb la intenció de potenciar actituds de cooperació, per estimular el compromís efectiu en la construcció d'una societat més justa


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The concept of research and the controversy among classical models for C, T & I, outdated by the development of knowledge and Post-modern society needs were revisited through the (3) Quadrants advanced by Donald Stokes in the mid-nineties. The scientific community to fit into these Quadrants was faced with many difficulties and reacted by issuing pseudo-facts, accepted by under-prepared technocrats as viable justifications for conducting research in face of these new paradigms. In a poor country full of contrast and needs such as Brazil, this attitude satisfies the bureaucracy and academic elite, but frustrates government and society, that do not get, in the expected measure, the benefits of their commitment with the Teaching, Research and Extension Sectors mainly embedded in the Public University system. An extension, in fact a contradictory approach, to Pasteur's Quadrant, is proposed to characterize this situation: The Syndrome of Ruetsap's Quadrant.


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Given that innovation is fundamental for competitiveness, and that it is intrinsically linked to knowledge, it has become essential to foster effective interaction between the Brazilian productive sector and universities and R&D centers. This interface should be created by means of the model used in developed countries: Observatory of Industrial Activities and Trends in Science, Technology and Innovation. The present work describes its main functions, using examples of activities undertaken by the Chemical Industry Information System of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro related to production systems of primary and high-tech industries, examining the diffusion of knowledge to decision-makers.


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