978 resultados para Chubut Province
The United States Census Bureau (2006) reported that in 2005 more than 46 million Americans lacked health insurance, and that by 2019 national spending for health care would exceed $4.5 trillion (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2010). Because those numbers are expected to increase, health tourists are seeking better opportunities for low-cost, high-quality treatment in other countries, plus the added benefit of experiencing foreign cultures. Health tourism is a rapidly growing market in both advanced and developing countries. The purpose of this study was to develop an applicable model of health tourism, the Jeju-Style Health Tourism Model, for Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and to provide other cities and countries with its implications. This study employed a focus group, indepth interviews, and content analysis to discover important factors in developing the model. The results suggested that four major sources must be executed together to maximize the benefits of health tourism development. On a foundation of natural resources, knowledge-based resources were most important (54.5%), followed by artificial resources (25.7%), and expenses-based resources (19.8%).
This is a metamorphic study of mid-P anatectic aluminous gneisses from the Manicouagan and lac du Milieu areas of the central Grenville Province. The rocks are derived from hydrothermally altered felsic protoliths and were metamorphosed at granulite facies conditions during the Grenvillian orogeny. The samples come from three locations separated by several tens of kilometers and exhibit a wide range of textures and bulk compositions. However, they all have the same peak mineral assemblage: garnet + biotite + quartz + K-feldspar +/- plagioclase +/- sillimanite with retrograde cordierite in some, and show evidence of partial melting and melt loss. In terms of mineralogy and bulk composition, the samples were divided into two groups, sillimanite-rich and sillimanite-poor, with a high and low Alumina index in the AFM space, respectively. Phase equilibria modeling in the Na₂O–CaO–K₂O–FeO–MgO–Al₂O₃–SiO₂–H₂O– TiO₂–O (NCKFMASTHO) system using Thermocalc constrained the P–T field of the peak mineral assemblage at 800–900ºC and 6–11kbar, with melt solidification in the range of 800–865ºC and 6–8kbar. The presence of sillimanite inclusions in garnet, and of only scarce, retrograde cordierite, is consistent with moderate dP/dT gradient ‘hairpin’ P– T paths, which were similar between the three locations. This study also investigated the role of Fe3+ on phase stability in mid-P aluminous systems. Fe³⁺ is problematic because although it is incorporated in the NaCKFMASTHO system, it is rarely measured in modeled minerals and rocks and its value is generally assumed. Biotite may contain significant amounts of Fe³⁺, and these were analysed by Mössbauer spectroscopy in selected samples, where they were found to be low (0-4%). In addition, the effect of increasing the bulk Fe³⁺ in the mid-P portion of phase diagrams was modeled. This increase added new minor phases and changed the phase proportions, as well as shifted phase boundaries to a small degree, but P–T paths remained largely unaffected. Finally, the two methods commonly used in phase equilibria modeling to account for melt loss were compared. In some cases there were major differences in the topologies between the ‘melt reintegration’ and ‘adding water’ methods, but the former method is the most consistent with the rock data, and should be the method of choice.
Analysis of contribution of micronodules of sand and silt size to chemical composition of various types of pelagic sediments, as well as use of published data indicate that in some types of bottom sediments micronodules are the principal carriers of manganese and nickel. These elements appear to constitute smaller fractions of colloidal iron and manganese hydroxides, as well as terrigenous material.
(Table 7) Chemical composition of sediments from the Clarion-Clipperton Province, Equatorial Pacific
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FUNDING This study was funded by University of Aberdeen. SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Supplementary data for this paper are available at Journal of Petrology online. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Claude Herzberg, Estaban Gazel and an anonymous reviewer for thoughtful and constructive reviews.
This dissertation explores how the Buddhist texts carved on the cliffs of mountains served their patrons’ religious and cultural goals. During the Northern Qi period (550-577 CE), these carved Buddhist sutra texts and Buddha names were prevalent, and were carved directly onto the surfaces of numerous mountains in southwestern Shandong Province. The special focus of this study is on the Buddhist engravings at Mt. Hongding in Dongping, and at Mt. Tie in Zoucheng. Created in approximately 553-564 CE, the carvings at Mt. Hongding stand as the terminus a quo of the history of Buddhist sutras carved into the rocks of the Shandong mountains. The Buddhist carvings at Mt. Hongding served monastic goals. The monk patrons, Seng’an Daoyi, Fahong, and others created the carvings as an integral part of their Buddhist meditation practices. The carvings at Mt. Tie paint a very different picture. At Mt. Tie, a colossal Buddhist sculpture-style carving was created in 579 CE. Sponsored by several Han Chinese patrons, the carving was designed in the form of a gigantic Chinese traditional stele. This study suggests that several Han Chinese local elites proudly displayed their Han Chinese linage by using the gigantic stele form of Buddhist text carving as a means to proclaim Han Chinese cultural and artistic magnificence. To achieve these non-religious goals, they appropriated rhetorical devices often used by the Han elite, such as the stele form, written statements about the excellence of the calligraphy used, and discourse on calligraphy connoisseurship.
La Dirección General de Educación Física y Deportes del Ministerio de Educación de la provincia del Chubut es, junto a las direcciones de niveles y modalidades, la responsable de desarrollar acciones que permitan a los estudiantes de la provincia del Chubut el acceso a diferentes prácticas corporales a partir de saberes socialmente validos referidos a la construcción de una disponibilidad corporal y de una mejor calidad de vida. Para concretar este macro objetivo ha elaborado su aporte en los diseños curriculares de los niveles inicial, primario, secundario (ciclo básico), secundario (ciclo orientado) y secundario con orientación en Educación Física. A la fecha se encuentran en elaboración los diseños curriculares de la modalidad Educación para jóvenes y adultos tanto de los niveles primario, secundario y secundario orientado, teniendo la presencia de este espacio curricular en los mismos, promocionando diversas prácticas corporales, haciendo uso de los diferentes contextos, culturas y geografía territorial; favoreciendo y desarrollando, de esta manera, la disponibilidad corporal también en, jóvenes y adultos de la población provincial
La Dirección General de Educación Física y Deportes del Ministerio de Educación de la provincia del Chubut es, junto a las direcciones de niveles y modalidades, la responsable de desarrollar acciones que promuevan la construcción de la corporeidad y motricidad en los estudiantes de la provincia de Chubut. Para concretar este macro objetivo, además de generar la normativa curricular y escolar necesaria para ello (diseños curriculares, resoluciones, etc.), implementa una serie de programas extra curriculares que apuntan a la promoción de diversas prácticas corporales, haciendo uso de los diferentes contextos, culturas y geografía territorial; favoreciendo y desarrollando, de esta manera, la motricidad de una gran cantidad de niños, jóvenes y adultos de la población provincial
La Dirección General de Educación Física y Deportes del Ministerio de Educación de la provincia del Chubut es, junto a las direcciones de niveles y modalidades, la responsable de desarrollar acciones que permitan a los estudiantes de la provincia del Chubut el acceso a diferentes prácticas corporales a partir de saberes socialmente validos referidos a la construcción de una disponibilidad corporal y de una mejor calidad de vida. Para concretar este macro objetivo ha elaborado su aporte en los diseños curriculares de los niveles inicial, primario, secundario (ciclo básico), secundario (ciclo orientado) y secundario con orientación en Educación Física. A la fecha se encuentran en elaboración los diseños curriculares de la modalidad Educación para jóvenes y adultos tanto de los niveles primario, secundario y secundario orientado, teniendo la presencia de este espacio curricular en los mismos, promocionando diversas prácticas corporales, haciendo uso de los diferentes contextos, culturas y geografía territorial; favoreciendo y desarrollando, de esta manera, la disponibilidad corporal también en, jóvenes y adultos de la población provincial
La Dirección General de Educación Física y Deportes del Ministerio de Educación de la provincia del Chubut es, junto a las direcciones de niveles y modalidades, la responsable de desarrollar acciones que promuevan la construcción de la corporeidad y motricidad en los estudiantes de la provincia de Chubut. Para concretar este macro objetivo, además de generar la normativa curricular y escolar necesaria para ello (diseños curriculares, resoluciones, etc.), implementa una serie de programas extra curriculares que apuntan a la promoción de diversas prácticas corporales, haciendo uso de los diferentes contextos, culturas y geografía territorial; favoreciendo y desarrollando, de esta manera, la motricidad de una gran cantidad de niños, jóvenes y adultos de la población provincial