990 resultados para Choque septico - Diagnóstico
Utilizou-se técnica de microimunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar para a medida quali e quantitativa de anticorpos circulantes anti - P. brasiliensis, comparando-se os resultados com o macrométodo. Todos os 103 soros de pacientes portadores de paracoccidioidomicose foram positivos no micrométodo contra 87% de positividade no macrométodo. Os 83 soros de pacientes sem paracoccidioidomicose foram negativos em ambas as reações. Os títulos dos soros positivos tenderam a ser mais elevados no micrométodo, que forneceu bandas de precipitação mais nítidas e fáceis de serem lidas. O micrométodo é de realização simples, utiliza pequena quantidade de material e possibilita o teste simultâneo de 102 soros. Acreditamos que ele poderá substituir o macrométodo, especialmente em laboratórios de grande rotina sorológica.
Recentemente, foco de leishmaniose visceral canina (CVL) foi descrito na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil. O Hospital Veterinário - UNESP - Araçatuba, no ano de 2.000, desenvolveu 60 testes citopatológicos de casos suspeitos de leishmaniose usando aspirado por agulha fina (FNA). Os esfregaços de linfonodo foram corados pelo método de Romanowsky (Diff-Quik®) e observados em microscopia de luz. Os casos positivos mostraram formas amastigotas típicas de Leishmania livres ou em vacúolos de macrófagos. Sinais citopatológicos de reatividade do sistema linfo-histiocitário com ausência de parasitos foram também observados. Com o objetivo de implementar o diagnóstico da CVL, detectando parasitos e material antigênico nos esfregaços, aplicou-se a reação de imunofluorescência direta (IFD) usando anticorpo policlonal anti-Leishmania produzido em camundongo. Comparamos o método de IFD com a pesquisa direta do parasito em esfregaços corados pelo método de Romanowsky. Dos 60 cães com sinais clínicos da doença, o exame direto foi positivo em 50% (n=30), duvidoso em 36,7% (n=22) e negativo com reatividade do linfonodo em 13,3% (n=8). Quando os linfonodos foram submetidos a reação de IFD observamos reação positiva em 93,3% (n=56) e reação negativa em 6,7% (n=4). Nossos resultados mostraram que a reação de IFD apresentou alta sensibilidade quando comparada a pesquisa direta do parasito pela coloração de Romanowsky. A reação de IFD pode ser um método útil para confirmar os casos duvidosos da doença, onde as formas amastigotas não são identificadas com facilidade.
Técnicas de biópsia, caracterizadas pela remoção de segmentos de órgãos e tecidos para análise histopatológica, não são indicadas no auxílio diagnóstico de alterações testiculares para animais ameaçados de extinção, por não serem totalmente isentas de riscos. Neste sentido, é de grande interesse que se desenvolvam técnicas de biópsia testicular cada vez mais seguras e com o mínimo de conseqüências negativas. Com este intuito três onças pintadas (Panthera onca) foram submetidas a exames de Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF). Amostras foram obtidas através da punção aspirativa dos testículos, esfregaços foram confeccionados, corados com Panótico e analisados sob Microscopia Óptica. Simultaneamente foram realizadas coletas de sêmen para avaliação do volume, pH, concentração, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermáticas. Quanto à avaliação espermática, os animais apresentaram valores semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura quanto ao volume, pH, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermáticas. Quanto a concentração espermática os animais apresentaram valores abaixo dos encontrados na literatura. Nos exames de CAAF, todas as gerações de células germinativas foram identificadas, indicando espermatogênese normal em todos os animais, com exceção das espermátides finais duplas que ainda não foram relatadas como achados em punções testiculares de outras espécies, o que vem confirmar a elevada porcentagem de células teratológicas encontradas nesses animais. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a CAAF testicular é um método diagnóstico auxiliar importante na detecção de alterações testiculares em casos de sub ou infertilidade, podendo ser utilizados na rotina de investigação do trato reprodutivo masculino, quando o exame histopatológico, por ser um método altamente invasivo, é desaconselhável.
INTRODUÇÃO: O hipertireoidismo é caracterizado pelo aumento da síntese e liberação dos hormônios tireoidianos pela glândula tireoide. A tireotoxicose refere-se à síndrome clínica decorrente do excesso de hormônios tireoidianos circulantes, secundário ao hipertireoidismo ou não. Este artigo descreve diretrizes baseadas em evidências clínicas para o manejo da tireotoxicose. OBJETIVO: O presente consenso, elaborado por especialistas brasileiros e patrocinado pelo Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, visa abordar o manejo, diagnóstico e tratamento dos pacientes com tireotoxicose, de acordo com as evidências mais recentes da literatura e adequadas para a realidade clínica do país. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Após estruturação das questões clínicas, foi realizada busca das evidências disponíveis na literatura, inicialmente na base de dados do MedLine-PubMed e posteriormente nas bases Embase e SciELO - Lilacs. A força das evidências, avaliada pelo sistema de classificação de Oxford, foi estabelecida a partir do desenho de estudo utilizado, considerando-se a melhor evidência disponível para cada questão. RESULTADOS: Foram definidas 13 questões sobre a abordagem clínica inicial visando ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento que resultaram em 53 recomendações, incluindo investigação etiológica, tratamento com drogas antitireoidianas, iodo radioativo e cirurgia. Foram abordados ainda o hipertireoidismo em crianças, adolescentes ou pacientes grávidas e o manejo do hipertireoidismo em pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves e com outras causas diversas de tireotoxicose. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico clínico do hipertireoidismo, geralmente, não oferece dificuldade e a confirmação diagnóstica deverá ser feita com as dosagens das concentrações séricas de TSH e hormônios tireoidianos. O tratamento pode ser realizado com drogas antitireoidianas, administração de radioiodoterapia ou cirurgia de acordo com a etiologia da tireotoxicose, as características clínicas, disponibilidade local de métodos e preferências do médico-assistente e paciente.
A sobremordida exagerada é um tipo de má oclusão que apresenta etiologia multifatorial e necessita de um diagnóstico diferencial elaborado e específico. O objetivo desse artigo é descrever os principais elementos de diagnóstico facial, cefalométrico e dentário e as principais estratégias de tratamento, como a extrusão de dentes posteriores, a intrusão de dentes anteriores ou a combinação dessas. Serão apresentados seis casos clínicos, auxiliando o ortodontista no diagnóstico e na seleção da estratégia de tratamento individualizada para cada situação clínica.
Objective. Identify the rabies virus in cases of nervous disease archived in the laboratory with diagnosis of nonspecific encephalitis. Materials and methods. Twelve samples of bovine brain suspected of rabies, were processed by indirect immunoperoxidase technique using polyclonal antibodies against the viral agent. Results. Was demonstrated the presence of viral antigens in three cases in the form of small aggregates in the cytoplasm of neurons, with a pattern of round or oval and a variable number of viral inclusion bodies. We discussed the importance of the results in Colombia, the usefulness of the technique in the difficult conditions for sending samples to the laboratory, plus the possible relationship of the negative cases with bovine herpesvirus 5. Conclusions. The use of immunohistochemical technique to demonstrate rabies virus antigens in formalin fixed bovines tissues can help in the construction of an epidemiological map of rabies disease in Colombia and may reduce the high under-diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system of cattle, reported in some regions.
In order to determine the value of immunohistochemical staining methods for the morphologic diagnosis, we studied 949 histologic specimens sent for consultation to the Immunohistochemistry Laboratory of Department of Pathology of the Medical School of Botucatu in the period 1984-1989. All case were submitted to the immunoperoxidase staining with the methods PAP or ABC. Immunohistochemical stains confirmed the original morphologic diagnosis in 468 cases (49.3%); made the definitive diagnosis from a list of differential diagnostic possibilities in 244 cases (25.7%); provided contributory information in 74 cases (7.8%); were non-contributory in 114 cases (12%) and rendered an unsuspected diagnosis in 49 cases (5.2%). In some cases with non-contributory information the differences in methods of fixation might have led to suboptimal preservation of tissue antigens. The immunohistochemical staining may provide important and sometimes essential informations for definitive diagnosis. This technique was particularly useful for differential diagnosis between carcinoma, lymphoma and melanoma.
In order to determine the value of immunohistochemical staining methods for morphologic diagnosis specimens of 949 cases received at the Immunohistochemistry Laboratory of the Department of Pathology of the Medical School of Botucatu, in the period 1984-1989 were reviewed. All of them were submitted to the immunoperoxidase staining (PAP or ABC). The main morphologic diagnosis was confirmed in 468 cases (49.3%); the definitive diagnosis was made in 244 cases (25.7%) that had only differential diagnosis, and contributory information was provided in 74 cases (7.8%); the immunohistochemical staining was non-contributory in 114 cases (12%). It rendered an unsuspected diagnosis in 49 cases (5.2%). The analysis of these cases shows that immunohistochemical methods may provide important and sometimes essential informations for definitive diagnosis. This technique is particularly useful for distinguishing between carcinoma, lymphoma and melanoma.
The use of anthropometric measurements of triceps (TSF) and subscapular skinfolds (SSF) and mid-upper arm muscle circumference (MAMC) was examined as far as the diagnosis of energy-protein malnutrition (EPM) is concerned. The study was undertaken in five groups of patients (n = 231): arterial hypertension (AH, n = 63), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, n = 17), hemodialyzed chronic renal failure (CRF, n = 19), critically ill patients with an acute event (CA, n = 42) and critically ill patients with chronic diseases (CCD, n = 90). The results were compared to those obtained in a group of healthy individuals (control group, n = 102). The control group and the group of patients were allocated in subgroups according to sex and age (less than 50 and more than 50 years). It was expected that significant differences would be found for the anthropometric values between the control subgroups and the COPD, the CRF and the CCD subgroups of patients. For the skinfold thicknesses (TSF and SSF), significant differences were found between CRF, CCD subgroups and the control subgroups under fifty years of age; however, the differences were not significant when the subgroups over fifty were analyzed. Concerning the MAMC, significant differences were found: 1 degree) between the CRF subgroups (males and females) and the control subgroups under fifty years of age; 2 degrees) between the CCD male subgroups (younger and older subgroups) and the respective control subgroups and 3 degrees) between the COPD and the control subgroups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Patients with congenital nasolacrimal obstruction (CNLO) were evaluated at the Lacrimal Apparatus Service of Botucatu Faculty of Medicine - UNESP from 1990 to 1993. 45 children were seen at this period with CNLO. The diagnosis was confirmed by dacryocystography (DCG). Obstruction was unilateral in 77,7% of the patients; 68,1% at Arlt Sinus and 43,6% had lacrimal sac grade 1. Probing was made in children older than 6 months, under general anaesthesia, after DCG was performed. Cure was greater in children age 6 to 12 months with obstruction at Hasner's Valve and without dilation of lacrimal sac.
The objective of the present study was to show the efficiency of histologic and microradiographic techniques performed on rib bone samples as a mean of diagnosing the phosphorus status of cattle raised on phosphorus deficient pastures and receiving different mineral supplements. The rib samples were obtained from cattle of different ages which died from disease that was clinically and epidemiologically diagnosed as botulism. Ten out of 24 juvenile and adult animals studied exibited alterations of osteomalacia, while the others without those alterations served as controls. It is suggested that the method could be useful to improve the diagnosis of phosphorus deficiency of cattle in Brazil.
The inherited haemoglobinopathies are a heterogeneous group of recessive disorders that include the thalassaemias and sickle cell disease. Nearly a thousand mutant alleles have now been characterized. The mutations are regionally specific and in most cases the geographical and ethnic distribution shave been determined providing the foundation for a program of control through screening, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. The diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies requires care for the methodologies applied and the population group which will be evaluated. The information about the abnormal hemoglobin, the medical and psychological aspects and genetic counseling of the carriers and their families are goals of great importance for the success of preventive programs in this area. Aiming to evaluate the laboratory methods for hemoglobinopathy screening and their use in clinical laboratories, we have compared abnormal hemoglobins incidence in the different population groups: blood donors, anemia carriers, newborn and students. The laboratory methods applied involved eletrophoretic proceedings, cytological and biochemical analysis. Within the period from September 1999 through January 2000, we analyzed 524 individuals with varied types of abnormal hemoglobins. Among blood donors, we diagnosed two sickle cell carriers, which suggest the necessity for better care in the process of selection of blood donor candidates. The current interest in the medical and social aspects of sickle cell anemia has resulted in a great increase in methodology research leading to the development of sickle cell screening techniques.
Immunohistochemical evaluation was performed to study the histogenesis of canine mammary tumors and to contribute to a better understanding of their classification. Monoclonal antibodies specific for different types of intermediate filaments (cytokeratins, vimentin, α-actin) were used. Epithelial cells stained positively for cytokeratins and their expression was lost as the malignant transformation occurs. Myoepithelial cells stained positively for vimentin and α-actin. In contrast to vimentin, α-actin lost the expression as the cartilaginous or osseous metaplasia occurs. Immunohistochemical evaluation with monoclonal antibodies proved to be efficient for identification of tumor histogenesis.
The cancer of the uterine cervix remains a serious public health problem in developing countries with low social-economic conditions. Papanicolaou smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940, and it is widely recognized as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer. In Brazil, conventional Papanicolaou is the most common method used in diagnosis cytopathological routine, involving the morphological cell analysis by microscopic examination of cervical samples smeared on glass slides. On the other hand, the liquid cytology is an advantageous method whose specimen collected is put into a fluid alcohol based to guarantee the potential use of residual cellular material in cytobrush. Moreover, this method permits additional diagnostic studies, preserving the morphological cell features as the conventional one does. The aim of the present study was report the historical evolution of different cervical cytologic tests, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages between conventional Papanicolaou method and new technologies in liquid based cytology.